(2011 ) TTC for #2 BB

oh man... lynzi *sayang* think we all quite stressed abt ttc... try to go chill with hb n the lil one somewhere? *hugshugs*

prayinghard - where r u ah? as in which ctry? btw, congrats! hopes it remains stickyy!!!!!!!!!!! like that, when is yr due date???

pinkpig - ya everytime pee have 1 blood clot come out. bathe also have. sometimes ard 50cent size. or bigger. dont have small small one. then its thick n rubbery. hmmm. i wait til next week, my pocket is lined then i shall see tcm ba. my frn also trying to fix appt with her tcm for me... maybe i ask them for discount since my bd coming. HAHAHAHA!

question - im still testing opk... the cheap one cn see the line darkening. wondering if having some blood in urine will affect the reading??? i use the clearblue, no smiley face [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


thanxs DPW, i pray & hope so too! Now juz hv to wait for the sac & then the heartbeat & then the rest of the pregnancy weeks to follow...praying hard that it would be a smooth pregnancy journey!!

Pink Piglet, if u think that that would do the trick, by all means & change the nick ..never underestimate the psychological side! ;-) ...but then again, i have been praying really hard! ;-D

Best of luck, pink piglet! :)

lynzi, sorry ab the bad dream ..though i hv to say dreaming is not too bad a thing...coz i think when one is preggie, one kept dreaming ...before i found out that i'm pregige...i kept dreaming...everyday, in fact...& that's not quite the norm for me ...hence ladies, watch out for the signs! ; )

missycandy, am in Germany...Cologne's the city ... why?? popping over for holiday?? then pls do give a shout & we go la kopi!! ;-) ... thanxs...i sure hope & pray that it's a sticky one too! guess every single pregnancy journey sure is an exciting one!! *pray pray pray* ;-D

the doc havent quite say when's my due date as yet ...coz yesterday juz took blood test nia ..the scan would be on next Wed ...but i actually check it out those due date calculator online ...if they are right, it should be around late Nov ...

missycandy, perhaps you should let your gynae know about the blood clot that u are experiencing ...why dont u give the clinic a call & juz explain briefly to the nurse & ask her to check with the doc if you should pop by for a routine check up or something?? unless it's a norm for u during yr AF ...am sure it's nothing major but still it's always good to be safer, no?? :)

hv a good weekend everyone

thanks. ya i feel weird to keep on passing out blood clots. macham... losing something inside... sigh... yes thanks for the idea... will call my lousy gynae to check on mon...


thanks for sharing.. will test w o-strips & try again.. btw, drink lots of water to clear the uti.. get well soon yah..


i hv been passing blood clots every now and then too.. din bother too much abt it though.. but looking at all ur post, i kinda start worrying now..


i guess bad dreams had resulted from our stress.. i am not any better... for me, my worst dream so far is to get up 2 mornings ago to be back in reality.. in my dream, i was preg & the little tummy is already showing... Sian big time!!

lawshe - mine is like everyday have leh. last time on n off have. but this time round. quite alarming. everytime i shower. which is 2-3times a day. one big clot comes out. then when i pee.. which is quite a number of times... around 5-8 times a day??? also have blood clot.. but i cnt see the blood clot when i pee.. i feel something come out... then PLOP into the water. and is really PLOP in... cos when i get up, cn see like something splashed inside lor... the sides of the bowl has droplets...



i got these blood clot discharge only during AF. urs is indeed alarming.. are you visiting ur gynae to for a checkup?

Hi MTBs!

I was TTC last year and stocked up on alot of ovulation test kits.

I have given birth in Jan'11 and do not need these ovulation tests anymore.

Would like to let go the following:

1) Clearblue Digital Ovulation Test (Smiley face)

- Brand New in Box (Sealed)

- Includes 7 tests

- Expires in 12-2011

- Retail price: $71.50

- Will also include 1 loose test also expiring in 12-2011.

2) Clearblue Ovulation Test

- Opened pack (3 test sticks left)

- Expires in 08-2011

/B{Hope to let go the above 1) and 2) at $40.}

3) One Step Ovulation Test Strips

- 15 test strips to let go

- 20 miu/ml - high sensitivity

- All expiring in 12-2011

- Will let go all 15 strips at $5

Hope to let go all the above items at $45.

Interested, pls PM me.

miss candy,

go for check up..mine is same as u..i went to TCM last year july- sep when i m at sg..tis kind of situation u are nto easy to conceive.

after that ok..now come again. but dun hav tcm here, no choice i went to western style. but gynae says is normal..cos i m not O..

it may symtoms of PCOS. better go check and find out the reason

Hi all,

I'm new to this thread. Soooo confused with the plan for #2 so hoping to get some advise please.

I just gave birth to my #1 in Dec last year. So after tiger baby, we are now planning for dragon baby.

Knowing my plan, my gynae advised me to start trying to conceive from June this year. The problem is I'm still breastfeeding #1 and AF is not returning yet. Gynae told me to stop BF but I'm sooo torn coz I want to BF my #1 till June when she's 6 months old.Can I ask how to stop BF and how soon will AF comes back?

I heard TTC for #2 is not as easy as #1. My #1 is already not easy but since we got Tiger baby, hubby is keen on dragon baby...Feel kinda pressure and hearing clock ticking

Any mommies here have similar plan? Can share pls? Thanks!!!


my gynae actually told me that with full BF-ing, after 2 months, we will start to O (eventhough no AF yet). But its no easy to ttc cause you dont know when you will O unless you test opk everyday.

I know someone who concieved just 3 months after #1 with full BF.

The mum in "19 kids and counting"... she conceived her kids all while bf-ing also.

BTW, my AF only came back after my #1 1st birthday but I was BF-ing till now lah.

Morning ladies!!

Miss coming in here.

Been very tired lately.

To nake things worse, i was helping my fren at her booth at Babycare fest at expo..now so shagged.

Now im still on my bed lazing..zzzzz


how are u?

Oing soon?

Charlotte, Dolma, Donkeymami,

any good news to share?


aiyoh..u still havent seen gynae ah?

Dont tell me u wana see lawrence ang?

He wont have time to handle your kind of situation leh.


how are u dear??

Which dpo are u now?

Im at dpo13 today.


which part of middle east are u at?


its still possible to get preggy even when bfing.

Just that its harder to pinpoint your o so will either need to use lots of opk or go gynae regularly to check n scan your eggs.


so cute your nick.

Reminds me of kids clothing label..hee

good morning! hee ~

thanks all for the concern... the bleeding has stopped... havent seen gynae yet... must wait for my pocket to be lined 1st.. =P anyway, did some googling... apparently its normal to have blood clots... but i guess mine was a bit in excess ? hmmm... hope its jus a clearance of old old blood thats been there for awhile... bleah...

anyway, hope everyone has a great week ahead!!! monday blues be gone faster!!!

Hi ladies,

New to this thread. The only different is I'm TTC-ing for #3.

Actually I'm in a dilemma cos I'm in the midst of switching job but at the same time doesn't age gap b/w #2 & #3 to be too big.

Morning everyone.. My AF is late for a week and 1 day and still no signs of coming.. Plus I keep getting bfn.. Sian to the max.. Wanna start new cycle also cannot... Arghhhh..

lynzi, still in CD6....waiting for O but getting sick with flu....sigh...like last mth, cannot detect O again so now wan try to recover faster before O arrives....

ET, AF late so long still BFN....strange..anyway no AF means still got hope, hang in there!

ET, maybe wait for another few days then test again cos individual bodies is different...maybe cannot detect yet....

sigh. everyone so messed up! lol!

im going to see tcm at hougang ave 1 next week. my frn saw him and got pregs after 2.5mths for her #1... now she seeing him again for #2... she says must drink something he prescribe, 3 times a day, everyday.... -_-" are all TCM like that? must drink everyday?

BBlove...speaking from personal experience...not advisable to switch job amid TTC-ing....had bad experience...4mos into my new job, was preggy, pretty weak right then and had spotting and all..my immd superior wasnt very happy and I had to resign due to some crap issues she gave after knowing of my pregnancy...so do think abt it b4 the next move though not all management behave in this manner..

missy...guess it's quite the norm for TCM? since most of the time they will tio the body..

Misscandy : thank goodness that your bleeding has stopped.

Ladies : feel so tired of trying. Might wanna stop for a while, and wait till #1 goes to Childcare first; which is in mid of this yr if he gets in. Currently on wait list.

hi all.. i'm ttc for #2, but not now, only plan to do it in 2nd half of the year. currently i am preparing my body by having a healthy diet and taking supplements. i have an 8-mth old bb girl.

can u all share wad is AF, CD, OD etc?

i have been charting my cycle since jan when i got my 1st mense after giving birth. my menstrual cycle is between 30-35 days. i really find it diff to determine my ovulation period. when shld i start testing with Ovulation kit?

Hi sweetkiss *wave*

I'm also pretty new. Login on & off. Am also pretty confused abt the ovulation date.

I gather AF = Menses, CD = Cycle days, OD = Ovulation days

My menses is haywired so quite difficult to know my o-days. =(


anybody know what is HCG injection? my gynae told me i have good folicle size but not ovulation. would like to give me HCG shots next cycle. as my husband is not in this cycle

@kikilala, lynzi: Thanks!

Wauw, if I test using OPK everyday or go to gynae for scanning every month, wouldn't that make severe dent in my pocket? *_*

@kikilala: Just curious, do you know what method this someone you know who concieved just 3 months after #1 with full BF adopted? Did she BD everyday ha ha ha?

I still don't know what to do le?

@sweetkiss: AF actually stands for Auntie Flow and as per canopyhaze said, it is also = Menses

Lynzi, i'm in CD11 today waiting to O end of this wk or beg of nxt wk. Hv u tested? today alr DPO14 right? hope to hear your good news soon.

Btw, need some advise. thinking to Bd alternate day aft i tested +opk shd i start on the day i got +opk or 1 day aft? i always got 2days +opk in the past few mths as i tested twice a day prolly why I catch the start of LH surge?

hihi... my girl is 15 months and we are trying for #2... as I have fibroids all over my womb.. need to gonna start planning for #2, before it gets worse and i will need to remove my womb..

babydust to all....

donkey - maybe jus bd every other day? regardless get opk + or not? heheheehehehhehehe

mrsfit - wow. too many fibroids to remove ? sounds quite serious n bad... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Missycandy : cause the fibroids are scattered around.... Hence if it worsens, the whole womb needs to remove... Din know it was so bad till I went to see my GyNaE due to painful n lumpy periods...

Morning ladies!!

Its back to work for me after being on holiday from last thurs.

Such a wet tuesday morning.


if tcm of cos must take meds or brew every day lah.

Must bu the body mah.


hcg jabs is like progesterone jabs.

Its to cheat the body so u can O.



Since u said your cycle is 30 to 35 days then u should start testing opk from cd 13 or 14. Test all the way till u get positive n keep testing till u get negative opk. This is to ensure that your LH surge has stop n your O has begun.


oh dear..that sounds very serious.


i would suggest for u to start bding alternate days starting from cd 12 regardless of opk. Cos your hubby will need to clear his old troops so that by the time u O is in time for the new troops to charge.

Hehe..im dpo14 today. Havent test yet.

Even if i do, i hope u ladies wont mind that i will be very pantang. Really scare me after 2 mcs..wont know what might happen.

lynzi: thanks thanks.. erm but i am new to all the terms u mentioned! wad is CD and LH surge? i bought some O strips but i only know to test it in the morn once we wake up? just like using preg test kit? do we need to test in the afternoon as well?

Hi ladies...

i think i O on cd 19 cause i see cm...

bd on cd 19 only... nothing on cd 20 and 21...

today cd 22... sld i continue to bd??


sounds serious... what's gynae's recommendation??

to all newbies...


sweetkiss - no no. dont test 1st thing in the morning for Opks! only for hpts then u test 1st urine. for OPKs, can test anytime from 10am to 8pm... but u have to take it same time daily... if u miss the timing, u might miss the surge... suggestion from the profs is the moment u see a dark line, u might want to test twice a day... as well as start to BD for the following 3-4days if you really see darken line...


Thanks for your advice. Infact that was 1 of my greatest fear and dilemma. However I have no wish to stay in current company cos it too stress and crapy. Was telling my coll if I get preggy here, dun think it will be a healthy pregnancy due to the working envirnoment. Whatmore, #2 was a 08 baby, we do not want age gap between #2 & #3 to be too big difference. Sign...Feel so torn.

Hi sweetkiss,

I'm also very new here. I also have an irregular cycle. smething can range from 35 - 60 days. The previous time, I missed my menses for 3 months. Doc say might be due to stress.

mrng ladies!

Lynzi & missy cos i wan to try for a boy tat's why i try not to start BD too early from my O. Told DH to BD to9 to clr his old troops alr.

Lynzi, understand no news from you mean good news hahaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi BBlove, i also have irregular menses & once in a while i will miss it too. that's why i am always recording my LMP. but since i gave birth, so far my mense has been here every mth, although it still ranges from 30-35 days.

i dunno if it helps to regulate menses but i take evening primrose oil very day, and i try to determine my O by checking my CM and using OPK. gonna track the pattern within the next few mths. Maybe u should go for some relaxing massage once in a while to destress? also avoid skipping meals & exercise to have a healthy mind & body to prep for a baby!


I used to take evening primrose oil but does not seem to help. Was thinking if a change in job would help but feel stuck in switching a new job and ttc. Lile what piyobaby said, i find that most empolyers are still conservative abt employing married ladies, what more those with family


i was also thinking of changing job but since im still ttcing, its not such a good idea if i just start new job n find out i strike.


thanks thanks!


can whack again..jia you!


yup yup..clever..haha


LH stands for luteinising hormone thats released before O. The surge will peak n goes off. Once your opk (ovulation predictor kit) shows negative meaning the surge has stop n u might be Oing on that day.

For epo (evening primrose oil) if u are ttcing, pls only taje from cd1 till O day only. Stop taking after O as might affect implantation.

BBlove, agree. i just switched my job in feb. that's why i cant get preg so soon.. haha! in fact i was offered a contract job with a much higher pay & better prospects but i dare not go ahead, in case they dun renew my contract if i get preg. agree with lynzi nt to switch if u are ttc-ing..

lynzi: noted! if LH is released before O, means when it goes off, means i am Oing that day, but why will the OPK show negative if i am Oing?

Thanx everyone!!! Need to review n see if it gets worse.... In he meantime, GyNaE advise to try for another one if we want before anything happens... If worsen, chances of conceiving is lowered n miscarriage higher...

lynzi, thanks for explaination.

Doc says i have very good big 28mm folicle on CD13, but not yet rupture so not yet O..mean next cycle after take clomid, then will scan. after that have to do hcg injection leh..

i really dun want injection..but if big folicle but no realease egg, also not use rite? so i duno lor, see how next cycle. this cycle is gone de

Hi Airy,

U need to ovulate so your 28mm follicle can be put to "good use". Don't be worried about the jab as it is not really that painful and injected around tummy area. Shld be less painful unless you hv flat tummy.


i concieved my #1 on the month when we decided to stop ttc for a while. Such irony right... BBT, ovulation testing for 3 years.

maybe not so much stress

