IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Panda, do you strain a vein or ligament in the tummy when you get out of bed? I have this pain on the ligament when I push myself up this morning then it keep haunting me when I lie on that side of the tummy.. I think I really have to slow things down.
Tomorrow hubby going to do Christmas shopping with my girl.. It has been 2 weeks since I last go out..

Singapoh, no need to wait until dilate 10cm? My labour was 14 hrs the other time. I think this time round should be faster.
You with kkh? Did they ask for your permission? I'm worried abt going there as emergency then treated like speciment for those students..
Btw, you coping well with your girl at home? Must be real busy..

nancy! excited for u too.. gosh..we might be ward mates next week
i suppose to go for my 35wks checkup next fri if i dont pop... left less than 1 week, u can do it! 37wks is fantastic..

Singapoh, i am trying to hold on for another week... hopefully babies are cooperative.. hehe... dun wanna cheong first lah.. me scary cat! hahaha

wan, i used to hav this ligament problem when i turn myself too fast when getting out of bed...very terrible painful... trick is to do it slowly...now its ok.. just tht smtimes middle of night, my arms no strength to lift my heavy body ...hv to slowly push myself up .....

u wanna consider getting a wheelchair if u wanna go out? it helps to relieve the weight of having to walk around..

I planned to induce at 37 weeks but my twins couldn't wait. A day before I pop, I had gastric flu and doc checked and told me I already dilated 1 cm and having mild contraction. I didn't feel a thing! She said I will be returning soon.

Few hours later at 3 am + I had a gastric attack turned contraction! It was 7 minutes apart. I did a last minute packing and had a quick shower. My big son was having high fever so I briefed my mum how to take care of him. While in the car, my contraction was 5 minutes apart.

Reached KKH, I already 5 cm dilated, asked for epidural. I popped at 8 am+ From contraction till popping, it took about 4 hours +

For my previous delivery, I was induced twice. More than 24 hours later then I saw my baby. Contraction to popping ~ 7 hours +
Singapoh, wow! ur 1cm dilation reacted very fast!
alamaks.... i m still hoping can tahan 1 more week.... really hv to keep my fingers crossed...
pple will always either say 'oh tummy so big' or 'oh tummy so small'. never will anyone say 'oh, ur tummy is the right size'

so just ignore comments, its of no help to u at all. my doc said first time mummies normally small cause muscles still tight, which is a good thing.
anyway, my is also very small, no one can tell i'm due this/next wk.

its easy for pple to just pass comments, comments are free. so just enjoy ur motherhood, do wat u think will benefit ur baby okie
Singapoh, that's really fast! Then I better get ready my bag so only need to bath then can go in. My aunty told me for second birth don't take own sweet time. Cos mostly very fast. Now I know it's really very fast. Last time I still can surf net, play games for hours before going in. Must inform my hubby this time no napping for him. Wanna sleep go labourward then sleep. Haaa! Thanks for sharing your birth story.
Panda - actually I'm surprised 1 cm dilated can still go home n wait for one week. I see all the patients that come here start with 1 cm dilated then within hours to a day they would have dilated more? Hmm... Maybe here they give meds for them to dilate faster. I have no clue. Do u think u can feel yrself if u have dilated more?
working wife,

i also dunno.. i went to google...some pple take weeks to progress from the 1cm to actual labour.. some takes less than a day...

the nurse who did the ctg says i m not in labour yet.. coz tummy still very soft.. and my contractions went away after i calmed down.... i was almost in tears from the pain initially while having mild contractionsl leh.. n got the nurse gan chiong too..hahaha.. coz she was trying very hard to locate all 3 babies. :p

i tink if dilate somemore, the contractions will come back... or might hv other symptoms such as bleeding or waterbag bursting.
yes excited for u too
think u try not to be home alone from now just in case u need to go hospital anytime. We may popped at the same time. Am also surprised u 1 cm dilated and u allowed to go home. Anyway relax and hang on. U have done a very good job so far

Was wondering if the pd will be there with our gynae during delivery or they only come in after we delivered. Do u know ?

when are u due ? I check if my cl is avaiable during that period for u
how r u getting on? did dr f come see u this morn?
he asked me to go in for daily ctg, my last 2 days readings looks ok. wkend feeling lazy to go in leh...somemore raining.. really dont feel like going out. i guess he won't know any better whether i go in wkend or not hor. anyway, think he happy holiday already, where got time to worry about us ..heeheee. its gd lah, go for his well deserved break.
I have a eventful yday night...
I was disoriented.. Cant talk properly.. Scare my hb and the nurses... Dr f ask the resident dr to look at me.. In the end dr f came to see me.. It was aldy near midnite liao.. Dr f is v nice.. Nurses say most dr wont come at this late hr...

He spend some time talk to me.. Cos he say i was stay in hosp for too long liao.. Emotional cant take it.
He was came morning also...

PD will be there during delivery to check on the babies. do u know which PD ur gynae is using?

i m still at home..hehe.. my mil comes every day at nooon time to keep me company until my hb comes back in the evening.. if need to go hospital, my parents are a few blocks away too.

hb says i m so big now, he dont want to hv to move me to n fro my mum's place.. stay at home n minimise too much movements.

i kept telling babies to stay inside for another week...aim for wk35 if its possible...

after yesterday's episode, my hb super gan chiong liao.. his nesting instinct emerge again... he went to buy anti bacteria hand wash yesterday..haha.. wanna put at all the sinks.. n this morning did the final tidying up for bb room and guest room.

r u going for c sect GA or Epi?
oh dear, r u feeling better now?
do u stay in the ward 100% of the time? can you go downstairs to take a walk or sthg? at least get out of the ward for a while?
or ask dr f if u can go botanical gardens for a short walk or sthg? or even just go downstairs to have lunch or dinner or brkfast.
i think u really need to get out for some fresh air. it will help. keep us posted okie?
Baby, r u better now? Ur dr still looking at wk 36? Quite worried tht u can't handle it both physically n emotionally leh. Got to also consider after delivery u hv to be looking after the babies.
Because this is not my first delivery that's why so fast. I packed my bag @ 30 weeks coz 2 sisters here with twins popped around that week.

My gf dilated 1 cm. After few weeks nothing happen so went for induce labour. Her first.
Baby, wow.. Dr foong is really nice.. Near midnight still go.. How are you feeling nw? Don't think too much. Only one more week to go, u are doing real well.. Let's jia you together..
happyhippo n Singapoh-- Thanks for consolation
My hubby boils black chicken soup weekly and buys durian for me fortnightly. However, I just eat a little each time cos scare that they are heaty. My colleague told me her CL said that actually durians are not good for babies. However, my hubby's family who is cantonese believed that durians will make babies grow.

Nancy-- I am due around 24 March but babies may pop earlier as it seems to be quite common intwin pregnancy. Thanks for helping me to ask your CL.

Baby-- You are indeed v strong having to stay in the hospital for so long. Hang in there! Jia You.

It seems that many mummies are giving birth soon. All the best!
Baby, working wife., how r u gals today?

Me still sitting at home ..have an awful backache now...tried using heating pack..but the relief is only temporary. When I lie on my sides, the pain comes back again.

Trying to listen to music n zen..shall leave it to the babies to decide when they wanna come out.. Meanwhile I will endure...

Hope u gals r feeling better ...
Hi panda, glad to know ur doing well at home. Yesterday got another case of triplets made the nurses run around, I thought u again! But they said its ang moh

Me still in labor ward, used to it already. Its like my private room cuz they hardly bring anyone here. Dosage down to 3u, doctor still insist wanna try to bring down to zero. But we doing 1u at a time so hopefully uterus won't notice.

My doc going on leave on 12-22 Dec so which is my 34th week. - told him my personal target is 23 Dec anyhow also wanna wait for him
then he give me discount, said he actually touchdown on 22nd morning hehehe
so I must tahan till 22 Dec!

But now also have daily targets la. Everyday I wake up, I thank God for giving us one more day

Nowadays I sleep a lot. After bfast sleep till lunch, then evening 3 plus sleep till dinner and then at night 12 sleep till 8am. Maybe bbs growing zapping alll my energy.

Baby - how goes today?
working wife,

hee... i hope can sit at home until fri's appt w dr paul to plan for what's next.

u r doing well with the reducing dosage..seems like quite soon can go home?

i am also going on daily targets now....coz anytime can pop...

more sleep is good, it means babies are growing and taking ur energy.
i also struggle between staying awake and the discomfort of lying down to sleep. are u on the ctg the whole day? or u hv time off in between?
Panda - nah, I'm on it 3 times a day, each time for half hour to an hour. Initially it was moren esp first two days, almost 24 hrs. Until the nurse told me charge by hour, no need to do the whole time. Gave me a shock, faster reduce the time!
Singapoh-- Acocado, I don't like the taste. Hardly eat it. Feel that it is too slimy, hee hee. Thanks for the suggestion.
Singapoh-- I love bananas (in fact have been craving for it) but my friends told me not to eat bananas during pregnancy. Some said that can eat bananas as long as not Del Monte brand
You ate bananas during the pregnancy?

By the way, I am planning to go IKEA to but some stuff. Any good baby stuff to buy from there? I read from some forum saying that the baby cot is quite good.
singapoh, during bb stay in kkh after delivery, kkh will provide bb clothes for her? I just need to pack a set of going home clothes for my bb? Any swaddling blanket provided or i must bring my own? How abt my nursing wear? Can i wear the kkh gown during my stay and bf? Thks!!

Baby, working wife and pandawife, how r u gals doing?

I had all fruits except Avocado and durian. They were not allowed in GD. Get Belangan (Malaysia) banana. They are shorter and can last longer.

I bought the $79 cot from Ikea to put at my MIL's for my twin girl. Now not enough space for her to make a 360 degrees rotation. Using as a day bed now.

I bought chest drawer as a changing station. 3 years and still good.

U just need to bring a set or 2 (just in case yr bb puke on it) of clothings and swaddling blanket for discharge. U can wear their gown to bf.

No need to pack so much stuffs.

I also had those smaller msian bananas...everyday...2-3 pcs. helps with constipation as well as a healthy snack.

personally i find avocado too gross to eat by itself too.. what i did was mix it with another fruit n make it into a smoothie.. just add milk, 1 scoop of ice cream, some water and blend... very yummy

working wife, i always thought u are on the ctg 24 hrs... tht would hv been most uncomfortable! thank goodness there are sessions of it instead. hopefully ur dosage manage to go down again since yesterday.

gan, i m still at home... trying not to wonder when i will pop! hahaha.... but the bump is getting quite very uncomfortable. smtimes i hv thoughts that when i see dr paul this fri, i wanna tell him to arrange for c sect asap.
feel like a bad mummy.....
pandawife u r not a bad mummy, ur tummy is so big must be very uncomfie. I am having singleton, i already find myself uncomfie when i walk too long or sit too long. Can imagine ur uncomfortableness.
Actually these few days i got silly tots that when i see dr loh this friday, he wld tell me i will deliver next week.....i think i am eager to hold my bb in my arms. Washed all her 0 to 3 mths clothes yesterday. Her cot was delivered on sat too.

i swing between having thoughts of keeping them longer and getting them out faster! hahaah.. tink getting abit crazy tinking too much about it.

ohh.. ur cot just came.. need to air for a while leh.. if not hv a smell.... n also sun n air the mattress...

my clothes washing also all completed.. hb already sort n packed neatly into the wardrobe n chest of drawers.

when i was in labour ward last friday.. in one of the rooms one mummy just delivered, i could hear the loud crying sound of her baby... at tht moment, i suddenly felt very emo leh! i tink when i see my babies, i will cry!
pandawife, i confirm will cry when i see my gal! Hahaha...after trying for so long for our child and going thru the pregnancy with ups and downs. My hubby air and sun the mattress and also wipe the cot. I am asking him to learn to use the dryer so that he can wash the cot sheets and cloth diapers at our home. We washed the clothes at my parent's place and i got grouchy last night coz the clothes were not dry yet i have to make space for my parent's washing as they wanted to wash their clothes. Think the tiredness is getting into me.....i am so dragging myself to work lately and my temper doesn't get too good. =(

u r doing very well le, let ur baobeis decide their birthday.
Gan, must try to stay relax.... grouchy mummy no good for baby leh.

maybe get ur hb to take over the laundry? or split the babies clothes into smaller parts to wash...

I am struggling with each day... but trying to bear with it. thank gdness hb have been very supportive.. smtimes i see him so exhausted, i feel he is very ke lian too....
baby, how are you?

din hear from u ... today is vegetarian day.. i was tinking about u over lunch just now.. hopefully you are doing fine with ur princesses..


Split the laundry into different days. Maybe wash them in the morning then afternoon will dry up. After that, wash adult's clothing.

If feel tired, take a break from work. Go for a walk or a nice meal.
Singapoh-- What is GD? Sorry, a bit mountain tortise

Panda-- Good, will ask husband to get the bananas. I am getting v lazy these days. Even too lazy just cutting kiwi fruit into halves n washig strawberries. So bananas will be a good choice.

You should not think that u are a bad mummy. Carrying 3 babies demand lots of determination adn strength. You are my inspiration. I told myself, if you carrying three can tahan all the difficulties, I must jia you
I am seeing Dr Paul this Wed. Hope babies are growing well.

Gan-- Where did u get your baby cot from?
yes..hee..bananas gd for lazy mummies like us. i also dun eat cut fruits when i m alone at home.. only dinner time then my hb will do it for me. so the bananas are my afternoon tea break snack.. eat 2-3 plus a cup of milk.

i m sure u can tahan the journey too! all of us have our own difficulties to deal with.. esp so for multiples pregnancies. i get my inspiration for another mummy at CARE...she worked until she pop! so i tell myself, i m only resting at home, so i cannot complain.

I bought my cot from babykingdom. This is the model:


for a start, i can fit 3 babies into 1 cot...its one of the more spacious model around n doesnt break the bank account. can convert into toddler bed next time...comes with complete set of beddings, railings to convert to toddler bed and mattress.

After reading your post, I just realised that I havent arrange for delivery of my baby cot. hehe. Which level did you set the cot? Highest or lowest? Is the cot steady?

Have you pack your hospital bag already?

For baby's laundry, I washed them for at least 5 different occasions. When the weather is good, I will take out baby car seat or mattress to air under the sun.
Are u on facebook ? I will check ur my cl when she comes next week. Ur 24 march is week 40 right? I better ask her at week 37 abt 3rd march.

When u starting ur leave ? Try and relax ... Thought dec most pple go on leave so office will be " Eng Eng?" hee ...

how are u today ? Update us
nancy-- My niece helped me to set up a facebook account but I m really not tech savy. It is really under-utilised with no upload at all. My only friends are my 2 nephews n 2 nieces, haha.

Yeah, now then u have reminded me. Around 3rd March is my 37th week. Not end of March. Oh dear, I have not bought so many things. Better hurry now
I will confirm with my gynae this
pandawife and skies, i was ambitious and asked my hubby to wash the bb clothes in 1 load. =p could have asked hubby to wash at our home but the control freak in me want to make sure everything is ok, i.e the
clothes are washed properly. In fact was telling my hubby i want to crawl up the stairs to our home to check everything is ok for bb...such as cot, arrangement of her stuff etc. But hubby said no, no climbing up the stairs till i delivered.

Clercler i bot my cot from Tangs for $199. A few of us, working wife, baby, just faith bot the same cot. But the cot can't be converted to a toddler bed like pandawife, the dimension of our cot is smaller.

Just faith we set the cot to the highest level...i think cot is stable coz hubby didn't say anything....i only saw photos of the cot in our bedroom. =p i have put my baby homecoming clothes, maternity pads, disposable undies and the cordlife box in hospital bag. The rest not yet. Did u confirm with dr loh on his leave?

Nancy plan to take leave from 20 dec when i am 37 weeks. But today the mummies in my office said my tummy so high up, wont deliver soon...so thinking shld i take or postponed leave to 27 dec. not eng eng in office wor.....coz many on leave...couple projects i am the only one hanging aroubd
so busier. The lack of sleep at night is kinda draining.
actually if u hope for natural delivery, walking more now will help to make delivery easier. not asking u to cheong shopping or wat but just slow strolling and doing some activities is actually good.

I was at sitex last weekend as I was aiming for the last thing on my shopping list. A wireless printer! so that I can suka suka print from my bed. The following day, I found my tummy lower. Two days later, I was at Dr loh's office. As usual, he did not "admit" about his leave dates. Only mentioned that Dr John Tee will be doing delivery for his patients. When hubby teased him if we will get a discount if Dr John Tee deliver for me, he said no wor... in fact, Dr Tee is a Professor, we should be paying more. So L L loh... Scan says baby weighed 2.5kg as of 35weeks, heads down.

My dear ah, you dont have to wait for baby head to go down to stop working leh. You also need time to rest and get yourself prepared for the delivery. Though it is good to keep yourself busy, but dont work too hard lah...
grumpus, yes i do hope for natural delivery. Been walking for lunch daily, 1 bus stop away. Weekend, not say cheong shopping but will go to the malls walk walk and see anything else to buy for bb or christmas presents for friends...usually i walk 1 hr or 1.5hrs will tell hubby i want to go home coz the left side at the top of tummy aching and i wld feel very tired. Nowadays the weather too erratic to go park or downstairs for stroll after work. How r u doing?? Didn't see u here so often lately.

Just faith, i also went sitex last week to buy a digital cam for my mum. Went the parenthood fair too. my bb also headdown but not engaged. Aiya why dr loh dun want to admit his leave? So is dr john tee deliver for us if bb early? That means our next appt will be with dr tee too? Did dr loh do a strep b test for u? Wonder when we suppose to do this test if we going natural.
i'm doing ok. frantically trying to beef up my little girl so she'll cross the 2kg mark...hehehe
other than that just busy with my elder girl. i'm always here reading the thread but recently alot of action with the multiples mummies and i hv nothing to contribute so never post lor.

i also get that left side top of tummy ache lei! mine is like almost perpetually there. wanna ask my dr the next time i see her liao.
hv u been going hospital for ctg these few days?
how r u doing? dont see baby posting, a bit worrying, hope she is doing ok.
me can't wait for doc to be back.
when r u expected to delivery? r going to induce or c-sect or wait for nature to take place?
grumpus me too..the feeling is like the skin at the top of my left tummy is burnt? can't really describe the pain/ache but only left side.

When is ur next doc appt?

Oh yrs is the skin? Mine is inside lei feels like cramp but is always there.
My next appt is this fri, I get to see my girl every 2 wks now....hehe
