(2012/01) Jan 2012

valteen, glad to hear that ur gal is getting better.

moscato, I got give pacifier but he don't really like leh. only wanna carry nia. sigh. the IFC let me leave his diapers, wipes, creams, milk powder, milk bottles, pacifier, bibs/ small towels & few set of clothings there. so only got to bring bath towel on daily basis, then top up the other stuff where necessary.

for MFS, the first 3 days only half day nia. so today went at 9+am & left ard 12+pm. they fed him, bathed him & let him slept for awhile. so far so good (of coz got cry, but not as bad as expected). shall see how it goes tmr. keeping fingers crossed!
Jkids: i cant visit during wkends unless take leave becos still need to pick up #1 frm cc. My mum's plc not near me too. Have u pre-register at the cc at ur new plc?

Jac: the sch will wash n sterilise the milk bottles for u? This morning raining n cold. Must be heartache to send ur boy there. It's not that near ur plc. Any bbs ard same age as urs?
moscato, yeah, I juz leave 1 bottle there, they'll wash & sterilize. this morn my mum drove me & bb there then she left for an hr then come pick us up again. I was there the whole morn, so still not too bad la, haven't feel the heartache or separation anxiety yet. but confirm will heartache if I leave him there the whole day. but boh bian la. sigh. my boy's the youngest there. the rest all > 8mths I think.
Jac: since he is the youngest there, maybe the teachers will sayang him more.
at least the rest of bb there won't cry so often already. But they are their 'active' stage too - crawling.
Itz more a mental stress to bring her take train. Scared she wail! Kena once.
Yday my hubby was hosp for food poisoning, so now alone w her.
These two mornings called cab bring her to ifc.
hi all,

I am a January mum too...supposed to be in Feb 2012 but bb wans to come out in January and hope to join your discussion here and make some friends
Valteen: Hope ur hubby recover soon. Sounds so serious till has to be hospitalized.

Jkids: for now, I will be taking care of my gal by myself. Maybe when she is one yo or 18 mths, I will send her to school then I return to work. She can learn to develop more social skills and interaction with other kids. For me, I can contribute to hsehold expenses and also have my professional life. U know, at the beginning when I took over my gal from CL, it's quite stressful as I am not those homemaker type and lack of sleep even make me more restless. Now that my gal start to wake up less at night and I get to know her pattern, things are much better. I just have to adjust myself more and learn time mgmt at home. Have u sorted out who is taking care of your baby? Hopefully ur MIL can help.

Any SAHM who can share with me tips on how you manage time with baby, household chores, personal time etc? Would love to learn more.

@ feeding: if your baby does not wake up overnight for milk, do u wake them up abt sometime? Say 6 hrs or so?

@ activities: what activities do u do with 2.5-3 mths old baby? I do singing, talking to baby, but would like to explore other types of activities. Any ideas, mummies?
Thanks. He was dehydrated. Much better nw. Hope can be discharged in the next one two days.

I talk a lot to my baby, well sing too. At ifc, they do sing to the little ones too. I try to move my hands and fingers when i sing so that her vision can follow my movement. Lately i try to teach her hold things. She is starting to grab things le and can hold a toy and bring it to her mouth. Sometimes we talk to her via her little piggie or bear bear and she does 'talk back'.
Hi all, any of your baby has taken.the first 5-in-1 injection already? If yes, does your baby become not wanting to drink his milk after the injection? My bb has slight fever ard on the third day n recovered that day. But he seem lethargic n he actually slept thru from 10am to 5am next day. The following day, he doesnt really want to drink his milk n is fussy. Doesnt even like him in the past where he would want more after each feed.ﹰﹰ
not yet ah...my new house only comes 2 yrs later...

i c. i will *force* her to help. if she doesnt i will cut ties with her, lol. no i dun wake up bb to feed in the midle of the nite. in fact, when he makes abit of noise, i will juz shake the sarong for awhile n he will drop back to zzz again...

anyone of your bb doesnt want pacificer but only want to suck fingers? how to stop this bad habit huh?

and any mummy let bb sleep in sarong moz of the time?
Hi jkids,
Am currently a sahm.took care of my first boy f 18 mths, then put him in childcare and do contract work until my second boy arrive. Now am contemplating if I should go back to workforce and let my mil care f my second boy. Got no confidence w mil and kind of worried too
. But if I not working, there be loss of income and have to pay extra $150 f my first boy childcare fees. Now so stress up about getting a part time job so that can continue to enjoy the subsidy, but part time job so hard to find

Dephina: I did not really do much f my first boy while taking care of him then...lazy mummy...but sometimes, I will just sing to him In the morning.
In terms of managing time, I don't usually go out f lunch, am a spider that always stay at home to catch insects f food:p Just kidding...
My dad bring lunch and I don't do housework so am quite free. Sometimes I bring my son to library to read books f him.
Now w my second boy, I usually cook lunch f myself and surf net while he sleeps
, sometimes I do simple cooking at night f my hubby and first boy. Time just pass without me realising it...
Sometimes my boy will suck his fist instead of pacifier but he cant fall asleep while doing that, must use pacifier. I will hold onto the pacifier til he suck unless he gets fed up. Lol

He spends most of his daytime in sarong, cos he will get fussy during feed if sleepy so i will make him sleep in between feeds.

I think he caught the flu bug from me.
Hi Delphia,

I get the estimate calculation from Dumex is per kg drink 150ml. I find minus / plus which is closed to my baby intake.
so at nite.. assume u carry bb till deep sleeo then put bb down to bed? oh...u dun wear mask huh when u handle bb...so have he seen a doc oredi? hope he recovers soon.

in a dilemma rite... y u dun hv confidence in your mil? coz she hasnt taken care of bb for a long time? but she 's happy to help u look after? or maybe u wait till bb can walk...then pass to her to look after then u look for a job?
can u share what simple cooking u do for lunch and dinner? i am dummy in cooking...only noe how to "cook" using slow cooker...dun ask me to use the gas on the stove...:p
Hi jkids,
Before she even take care, she already come to me and say she cannot cope and ask me to look f short term job instead... Like that I also worried lei...if not f the $150 subsidy, I will just stay at home lor. But then, being able to work part time is good as u will not be shut out from the commercial world. Then also got ppl to talk to and take a break f the kids..
For lunch, I usually cook mee sua w meat and fish. Marinate the meat in soya sauce, sugar and corn starch. Boils the Nee sua, put aside, put ginger to boiling water, throw in meat and fish, pour into mee sua. The same can be done f dinner, all throw inside as soup and ingredients and just cook rice
Jkids: either he fell asleep in my arms while drinking milk or sound asleep in sarong (happen when his feed is ard 8pm n he didnt wake up for feed). Sometimes i will pop in his pacifier if he is quite dreamy already n i'm tired.
Didnt wear mask cos i cant breathe with that. Then i thought will be ok cos my #1 nvr caught the virus frm me when i was sick when she was an infant. Didnt see doc, i have nasal drip at hm.
Lilian: it's the subsidy given by govt when sending ur kids to ifc/cc, deduct against mthly sch fees. Ifc: $600 per mth if u are working, otherwise $300. CC: $300 per mth if u are working, else $150.
Oh..all along i thot is $300 for ifc for non working mother, half of working mum like subsidy for cc. Like that super lugi, ifc's fees are mostly double of cc.
overthemoon, my PD mentioned that lethargy is one of the side effects. quite normal. he shld get better the next day ba.

jkids, my boy prefers his fingers to the pacifier too. got to force him to suck the pacifier lo. hold it there till he sucks. but sometimes he juz pui it out when I let go. he still sleeps yaolan in the day, althou the IFC is training him to sleep on bouncer & cot instead. I'm trying to get my mum & MIL not to use the yaolan. else he go IFC no yaolan he can't sleep. quite jialat.

moscato, hope ur boy gets better soon!

brink, mabbe u can consider IFC for ur #2?
Hi jac, how is ifc training your bb to wean off the yaolan? Im trying too also. But i not sending bb to ifc.

Well, my bb had injection since last thur n from sun he had fever n reovered in same day. Ever since then, his appetite is bad n rejects milk. Quite playful somemore, rather play with the teats than drink milk. i have with my pd also n she say if bb still reject milk, maybe i shd start him on.rice cereals already. Bb now is 15weeks going 16.
what brand of milk are u using? i m tinking of switching brand. my bb 's been drinking enfalac...and it has increased $5 more, i,e $46 now! can u imagine when my 1st kid drank this brand yrs ago, it was only $28
when yr bb sleeps on bed at nite...will he wake up after awhile or he can really sleep thro out?

very healthy leh
Lush, actualy it is recommended bb be four mths old then start rice cereals. But becos my bb has been refusing milk or past few days, drinkng onky less than half of what he used o drink, that what my pd has suggested. Maybe bb is tired of milk taste, need some flavours. Haix, my bb usual routine of feeding has gone haywired. He used to drink every thre hrs. Now more playful, i stretch to four hrs n feed, sometimes less than three hrs he want to drink abit, sometimes more than four hrs, he doesnt want to.drink. i always offer breastmilk first on quite a few times, he refused n plyed with the milk teat. Afterwhich, i added a little Sishen Brown rice cereals to breastmlk to taste, he slurps it all up.
overthemoon & jkids, where did u all buy ur enfalac?? I saw ntuc, cold storage & sheng siong all selling the new pkging for $49.70 leh! very ex.. but I'm worried abt changing brands since he's doing fine on enfalac. no constipation, diarrhea, etc.
overthemoon, think the IFC teachers juz force him to sit on the bouncer lo. the IFC there no yaolan so no choice, he has to learn to sleep on the bouncer/ cot lo. first few times cry & cry, didn't sleep much. yest was much better, less crying & slept longer. but i think over the wkends will unwind all the training liao.
I bought mine at Jintong medical hall at tampines mart #01-06. I bought three tins at one go cos bb is on breastmilk for almost seven out of eight meals. N nightime cos i cant know what ime he wakes up so cant prepare to warm my ebm in time n thus gave fm. When i bought the tins, the owner told me the supplier will increase price by two dollars. I bought the tins in mid march at 42.80, n ntuc is selling then at 45. I havent check the new price yet but incremental of prices shd be ard the same.
Jkids: he will really sleep. Will wake up usually between 3am-5am for his feed, depending what time is his last feed. After that he will continue to sleep til 7am plus 8am, depending whether my #1 comes in to wake him or create a din when she wakes up. I will then carry him out to start his yaolan routine. :p

Jac: do u have bouncer at hm? Try to see if can follow ifc's method. But i know quite tough as elderly at hm and they are still so young. Heartache. It takes quite a while to wean my #1 off yaolan when she was 1 yr plus. Can dont nap for whole day.
i think your $42 is for old packaging... the medical hall sells at $46 for new packaging near my place (old packaging is $41).
hi mummies,
There's a medical hall named Kim Sang medicial. They do home delivery n its cheaper. Eg: Enfalac used to be $40 (old packaging), nw tik its $44 or $45 (new packaging).
Do chk out
Mummies who are using Mamex can call Dumex delivery to order with free delivery. Only available for Step 2 n above though. Currently is 5 tins of 900g get 1 900g free.
moscato, i've a net bouncer, but my boy is too heavy & almost touching the floor liao, doesn't bounce/rock well. juz bought a chicco bouncer today, same as the one at ifc. hopefully he'll want to sit & sleep in it.

evon, where's this kim sang medical hall? $45 is the ntuc price for the old pkging leh.. i've been paying so much more..
Hi Jac,

Luvbabies by Kim Sang
Luvbabies by Kim Sang Medical Hall. Cheapest baby products online store! Welcome to Luvbabies!

here's e link.
They hv a store at Sengkang Fernvale.
evon, thanks for the link!! can i order enfalac from the kim seng website or do I have to go down to their store ah? the website only got enfa stage 2 & abv, no enfalac leh.

sianzX, what do u mean by right time? if ur baby can sleep on cot/mattress then very good ah, no need use rocker/bouncer ah. rocker/bouncer is usually suitable from birth.
hi jac,
u gv them a call n chk? coz co dun advertise infant milk powder.
i nbr buy online fr them coz e store is at my hse dwnstair.
enfalac is selling at $45 (new packaging)
mummies, just to share in case you keen to get cheap supplements or baby snacks from overseas on your own - iherb having free international shipping now

use discount code: <font size="+1">XEB299</font>

for $10 off first purchase of $40 or more, or $5 off any first purchase less than $40

**Free Airmail for international orders over $40.00! Ends April 30th, 2012 **

Receive parcel within 8-10 days, just make sure your total weight is less than 1.8kg
hahahaaha let me share with u the enfalac story.
I called up mead johnson and created a din big time. Cos they actually changed the packaging and wipe out all the tins from the store without proper planning and logistic assurance that the stalls and NTUC carried the new ones lo.
Imagine wat if my existing stock left only the last feed?????? Then wat my young infant is gg to eat.
I was so mad 2 weeks back when I was in a panic mood to look for Enfalac.

Hello!!!!! Long time no see...I aslo will wear a mask when I am not feeling well. Scared to pass on the virus. Know iits stuffy but better to be stuffy then pass over lo. Same here I am gg to be a weekend mommy since I started back to work today..missing bb like mad already


u went missing for the longest time. welcome back! now u are back at work means can come here often liao. but i still wonder y your bb keeps you so occupied?

u din use up your 4 mths ml?

actually it happens (enfalac). i encountered the same problem for other brands too. when they change packqaging or want to increase price, they will stop sending over the stks. then parents will start to panick wen run out of stk. so when one day, the shopowner tell u no more stks...u muz quickly go to other shops to grab coz it will mean there will be no stk for a while and price is bound to increase when the next stk comes in.

wats the full address of d medical hall?
