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    Frugal living

    Dear mummies, Have been reading this blog- the prudent homemaker. The lady feed her family of nine with meals costing 40cents per pax. She grows her food, and uses coupons for her groceries. I understd couponing in usa is a huge thing. For those who watch the show Extreme Couponing on cable,u...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Hi ebelle, tks for bb attending my first skool by ntuc, in Amk... I saw the high end childcare by ntuc, little skool at Amk hub.. Was thinking of switching her to that when she grows up but whoa,more ex and the air con in Amk Hub is running on full power! Cold....her infant care is...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Hi ebelle tks for the info.. Which eu Yan Seng center u bring her too? I wanted to try cordyceps but think she might be too young for it.. I like IC cos she likes it there.. She loves the rails in the gym.. At hme, the dining table becomes the gym.. Crawls in And out of the table legs...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Hi ebelle.. May I know what tcm did u give yr gal? Mine in infant care since 4 mths old.. She has been visiting the doc since she turned 7 mths.. Now with viral fever, from her dad.. Every mth must report to PD n me has to tell boss on childcare or vacation leave every mth.. Sigh........n she...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Tks all mummies who have answered my question on the bb food cereals.. My preference is still for Bellamy as it is from Australia which has a stricter QC (I believe!) than the rest.
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Need to ask a stupid question: what is the diff among cereals from bellamy, good earth?, happy bellies? Organix, four seasons etc? Saw a spree.. Wanting to buy the powdered porridge n oats n finger bites but not sure what is the diff.. Tks
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Jia jia you ben nan nian de jing... Have not log in for a long time... Bb has not been feeling well since turning 7th mth.. Maternal antibodies gone.. Running nose cough fever diarrhea all kena liaoz.. Recovering from flu now.. Every mth has to take 3-5 days of leave.. Chiam... Infant care...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Mummies are yr bb like superglue? Mine demands to be carried thro' out the day, put down cry n cry.. Well behave at IFC but terror at hme... How do u teach bb to be independent? We let her cry n whoa full half Hr still going strong!!!
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Kristelle: what have u tried? tot kai bing is already on solids when i saw him at northpt? My PD asked me to start with frisocrem as the first food cos very close to took a few mouthfuls initially now with patience, can finish 2 tbsp of frisocrem..BTW i still owe u $! U want to sms me...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    babymaine: How many portions of solids does Germaine eats a day? Mine still at stage IFC finishes her cereals, at home refuse..she does not like carrot so started her on pumkin,hope she likes broccoli recommended? tot more for older bb..what kind of spinanch u use? baby spinach...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Babycare festival at expo hall 5b march 18-20..combi having a booth there
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Erh so is it 12.30 or 2pm?
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    North mummies gathering: 12.30 pm shld be ok.. Avent steamer/blender: on sale at rodinson. $179. comes with magic cup, storage cups, weaning plates and spoons..GST abosrbed too. Mothercare fair so so? will pop over during lunch to hunt for rompers..
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    sugh..since she was newborn, i struggle with her feeds...IFC weighed her today..faint..6.5 kg only...[IMG=] she didn;t finish her feed at 9pm..also woke up at 4.30am??!!! nearly want my panda eyes to office... Erh is it...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Tigerlily: Wriggle prob a better word to describe my gal movement..she uses her hands to move forward, legs just propel..yesterday she wriggle up my platform in the living room..scare me siao...platform about 2 inch high..think need to find crash helmet cos she can just turned and lied on the...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Thank you mummies for all your advice! Tks Pommelow for posting the link to milk powder sample! Think will continue to give the carrots then bb is still eating v little so not worry that she will turn yellow but I agree we have to be careful cos' of the beta carotene in the...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Spoke to a few friends..was told they gabe bb rice cereals for a mth or so then jump to porridge with veg, meat etc..didn't puree...whoa...think my parents did that to sisters and I too
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    i started bb on soild last tues, frisocrem a tbsp for 1 feed. she took only s few spoonfuls..till now unable to finish the whole portion. i started her on carrot puree today.. took a bit n pouted..thinks she hates it! Shld I continue feeding carrot n frisocrem? or shld i just let her take...
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    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    Mummyliang: i am also reading the book by Annabel..haven't study the receipes yet..fren recommend the website wholesomebaby food..think the receipes easier if I am not wrong... Pomme Low: agree with you the beaba babycook the rolls royce lor...think abt 290 bucks at taka,,avent abt 200 from...
