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    WTB: baby cot,stroller for New-born baby

    Selling Rocio bon bebe baby cot at $50. Key features: -Mattress size 69cm x 131cm -Convertible 3 Level -With wheel -Can be assembled to junior bed -All wheels and lever still function well Self-collect at Yio Chu Kang - Castle Green wa @ 9693 2759
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    dewdew, many thanks on your response to my queries. I can only rely on this forum for advice coz I feel sometimes PD is too assuring... And this thread is real fast!
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Mummies, My gal has been on Similac stage 2 for almost a month and I noticed she got bulging tummy now. I heard Similac caused gassiness on babies and that's why the bloated tummy. Any mummy whose baby on Similac and has the same symptom? I was recommended to switch to Friso. Any...
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    (2012) Planning for Dragon baby?

    Hi All, Been MIA coz back to work already! @much_needed: Thanks for sharing. Hubby wants dragon so we'll have horse, tiger & dragon in one family. Saying goes it's good combi. Anyone knows how to buy OPK online? Any BP spree? Re: Gender Understand that mum's diet play a part. To...
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    (2012) Planning for Dragon baby?

    Hi All, @T_T: Thanks for starting this thread. I have the same plan! Finally can share n learn! Want dragon baby boy mainly because my hubby wish...after our tiger lady was born in Dec last year. @much_needed: R u breastfeeding and AF still not return like me? How do you estimate...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Stefie, How do you ferry Alexis to and fro IFC? Do you put her in the baby car seat? My baby can't sit yet so will I need a basket? Is there any more versatile alternative coz I think she'll outgrow the basket soon. Mummies who drive, any suggestion? Thanks!
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    (2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

    @kikilala, lynzi: Thanks! Wauw, if I test using OPK everyday or go to gynae for scanning every month, wouldn't that make severe dent in my pocket? *_* @kikilala: Just curious, do you know what method this someone you know who concieved just 3 months after #1 with full BF adopted? Did she...
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    (2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

    Hi all, I'm new to this thread. Soooo confused with the plan for #2 so hoping to get some advise please. I just gave birth to my #1 in Dec last year. So after tiger baby, we are now planning for dragon baby. Knowing my plan, my gynae advised me to start trying to conceive from June...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi Crystal, my baby is 11 weeks old. Not apple to apple comparison but just to share that playing time with her is only max 2 hr in a day. Most of times she's also sleeping. I wonder if enough stimulation I've been giving for her development in that 2 hr but yet it's said that babies should...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi all, Yay, finally got time to login again... Stefie: Very happy to hear that Alexis is settling well at IFC. I hope my baby will have the same experience too, coz I'm planning to enroll her at MyFirstSkool as well. Recommended by my did a site visit and agreed it is very...
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Hi Mummies, Just to share that for nose dirt, I've been using wet cotton that is rolled into a tip. Use it when dry. I'll gently push it into my baby nostril and the dirt will stick into the cotton.
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    littlemay: My belief on no pacifier is slightly shaken now because once I return to work, no breast to offer if she wants comfort sucking. I remember reading it somewhere that it's better to offer pacifier than milk bottle. If baby is overdrinking, she may vomit or get obese. Sigh >&lt...
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Kimmy: You mean Khloe didn't reject FBM at first try? If my baby rejects, should I not give up and try again the next day until her palate gets used to the metallic taste? Do you make it a point to feed her FBM once a day? Can also share how you store and prepare FBM for Khloe? You said u...
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    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Hi, I,m from Dec 2010 Mums thread. Since the topic here is about breastfeeding, keen to learn and share too. Any mummies can share the best way to freeze EBM so when thawed it will not taste horrible like mine? It taste like metal so I decided to throw all my EBM. Really don't have the...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    DBaby: Thanks! Too busy monitoring her intake with hope of finding the answer till never occur to me to just provide one extra bottle. Yvaine, Crystal: May I know how old your baby is? Mine just turned 2 months and she still wakes up every 3 hour for milk. Too lazy to prepare bottle at night...
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    (2010/12) December 2010 MTB

    Hi Mummies, I've been silent reader ever since I conceived my baby daughter. She was born on 28 Dec 2010. Learned a lot form the posts and very happy that I finally registered as a member. Looking forward to sharing, meeting, even ranting ^_^ My baby today is exactly 2 months old, 4.4kg...
