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  1. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    grumpus -- I am at my current job for many years. However, as I have exhausted my 30 days anual MC n another 30 days plus of extended leave, I am having problems gettin the maternity leave. I only went back to work in 16 Nov, so HR said that if I stopped before 16 Feb, it will be considered that...
  2. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Singapoh-- I managed to get an appointment with the dentist tomorrow. I will consult him. Thanks. grumpus-- One of my twins also diagnosed as having growth restrictions. My case is more complicated cos I am having twins. Doctor is seeing me every 2 week to monitor the growth. I have been...
  3. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    To all mummies who are popping soon, Good Luck! Think this Christmas will be a joy for so many of us, feel happy that so many princes and princesses are in time to celebrate Christmas. Singapoh-- Yeah, don't think about losing weight first. Now must eat more to get babies to grow n grow...
  4. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Nancy-- Thanks for asking your confinement lady. I managed to get one. Friend of hubby colleague's mother. Hope she is ok. Singapoh-- Envy you for losing weight so fast. For me, tummy still small for 6 months but it has been growing faster these few weeks. These days, durians are not in...
  5. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Nancy-- Congratulations!! Wow, your babies are of very good weight. Hope my 2 girls will be like yours. If I m not wrong, it is important to have dental check up during pregnancy. However, I am not sure of wisdom tooth. I do not have any regular dentist to recommend. You take care.
  6. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Thanks for all the suggestions. I don't drink fresh milk. Can only drink chocolate milk but scare babies will not be fair if drink chocolate milk So I drink soya bean milk n yogurt daily. Dr Paul said ok to drink soya bean milk but it will cause a lot if gas in the stomach. I just...
  7. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    grumpus-- I am at week 25 today. Also quite concern about my babies weight. Both underweight when I saw Dr Paul yesterday. He was also concern n wanted to see me in 2 week time. I also tried to eat durians n drink milk. Drinking black chicken soup fortnightly. As I have bad constipation, I am...
  8. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    dosb-- I also had spotting. Went to KK 24 hours 3 times. The doctors on duty were not v encouraging at times. They would just say that it was IVF n twins tend to have more complications. I remembered asking Dr Loh about the brownish stain n he said must monitor. When I had bleeding, I rest...
  9. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Panda-- Maybe u can really reach your target of Christmas eve That will be a bonus Christmas gift for the thread here Working wife-- You take care. Must be quite bored staying in the hospital. Will pray for you fancy-- My EDD is March. Yeah, I also noticed that most mummies here will b...
  10. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Singapoh-- Thanks for answering the question about GD. Wow, you moved house at week 34 carrying twins. You must be v strong! I also hope that I can be like u, tahan until week 36. Yesterday, I confirm with Dr again about my EDD. Dr said that EDD is end of March for 40 weeks. I told him for...
  11. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    PrayHard-- The bumper playmat is for infant or toddler? I am interested to buy. Which set did you get? Baby-- Glad to know that you are discharged. Think you must miss your two darlings Take care
  12. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Panda-- I am interested to buy the cot that u have from babykingdom. Can we get to see the product? The website indicates that it is an online store n does not have any retail shop. Thanks
  13. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Happyhippo-- Congratulations! Finally get to access the internet. Hubby kept forgetting to on the switch for me. The switch was under my study table n quite difficult to reach. Then I really cannot tahan not accessing the forum n squat down to on it. Seen Dr Paul yesterday n he said one...
  14. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Baby, Great to hear that babies and you are ok. Must journal your experience and share with your princesses when they are older Take care!
  15. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    nancy-- My niece helped me to set up a facebook account but I m really not tech savy. It is really under-utilised with no upload at all. My only friends are my 2 nephews n 2 nieces, haha. Yeah, now then u have reminded me. Around 3rd March is my 37th week. Not end of March. Oh dear, I have...
  16. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Singapoh-- What is GD? Sorry, a bit mountain tortise Panda-- Good, will ask husband to get the bananas. I am getting v lazy these days. Even too lazy just cutting kiwi fruit into halves n washig strawberries. So bananas will be a good choice. You should not think that u are a bad mummy...
  17. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Singapoh-- I love bananas (in fact have been craving for it) but my friends told me not to eat bananas during pregnancy. Some said that can eat bananas as long as not Del Monte brand You ate bananas during the pregnancy? By the way, I am planning to go IKEA to but some stuff. Any good baby...
  18. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Singapoh-- Acocado, I don't like the taste. Hardly eat it. Feel that it is too slimy, hee hee. Thanks for the suggestion.
  19. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    happyhippo n Singapoh-- Thanks for consolation My hubby boils black chicken soup weekly and buys durian for me fortnightly. However, I just eat a little each time cos scare that they are heaty. My colleague told me her CL said that actually durians are not good for babies. However, my hubby's...
  20. H

    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Dear ladies, Thank you for your assurance! I definitely feel much better now. I will control my obsession looking into the mirrors. As my living room walls have many full length mirrors, it is so tempting to look at them As for work, I will try whatever I can for the project. My boss is...
