(2012) Planning for Dragon baby?

Christy: haha yeah tis week.. Finally.. N yes we haf same tots.. Im gg to e salon tis fri..!!! Gonna haf a good wash of hair n color it.. My last dye was in sep jus to rush for my photoshoot..!! Haa

Happiness: ya tts a gd experience..!! I was alone in e labour ward. Pain until i kept vomiting.. Luckily they haf this tray to put instrument n i use it as my vomitting tray n i keep pressing e bell asking them to throw away what i vomit.. Lol.. Feel so paiseh.. N i even ask e nurse why her hands so cold while im so warm.. E nurse answered me "becoz im not pregnant mdm.. N u r preg tts y u are feeling warm..!" lol bit surprisingly thruout e labour n aft labour i din shiver nor feel cold at all. Maybe at all times e nurses kept me covered in blanket.. Coz i haf frens complaining cold in e op theatre etc..
Fanastar: haha better noe it so u can prepare e baby stuff in advance. Quite difficult to buy neutral color.. I am so into girly stuff before i noe e sex of my bb. Den my hubby kept stopping me frm seeing e girly stuff coz he wanted a boy.. Lol end up i won..!! Girly girly..!! Hee
Happiness - Wat's VBAC?

T_T - ya v funny lah.. haha...but ask yall hor, will you have a feel on the gender of ur bb? :p
hoo.. im back.. wah the thread suddenly move so fast.

zzz:: hoho.. my next 'boy' on the chinese prediction calender is Nov, so im guessing im 2-3yrs older than u. bahaha~

actually i envy u all with all the birth story. i do not have any. haha.. cos mine was elective c-sec, i selected the date/time, so did not have a chance to go through labour. plus, it was not advisable for me to try natural, so ya.. since need to go through c-sec, so i selected date lor. smtimes i feel like not being able to go through labour pain & the natural delivery part...like not having a real start of motherhood. sigh. but..ya, for the safety of my babies.. it's worth la.

so i tink if i were to get preggy agn..which i believe will not be as lucky twice, juz a singleton, i will still select a date n go for elective c-sec...to be 'fair'! LOL~

earlier this yr a master told me rabbit or dragon bb will be good for me..but dragon being better... so ya, dat's y wana wait till aft june. else i wld hv tried months ago le.

i oso prefer to hv at least 3 bbs.. if financially and health wise can.....4 or more will even be more fun. yes, 1 will be very lonely, n like u all mentioned, in future the single kid will hfta take care of the parents alone. i tink 2 oso quite boring, esp if the siblings r very close, whn 1 gets married le, the other will feel 'sad' de. so ya, at least 3.. :)
fatBobo - agree totally!! I also wan 3, just nice to fill up the backseat.. heh heh, but fren keeps telling me tt #2 will be like v lonely, like singled out wor.. dunno leh.. =p

haha, ya said tt dun really have a birth story?? =p aft my delivery, emergency c-sect, I'd prefer to have a elective c-sect.. coz I've had mild contractions for 3 continuous days, then on the 4th day, even gynae said will deliver past midnight.. but ended up, aft 2 pills to induce, multiple drips etc, gynae said too slow, so came in past midnight and c-sect.. ended up we paid for the emergency c-sect rate, so ex.. if only we knew tt tis gg to be c-sect, shld've chosen a nice nice date instead.. :p
zzz:: tell me abt it.. im a #2 myself of 2 other sisters..... i owas say i hv middle-child-syndrome!! my elder sis is 1 yr older than me, n younger sis is 11yrs younger than me. both my sis, 12yrs gap (1 cycle) are very very close.. prolly cos oso im married out. but when we hv weekly family dinr n all, still close..juz dat i hardly meet them up other than family gatherings or even like casual chat here & there. before i got preggy, we will owas play mahjong aft weekly dinr with my dad..which was fun. my mum doesnt know hw to play. so ya, at least hvg 3..plus a parent...can play a game of mahjong or 2!! bahaha~

waaaaah~ yr birth story... but sure was an experience which will be with u a lifetime.
Zzz : VBAC = Viginal Birth After Caesarean

Fatbobo : no need to envy about all the birth stories. Cos as a mommy the importance is not about birth stories, the most important is delivering healthy babies irregardless of emergency c-section or elective c-section or natural.
You are already a very super mommy alr... it's not easy to carry twins. I'm sure you have endure alot of discomfort. "Salutes"....
happiness:: heee..thanks. i've seen multiple-pregnancy mtbs like so easy throughout pregnancy..n some could delivery the bbs naturally too. ya, must be due to my short (and fat) build.. the bump had to press onto my pelvic very hard. i had severe MS..n had very sensitive nose, couldnt take alot of smell. had to change alot of floor detergent, hb had to chg alot of shampoo & body foam..haha. cldnt walk or stand abit longer, even sitting down oso hv prob. but it was fun. hehe. esp whn both feotus moving, n smtimes whn it's ard the naval, u wun b able to tell who it was. my younger twin on the right was owas 'running' out of plc, making my bump loopsided. lol~ i missed those days...... n i really hope to get preggy agn..really!
zzz: feel the gender?? haha how to feel? hmm some say on the food u eat.. if u like sweet food den girl.. salty food will be boy.. haha.. somehow i like sweet food during pregnancy.. n my tastebud is so different frm normal pple..

fatbobo: all the while i wan my delivery to be most traditional one.. but i am so disappointed that end up it's a caesar..

i wan 3kids too.. coz i alw feel that 3 den will good.. my theory is, if 2 child n end up 1 child go overseas work or not close with family, u can onli relay on 1 child.. if u haf 3 kids, at least u still haf 2 more kids to relay on.. the chances of 2 or 3 leaving u is not so high bahh haha..
actually i read/heard (cant rmbr) dat natural delivery are higher risk for the baby.. but c-sec is higher risk for the mother. k la..since most of us had a first delivery via c-sec, we shld tog hold ourselves up.... bahahahaha~

weeeee~ we can all work towards our '三个刚刚好' target. knowing sometimes it's not just how many we want, but if the other half is ready for that or not.. n most importantly, if health n wealth aspect support that too or not.

good health & wealth to all~
fatBobo - haha, i like ur last sentence!!
good health & wealth to all~ haha, sure need it..

heh heh, turned out actually there's so many other mummies wanting 3 kids.. haha.. coz most tt I met only wanted 2, then made me think that I am like v old fashioned type, the more the merrier types.. haha..

haha, ur loopsided tummy account's v funny sia.. must've been fun for them inside.. haha..

yar, I missed the family gatherings too, I've 3 siblings in all..
so tt makes 4, with me.. then v nice one..haha.. but still got quarrels every nw and then.. then when I got married out, only sis came over regularly to play with bb.. heh heh.. so still quite nice, v sweet feeling tt bb's got a superb aunt who loves her..

T_T - eh, dunno leh, coz the 1st child, I dunno why, got a v strong feeling tt tis a boy, then turned out a girl.. then just have a strong feeling tt #2 will be a boy, but dunno will be or not.. haha, so was just wondering if anyone has such feelings like me leh.. :p
zzz:: suddenly rmbrd abt this... my fren used to play the "ring over palm" 'game' to see hw many kids i'll hv..n wat gender........ prolly u can go try out? hehe. *wink wink*

juz use a ring, prolly yr wedding band, loop it with a strand of hair or a pcs of string... then hang it over your palm. keep still... but the ring shld start to move. if it swings, it's girl.. if swirl in circle..it's boy. hehe.

my fren tried on her parents & elder bros... all chun la. hehehe. we did on another fren.. (she juz had a #2).. chun for her oso.

fatbobo : I had MS too, throughout my whole pregnancy till i deliver my girl. I could not stand fish, not even a look at it..It will send me running to the nearest drain. I cannot stand garlic smell, fried shallot smell, fried fish smell etc.

Natrual Birth will not "endanger" the mommy. In fact It is good for the mommy. Cos during labour yr body will release a antibody to the baby to protect them when they are coming out from the vaginal.

And the mommy actually have better recovery when they have natural birth, the best part is u are able to breastfeed immediately after delivering the baby.

Of cos if your health and baby's health allow, natural birth is actually "nature way" of giving birth.

Having said that, I'm not saying the c-section is no good. Infact I have a friend who had 2 kids with elective c-section. Because she knows she has very low threshold for pain. And she prefers "stress free" birth

There is no right or wrong with birth methods. Choose one that suits u and baby's health is the most important

=>Oh multiple preganacy can have natural birth also ar?? I didn;t know abt that. Ahhhh now I learn something ...

I had singleton baby, but my tummy is also lopside whenever i sit dwn. My gal likes to lean to my right side... heee...Push her back, she will lean back to the right side again. heeee...
happiness:: heeee.. sound so fun.. i wonder hw it's like for a singleton pregnancy..n esp like yr girl..so cute, likes to lean to one side. hmmm..
one good ting abt my twin-pregnancy.. i cld sleep on the back... cos quite even out.. but i believe for singleton, quite tough huh?

oh, actually i meant.. c-sec delivery is more 'dangerous' for mummy..cos alot will suffer frm epidural after-effect or watnot. but a natural is more risky for the baby actually. although it's the natural-natural way of delivery. but nowadays, ppl get well nourished, n babies tend to be bigger, i heard of alot of scary stories of hw the baby got suffocated being stucked trying to be out.. or died of brain haemorage (duno-hw-to-spell) aft ob-gynae used vacumm or forcep trying to pull the baby out, etc.
Fatbobo : U can sleep on yr back with twins? Won't feel heavy ar? Mine singleton i only can sleep on my side... I feel very suffocated when i sleep on my back... hahahah...its tough to sleep on my back...

My girl is quite big, she is 3.53Kg...she is quite "bak bak" when she came out from my "womb hotel"... hahah... I think the gynae usually will advise ba. I rem my gynae telling me I would probably need c-sec cos my girl is pretty big... but i told her i would prefer natural... so my gyane told me to prepare for 'long labour" cos of baby's size. And my girl was not even engage when I went into labour... thus that explains my long labour...
Actually i dun knw what happen, I was pushing like crazy and the next thing i know I felt something "swish" out of me... then felt weight on my tummy, warm and moving... I peer dwn and saw my baby kicking and crying angrily...hahahha
happiness:: so nice~ :)

guess with twins, both even out on the sides, so ok to sleep on back.. in fact, smtimes whn i sleep on the sides, it's quite uncomfy. hehe. mine very small.. oni 2.13kg and 2.03kg... but luckily just over 2kg, dun hfta go into NICU!

i oni managed to hv my elder twin on my chest aft they wrap her up..that was whn they were 'pulling' my younger twin out..hahhaa. i delivered at wk36..so prolly they had to make sure the twins were ok, so juz a quick swing over my head to show me they were out n quickly to test n weigh n watnot. then, wrap them up n let hb & i hold n took photos. hehehe.

arrrrrh~ i missed all these! LOL~
woooo *envy*.. my gal got her direction wrong inside my womb.. i oso wasnt engaged when i was in labour.. i was alr 39weeks 1 day on my day of labour.. her head jus couldnt go down.. silly girl.. muz be i din read enuff of compass hee...
Fatbobo : u carry yr twins till week 36?! Wow... i heard twins usually cme out earlier...
But for twins to be over 2Kg is a big feat alr....

My gynae told me to expect a bigger baby if i had #2.... cos 1st one alr so big... :s I shudder to think how i should deliver the "bigger baby"....hahahahaha....

Last night was talking to hb abt #2...he say "dun wan la, must spend $$ again lei...then very scary to go thru the sleepless nights again lei"... :s
TT:: bahahaha~ ur funny!

my younger twin oso last min turn duno whr agn.. at wk35, both head dwn le.. den 1-2days before my scheduled c-sec, the owas-swim-ard-72-bian-younger-twin...holland agn!!
T_T : my gal was in correct position, but not engage...thats y must push her dwn lo...
I went into labour when i was 39weeks 6 days.... 1 day short of my EDD. My girl wasn't very willing to come out of her comfy "womb hotel" till the very last day... :S
in my aug 09 thread..oso 1 lady she wanted a #2... initially she oso owas say the hb dun wan.. den we 'helped' her tink of 'accidents' to happen... ask her go on top.. n i suggested she jek tioh her thigh n refuse to cm down... bahahahhahha~ it was just couple of mths back niah lor.. nw she really expecting #2, due nov. hahaha...

i tink smtimes man will juz gv that kind of 'excuses' de.... haha.
i told my hb I am going to train up the muscles of my legs and hands... then can "kiap" tight tight and dun let go... then can create "accident"... wahahahahhaha...
hahaha..ya.. i guess that was how my accident happened n i told my hubby "aiya not so heng one la.." coz that time i already 2 mths no menses (my mense is messy cycle but tested still negative).. so he say ok lor nv worry much abt it.. until in Aug jus a random test it became positive..!! tio chua!!!!!!!! my wedding plan all messed up liao.. n so heng e day tested was NDP Eve. next day PH no gynae open.. special day to rem.. haha
hi mrng all~

last evng i juz met up with a fren who's on maternity leave nw. she juz delivered her #2 in march. her #1 was nov 09 bb.. so oni 9 mths aft delivering #1, she conceived agn. chatted abt her birth story..(her #1 experience was quite happening..n ended up emergency c-sec!).. n she told me she was hvg irregular contraction.. but suddenly on the dat faithful day...n pain was very constant n din go away! she went to hosp but oni 1cm dilation..then the nurse learnt that her 1st was c-sec n din let her go for dinr..(cos most likely she will need to go for c-sec agn this time too..) then latr ob-gynae came n did some test n realised actually the old wound ruptured internally!!! she said she could actually felt the "POP" inside!!!! luckily she was already in hosp n the ob-gynae was fast to detect it.. her #2 was delivered emer c-sec n leg out first... if later abit more, the bb might not make it thru!!!!!

she told me her sis's fren (or someone else) told her on this lady, who also had her old c-sec wound rupture..'explode' inside..n lost the baby!!!!!

so arh.. pls hv adequate time to let the stomach n womb lining to heal well before trying for another one..... n if earlier delivery was via c-sec, u can try natural the next time, but not force.. if really hfta, c-sec bah.

aft hearing her story, if i were to get preggy agn... for the more i will make sure i go for c-sec n select an earlier date deemed safe n good.. n not wana go thru n take the risk!
Fatbobo : thats scary.... but i did heard that if have c-section, it is better to rest for 1 yr b4 having the 2nd child... because u will stretch even more when u are pregnant with 2nd... so if c-sec wound is not heal properly, probably will have some bleeding and risk the wound being infected or something...

My birth story is actually also quite happening de.... I was suppose to be push into operating theatre because I wasn't progressing too well.... cervix open too slow, baby not willing to come out etc.... but when they went to book the theatre come in to my delivery ward i was alr crowning...so thank God no need to c-sec...

I will post my birth story when i am "free" later :p... for anyone who is interested la...
happiness:: i oso heard frm most ppl.. to wait at least 1yr aft c-sec to TTC agn. but T_T's gynae said it's ok to try aft 6mths. then agn like i mentioned earlier, prolly cos T_T is still young. :) recovery rate is faster.

my fren's #2 was an accident.. in fact, she was hvg chicken pox when she realised she was 6 or 9wks preggy (cant rmbr)... cos she juz had her #1 9mths ago mah. but anyways...

yes yes.. i wld be interested to hear abt birth stories.. hoooO~
My Birth Story for anyone who is interested.

26 Jan 2010:

7am : Wakeup and went to the toilet and realise I had the bloody show. Since no contractions I went back to bed thinking that maybe i will deliver in a few days time.

10am : started to get contractions.

12pm : Arrived at gynae for a checkup. I was surprised when my gynae told me I am in labour and ask me to check myself in to the hospital.But was warn that my bb not engage yet and pretty high up. We will try natural birth 1st, if can't then will have to do a C-sec. I told my gynae I will admit later.

1pm : Went AMK hub for lunch. Went shopping (hoping the walking will lower bb dwn into the birth canal). Tahan contractions.

4pm : Reach home. Hb also reach home. Final pack of my hospital bag. Still tahaning contractions.

6pm : Arrived at Mt Alvernia. Admit into labour ward. Having contractions but was irregular.

7pm : Dinner. After dinner enema was inserted.

9pm : More intense contractions but still irregular. Only 1.5cm dilated. OMG....

11.30pm : Still 2 cm dilated

12am : Put on drip to hasten contractions.

27 Jan 2010:

3am : Intense and regular contractions. Put on laughing gas.

4am : Super high. Contractions nearly killing me.

5.30am : Waterbag burst. More intense contractions. Taking in laughing gas like drug addict.

6 plus am : More bloody show ... Super super high on laughing gas. 8 cm dilated.

7.30am : Gynae came. Check. Baby still high up. Gynae order for a C-sec. I panic as I really wanted a natural birth. Told gynae to give me more time. Gynae refuse and say bb might be in distress if in labour for too long.

8.25am : Had a strong urge to push. The labour ward nurse guided me to push. Gynae came in and guided me to push too. She also says if I am able to push bb dwn then we will have a chance for natural.

8.40am : Had push with all my might. Thou exhausted but i still persist pushing.

8.45am : baby crowning. Gynae says "Oh can see alr". everyone getting ready to received baby.

8.50am : Finally baby arrives. Screaming away. Powerful lungs the nurses exclaimed
Hi all,

Morning! =)

So happening, the birth stories..

fatbobo - guess tt's a nice weight for twins, heard some came out real early and v thin.. so at least ya's twins know hafta stay inside longer for their benefit..

sigh, think maybe wont have #2, coz hb's still not keen.. been asking since last wk.. but he kept pushing with all sorts of excuses.. like cannot go on holiday, #1 v poor thg coz only 17 mths+, cannot give #1 the undivided attention, gynae cost v ex, delivery cost v ex, CL v ex.. even aft I offered to pay for my own CL, on impulse..

this morning, I asked again coz think today's the Ovulation day, so was abit hopeful.. then hb gave the lamest reasons, like childcare ex, no caregiver, if conceive nw, then may give birth during CNY, if I preggie, CL ex then somemore no one to tidy up and clean the place for CNY... ok ok, I get the drift.. fine.. so be it.. am not hoping to have another child with you anymore.. was more upset than angry with him..

coz I've got PCOS, then during the health screening, I saw the egg and was so happy, tis of a gd size and apart fr the egg, what I saw, was a chance of conceiving.. I've read other threads whereby some mummies have been trying for mths, am so worried and dun think I'll ever have the courage for IVF and all.. so wanna try earlier but hb's real insistent that he dun wan a 2nd one now..

think tis abit unfair to me coz if he wants #2 ltr when I am older, he din consider whether my body can take it or not etc.. :`(
zzz:: *hugs* dun b upset.

prolly juz give him abit more time.. n dun hfta keep asking him lor. juz let nature takes its course? i tink anytime, like if u ask a younge man if he is ready to get married n have kids, etc... the asn is prolly 'no'!! smtimes even for some ladies too, aft got married le, ask her when wana hv bb or wat.. sm will say 'not ready'..etc too. i tink it's juz natural la.

prolly he doesnt want say he's so ready..n in case, in the end, he cant provide for you, the kids...he might feel 'useless'.. or dat u will be hurt in some ways.. etc.. he juz wana make sure he CAN..n doesnt wana make empty promises? i mean.. smting like dat?

aiya..im not good at words, n explaining or watnot. but.. bottomline, dun be upset, dun be angry. take sm cooling off period n see hw tings go. or latr on hv another chat. nw everything expensive....but in 3yrs..5yrs...8yrs dwn the rd.. everything will be even even more expensive!! n not oni whn u get older...he will get older too.. n whn he finally decide to hv another one whn u both much older.... n will need to work harder..longer..into bringing up the kid too. he juz prolly din 'see' it far enuff.

good luck.. n let fate decides bah.
Zzz : Dun be sad. My hb also give me the same lame excuse. But dun be too worried abt age ya... My ex-col has her 1st child at 41yrs old...and she carry thru the pregnancy to full term.
No i'm not saying you will have one that late. But probably when yr #1 is alittle bit older, he may miss her "babyhood" and "beg" u for a child.
In fact I am not so young anymore too... But i am really hoping and wishing I can have a boy.But it need not be in Dragon year if I cannot board the boat in time.

fatbobo : PCOS is Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome. Hope my spelling is correct. Its when women have very irregular menstraution because hormones are severely "out of control".... it can cause difficulty in conceiving... I only know this in layman terms la... medically or if more "chim" i cannot explain liao. My frd had this too, but I knw if left untreated it can lead to some heart disease or something....
happiness:: oooh serious?!? so to say.. whn hv irregular mense..better to consult doc oso.. cos might not be juz an irregular mense tat's all...

thanks for sharing..
fatbobo : My mense is also very irregular. But will come every month la just that it does not fall under regular 28 -30 days cycle...
But after i deliver my girl and breastfeed for 1 yr (no mense during pregnancy and bf-ing), my mense came after I stopped bf-ing. It was super irregular.
Then add on I had a steriod jab a month ago for "carpal tunnel syndrome" on my wrist caused by my pregnancy, my mense went super haywire. Come every 2 weeks. So now I am under medication from gynae lo. So within these 3 months, i will not try for a baby lo...
Thx all...

Think will not ask him anymore.. suan le..since he dun wan #2 now, I also gotta plan for myself.. think I better find myself a new job and concentrate on career bah.. just let it be.. and my plan for myself's to try to slim down, stay healthy and all.. dun bother abt him anymore..

Since he can give such lame reasons, such as the cleaning for CNY and seems like he wanna me clean and tidy up the place, then forget it bah.. coz even if I get preggie, think he will nt bother to clean the place up and just say tt he cannot manage alone..

shall cool down and not be too affected by it..

For my PCOS symptoms, tis weight gain bah, then irregular menses, can go haywire fr 30 days to sometimes 40+ days, then like yoyo like tt.. so abit hard to predict O..

guess #1's pure luck bah.. so abit worried on whether will we still have the luck with #2.. best to try early.. phew phew.. shall try to cool down.. suan le suan le.. no pt getting myself so upset and affected when hb most prob dun feel a thg..
happiness:: oooh ic .. hope your situation will get stabilised n u can get off medication n start trying for another baby soon.

my mense oso went quite haywired aft delivery.. i din really bfast, so mense regain pretty early (cant rmbr whn aft).. anyways, was quite irregular.. until last nov-jan was worst.. 26 days then 39 days then duno wat. i latr bought bai feng wan..n i cld say so far *touch wood*.. been quite regular since feb-apr.
Zzz: dun worry, wait till he come "beg" you .. hehe... then when he beg it's your turn to "pretend" to decide if u wan anot...

fatbobo : ya my MIL also ask me go try take bai feng wan.... but hor i hate taking med lei... i think my girl was also conceived after i take bai feng wan lei... I have very irregular mense, then i was taking bai feng wan to help... next thing i know im preggy liao

Hi dairy : I have a ox girl too
but she is born in Jan 2010... she is "oxtail" ...hahahhaha

Mommies : Those with dogs at home. I'm facing a tough tough decision now. My dog is 12 YO and has very bad skin, smells very bad and oosing discharge. His eyes is also not so good, hearing also slowly not so good liao. 2 days ago, he started to have difficulty moving, so I have to carry him dwnstair to grass patch for him to pee and poo (he is not paper train, he only goes to grass and pee/poo). He can muster enough strength to walk a few steps only.
I went to the vet this morning (cos she mention if he has mobility problem I may need to "decide) and told vet abt my dog's problem. She says i need to decide what i want to do. But besides all this problems stated above, he is eating well. I dun knw if i should make the decision to let him go. I so scared i make the wrong decision.
I cannot stop crying since i come out from the vet this morning

Anyone here have the same experience b4? Can share with me?
Happiness&Bliss - thx! =) Have reviewed and think mayb try for #2 next time bah.. coz recently I seem to get breathless real easily aft lunch..dunno why.. maybe tis the excess weight still leftover fr having #1.. :p so will concentrate on losing weight and maybe find new job 1st bah, instead of having #2 then find new job..

wah, ya menses come every 2 wks? v luan wor...

Erm, I have no dogs at home, but if ya planning for #2, then ya wont be able to afford to carry him downstairs daily too.. wld someone else be able to help carry him downstairs? maybe ya can ask the vet in return to see what's his take on the situation? coz if ur dog's suffering fr all those and feels the pain fr the discharge and when walking those few steps, maybe can let him go? but if other than those sorta 'old age' symptoms, he is coping well, then maybe can keep him? coz he is still living well..

dun b too sad, ask ard and decide aft discussing with ur family.. the decision's not urs to take and shoulder, on whether to let him go or stay, else ya'll always feel bad over ur decision..

just my 2 cents worth.. Good luck ok?
Happiness&Bliss : Hahaha! I like the way you put it, oxtail! My boy was born in june 2009 so that makes him the ox body?

Never had a dog before. I'm sure you can make the best decision. You feeling better?
Hi mommies... im back!!! i was quite busy with my gal's full month celebration and it ended yesterday.. so tiring wor..!! hehe..

btw i oso had PCOS before.. when i was 19 20yrs old.. but 2yrs back i did a health screening it says tat i am fine.. maybe the cyst went missing already.. weird huh..

the birth story of mine is very simple and short.. hhaha..

1 april 430am my waterbag broke.. and admitted to MT A and i was 2cm dilated.. my gynae mentioned that i should give birth after lunch. hence i waited.. at 10+ the gynae came back and visit me .. i was 5cm dilated.. and saw bb's heartbeat chart and mentioned that it wasnt regular.. he monitored for another 10mins or so and still wasnt satisfied with it.. the heartbeat kept dropping and can even be lower than 100 beat/min (normal is 150 beat/min).. he say haf to go for emergency c-sec.. at abt 1130am, my gal is out.. =) short and sweet but the labour contraction was hell..!! haha..
Hi All,

Been MIA coz back to work already!

@much_needed: Thanks for sharing. Hubby wants dragon so we'll have horse, tiger & dragon in one family. Saying goes it's good combi.

Anyone knows how to buy OPK online? Any BP spree?

Re: Gender
Understand that mum's diet play a part. To conceive a boy, mum should eat more red meat. Vegetable also imp to alkalize the body. Mum who already conceived boy, can share if this is true?
I am new here.
I wanted a 2nd child and hopefully it is a boy.Anyways, on second thought if it is a girl it is OK as long as she is healthy. Wanted a bunny but i guess i missed and hopefully can get a dragon baby

I see from reply above, you still breast feeding your 21 old son. You plan to wean soon?
T_T - haha, sounds like tis a v bz full mth's celebration wor.. haha.. prev when we did the full mth's celebration for bb.. hb was commenting tt it shld be a day where the parents shall go and have a gd rest while everyone gets bz carrying and passing bb ard.. haha..

Think PCOS seems abit common nowadays, but was afraid and dunno if it'd disappear, shall know next wk when I get my health rpt..

bluehime - whoa, think tis a good combi, then ya'd have 2 heavyweights wor, tiger and dragon.. i wanna have one tiger but my bb cow's born too late into the yr, plus c-sect, not in time to have a tiger.. else will be gd combi for both hb and me.. :p

coz they were saying tt ea zodiac has their own gd frens wh can help one along the way.. heh heh, then tiger and cow's our gd frens, supposedly.. :p

since not in time to have tiger, hope will have dragon.. but I want boy leh, coz got a girl ler..

prev read somewhere whereby 1 mum said to lean on dunno right or left side aft BD, cant find back tt post tho..

am afraid tt if lift up legs for it to flow in (top have as many inside to up the chances), then the girls will flow in faster since they'r supposedly to be heavier, tt's why they swim slower while boys swim faster.. gravity pull.. :p

My colleague has some OPK strips tt she bot extra online.. not sure when's the expiry date..

Think shall ask hb again if wanna try for dragon somewhere mid of the yr, maybe if can skip the CNY peak rates for CL, maybe hb will be more agreeable.. hopeful..
