(2012/01) Jan 2012

hello overthemoon, i brought my then 1mo to Babyspa, cos we signed up the package so the shave was only $10. The auntie (local) seemed quite pro.
mummies who are using Mamil Gold, NTUC has redemption promo now til 22 Aug. Spend $200 on Mamil Step 2 & above, you can redeem for a Zoo trolley bag, sleep trainer (i think it's a clock) or $25 Mamil voucher.
jkids, u r welcome.
is mamil gold a good choice? i am contemplating whether to switch from enfalac to mamil gold coz i have the sample. enfalc is getting too costly.
jkids, so far mamil gold ok for my kids. Both of them takes mamil gold but they are not chubby type. Haha... Mamil Gold also not cheap..
brink, depends. from carter to the us shipping office takes abt 1 wk. from the us shipping office to sg will vary, from experience bordelinx takes abt 1 wk max, comgateway abt 1-2 weeks, vpost abt 2 wks. price varies too, borderlinx most ex la.
moscato: o you are using Mamil Gold too ah.. You mean you one shot spent >$200 on stage 2? I have 14tins of stage 2 old formula 900g leh.. I want enough so that no need to keep introducing new formula, troublesome..

jkids: my baby girl drank Mamil Gold from 2.5 months onwards and still enjoy it now. She a little chubby but not the mechelin type. yet. overall, i'm happy with the results.

Stage 2 formula: say, when are mummies introducing stage 2 to your babies? do you really start straight after 6 months? or do any of you wait till baby is 7 or 8 months? I know stage 1 is actually sufficient for babies up to 12 months, so I intend to only start stage 2 at 7 months, along with semi solids like cereal first.

brown rice powder: My mum asked me if I want her to buy brown rice powder so that I can mix into baby's formula milk to drink when she is more than 6 months - she says to make bb fuller and stronger as bb needs more than milk after 6 months. Have any of you done that or Do any of you do that?
Lush, the probiotics one bottle can eat for how long? Wherep u buy it after its finish?

Jac, my boy only drinking 5 times per day, 150-180ml each feed. Haven really start solids, only let him taste taste only... Maybe u can increase his last milk feed? My boy die die wont drink the milk if its not milk time yet, yr fren's method my boy confirm cant work for mine. Nw he can tahan without milk frm 10pm-7.30am but his last milk feed only dribk around 120ml cos he too sleepy liao. He sleeps around 11pm, will start waking up for pacifier around 5-6am... Sometimes he will doze bk to sleep after sucking pacifier, sometimes will be awake until 7.30am i wake up feed him.
Jac, if u only have 2pcs of clothing to buy frm carters, y not just join a spree frm the forum? I just made payment for a carters spree, if u have posted earlier i cld have joined order with u...

Overthemoon, dun worry, i didnt shave hair for both my son, even for full mth oso just cut abit only. Both born with quite little hair, the elder one suddenly alot of hair when he around 8-9mths old. I scared wait new hair grow out like durian... Lolz~

Moscato, My boys oso take mamil gold. U buy frm ntuc? I always buy frm kimsang medical hall, price is around $8 cheaper per tin (1700g). Their diaper pricing oso comparable to supermarket promo.

Jkids, i let younger son drink mamil gold too cos my elder son oso drinking. But i'm tinking of changing my elder son to friso cos he kena constipation every now n then since he change to mamil gold step3. Just afew days ago, he went without pooing for 6days! My younger son nw taking step2 oso doesnt poo everyday. Have started to let my elder one try friso these few days but hubby says he ses to prefer mamil. The mamil powder smells sweeter too. Hope this helps =)

Jean, i started my boy with stage2 when he around 5mths 3weeks old. His stage1 finished so we tot just change to stage2, cos i tink it wont really make a diff for tt 1week.
Mixing cereal or other stuff inside the milk will make yr bb fuller, but bear in mind it will affect her milk intake becos she is full. I did mix cereal inside my elder son's milk when he was around 5-7mths old. But later on i read a mummy's comment online saying tt we shld let bb be full frm milk instead of mixing in cereal. Afterall FM got those dha, aa stuff, nutrients wise is much higher than cereal. I tink it makes sense So i didnt do it for my younger son tis time round.
Jean, ya..i bought 3 Step 2 1.6kg tin at 1 shot. Stock up to put at my mum's plc cos bb is there if not my dad always has to buy for me. Can combine receipts for the promo, no need to be in single receipt.

I started giving Step 2 when bb turns 6 mths but only 1 feed per day. the rest still Stage 1. supposed to be 1 feed of Step 2 for 1 week then increase to 2 feeds. But i will switch to full Step 2 when the current Step 1 powder finished.

Christina, i usually order from Dumex Delivery. Price comparable to kimsang and free delivery. But they only have Step 2 and above. So i still buy from ntuc for Step 1 and currently the Dumex delivery still doesn't have the new formula for Stage 2 so i buy from ntuc to get the redemption promo. haha..hope i can redeem the trolley bag. Just ordered Step 3 from Dumex for my #1.
christina: hmm.. yes, I think should separate the milk from the semi-solids like the cereal etc. ok! thanks!

jac: wow, wearing 12-18m! i'm still stocking up on them. my girl wearing 6-9m now.

re feeding time: my girl drinks 120-150ml before sleeping at 9pm, then she will sleep and wake up around 1230-1am for another 120ml feed. after that she wakes up between 5-6am for the next feed. Then she wakes around 7-7.30am happily and plays until the next feed. hmm.. how to train like Christina 10pm to 7.30am? would be wonderful!
christina, yep. i joined a spree in the end.
ur boy sleeps really well. my boy keep on waking up at nite, even when not hungry, think habit liao. sigh.
jean, yeah. mine drinks at 10pm, sleeps at 11pm wakes up at 1-2am & 4-5am to feed, then finally 7am to go IFC. I also dunno how train. seems like habit liao. tried giving 150ml for the 10pm feed, but still wake up at ard 2am then 5am. sigh.
Dear mummies, I've read that most of you are starting your babies with cereals and purees. My gal has started on porridge with carrot/potato/veg/fish at 5 mth plus. Coz the nanny felt that she wasn't very full on just milk and we ourselves notice that she kept eyeing our food when we are eating, so we let her try out. So far she is able to eat them, but only thing is she don't pass motion as often now. When she did pass motion, it's more sticky and the smell was "woah". I asked a Dr friend about the passing motion problem and he said its due to a change of diet. He said its ok and I should just observe. Other than that, she's eating and drinking fine. She does seems fuller now too.

Now, I'm thinking of introducing her to FM, as she's been on bm throughout. Was afraid she can't adapt to FM when one day my supply is not enough or stopped. When is a good time to introduce FM to her? I plan to mix in a bit of FM to the bm and gradually Increase the amount. When is a good time to do that? Wasn't sure about introducing another change since she just started porridge 2 wks ago. Any advice?
Hi mummies.. I have 7 tins of 900g Mamil Gold Immunofortis (Step 2) and 1 tin of Mamil Mama to sell away @ $25 each. Expiry date is Jun 2013 and Oct 2013 respectively. Email me at hello_k[at]hotmail.com.

Btw brink, taka fair huggies selling Ultra Pants @ $16.95 and Ultra diapers @ $10.95..
Moscato, i ever bot once frm dumex delivery too. But if we count down the price of the FM to how many cents per gram, kimsang is still slightly cheaper. Just tt have it will be the 1.7kg tin. Btw, wats the zoo trolley bag for?
Jean & Jac, no lah i oso not so relax at nite as u all imagine. Although his last feed is 10pm, next morning feed is around 7.30-8.00am, but he sleeps at 11-11.30pm and will start waking up for pacifier around 6am. Sometimes he will fall bk into sleep again, sometimes will be awake for quite awhile before dozing off. But by 7am he will wake up n lie there making ee ee ah ah sounds entertain himself. On good days i only have to get up 2-3times a nite to give him pacifier, on bad days could be up to 8-10times! Plus he still not gd at flipping frm tummy to back yet, he tends to subconciously flip to tummy when he is in sleeping mode. Funny rite? Den when he cant flip himself over he will whine for mi to 'save' him. Both my kids wont sleep immediately after their nite feeds, they need mi rock them. so i rather just wake up n give pacifier. When they reach the age know how to pop their pacifier bk into mouth when it drops out, the waking up times will be minimal.
i just started cereal with my boy for abt 1 wk. notice tt he dun really know how to eat, he sucks the cereal like sucking milk. however after starting cereal he has been passing motion too frequently, one day can have 6 or more soil diaper change, each time only bit by bit.
Blucryst, maybe u can start off the FM during wknd. during wknd when going out n is not convenient to feed BM, i'll normally bring FM out to feed my boy.
Christina, last time i count, dumex delivery is slightly cheaper leh..haa..guess depends on what is their promo ba. Nowadays they are selling 900g package which i preferred. Easier for me to move ard. Maybe i will try ordering from kimsang since free delivery for orders above $200. Need them to send to my mum's plc. Their source is the same as what we get in supermarket right?
The zoo trolley bag is just a kid bag with trolley. Can let my kids use for cc. Just bought 1 trolley bag from kiddy palace for #1. Cost me $40. -.-

jkids, yup, i ordered dumex from them. The co. is Cotton Dale. Dumex outsource their delivery to them. Did u request for Step 2 sample from Dumex? If so, that is the same co. who sent the goodie bag to you.
jazz, not sure if your boy is like my gal.. she had diarrhea for 3 wks soon after starting semi-solids. about 7-8x a day, but otherwise she was fine, active n eating well etc.

If this condition stretches more than 3-5 days, bring to PD. They will advise accordingly. Whether it's the semi-solids or the milk or gastric flu. My gal took pre- and pro-biotics, stopped normal FM and semi-solids. Was on my BM/lactose-free/soy milk for awhile until diarrhea ended..

Definition of diarrhea ending : either 12h from the last poo poo, or 2-3 poo a day is fine.

Hope your boy's condition is only passing
Dear mummies, i realise once my bb starts taking solids, the FM moves very slowly.. If you open the big tin (900g or 1++kg), how do you keep fresh? The instruction on the tin says to discard 1 mth after opening..impossible!

By the way, anyone visited any of the fairs? Taka fair over right? I rem des still Isetan and BHG fairs. Still on or over? What goodies did u get?
googlez82, taka fair is still on til 05 aug, next sun.

i just went during lunch time. replenish my detergent, milk bottle teats and some clothings. Brands like richgi (3 pcs for $10), petite lovers (2 for $7.90, 2 for $9.90) or 1 pc $5.
also reflected to the pigeon sales guy that the new mag mag not good..difficult to suck out..haha..
Googlez, thanks for reminding, i did suspect diarrhea but he's still active drinking n sleeping well so i did not take further action. think i'll stop his cereal for now, see whether he'll be better.
when i brought my bb for vaccinations 2 wks ago, PD said seems bb is going to start teething soon cos his gum is swollen. But yet to see his tooth.
moscato: oh ok and how many weekd is baby?

my boy was so cranky and cried non stop for the past 2 days and drinking less milk also. Read that it could last for days or weeks depending on baby. And I can feel the 2 cute little budding tooth emerging from the bottom gum. So cute
jazz, my boy also started by sucking the cereal from the spoon, will take awhile for them to get use to opening the mouth & swallowing food. he also had LS after having apple cereal for a week. had to stop all solids & change him to soy milk for a week. probably u shld stop all solids & change to soy milk if ur bb's diarrhea gets worse.

cyy, my boy no teeth yet. but keep on biting his blanket or other stuff & drooling. cant imagine when he really cuts tooth. I'll get cranky too! how old is ur bb now?

moscato, yeah! the magmag like difficult to suck. my boy always get choked like that. I tot coz he's not used to the teat.
my boy sort of slept thro the nite for the past 2 nites! first nite slept at 1030pm & woke up at 6am. 2nd nite slept at 1015pm & woke up 545am. I hope it stays this way!!!! keeping fingers crossed!!!! btw for these 2 days, he had a 120ml milk feed at ard 6pm, then pumpkin cereal at ard 830pm, then another 150ml milk feed at 1015-1030pm & knock out. maybe he's juz more tired these 2 nites or the pumpkin cereal more filling so he din wake up to feed ba. hopeful it's the same tonite!
Thanks for the advice jazz.. Not sure what FM to start with. I think i have a small tin of Mamil Gold from some sample bag. Wondering if I can try that...

Teresa, I'm still a long way from planning teacher's day gifts, but I rcvd them every year. Are you planning to make gifts for your kid's teachers?
Moscato, how long does it take f nestle to send u the goodies bag? Nothing heard from them since I register w them two weeks ago.
moscato, the teeth shld have cut through now he is back to the normal self again and I can feel the 2 budding tooth getting pointier.

Jac, It's about time teeting with start but I read not all baby gets cranky some very swifty passed throught teething with no difference. My boy is 6m 1w now
blucryst, u r a teacher?

cyy, wha quite fast ah. tot usually 9 mths then cut tooth (7 sit, 8 crawl, 9 cut tooth). my boy has the habit of biting ppl now when u pull his hands out of his mouth. scared next time he go bite other kids at IFC. Heng he still can't get ard yet. hahah.

brink, I using happy bellies brown rice cereal. recommended by moscato.
so far so good. but I personally don't like the taste. thinking of changing to normal rice cereal leh. mabbe taste nicer?
Yes Jac i'm a teacher. Teresa, of coz we like things that can be used. I've colleagues who like to receive stationery like red pens, markers, post its, notepads because we are always running out of them. Some also like things that pupils made themselves, like cards. Once, I received a "photo frame" that a pupil made out of card board (like the back of drawing block) and white printing paper. She drew, colour and even decorate the frame with sea shells. I love it and has kept it in my cupboard. It was rather creative
Moscato, yup kimsang's FM is frm local source, same as wat we buy frm supermarket. Mamil gold got this exchange program where buy1 get 1free if u bring a non-dumex empty tin to trade in, u can buy the empty tins frm the forum den stock up yr mamil. Much cheaper. My kids drinking mamil since birth so i dun have the other brand tins, tried to get pple buy for mi with their tins with cash token, but their 'service' not cheap... End up wont be saving alot either... Oso got many pple take advantage of this program, buy alot n sell at high prices
Googlez82, why your FM cant finish within one mth? My elder son taking mamil, the tin (1.7kg) says must use within 3weeks, normally will finish within 2weeks. If 900g type around 7-9days will finish already. His milk intake is not alot, 3-4times per day, each feed only 150-180ml leh, oso wont exceed the storage limit.

Jac, congratz! Hope yr boy is still sleepig thru without nite feeds these few days! If i'm not wrong if 6hrs sleep did not wake up for feeding means sleeping thru already. So although my boy quite early will keep waking for pacifier, but he still got sleep around 6hs den wake up. I most buay tahan now is raining n thunder at nite. My boys will keep being startled bcoz of the noise n keep crying. They will wake up almost every hour loh... I tink the 9mths cut tooth not true leh..my elder boy's first tooth pop out at 6mths 1week old. But 1yrs old he has 8teeth. Now going 19mths old, he has 16teeth. He already has tis amount when he about 16mths old.
Jac, i' ve stop giving cereal over the pass 2days. my boy LS also stop liao.
Brink, i start with nestle brown rice cereal, my son got LS after that.
My boy is almost finishing his rice cereal from Nestlé just bought happy times brown rice cereal f him to try today... Hope he like it...
Jac, i only bought the straw magmag for my boy. I tried sucking..cos got "bite" on the straw to suck out the water. The salesguy said i'm the 2nd person to tell him that the new design not easy to suck, he will reflect to his R&D team.

Brink, i can't remember how long. Quite fast i think. They will send you an email to confirm which goodie bag you want. Did you check your email? maybe went into Spam inbox?
I'm currently using Healthy Times Brown rice cereal.. I left Nestle Rice cereal sample packs with my mum in case run out of Healthy Times but think shld be run out by now. Will replenish this weekend.

Christina, i did ask my friends for non Mamil milk tin but those on non Mamil happened to just throw away 1 and just started on a new big tin. Anyway they have specific venues to do the exchange & i only received the exchange venue info for their 1st week, didn't see any for the subsequent weeks. So funny...
