IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

PrayHard-- The bumper playmat is for infant or toddler? I am interested to buy. Which set did you get?

Baby-- Glad to know that you are discharged. Think you must miss your two darlings
Take care
clercler, i m still sitting at home..havent pop yet..heheh..but i tink soon leh. dont tink i can make it until xmas eve. my tummy is getting bigger and heavier by the day and its getting very straining for my body ...

will be seeing dr paul tomorrow to discuss about this...

maybe ur smaller twin is petite ... so smaller in size.. just rest n eat well.. i remember my girl was also smaller during initial scans.. but i kept talking to her to absorb the foods... now she is always leading in weight! hee....

babykingdom shld have a physical store.. i went down to view the item before buying. u can giv them a call to check the address?

baby, glad u r resting well at home.. must be looking forward to bringing the princesses home!
Happyhippo, Congrats on the arrival of you precious one! Enjoy motherhood now!

Dosb & Syrah, welcome to the club, Congrats!

Ladies, I went for my 32 week scan yesterday. My 2 girls are growing well, both within normal range. But my boy isn't. So dr Loh gave me one more week to see the growth of boy. If not progressing well, I may have to pop next week!!! If growing ok, then he said keep for 1 more week then pop the week after next!!!

It's all happening too fast. I hope and pray that my boy will grow. But looks like i have only 1 or 2 more weeks! Can't reach 35 or 36 weeks. Sigh!
Fruitree, Dr Loh only letting u keep the babies until 34 weeks?

But really beyond 34wk is very very challenging.. since this week, i have been having thoughts of waving the white flag every other day.. coz its really a challenge to carry the tummy weight..i cant sleep well, n feels terrible most of the time.. not exactly very healthy...

my hb says whichever day dr feels is appropriate for me to deliver, we will just got for it.. he doesnt want me to drag too long also...

I bought the Pooh Flower Hill (Size: L). Very nice. The colours are bright. My hb likes it a lot
Believe can use for both infant and toddler.
Panda, yes, Dr Loh reckons at most can hold till wk 34. Cos he's worried about my boy's growth. His bloodflow is reducing and this week his weight is considered below normal range, so better to let him grow outside.

Dr also sent me for CTG yesterday and blood test to check if my liver and all functioning well. Both results came back normal luckily. Then he also gave me the steroid jabs for lung maturation too.

Yah me too finding it tough to endure these days la. Last night I couldn't sleep. So difficult.
Panda, must eat fish.. Fish will help to produce more milk. I only take threadfin for the first 2 weeks.. Threadfin everyday.. For c-section my mum say cannot take ba qi too early cos it is to help the wound heal but if taken too early, inside not recover yet but outside heal then you thought you are well and do work or what. Will injured the body..
Fruitree..dr Loh v experienced..trust tht he is suggesting wats best for u n babies. Wk34 is oso v gd..safe to pop..babies r as mature as singleton wk36 already..plus d steroid jabs..all will b fine.

Wan..thanks for the tip..will ask my mum to buy the fish...otherwise I will only hv pork durin first two weeks.
How r u?
Ya i been eating ngor fish everyday now... Steam, fried... Cook soup with raw payaya...
As for fruits... Most cant eat.. I think can only eat apple.. Room temp ones...

Vegetable also not all can eat... Can only eat brocoli, cauliflower, kai lan, xian cai, long beans, holland beans...
Must eat lots of black fungus to clear stale blood...

Hosp just called say my gers passed the hearing test liao... See whether tml can cum home not... Really miss them...
Always wana cry when i think of him...
i ate loads of fish after delivery and when i was breastfeeding. threadfin, cod and sometimes salmon.
one slice for lunch and one slice for dinner all by myself.
cos i pumped exclusively i could tell that it does make a difference to the quality of bm produced.
more fish, bm is richer and thicker. less fish, bm more watery.
more plain water, more bm but watery type. more soups, red dates tea etc. more bm and bm is thicker.

Dr Loh also said the same thing to me many times " don't think u will last till yr next appointment". He was wrong so many times! He really scare me when he says such thing to me and I also puzzle why he never order me to bedrest at all.
Panda, true. I trust Dr Loh very much. Just too bad that babies have to spend some time in hospital to put on weight. Have accepted it.

Now I'm just organising all the other things to get ready and do at home. Need to try out the steriliser! Haven't try it out. And don't know what else. Luckily hubby is clearing leave from next week till year end, so can taichi all the work to him. And also need to book my massage lady! Hmmm, what else???

Threadfin is good in healing. Avoid egg till yr wound is painfree.

If bbs hv jaundice, avoid Chinese herbs and limit Ginger.
Singapoh, really ah? But I think yesterday he was quite serious. He said reaching trouble already. He actually said that. But he also said that it's safe for babies to come out now cos just need them to put on weight. I hope I can last another 2 more weeks.

Singapore, were you carrying singleton or twins? Dr Loh actually asked me to stay home since early Oct. And towards Nov, he also joked about me coming to see him in wheelchair. Yesterday was the first time, I did that, cos appt was in the evening and CTG almost 1.5 hrs at night,couldn't walk properly after that. Got all the stares from people at TPS. Ha ha.

Not sure if they were tested for diabetes but both blood sugar were low so had to be monitored till they reached at the safe level before can discharge.

Mine are twins but their growth were ok all the way. Birth weight 2.6 and 2.75 kg @ 36 weeks 3 days.

I moved house @ 34 weeks. Packed 50+ boxes and unpacked 40+ boxes. No chance to bedrest! Me walked till I popped siah..
I think I missed a question. Someone asked what is GD. it's gestational diabetes. I found out since 20 weeks. On strict diet..
Fruitree..talk to the babies..tell them to guai guai grow well inside for another two weeks. They will listen to mummy de.

Hehe..wheelchair! I window-shop at paragon on a wheelchair...got lotsa stares too ! Esp from elderly pple.

Grumpus, Singapoh..thanks for the tips!
Panda, can ask your mum to buy one whole threadfin to keep. Cheaper if you buy the whole fish but must have alot of storage space for that.

Baby, i'm still trying to control contractions. I realise I have more contractions in the evening after dinner.. Another 6 weeks to go!
I nv let my girl go for hearing test cos I feel that if really something wrong with her hearing then it will deprive her of a normal childhood.. Example we will treat her differently from the moment we learn the truth. Anyway, treatment will start late if there is really anything wrong with her so I rather wait til she is bigger then we learn the truth. Lucky she has soon feng er.. And ask hubby buy I c e for me softly, she also know I want ice cream. Haaa!
Btw, I think apples also cannot eat cos all apples are imported so they are kept in fridge, once in fridge, it's consider cooling to our body.

I very Kia su, I already have 10 bottles of home made rice wine at home. It's really good for confinement. If you have any lobang, better buy and cook with kidney or lean meat. Last time I took 7 bottles. Hope 10 bottles is enough.

Singapoh, are you and family feeling better? Weather is quite bad recently better stay home and rest. Drink more water and rest more.
Baby, did gleneagle's provide red date tea in jugs? The last time they only give me a cup for each meals and they are not enough. If now they still so stingy, I gt to prepare my own.
Singapoh-- Thanks for answering the question about GD. Wow, you moved house at week 34 carrying twins. You must be v strong! I also hope that I can be like u, tahan until week 36. Yesterday, I confirm with Dr again about my EDD. Dr said that EDD is end of March for 40 weeks. I told him for twins how to tahan till so long n he said that he just delivered one who is 38 week. I think if I can pass week 36, I v happy liao. If I deliver before week 35, I will not be entitled for my maternity leave cos I took MC for more than 2 months n only went back to work in mid Nov. Must really pray hard

BTW, did u but twin stroller? I m looking for one that is front and back. Don't see a lot in the market.

PrayHard-- Thank you. I likely to get the mat.

Panda-- I will call n see if I can go down to the store to view the cot. Thank you.

Read from the book that usually, the difference in weight is only more evidenced in week 28. But I am only week 24. Ok, will continue to talk to my girl so that she can gain enough weight. Hope she is as obedient as your girl, listen to mummy and start growing.

Fruittree-- U must be excited that babies are coming out soon. Jia You.
Oh then i shall avoid all fruits then...
Yes glen e provide red dates jug everyday.. They will give during lunch time...

The hearing test they do it on their own.. They nvr ask me.. Only tell me the result after done...

My mil also made rice wine for me... I took it for the first time today fried with vege... Taste nice.. But dont know can take so much if wana bf..

Btw i dont drink any plain water.. I only drink red date longan tea and soups.. I tot cannot drink water?
My c sect wound still v raw and pain when moving... Wonder when will it get better.. Can start massage aft one mth right?

U be gng for c sect or natural?
Singapoh, wow! That's a lot to do at week 34! How did you survive it man?

Panda, yup hubby and me have been talking to the babies. Hubby joked just now that now he's gonna give a firm pep talk. Ha ha!

I'm surely opting for C-sect epi, but i think it would also depend on the day if I can go for it. If I'm not wrong ultimately must wait for Doc's orders too right?

But my friends advised me against epi la. They keep saying got long term back pain problems whihch they cannot tahan and all. ANd they said you can't really see your babies also cos they will take them away very fast.

But I feel that even that few seconds is so precious. And I don't know if I'll have another chance to go through pregnancy again. For one, triplets...enough already. For them they will stil be trying for no.2 and no. 3 and so they can choose. What about you Panda? What's your preference?
Hi Clercler, yes am very excited and anxious all at once.

By the way, I saw a Graco brand tandom (front and back) twin stroller at either Baby Kingdom or Baby Hypermart in Kaki Bukit. Can be used from birth. Was selling at $398.
r u wearing a binder? i wore my binder almost 24/7 for the 1st wk. the binder really helps to immobolise and provide support for the wound so it doesn't hurt as much.
i stopped wearing my binder after a wk cos of allergic reaction to the material.
but if u can tahan is best to wear it for as long as u can.

Same as you, i wanna witness the moment the babies are out.. most likely not going to have number 4 too... once in a life time. I tink it will be a very memorable and touching experience.

I told Dr quite early in the pregnancy tht i wanna do c sect epi delivery.. tht time he says no problem... will probably confirm again tomorrow.

I heard from my fren.. the other difference with epi n GA is.. for epi, the pain will only hit 6-7 hrs after delivery.. for GA, the pain comes once you are awake. Not sure if its true.
Panda, what pain for GA? You mean at the stitches is it?

My friend tried both, epi for no. 1 and GA for no. 2 and she said she'd go for GA anytime as the pain is more bearable.

And they also say alot depends on the skill of the doc performing the epi jab. But i've decided on epi la. Once in a life time like u said.

How are you feeling now? So your doc will be advising you tomorrow on when you'll be popping?
Fruitree, yeah..pain at the wound...

actually both the epi jab n c sect wound recovery has some extend related to the skill of the doctors.

me ah.. smtimes i feel so uncomfortable tht i feel like i might lose my sanity leh. very scared of night time..coz body becomes extremely heavy and immobile.

i hope to discuss a date w my doctor tomorrow. abit scared he will tell me, "i see u one week later"...hahahahaha..... he told Angela at CARE that I can probably last until 36wk.

I have been monitoring my tummy.. until now, its always very soft... no signs of contractions..so i suppose if i can bear w the physical discomfort, i can stretch for another week.
baby, oh.. so nice they provide a jug now.. last time very stingy. end up i ask hubby buy instant milo so i can drink. you can also drink milo and breastfeeding milk. my confinement nanny say bf milk will help produce more milk. i don't know how true la cos i have been taking prenatal milk from the start.

my massage lady can start massage from 3rd day for natural and 2 weeks for c-section. don't wait til too late then do cos it won't be as effective. my sis did her massage at 2 months then no change at all. i done mine at 1 week plus. i 'slim' down soon after the 4th session. the lady will push the dirty blood out and adjust your womb to the right position. then she will also push all the water retention. so after massage i also pee alot.. heee..
the rice wine is good... if it's cooked, it's okay to consume cos all the alcohol will be gone but too much.. abit a day shouldnt be a problem. everytime after the wine meal, i have lots of milk. but if can use those old martel or xo to doubleboil chicken.. i will overflow if i drink it at night. haaa...

panda, need to ask you something, where u buy your pj?? i'm out growing mine..
wan, i bought Karmy PJ dresses from OG. Not exactly very nice looking..but comfortable and can accomodate the big tummy. of coz most importantly, doesnt break the bank account. Dont plan to ever wear them again once I stop nursing and slim down... hehehe..
i told my babies to give mummy some hints if they wanna come out soon....

today i have pooed 5times!! gosh... my mum says its sign i m popping very soon....
Hi, c-sect not as painful as some of u might hv heard. N binder helps to lessen e pain so it's gd to hv one if u r gog for c-sect...
Panda, I think you can tahan till 36 weeks la. Hang in there. You are doing very well so far.

By the way, your stools, r they loose? I've heard some old people say apparently if loose, then yes the time is nearing.
Fruitree, yes...loose stools.... esp as the day progresses.. i go toilet until i scared....

i hope i can go for my appt tmr.. dun wanna see doc in labourward yet..hahaha... last week sat appt, i friday see him in labourward liao. :p
Found this when i google:

Loose stools are caused by the release of prostaglandins in early which causes cervical effacement, softening, etc. Prostaglandins also can cause soft stools or diarrhea. Time until labor? Usually only a matter of a day or hours.
hi gers, just to update. I'm having 1 boy & 1 girl. today went for detailed scan & everything was fine, bb average sizes & the organs all fine too

Dr Loh already starting me on meds to prevent preterm labour. Today is my 20th wk, he also asked me to work from home & written on mc to start working from home at 25wks onwards

From now till the average twin labour period is abt 15wks !! ah... suddenly like so fast

Today the boy was pretty active towards the end of the scan, at 1st didn't want to cooperate until his sister's turn he came over to kaypoh & block her. Then when everything finished saw on screen that he kept kicking his sister (in the face somemore!) his kicks quite high & powerful sia... naughty boy!
JJ congrats having long feng tai...and your boy boy so cute.
Your company allows you to work from home?

Pandawife, so loose stool is a sign of labour coming? I just had another bad constipation episode...guess i won't be delivering so fast then. Have been contemplating should I take leave starting from 20 Dec when i am 37 weeks or 1 weeks later on 27 Dec.

Clercler, how come take MC more than 2 months dun have maternity leave? I have taken HL for about 7 weeks since preggy ... but so far noone mentioned that I can't have maternity leave.
Gan - ya the equip & job does cater for work from home scenario but the evil big boss is holding back allowing me to work from home

he even 'innocently suggest' that my work from home is it will be consuming my maternity leave.

Rubbish !! aniwei he is the devil in business suit. if need be I will talk to bigger boss
Gan, apparently it doesnt work the same way for everybody leh.. some pple hv constipation all the way.

i panic liao..hahaha.. asking hb to sterilize my bp parts now n pack everything together.. just in case smthing happens tonight or tmr morning...
Panda, I was thinking, maybe since u r carrying 3 and your babies are obviously taking up so much space that they could be squeezing your intestines much more. Especially since u r reaching 36 weeks.

Don't worry la. Anyway your babies are all of good weight now, so you are ready. Good luck and keep us posted.

My night time endurance test start already.
Fruitree..I mentally not prepared! My feet is swollen n painful tonight. Just had a slice of strawberry shortcake n a cup of milk. Endurance test starting soon too....
I think u will be the next one to pop... U will feel much relieve when the 3 are out.. U have aldy reach the safe zone so dont worry ya...

I miss my darlings so much now... Really hope they can cum bk tml... My hb aldy prepared the clothes they will wear bk.. Hehe..

Baby...u forgot Nancy. She is popping Tmr morning. Unless my babies oso can't wait..wanna join her boys Tmr ..hehehe
Ur gals r coming bk v soon...I m sure they miss mummy n daddy too
