(2012) Planning for Dragon baby?


Active Member
Hi mommies and MTB..

Any mommies planning for dragon baby next year?? I've just delivered a Rabbit girl on April Fool's day and hoping for a dragon boy next year.. Any mommies haf the same thought as me too? Care to share??


Would like to have a dragon baby, but next year's CNY is on 23 Jan 12 right?

Then pored through lotsa online edd calculator etc, seems like if try now, will deliver slightly before CNY or on CNY.. so dunno yet..

Ovulation should be somewhere this wk, so if I don't cal fr LMP but from potential conception date + 9months (instead of 40 wks fr LMP), maybe will give birth in Jan 12..

Ya just gave birth to a rabbit girl in Apr 11 and thinking of having a dragon baby already? Salute to ya wor.. haha, real brave..

Ya delivered via c-sect or natural? coz mine was c-sect, so gotta wait, safer.. :p
Hihi... ya but if now conceive confirm after CNY liao.. by the time i haf my ovulation shld be in May or June.. i cant rush for the 1st day of Dragon liao... lolz.. too late.. hee.. but if bb come out early end up i will haf 2 rabbits.. haha..

Mine was emergency c-sec lor.. so i guess if next yr i wan another one confirm muz be c-sec again coz by then the inner stitch maybe jus recover.. coz after dragon there's no other zodiac i like liao.. haha.. unless i wait for Monkey.. my hubby is monkey n he want another one same zodiac as him.. haha.. lolz.. but by then the gap will be kinda far..

i hv a pair of ox twin girls.. n i wana hv another dragon bb..(boy or girl oso can).... so will start TTC frm june.

goooood luck to all~
fatBobo -wah, pair of ox twin girls.. is it tough looking aft 2 child? are they v active? Mine is, ox also, girl too, but v boy-like, climbing all over the place and shouting ever so often.. like monkey.. headache too..

T_T -huh? now conceive cfm after CNY? tt's what I counted too, but all the online due date calculator gave the dates as before CNY.. sigh, dunno when to try..

haha, ya wanna rush for the 1st day of CNY? ltr go on TV sia..haha..coz the variety program will go to hospital and wait for the 1st dragon bb.. :p
much:: mine are really sam sengs too! mine is aug bb... hw abt yrs? :)

if u wana try CNY bb.. i tink better to try may bah. may will due in feb (depending on yr LMP), if earlier feb.. yr first was c-sec rite? can try natural la.. but if u wana select date, den prolly c-sec oso? n if c-sec..can choose an earlier date mah.

im trying to hv a dragon aft CNY period.. cos CL will be expensive. hehe. so dat's y i plan to oni start in june.. so march bb, even if cm earlier will be in feb. cos my MP is abt 10-13 the few days bah..(if no major haywire!)....

btw..im oso a westerner! heheh.. im near pioneer mrt.
Hi still learning: if u calculate from June shld fall somewhere in Feb or March liao ma.. by then CNY alr over.. hehe.. n too early to c-sec..

fatbobo: erm my gynae say 6 mths to 1yr lor.. but i dun wan year end dragon leh.. hehe.. i wan the dragon head baby.. hehe..
T_T:: hehe.. prolly im much older..so the healing process will take longer... hence ob-gynae said aft 1yr. heee~

ya.. dat's y much_needed can start in may. i was the one who wanted to start in june..cos i wana avoid CNY. hehe.
my gynae told me that if i continue breastfeeding, sometimes 1 yr oso wun haf menses.. so how to calculate LMP!!? lolz.. onli can gamble luck lor.. lolz..

and my last pregnancy i haf no symptom at all.. i missed my menses for 2 1/2mths before i noe i was 5weeks+ preg. my cycle was always haywire.. lolz..
Yar, mine was c-sect, then gynae din say much, but I guessed 1 yr should be ok?

Haha, mine's younger, nov.. then thought girl will be more demure.. alamak, she's been mistaken for a boy so many a times..
partly coz bb's too too too active!! sigh.. then real thin somemore..

Heh heh, coz was hoping for a boy, then the online chinese calendar said if this month, may have boy, next month girl.. duno how zhun, but just wanna try.. but the thought of the expensive and maybe no CL gives me a headache..

Then m v keen on a dragon bb, so if preemie, then rabbit..

Yeap yeap!! T_T, my cycle's luan qi ba zhao too, sometimes 30 days, sometimes skip a mth and became 2 mths gap, sometimes zhun.. also dunno hw to determine.. so nw using the ovulation strip.. hope wont need to get new stock, so thinking of this month try.. haha..
what is CL??

i jus ended my 1st bleeding.. so not sure when the next cycle will come.. haha.. aft delivering on 1st april, tat was my first time seeing blood after almost 1yr! haha coz my last mense was in May 2010..and i onli conceived in July 2010.. lolz.. my fren asked me how do i feel after so long nv see blood. haha..
btw wat online chinese calendar is it?? lolz.. can i take a look at the webby too?? now on ML too free.. nth to do at home.. all i do is to slp.. eat.. express BM.. my parents are more anxious than me to look after my gal.. lolz
my AF oso super luan aft delivery...n esp so like last oct-jan. so i quickly invest in BFW frm feb.. *touch wood* AF for feb-apr at least more xiang yang!!

i tink for my last preg...the chinese calendar din predict correctly. the last time i looked at the chinese calender..oso said if this mth i conceive will be boy.. n following many many many many mths will be girl...n i tink till nov then will be boy agn!

i oso like.. errrh.. abit confused like dat. we dun really say wan a boy nw (since we already hv 2 girls..), so boy or girl is fine.. of cos to every parents..most important is a healthy baby rite. but then oso, like hvg a mix oso good. but but then agn.. say if girl, can take over all the hand-me-downs..save money. bahahaha~ n most importanly, i oso more scared cant find CL, or the charges are horribly high lor. -.-" sigh.
Ooo.. thanks.. haha..then wat is AF? BFW?? haha sorry not so good with all these abrieviation..

every couple have their "preference" of baby sex..but when the sex is fixed, there's nth we can do oso.. lolz.. jus wanna gamble the next one will be boy so that my hubby will stop pestering me.. lolz.. even days before the birth of my gal, he still hoping for miracle to happen..

my mom help me do confinement so i save on that $. she's not so pro n detailed abt it but at least can save on the money..
Yar, same concerns.. dunno where to find CL and if it will be super ex..sigh..

But was hoping for a boy leh, coz got girl already.. haha.. tho if end up, bb #2's a girl's also ok.. but at least we tried.. :p

Yar, many mths girls, then boy, so wanna try for this mth, but wanna dragon boy too.. haha..

for the chinese calendar prediction, 1 was correct for me for my #1, so I used tt to predict for #2.. haha.. others like nt zhun one..

some requires the lunar/chinese age while others ok to use gregorian calendar, so also dunno if I input correctly anot.. haha..

haha, fatBobo, dun tell me we'r of the same age.. haha.. coz I used tt Calendar, seems like aft missing this 'boy' phase, I'll have girl, all the way till Nov, then boy again in Dec..








the price for a CL is about $2k or more right?? n still exclude buying ingredients.. but i haf some frens doing confinement on their own.. they say confinement means eating confinement food which they can cook on their own...
think shld be the range, but will increase alot during peak pd or CNY..

but the confinement will also need to observe certain thgy, like cannot touch water, get more rest, lie down as much as possible, I supposed..

coz I din have one for my 1st, then ended up bathing baby when m still in the confinement, then like nt v well-rested...
much: i sneak to bath with hot tap water when my mom goes to market.. i do simple washing all these.. i noe it's a taboo but to me it kinda make no sense la.. if u go to wash room, u oso nid to wash hand.. dun tell me haf to cook herbal water to wash hand meh? hmmm but resting more is wat i do.. coz dun nid to do much things.. becoz its my mom doing confinement for me n i feel bad for not helping, end up i do alot things on my own.. sometimes she's not free i cook my own dinner..

maybe the most impt is resting more n haf more gingery food.. to clear the wind..
haha, T_T, ya got more mths to conceive a boy.. mine's only tis month or Dec.. :p

coz my menses is very luan, so was thinking since this mth, I can almost pinpoint ovulation date, then might as well try this mth.. coz also dunno if will strike or not.. but prob's, m scared of rabbit lehz.. coz tis yr rabbit yr's nt too smooth for me wor.. haha.. maybe I think too much.. :p

Oh, ya better rest more sia..dun regret like me.. really din rest well, coz bb's clingy, so looking aft bb on my own, I cant get much rest, sometimes when bb slps, I cant get to slp, then when I wanna slp already, bb wakes up.. haha.. plus the washing of milk bottles and all.. phew, given a chance, I will follow everything nicely..

Haha, ya still sneaked to bathe ar? M v guai one, I only bathed 4 times.. haha!! v stinky and sticky loh.. but guess since am lacking in nutritious diet and lack of rest, only thg tt I can compensate or make-up, is to dun bathe!! haha!!
i shall let my body rest for tis few mths until July.. hehe...

i still can enjoy my own free time tis few weeks.. mid may my parents gg holiday n i move bk my in law place temporary n i gotta take care of bb on my own.. so muz enjoy the freedom time.. hehe..

but dun bath really make me feel very yucky.. dandruff mani mani.. headscap itchy.. and somemore i EBM.. i feel yucky when i express the milk.. haha.. duno got extra flavour for my gal or not.. hehe..
hi Fantastar.. wahhh u even more fierce than me ar.. hehe.. but u due in october, the latest u muz conceive is in Feb or Mar 2012 in order not to go beyond the Dragon year wor... =)
wah fantastar, ya best sia... haha.. due in oct then gg to try for a dragon bb? 1st bb?

eh? T_T but if due in Oct then give birth in Feb or Mar, just right for half a yr wor..
ya provided can hop onto the dragon boat on time.. hehe..!! but by then will be the year end dragon liao..!!
Hi Gals,

I also want a dragon bb boy.... but still "psycho-ing" hb to have #2. lol...

My girl is born on Jan 2010... HB say 1 is enough cos my girl is a handful alr... :D
arrr where got enuff!! very lonely and no companionship.. to me i like to have a few (if financial approved).. make the family and house more lively.. perhaps im born in a big family and i have big family tree so i like mani pple to be around.. my hubby side is small family.. i feel that there's always gaps between him and his cousins..

persuade him lor... i think at least 2 will be better. during their childhood wun be lonely... =) Jia you!!
Happiness&Bliss -ya same situation as me wor.. my bb's born in Yr 09, then was tinking of trying for a dragon bb..then still bot ovulation kit to test and monitor CM, to estimate Ovulation day, then turned out, hb doesnt seem too keen on a second one..

so dilemma here, dunno to continue to monitor ovulation or not.. but really wanna try this mth, coz aft the pregnancy, the ML, then was hoping to find a new job, so if delay having #2, then meaning everything have to delay ler.. but if try now, also dunno if will have dragon bb..

Will definitely need 2 kids, so can replace the parents mah.. haha..

but then, am thinking long term, if ya only have 1 kid, yall may be able to give the kid the best now..

but in future, the kid will have to manage and look after 2 parents, then if the kid have a baby, the baby will have no aunts or uncles to love them and the kid will have no one to share in his/her joy..

coz think am quite fortunate as like T_T, i've got a big family, then am really happy tt my sis and bros love my bb alot.. lucky bb has so many loving uncles and aunties.. then growing up in a big family, it's very gd to have siblings and family ard on birthdays and all, makes everything so much livelier.. granted there may be quarrels and all along the way, sometimes we gave our Mum a real big heahache, but hor, getting along with anybody else will also present its own sets of disagreements and all mah..haha..

so was hoping to have 2 or more kids if financially ok to provide.. coz am also concerned tt tis not right if I just give birth without considering if I can provide for them.. :p

back to the dragon bb, sigh, dunno to go ahead or to stop the planning..
T_T : I also think have a companion will be good for my daughter. But then, we will need to work out on the caregiver for them. Currently, my girl is taken care of by the nanny. So if really want to haev #2 we will ave to look for alternative like childcare, which will be more afforadable. But then again, we also "bu she de" to put my girl in childcare. cos now at the nanny she is so loved by everyone in the family...

T_T : C-section so fast can try for another baby? Mine is natural w/o epi. But my gynae alr advise to rest 1 yr b4 having 2nd one lei....

Zzzz : my hb also lo.... I ask him if we should try for #2, he say "siao ar"... :s
I thought quickly give birth and close shop liao mah, cos age is also catching up... haiz... butu like I've mentioned above, finding someone to look after is a problem. N we don't believe in maids with babies.... hmmmm.....
Happiness&Bliss - wah?? ya delivered w/o epi? fantastic wor, hw's the experience like?

My hb was like saying, if have #2, then giving birth, gynae cost and CL's v ex and all, then said tt may shortchange the attention on #1 etc..

But I think it's abit unfair to me loh, coz I've also got plans and all and was hoping to have second child, then can concentrate on work and all.. if someday he decides to have 2nd child, then I also dunno if my body can take it or not loh..sigh..

Ya got a nanny for ur girl? hw'd ya find ur nanny? how to know whether trustworthy or not? we put bb in infantcare prev, then sick so often and the infantcare likes to call me and report fever, so ended up, the times when they call me after lunch to bring bb back, I pia cab back and used leave to cover for absence..sigh..then withdraw loh..

if got #2, think I'll send to infantcare, but will queue earlier for a place nearer to MIL's place so that she can helped to pick up bb.. can be worked out one bah..
Hi All,

@T_T: Thanks for starting this thread. I have the same plan! Finally can share n learn!

Want dragon baby boy mainly because my hubby wish...after our tiger lady was born in Dec last year.

@much_needed: R u breastfeeding and AF still not return like me? How do you estimate Ovulation day using Ovulation Predictor Kit (OPK) ? Do you check everyday?
I initially plan to buy the OPK too but for 1 month supply...WOW...that's $$$. So bought the BBT but turned out that very often the first thing in the morning I do when I wake up is nursing my child...end up not taking the temp regularly.

Can I check how to use this chinese chart? Since we are in Spore, timezone is 8 yes? If that's the case, not accurate for my 1st bb.
Zzz : Ya mine was w/o epi. The experience was great... thou need plenty of tolerance and support frm hubby...
I depended alot and fully on the laughing gas, which help me alot. The real intense contractions last 4 hours (the final 4 hrs), and I had to push my girl out. I think she was out after 6 or 7 pushes in think.
But I had quite big cut cos my girl was quite big. She is born 3.53Kg.
Hi bluehime, wah ya've a tiger lady wor.. haha, I went to ask the lady selling fengshui items which zodiac is considered heavyweight, then she said tiger and dragon..

so ya'll have 2 heavyweight in the family wor.. haha, coz think I read somewhere previously that it'd be good to have a heavyweight in the family to stabilise it or sthg, forgot where I read it from ler..

Oh, actually my breastfeeding attempt failed then din try nor even express for bb coz looking aft bb alone, straight after delivery, so no time to express & bb doesn't latch..

Cycle's abit luan, can varies in the # of days interval.. :p used the ovulation strip tt colleague ordered online.. quite ez to use and cheap leh, think less than a dollar per strip.. haha..

for the chart, I just enter the D.O.B only leh.. haha.. then turned out tis accurate for my #1, so I used it to try predict for #2..
hubby and me want at least 2 kids .. and since next year is the dragon year and we want to get over with the family planning, we decided to go for another one straight after my delivery in oct =p
Hi all.. My hubby n i is fine with having #2 coz wanna gamble for a boy.. For me i save alot on care giver n CL.. Coz my parents are retiree..they love to haf another grandchild soon.. N my mom do confinement for me.. My mom want me one shot give birth at least one shot tire.. If too far apart they will b v tire. Few yrs later their age catch up liao den wun haf too much energy with babies.. So haf to tk tis opportunity. Wait till my hubby come out to full time work force den i can "retire" stay hm be yellow face wife be full time mommy..!!! Yeahhh hee
wah fatastar - ya super loh.. haha.. but ya know the gender of ur bb ler?

T_T - lucky ya sia.. haha.. am still thinking whether to ask hb again if he wants #2, coz been sounding him out for the past wk and he doesnt seem too high on it, like v lukewarm or dis-interested.. so also dunno how.. seems like am the only one wanting #2.. wanna try earlier coz dunno whether will my body be able to take a pregnancy when am older mah.. sigh..
Zzz: ya kinda fortunate tt i haf my parents supporting me despite i've married out.. Hmm maybe u can make accident happen..? Haha provided u guys dun use protection..
Happiness: envy tt u can haf natural.. I guess im still short of moral support whn i was in labour ward..i was admitted in e morning n my gynae say aft lunch den will deliver.. Hence my hubby quickly went to tk his exam n rush bk.. But before he's bk my gynae say bb position not right. Muz csec.. Whn i was jus pushed to e theatre he reach e ward so haf to wait outside cant go in liao.. I think e chance of natural is not possible for #2 liao.. Coz inner wound sure will burst..
This is a interesting thread

I also want a dragon baby
but now am expecting #1 due in June 2011. So this mean that after confinement the most I rest few months than must start work liao.. Hahahha very siong.
Fanastar: but i tink still anxious abt it right...? So can start buying bb stuff..!! Hee... Tt time oso like tt. All buy neutral color..
Christy: y not..? U can rest till year end den start again ma.. Hee.. Latest is Feb or Mar 2012 muz conceive in order to catch e dragon boat end.. Hee.. If not will be snake liao..
TT> Hahah if u look at it I am a bit crazy... but my hub will be very happy cause he want 3 kids @.@

Dun know if my boss will sack me or not come back from ML so fast going for ML again in the lext few months Hahahaha

Pray my this delivery will be a good one so at least it dun freek me out if not sure I got reservation one
Haha i oso worry abt how my boss think of me.. Esp whn my work load is super crazy much kind.. Den before i go on leave i had so mani files to hand over.. Luckily i did everything before i went on ML. My last day supposed to b 1apr. But end up my waterbag burst on 1 apr morning.. Haha..
Wah so accurate ah ur waterbag burst on 1st Apr.. u inform ur boss that ur waterbag burst (did he thought its a joke cause its on April Fools Day) hahaha

I also must pray that my delivery would be natural... if not the dragon bb I have to say bye bye already.
Haha i msg him early in e morning.. He muz be tinking which siao one msg him so early..!! Lol.. Y if not natural hafto say bye bye..? C-sec oso can ma.. My gynae advise 6mths later for c-sec.. So i stil can catch up e dragon boat.. Hee
Hehehe... Ohhh 6months later can ah?? Still
think 1 yr is the safe period

Hmm so now u must be on your confinement going to end soon hor..

I think the very first thing I want to do after my confinement is go colour my hair Mwahaha..

T_T : if counted from start to end, i was in labour for 21 hours.... but then bcos after my checkup in the morning (after my mucus plug drop off), my gynae actually ask me admit cos i was having contractions. But I insist I wan to go home. So gynae say ok, but must admit by 6pm.
I insisted I wan to go home bcos my girl wasn't engaged yet when I went into labour.... altho she was in the correct position. I had very long labour also cos she was too big and had some difficulty pushing her way dwn to angaged...that explains y I need to push so many times...I need to help push her dwnwards...
After I was admitted at 6pm, I had irergular contractions, till my gynae gotta induce me at 12am to hasten the labour... all in all my real intense contractions lasted like 4 hours... and I was taking in the laughing gas like a drug addict.
But it was a good experience, having to push out the baby and have her landing on my tummy while they cut the cord...

U may want to speak to yr gynae abt VBAC... I heard of some mommies who are successful... But I'm not an expert at that..probably you may wan to seek yr gynae opinion and see what he/she says ;)
