IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Yup the first two days im in icu... Due to fits and high bp..
Everyone was so worried abt me esp my hb and mum... Really scare them...

Im trying to stimulate my breast with pump every 4 hrs... 5mins pump on each side for 15mins... Is this enough?

U will relieve when yr 3 is out thou the wound hurts lot...
Everything is worth it when u see them...

Baby..I can sense u r ooozing joy n happiness! I m looking forward to meeting my little ones..just waiting for the right time.
try to pump every 3 hrs instead. some very ks mummies even pump every 2 hrs! now is a good time to spend time pumping cos when the girls are home u won't hv as much luxury to keep to a strict pumping schedule already.
i used to pump abt 5 mins on one side, switch sides and pump 5 mins. then switch back to the first side and pump another 5 mins, then back to the other side for 5 mins. so total 20mins, 2 x 5 mins on each side. later on when the milk supply kicks in then i pump until breasts are empty.
Thanks for the tip!
Im still in hosp.. Will try to pump every 3hrs.. Hopefully milk will kick in soon...

Yup we are all so happy with the twins! So far only me n hb can go in to nicu to see the bbs... Others can only see thru window...
My legs swell up right before delivery.. So i believe tat is a sign for me...
I can imagine yr thrill when u see yr triplets!! So excited for u mann...
Checked in hospital ardi for inducing tmrw. Tot i was quite calm abt the whole thing.. But was wrong. Dont knw why keep tearing. Think getting nervous abt the whole.
Baby, didn't know you in icu.. That's quite serious.. Then you know what's going on?? Glad it's all over and you are well now.. So scary... Your family must be very heartpain. Next time girl girl must be guai guai and good to mummy..

Happyhippo, you should be happy to see your baby soon. Remember to charge your camera and bring charger along.don't worry only a few hrs of waiting then 10 mins of pushing and you are mummy! Take a few good family pictures.. Rest as much as you can before the pushing part. Cos after baby is out, wanna sleep also cannot.. Need to feed every few hrs. So have a good night sleep now..
Congrats on your new arrivals after such a dramatic episode. Goes to show how unpredictable things can happen.

So all mummies, take care and be safe, especially multiple mummies who are at a higher risk.

Waiting for your good news...
Pandawife, sorry cant help you on that.

Recently, I also poo more than two times a day.... but did not exceed 3. At first, I thought it was because my tummy getting lower, and the little one is adding more pressure on me.
Hi ladies,

I m down with flu. Past 2 days I had high fever, now mild one. Doc told me I hv throat inflammation. I thought I was having another round of mastitis! I m on antibiotic now.


Congrats! I massage and pump both breasts at the same time for 10 mins then massage and repeat for another 10 mins. Dun worry if u pump out air only coz u r stimulating yr breasts to produce milk. I pumped every 3 hours around the clock. This method is taught by KKH LC.
happyhippo have a smooth delivery!

Prayhard, u check the email u register with singapore motherhood for pm.

Pandawife/just faith i wish i can poo like u....i had bad constipation in 3rd trimester till i have piles! Eating kiwi, prune juice didn't help much. =(

Singapoh better drink more water and rest more to recover quickly.

Today on leave, can be tai tai, so doing my pedicure now and later facial. =)
Gan, what? piles ah? scared leh.... imagine if we cant deliver natural.. but do c-sect. having piles will be very xin-ku for us...

This pregnancy I did not have any constipation, maybe I have been drinking lota water.

Yesterday I felt really weak. Nap many times. Have to wear a mask when I go near my kids. They are also unwell. Faintz!
its ok de.. request to see the lactation lady. she'll help u to collect de. but be prepared its quite painful cos she will help u squeese it out.. but continue pumping n stimulating thou nothing really comes out at this moment. u can de.. jia you! oh, maybe u can pump 1 side 10mins each. repeat for a few times.. it did help me.. but mine faster cos hospital gave me dual pump.. drink more fluids..

my ss seems to have dropped these few days.. so sad! i have been diligent in pumping ever 3 hours leh.. but at times cannot even pump 100ml. last night there was 1 pump, i only managed to yield 80ml after an hour of pump.
singapoh, shld be the weather, sometimes very hot, sometimes raining, so cold.

Just faith, yes piles. =( pooing is a chore for me....was telling my hubby if only dr loh can remove the piles during my delivery. =p
R u drinking enough fluids? Need abt 3-4 litres of fluids a day to produce abt 1L of milk. Try drinking a hot drink before pumping. R u getting enough rest? Tired n stress will also cause ss to drop. Any hard parts on yr breasts indicating blocked ducts?
R u using the same pumping method? Stimulate/pump on one side, switch to other side stimulate/pump. Switch back to first side and repeat several times.
Dun worry, keep up that method and u can build up yr supply again. Ss doesn't stabilize until abt 6wks.

Jia you!
Erm.. I try to drink as much water, soup as I can le.. But 3-4 litres, erm.. maybe not that much ba.. Rest arh, I think I'm getting enug as I do take afternoon naps now..NO hard parts on breast. The other day have then I press hard on it and managed to clear it..

Yes, I'm using the same method of pumping, pump right side 10mis, then left side, then right and left again...

Somethimes up sometimes down.. Today so far still seems ok... But yday quite sad to see pump so long and so little milk...
just faith, gan
Actually, c-sect does not affect the piles. Its natural delivery, need to strain that section, sometimes, if the tear is long and need to repair, hope the piles don't burst while repairing otherwise, the pain is unbearable.

Try to take more fruits,greens and acidophilus, it will help clear bowels and piles. But if really big ones, then faster to do a small procedure. But don't think you want to manage natural delivery wound, if any and piles removal together.

Take care, the worst thing is to fall sick and have to take care of kids, tired also can't rest.
last time i kept drinking the red dates longan drink even after confinement. everyday i boil one pot abt 1.5L and make sure i finish so i know that is at least 1.5L already. then plus water/soup etc try to hit at least 3L.
but ss will go up and down cos there are so many factors affecting ss. when yr AF come back will also affect ss. then very xian one every mth got one wk ss is super low. then u work hard for 3wks to build up again then kenna Af again.
dun stress too much. if not enough can always supplement with FM. but dun give up! some BM is better than no BM
Thanks, Gan. Managed to read my PM

Hi Pandawife,
How much you paid for your cot?

Btw, any mama who missed the earlier BP for the bumper playmate organized by Smallsmallworld, it is back again. Same promotion as before.
Singapoh, try to hv more rest.. u need to recover well to look after the kids....

Gan, i eat either bananas or papaya everyday. Plus plenty of water n milk.. but i used to hv constipation too... now suddenly keep pooing..hehe...

PrayHard, i paid $299 for the whole set, in natural wood color. That time they hv promotion, now i tink the price went up. I top up $20 to change the mattress to the one that has holes.
Yup..v sturdy n stable. The wheels k remove if u dun want if I remember correctly. Tht time when I bought it..the sales person told us it's promo price for limited period.
thanks for informing... i missed that offer...
Will go and search the thread again..

i dun like the red dates water leh.. i'm still waiting for confinement to be over so i dun need to drink that.. but for the sake of ss, I'll gulp down more fluids..
After c sect.. I notice my lochia flow is not much le... Its like staining only... Is it normal? Natural birth has more lochia is it?
erm.. Mine also not a lot. But it lasted long. Even till now also have.. But I realised I dun need to use maternity pads at all. Cos really not much. I think maybe its cos I bleed quite a bit during the early stages of the pregnancy so lochia not so much..

But I also realised that when my milk ss is good, less lochia, milk ss lesser, more lochia.
Baby, I think the dr will clear for you during the surgery. For natural, dr also try to clear but still alot. Maybe you can ask dr.
Ladies, finally get to see and hold my baby. Its such a wonderful feeling. Did c sect after whole day of inducing coz baby didnt turn right position. Hope my wound will recover nicely
Happyhippo is really happy now! Hee.. Congrate! Don't eat too much Ginger for the first week. My mum say it will give scars. And don't take chicken for the first 2 weeks eventhough hospital give. Cos chicken consider poison, after 2 weeks then can eat. And fruits! No fruits cos too liang. Enjoy your moo moo days!
congrats all new mums!!!

i just took BT yday, hcg at 2300 16dp2dt. Anyone can remember their hcg result? Was it singleton or twins with such levels?
Happyhippo-- Congratulations!

Finally get to access the internet. Hubby kept forgetting to on the switch for me. The switch was under my study table n quite difficult to reach. Then I really cannot tahan not accessing the forum n squat down to on it.

Seen Dr Paul yesterday n he said one of the twinis 2 weeks behind the other. He said needs close monitoring so must see him every 2 weeks. But glad to know that at least both are growing. Dr was worried that one may stop growing. Must really pray hard.

Panda-- When I could not access the internet, I kept thinking if u have pop, haha. Glad that u are moving nearer to your target -- Christmas Day
The book that u recommended Mothering multiples breastfeeding & caring for twins came. The other is out of stock. Now I have something to read to occupy myself. I have no more VCDs to watch n keep asking hubby to buy.
Panda-- I am interested to buy the cot that u have from babykingdom. Can we get to see the product? The website indicates that it is an online store n does not have any retail shop. Thanks
thanks syrah! How many wks preggy are u? How early did u get to do ur 1st scan, i'm suppose to scan 2 wks time, when i'm 6 wks plus. Is it too early to see?
Yup i was discharged yday.. Now resting at home...
Bbs still at hosp.. I think gng discharge these one or two days.. Cl will be cuming tml... Hopefully bbs are home by then..
I have started to pump bf.. Only manage to pump out v little.. So i use syringe to suck the milk out to mix with fm for bbs at hosp.. I think its the colostrum cos its yellowish in color...

I'm 12wks now. My first scan was not scheduled as I had spotting n rushed down KK 24hrs. That was late wk4 & saw 2 sacs. The scheduled one was at late wk6 and cfm 2 heartbeats. R u with KK? The practice there is detailed scan at AMC on wk6. Afterwhich will have to register as new patient and see doc on wk8.
