IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

Panda, I mean cannot be your babies all be at the top of your tummy mah.. Btw, your mil will be taking care of the babies?? Then you have more problems to come.. Even own mum also will have conflicts, let alone mil. Sorry huh.. Being straight.. Next time just close one eye on your mum, close two eyes on mil.. Hee hee..

Baby, huilan also quite fierce at times.. But she okay with me.. Hee.. Angeline I let my hubby deal with her. She better towards male. Jenny doesn't really help leh.. Cos she belong to dr ng. The other two dr nurse more difficult to deal with. They shout out your medical info to everyone in the clinic..
I research on cord blood before then it shows that if baby has a problem in future, they also cannot use their own cord blood cos there will be genetic link ma. Means cord blood born with that problem too. It's more for the siblings.. And if in future really need cord blood, can get from public bank not necessary to store privately. The cost need to be renew annually. Personally, I don't think it's worth it. I would rather donate them.


yup..next time my mil, n parents helping to look after babies.. hehe.. my parents already foresee i will hv problem w mil... thts y they insist i get helper too... so tht i can hv "time out" from my mil...

smtimes i tink tht might also be why my mum wants me to go back to work....coz if i stay at home w all of them.. chances are there will be more conflicts :p

i woke up with very sore and aching tummy and hipbones... gosh.... this is one of the worse nights...

we also wanted to donate babies cordblood..but the public cord bank does not accept donation from high risk or or multiple pregnancies. so thats out. don't plan to store as well...
wat time did u talk to dr f? he worked so late?
he kind of implied that ya i probably can wait a few more days. he checked my cervix and said its still quite tight. but guess he also cannot guaranteed.
sometimes i find it hard to understd wat exactly he is trying to say... coz everytime after he leave, i will double chk with my hubby if tat's what he is saying.. hahha maybe its just me.

haha ya i also agree with ur comments on the nurses. the otr 2 drs's very loud, the whole clinic can hear wat the patients are there for.

btw, is there such a thing as less activity/less walking/etc, so that baby can stay inside longer? me just thinking of how to keep baby inside till dr f is back next wk
Panda, hope you are feeling better now..
Don't know izzit maternal instinct or what, I turn into a very protective monster after birth of my girl. So when I see people not doing their outmost for my girl, I tend to turn into incredible hunk! Heee.. Imagine with 3 babies, you will be green monster most of the time. I think maybe first time mum so will be more gan chong.. Old people are full of weird ideas.. So next time when going pd, remember to bring all the caretakers along. Let the dr explain to them then they listen.

Happyhippo, if labour start, you must walk ard so it will be an easier labour. I remember going shopping when my waterbag leak.. Instructions from dr. Haaa!
I think if you wanna wait for dr's return then better talk to baby and try to rest in bed. Since walking helps in labour then not walking ard should hold the process??
So excited for you! Only a few more days!
He usually comes for rounds ard 7plus in the evening..
Ya sometimes the tins he say makes u wonder what exactly he means... Haha... So i usually will confirm with him again...
U sit tight ya.. Im sure yr bb will deliver by dr f...

Ya mann.. Hate the two assistants frm the two drs.. Talk damm loud.. And so fierce.. I find the patients so poor tin.. Pay so much still must kena scold..
Last time jenny is with dr f.. So im quite good terms with her.. Huilan fierce meh? Maybe she more on the book... Angeline is ok.. But must see her mood one.. But so far im ok with her.. Probably i stay with dr f for too long and too frequent liao esp these 2 yrs.. Imagine with 4 iuis.. 2 ivfs.. 1 fet.. Hee..

So manage to slp well yday? I know how it feels.. My bump not as big as yrs aldy have hard time slping..
Endure for a little while longer ya..

Yday i pee every one hr.. So pai seh to call for nurse for bedpan till one nurse say how come so many pee ask me i got pain not.. Is it infection.. Haha.. I say no.. Cos really got alot of urine come out.. Think i drink too much water before i slp...
Panda, heard u were in TMC next room labor ward today for some pain but now went home already
thk goodness nothing happened.

I heard the nurses running around saying I hv no machine, triplets leh!! So gan cheong. Then after that nurse told me it Paul Tseng's patient then I ask is it Rina? She said yes
Working wife..yes! I had my labour ward ctg exp..v unpleasant! When dr Paul came..first thing i ask was if can get all those knobs off my tummy!

Dr check my cervix..already 1cm..he says expected..n I might b due anytime this week! My contractions v mild initially n after a while all gone ..nurse says my tummy very soft..will not pop today...

Babies r growing well..2.1, 2.2 & 2.3kg..dr Paul says if pop anytime it's ok..not likely they will need nicu.
Baby, ya! Pay so much then they sometimes talk so loud. Moreover, they will scold patients.. Like you don't understand, they will scold.. So irritating lor. Lucky huilan not like them.. Me with dr for 5 years already.. I told Angeline, I'm worried abt the high cost, then she say 'don't worry, you are regular already, dr will charge you cheaper'.. Don't know how true..
Wan..I m not prepared leh! dr told me if the nifed tablets cant stop the contractions n babies r big enuff..it's better to deliver. He will see me next fri again..hopefully babies can wait until then. The nurse at his clinic says she got gut feel she will see me again before I m due..haha.. I really hope so.

Abit disappointed if cant hv Xmas eve babies..but dr says come this far is v gd liao..
Wow panda!!!! U always wonder who's next, might be u!
v excited for u. Bbs cross 2kg mark can breathe sigh of relief. Hey, remember to inform once u popped ok. I wanna come visit u. Give me a chance to get out of labor ward!
Working wife...yeah I book single room but seems like peak season now. Just now the admission staff told my hb all single rooms r full this week.. Left 2 bedders.
Aiyoh..I hope can tahan..dun pop so soon..but I think my body is telling me otherwise....
Oh my god!! How come so sudden!!
I never expect u will be the next to pop leh...
U aldy 1cm dilated??? Means cervix aldy open? Still can tahan 1 more week ah?
Dont worry since dr paul says yr bbs will be well... Just go with the flow...
So now u are bk home? Y u will go labour ward? Pain?

Ya huilan also told me dr f might charge me cheaper cos he see me aldy spend so much.. Hmm.. Dont knw how true.. She say cos im local.. Cos dr f has alot of expat and ang mohs.. And alot of them has insurance to cover for pregnancy.. So dr f wont give discount..

I ask huilan how come the other two nurses so fierce and loud.. She say cos dealing with indians.. Must be firm with them.. And they are with dr for a long time liao... But dr f patients cant use this kind of treatment cos alot expats and they expect service..

Working wifw
How r u today? Drip reduce to what dose liao?
Did dr say when u can go bk?

i felt cramps...so went labour ward...
i m back home..hehe... dr paul says might pop anytime.. i also dunno.. now just play waiting game... not sure if can wait 1 more week too... if cannot means next week will pop...i din expect this to happen too... like so fast leh! i wanna faint liao...

i tink dr paul has intention to stop my nifed if i dun pop by next friday. just now he told me just take it for 1 more week... nurse also gave me exactly 1 week supply.....

i feel my body like giving way leh... suddenly whole body dun feel right..aching n in pain here n there....
panda just saw ur posts, u r 1cm already! So now is anytime? But if c section, does how many cm dilation matters? I am excited for you! Like working wife said, if u pop same time as nancy, can have a celebration at TMC. =)
the cramps is like menstrual cramps?

I am feeling alot of pressure at my pelvic area these few days....and seems like the area there is swollen...not sure if normal in pregnancy.
Panda! You're doing great. Your babies have crossed the 2kg mark, that's most important. Wah, suddenly so exciting! Can't wait to hear about your experience. Now you are 34 weeks right? You've already passed the safety zone and you don't need to worry. Now just need to look forward to your long awaited cuties to arrive!!!

I had menses like cramps again last night for about 10 mins. ANd again felt my girl's head, this time more to the middle. I think she is getting into position. I think I better go hospital today just in case.

I called KK earlier, the admin girl told me to go to A&E. Anyone going to KK here? Is this it usual practice?
fruitree, i will be delivering at kkh. I think the admin meant goes to the delivery suite if u r not feeling well since u r more than 24 weeks preggy. I went there once coz i felt no movement of my bb for 4 hrs, so went there had a ctg. The mo or doc in charge will also check on u.
I think its normal for u.. Cos having 3.. They are fighting for space inside u.. They cant wait to get out too..
If can tahan another week.. U will be 35w.. It will be better.. But its not for u to control so leave it to fate.. Dont think so much ok.. I know how scary it is for u now.. Did u have any bleeding? How come aldy 1cm dilated le?

Dr told me after bbs are born.. They will drop weight.. Abt 10%.. Did dr give u steriod jap?
i dunno leh.. dr paul din tell me need to be how many cm..hehe..but he says it cld happen anytime.. depends on babies.

fruitreee, the cramps is not labour contractions.. this morning nurse told me if its labour contractions, it will be whole tummy tighten or harden ... mine was just mild contractions tht feels like mentstrual cramps...

baby, no bleeding leh.. but i tink coz so much weight in the tummy..body is preparing for delivery... dr paul also told me just try for 1 more week with nifed...if cannot work, just deliver.. no problem....

no steriod jab..hehe.. i tink coz babies already equaivalent to singleton 36 weeks development...so mature enuff..
Gan, that's why i asked the admin whether I can go straight to delivery suite, she said no, go A&E first. Then the doc there will check and send up to labourward if need be. So fed up with her. I knew she didn't know what she was talking about.

Ok, I'll just go straight to labourward. But only MO will check huh? Our doc won't check?

If any emergency happens at night, who do we call or just go straight to labour ward?

Thanks Gan!
Panda, you have really done a good job by holding on so long.. Next week alot of babies popping.. It's babies week! Hee.. I am 2 cm dilated when I admit the other time. Btw, you can do natural??

Baby, I always wonder how cheap dr will charge.. But I nv ask him straight in the face before cos my hubby say since you ask him charge half the price then he do half the job. Although I know dr foong is not that kind of person but pai sei open mouth ask him.. Hee..
The old nurses will scream and shout at Chinese too. Only 'ang moh then they better abit. Btw, Angeline also better to angmoh. So my hubby always disturb her. Haaa!

So envy all of you going to pop soon.. I still struggling.. Hope this 7 weeks faster pass safe and sound for me.
Thanks Panda. I'll monitor some more then. Wah, the time has come close for many of us. All dec/ jan. Can't believe it and don't know what to expect also. So exciting!
fruitree, so far during my pregnacy when i went to kk 24 hrs (which i assume is the a&e mentioned by the admin, dr loh never checked on me but the doc in charge there. Except once i was bleeding and dr loh happens to walk into 24hrs, the nurse told him abt me and he checked. When i go delivery suite that time, dun think they inform dr loh. They just did ctg to check if i am ok. But i guess if they detect anything, they will inform dr loh.

I assume if emergency at nite, we go straight to delivery suite and if anything they wld inform dr loh.
Fruit tree and gan,

Was actually thinking it may be better to go 24hrs woman clinic if you are in pain and cannot walk to level 2 of delivery suite. The 24hrs will have nurses to wheelchair you up while husband parked their vehicle after alighting you at 24hrs clinic.

But if you still can walk and not panicking, then can just get the wheelchair from the carpark area and let husband push you to level 2 of delivery suite...

The thought of it just makes me tensed up...i wonder if the contraction pain would be like those shown in drama serial...scream like mad?...
Singapoh, I'm aiming for natural.. Cos without any help, i must recover in time to take care of the babies. The last time i remove my fibroid, it took me 2 mths to recover that 7cm wound. I can't imagine how long I will take to recover from the 10cm wound from c-section. Btw, how is natural birth for twins? Izzit very tiring? How long do you push? I remember using 10 mins to push my girl out. This time round I wonder if the twins would just slide out.. Heee..
Hi ladies,

Check with you, have you gals bought nursing bra? How many you have bought? Also nursing PJs or tops?

And what do we need to pack for the emergency bag?

Many thanks.
Rose, last birth, I only buy 2 nursing bra from marks&spencer. Cos i wasn't sure if I will have milk. This time round I bought 6 bras.. Buy a cup bigger than your current size. Most likely won't go out when baby is small so I think no need nursing tops or gown. Maybe at home you can buy this top with buttons or sleepwear with buttons. Personally I find nursing wear unattractive...
Hospital bag will depend on which hospital you are going..
thz! i bought 2 nursing bra from mothercare, a bit kiasu to buy now...but want to make sure all settled when i can move ard.

cant wait for xmas n cny to come fast...waiting is torturing.

Wah then shud be faster for u this time!

I pushed my single baby for 1 hour +. Out Liao still dunno. Hehe.. My doc said if 3.37 kg bb no problem for me then 2 smaller babies are easy.

I was told that I was in the OT for 45 minutes only. Twins are 8 minutes apart. Down there so numb can't feel anything but I just pushed Lo. My 1st bb was sucked out by vacuum and 2nd bb came out unassisted in breech position.
After delivery, I was asked to lie down so that they observe me. On drip for 12 hours. I think it's a protocol for multiple delivery.

When I had my single bb, I went bk to my room in wheelchair.
You having menstrual like cramps? Better monitor and be careful k.. Cos the other time I also had menstrual like cramps b4 my water bag broke. Its not very painful. Its bearable de. Just that u feel crampy. Its like on off type.
Rose, welcome.. I think we ard the same Edd so it's not too early to buy bra. Must wash and pack inside hospital bag too.

Singapoh, only 45mins?? But why you not in labourward but in ot?? Then hubby can come in? My girl is 3.555kg.. Hopefully the two babies should be a breeze to push out...
working wife,
You were in labour ward too?

Oh my.. I never come in few days and so happening now..

I feel so excited for u!!!!
Wan, i cant do natural.. too risky. confirm will be c sect. i also dont hv confident to natural 3 babies....*sweat* hahaha

tickles, yeah.. i also worried abt waterbag... tonight onwards will start using the maternity sheets on my bed.. just in case...

i tell babies dont play too violent... gentle abit..tahan for another week...

hehe.. i start to feel nervous.. aiyoh...
Yalor, for 2 weeks now. Same thing like baby, contractions on off so hv to be on drips and oral meds. As long as still got contraction, must remain on drips. But I'm 32w 1d now leh. At least baby passed crucial 34 wks already. I must continue to work hard for my precious bbs.

Girls, any of u had a baby shower? I wished - had one before this. Always dreamt of having one of those girly ones with dainty cupcakes and sandwiches, girly games and pressies
heheehe... Now ah... Maybe after bbs born, hv welcome baby shower lor.
Dear ladies-- I have been having kind of depressed these few days. My boss used to be quite supportive of my pregnancy when I went for MC for than 3 2 months due to bleeding. However, she just showed her displeasure to me on Tue n asked me to go back to meet her for a project despite I m on mc. Then she wanted to be to finish the project by this month. I am at a loss of what to do with the project as I m doing it for the first time. Cannot really get help from colleagues. I need the job as hubby just started a business n a large part of our fund have been channelled there.

I am also v affected that many colleagues n relatives commented that my tummy is small for twins at 5 motnhs. I m slightly underweight b4 pregnancy n has out on 8 kg at my 22 weeks. My last detail showed that one baby has mild growth restrictions. Dr Paul said it is a concern. Will be seeing him next Wed. I am obsessed with my tummy size. Have been looking at the mirror alomst every 10 min. Don't know why m getting more emotional these days
Just hope babies are ok.

Panda-- You take care. Guess u will be too busy looking babies after delievery to surf the net. Will definitely miss your presence.
working wife,

i dun hv energy for baby shower.. hehe... but definitely will hv a nice one for welcome baby shower...
smthing to look forward to..

this morning i was on the ctg for about an hour, it was very very uncomfortable leh.. on the way home told my hb that u and baby both must hv suffered alot...

it sounds like u might hv prenatal blues coupled with all the stress. maybe you shld hv a talk with ur boss about ur current health condition and her expectations of u? if need, dr paul can always write a letter to verify that u need rest due to the pregnancy.

it seems like for most 1st time mummies, our tummy always start off smaller.. but once u reach ur last tri...it will start to explode!! if u read the older posts, most of us hv been thru this phase..hehe.. about pple commenting tht we hv tummies too small! dont worry too much.. dr paul told me before.. small tummy means strong abdominal muscles.. and tummy size doesnt not mean baby size. most impt is babies are growing well.

dr paul is very experienced w multiple pregnancies and will do what is best for u n ur babies... ur job is to rest well and grow babies

r u on FB? can add me [email protected]
i hope can still be like Singapoh..hee.. come in to support the mtbs even though she has delivered.

Dun worry about tummy size, when i was 5 mths preggy i have colleague who told me my tummy is her size when she was 3 mths preggy....in fact my tummy was not that big and few ppple tot i was putting on weight instead of preggy! =s But tummy starts to balloon when i am 7 mths plus....now the tummy is so big that a few of my colleagues tot i am going to pop soon. Dr Loh also told me tummy small is because of strong abdominal muscles, so dun worry.
Clercler, what do those people know abt tummy size.. They have twins before? So just ignore them. 5 months is still early. Wait til you are 7 mths, you will beg for it to stop growing that fast.. Heee.. I used to think my tummy is nt that big and still managable 2 weeks ago. Now I have difficulties sitting on a stool cos my tummy are pressing on the legs. I can't even wash my hands from kitchen basin cos tummy is in the way. My hubby say they are growing by the day. Obvious growth..
Your dr is just being straight forward. Mine nv mention much but he request I go for growth scan every 4 weeks from 24th week. Baby also nv go for this scan although we from same dr. He did mention one baby is smaller than the other therefore we need to watch out. Then nothing much. So you don't worry too much. At most only more scans.
wan, i know the feeling of cannot wash hands at sink.. i cant brush teeth at my masterbedroom sink too! coz tummy is in the way.. n i havent gone close to the mirror for ages!

luckily my common toilet one is lower..plus all the weight now...i sit down to brush my teeth n wash up in the mornings n nights...
Dear ladies,

Thank you for your assurance! I definitely feel much better now. I will control my obsession looking into the mirrors. As my living room walls have many full length mirrors, it is so tempting to look at them

As for work, I will try whatever I can for the project. My boss is aware of my complication but I think she has lost her patience. If I really cannot tahan it, will talk to her. Just hope that she will understand.

I think Panda is right, I am suffering from a bit of prenatal blue. Guess as I am always alone at home, thoughts run wild. But I am quite happy and relieved as my mother just informed me that x-ray has indicated that her cracked bone has healed and she is feeling less pain.

We as IVF mothers have gone through so much. Let's jia you together! Thanks
Panda, haaa! Me too.. I can't floss my teeth well cos mirror is too far. So just agar agar... But I still stand while brushing teeth. Only sit when bathing. Even sitting is a problem now. I don't remember having such problems with singleton. Or maybe the huge tummy period only last a few weeks before birth. And the weight is still bearable. This time, my legs wobble when I walk to the toilet and walk back to bed.. Still got so many weeks to go. I might need a bedpan by the time they are due!!!
Wan..Aiyoh..no need bedpan lah..our body will find it's way to cope w the bigger tummy weight..just tht we need to slowly move ourselves. I can still slowly crawl out of bed n go toilet...
Been missing from forum for more than a week or so. Was in labour ward early this week due to constant cramps for more than one hr. Checked myself into labour ward, ctg strapped detecting contractions for next 2 hrs. Dr told me to prepare mentally to deliver if contractions continue -- was 35w4days.

In the following 2 hrs, contractions begin to become irregular and eventually stopped though no med or drip was given. Sent up to normal ward monitor till next day -- no more contractions and discharged.

Today is week 36. C sect booked 10 dec at week 37. Tummy getting very very uncomfortable. But will tahan till then. Starting to hit the panic button.. .. One part can't wait to meet the twins the other part not ready to become a mum. Mixed mixed feeling

It was a quick labour! Everything happened so fast..

When doc checked my cervix, he said "possible C sec, we might as well push u to OT to deliver". Hubby was not allowed to go in. There were at least 15 people inside there lei. My doc in front of me, 1 doc at my left and right helping me to "push" my babies out. I was numbed from my chest down. And 1 group of people stood there watching front view, doing nothing :s I didn't care but later met one of them. She thanked me for allowing them to witness the birth of my twins.. Hmmm..


Aiya dun bother about those kaypohs. I think I gained lesser than u at your stage. I only gained 12 kg when I popped at 36 weeks 3 days..
