IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Fancy - Yup I'm having twins. Currently 20wks.

Welcome back Diana. where u go ? i wish i could go overseas too

Singapoh - u my idol .. i need to follow in yr footsteps. I also wish natural cos faster recovery time

My cl just came today...
My mum and hb brought her to hock hua to buy tcm for me...
Hb spent $1k all on hockhua pdts... Gosh... Ginseng, wild ginseng, tanggui, red dates, longan, fish maw, tang sheng, blackdates, etc...

I think my hb scare this pregnancy hurts my body too much..wana use this tonics to boast up my body... I wonder will it affect my bf not...hmm...
Now each pump i only mgt to pump out 20ml... So little...
dosb-- I also had spotting. Went to KK 24 hours 3 times. The doctors on duty were not v encouraging at times. They would just say that it was IVF n twins tend to have more complications.

I remembered asking Dr Loh about the brownish stain n he said must monitor. When I had bleeding, I rest at home with minimal walking.

I have changed my gynae to Dr Paul Tseng at TMC now.

Don't worry. As long as no intense pain, it should be ok.
grumpus-- I am at week 25 today. Also quite concern about my babies weight. Both underweight when I saw Dr Paul yesterday. He was also concern n wanted to see me in 2 week time. I also tried to eat durians n drink milk. Drinking black chicken soup fortnightly. As I have bad constipation, I am also careful with my intake of these food as they tend to be heaty. Let's hope our babies will all grow well
Do drink more full cream milk. I find tat it does help. I drink abt 3-4 cups a day and black chicken soup weekly.
As long as yr twins grow at a steady rate they shd be ok, maybe just a bit small.
At wk25 u still hv time to beef them up
What fancy n the rest have advised are all good. I had spotting from Wk4 onwards too. In wk 5 I even went down KK 24hrs twice. Insist on the jab like what the other sisters said. There's 2 types - progesterone jab and proluton jab. Kk24hrs gives the former. If u can try asking them to give u proluton instead. I found out abt this when I went back to see Dr Loh at wk6. He said proluton more long-lasting n gave me that.

And most impt bedrest bedrest bedrest! For the lotus root glu rice porridge eat it once in the day n once in the evening consecutively for at least 3-4days. I ate it for 1 week before spotting totally stopped.

Seems like the 2 of us n Diana are the June EDD
the Jul batch will flock in soon I'm sure.
just seen dr loh, waiting to do a ctg now coz told dr loh bb was a little quiet today. But i am blur with all these weight estimate....my gal is 2.9kg at 35 weeks 4 days....baby not engaged yet.

Grumpus do u eat ice cream?? Maybe eating ice cream helps...i started eating ice cream last 2 weeks since i pass my GD
2.9kg at 35wks is very good!! looks like u can hit yr 3kg target

i'm sure ice cream helps too cos it's milk mah. my dr said milk really helps so more milk, ice cream etc is good.
i hv some ice cream in the fridge. maybe i should start eating too. but i'm like eating the whole day leh!!
oh but my dr said the scan estimate is +/- 200g accuracy. so if is +200g then good lah but if -200g then not so good liao.
Grumpus..I eat ice cream almost everyday..it's my comfort food.. I just ask hb to go buy more..heheh..

Gan..dr Paul oso told me the scan nt v accurate by +\-10%. I ask him usual is more or less in actual wt..he told me for my three..it's possible tht it's more for one n less for another!
grumpus, ya go eat the ice cream...ever since i pass the gd test, i took abit more sweet stuff....and continue with my milk/soya milk. Am sure ur bb will also catch up on the wt.

panda ya...i think the est cld be 10% off....coz 1 moment, my gal put on 700g from 29 to 31 week, then 31 to 33 week only 200g now another 700g. But as long she is healthy i am very happy. Hitting 3kg at birth is a bonus. =) dr loh doesn't think i will deliver soon.

Somehow the experience gynaes can roughly tell if we are going to pop soon anot leh.. dunno how they see... today dr paul after touching my tummy ..then told me lets try for 37wks...he din even do cervix check...

ur gal should b able to exceed 3kg if u can carry beyond 37weeks
final stage, the weight gain will be more for singletons.. mine will start to slow down the next 2 weeks.. but dr says so long as still got growth, can keep them in there....
Ladies, thanks for all the well wishes. Will catch up on posts once discharge

Quick check.. U started pumping milk in hospital? I still no milk yet leh. Shd I try pumping before discharge?
pandawife it's good u can go for 37 weeks. =) continue to be zen, and rest, once bbs are out, will be busy le.

I think exp docs . They can tell by touch or maybe from the scan ba. I was asking dr loh if he thinks i will deliver soon coz want to take leave..he said dun think i will deliver soon but up to me abt the leave. I am only seeing dr john tee 2 weeks later when i am 37 weeks.

My SIL just called me said my bb too big....asked if i eat alot. Hmmm....told her my wt increase abt 1kg for 2 weeks and my food intake still the same except ate ice cream
Congrats to u first ya!
The nurse gave me a medela pump for me to stimulate my breast... But tried for 2 days also no single drop of milk...
I only manage to pump out little of colostrum when im bk home using avent pump... I believe the medela pump i didnt use enough speed.. U can try to increase the pump speed to test out.

Yr bb is in normal nursery right? U can ask nurse to bring yr bb to u for direct latch on... Maybe can stimulate yr nipples to produce milk.
Babyhopeful, I sign up for admission when i am 33 weeks plus. I asked Dr Loh if i should sign up, he said ok. Today Dr Loh's nurse asked if i have signed up. guess we can sign up around 34 weeks onwards.

Grumpus, i also dunno...she asked if dr say anything abt the weight or asked me eat less.
I saw in Jan MTB you bot the diaper organiser for #1, i am also thinking of buying leh...but want to wait for those 20% to buy coz quite ex. Dunno if OG selling, coz OG having 20% this weekend. Where did you buy urs?
Thanks for all the suggestions.

I don't drink fresh milk. Can only drink chocolate milk but scare babies will not be fair if drink chocolate milk
So I drink soya bean milk n yogurt daily. Dr Paul said ok to drink soya bean milk but it will cause a lot if gas in the stomach.

I just started drinking prune juice. Used to hate it but suprising I can tahan it now. Hubby is making sure I have vegetables n fruit every day. I told him to get banana but we can't find Malaysian bananas or the smaller bananans at NTUC.

These few days, my appetite was very bad. Have to force myself to eat. Hope will get better soon.

Panda-- Can eat ice cream? I used to take Ben n Jerry b4 preg but stopped. I miss it!

I more or less confirm my CL. She is a friend of my husband colleague's mother. I am quite amused by some of the CL that I called. One asked me to accompany her to apply for work permit, another said she is not availabe in March when I give birth but kept asking me to recommend her to mother who needs CL in Feb.
Ya the organiser is quite ex, but I tot it would be really useful for me cos bb cot in my master bedroom but all the stuff r stored in the other room.
When bb is small u want to attend to them quickly n not hv to walk back n forth to get stuff. I got mine from taka previously when they were having those 20%.
I know robinsons also hv. As long as the store carry munchkin products they shd hv it. So prob good chance at OG.
But u can only put light things cos the 'shelves' r not tat sturdy. If u put too heavy stuff the whole organizer will deform
Thanks .. so u popping in Jan or Dec … wow.. and good so Dr.Loh will deliver for you.. u need not worry abt his leave in Dec 2010.

Wow …aiming for natural delivery.. u also with Dr.Loh? any specific things to do for natural delivery?

U delivered natural ?? with epidural/no epidural ?? wish to follow ur steps… and have a normal delivery. Did u choose any nutritionist or dietician advise during pregnancy ??

U too in June 2011..? so 3 in june .

Wow thanks.. iam sure there are few more in may and june who have not logged in this thread yet.. I guess..

Can try with avacoda.. it has good fats and very nutritious.. helps in gaining healthy weight..
grumpus will check out og as part of my weekend exercise. I miss the robinson sale on wed though i was on leave. Seems to be good discount for bb products.

Fancy my edd is 10 jan, yup if deliver in dec will have to wait till after christmas when dr loh is back from leave.
Yes I have been getting my baby latch on, but no milk yet. I cant see if there is colostrum, but I assume so.
Should I still try with the hospital pump to stimulate before discarge? I m getting worried if go home no milk or engorement then dont know wat to do.
Yes i think u should continue to stimulate yr breast for milk while u still in hosp.. This will help u when u bk at home...
Hw long more u need to stay in hosp? Yr wound v pain?
My wound still v pain... Better when have binder...

When yr bb latch on... Does u feel pain when she suckle?
Cos my nipple v pain when i use pump...

yes, checked w dr paul. ice cream no problem...go ahead and indulge in some!

Gan, aiyoh.. dont worry about bb too big leh..it means bb is absorbing well mah. Besides, Dr Loh also never say anything right?

i m wide awake with a major tummy itch attack... applied the cream dr gave..but its not helping.. argh.. n so difficult to resist scratching..when the whole tum tum is itchy like crazy...
The hospital did not ask me to use the pump. Shd I ask them for it?
my wound feel more pain on right hand side. Wonder if there is a differece btw the 2 sides.
I m expierencing sthg abit scary. Woke up shivering at 1am..got up to get another blanket.
Then woke up at 3am and dont know why just felt like crying..starting crying and still now. Worry if its post natal.
Discharging today. Feeling stuffy in the hospital environment so cant wait to go home yet worry cant handle baby. Also cant believe I have a baby now.

Yes mine was natural birth with epi. R u having twins too? How many weeks now and what's their position?

My boy's head was down and my gal in breech. She came out in breech.

Do u hv anyone helping u with yr confinement? It's normal to feel overwhelm especially for first time mummy. Try to rest more, let others handle yr bb.

Pump or/and latch every 3 hours for 20 mins around the clock. Ask LC to teach u how to massage yr breasts. U can call LC if u hv doubts at home
wow i really wish its twins leh.. after so many year of struggle , i would have closed the shop.. :)
mine is singleton... too early .. iam just 13 weeks completed... but badly want a natural delivery...
any specific exercise.. i heard good amount of walking helps.. i didn't get any consultation with any dietician/nutritionist , so just eating whatever i feel healthy..

Congrats! Swimming is the best but whatever form of exercise u do, get approval from doc first.

I had gestational diabetes. Had to see a dietician to monitor my diet. No fast/junk food, oily food, etc.
Yes i think u should continue to stimulate yr breast for milk while u still in hosp.. This will help u when u bk at home...
Hw long more u need to stay in hosp? Yr wound v pain?
My wound still v pain... Better when have binder...

When yr bb latch on... Does u feel pain when she suckle?
Cos my nipple v pain when i use pump...
try to wear yr binder more often. i wore mine 24/7 for the 1st wk. stopped cos i had allergic reaction to the material.
but some c-sect mummies i know wore their binder for weeks.
it really helps.
my bm dropped when i took ginseng. Not sure if it will affect you cos my sil has no reaction to it but she is those type who got so much bm that have to store in other ppl's freezer and also can give away.

My nips still hurt till today even though my boy coming to 4mths. I can't wear a top without a bra and my bra has to be really soft and seamless at the nip area. I think my boy latch on ok. Maybe my pain threshold is low?
I been using avent electronic breast pump... Never tried latch on yet...
Its always v painful when i use the pump... Just now when i pump... Blood came out from the nipple...
Anyone using avent pump? I notice it cant adjust the suction speed... Am i using it correctly??
baby, blood from ur nipples?? Cld it be ur nipples too dry? Sounds painful!

Pandawife, how r u doing? Didn't see u post much today.

Grumpus, i bot the diaper organiser at robinson today. 20% off. Do i need to wash before use? I also bot a toy for my bb to fixed on her infant car seat, to keep her entertain when we go out in the car. Do i need to wash the toy too?

i didn't wash the organizer before use, but i did take it out and gave it a wipe down and airing.
if the toy is a soft toy then yes i suggest washing before using
