(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

yup!!! but i thot u may want to have same slot as ur in-laws...1 timeslot can be 3 families only right? we got 3 liao, but then both ur in-laws how?? unless we take 2 consecutive timeslots...


Is it possible to negotiate for 3-5 soft copies? I don't mind no 5R print out since we can print out easily ourselves for probably less than a dollar. I find 2 soft copies a bit too little... At least 3?

fr Ethan

The interested mummies can choose to come within the same week's Saturday or Sunday. You all can discuss and let me know which week you all prefer? The following package will most likely be for the Sept mummies. The Sept mummies can invite their friends to participate as well, dont have to be Sept mummies.

ok, lets look at 2nd April and 3rd April ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pls indicate ur names, max 3 families per slot

The available days and time slots

(Maximum up to 3 families per time slot)

2 April 2011 Saturday









3 April 2011 Sunday






3pm (Weiting, Windy and Badfifi)

4pm (Adelynn, Chrissy ? and



studio is in East Coast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow, honeymoon ...=)

i wish we can go overseas too..ur mum is really v nice ..she wil handle allthree herself

we can always have anotehr weekend..when r u back ?


no prob, will check and revert to u via facebook hor ..


apologies gal, dun think i can make it. feeling feverish with a bad sorethroat..think either my colleague has passed her virus to me or i have eaten too many wasabi peas today. Someone bought and i have eaten 7 packs

windy regarding ur qn

Hi Jo,

The mummies can choose if they prefer 5R print or 3 copies instead of 2. =)




----- Original Message -----

From: Pinky Luv

To: Ethan Tan

Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 5:45 PM

Subject: Re: RekindleMe Photography Service

hi Ethan

they dun want 5R print.can up the soft copy to 5 ? ;)

btw, Pomme was asking me abt my package for the studio..

just to share with u all

Hi Jo,

What time for 20 Aug? We open from 10am first slot till 5pm last slot. As i mentioned, we allow up to 4 members and additional member will require additional $10 per member.

In order to confirm your booking as well, we would require a 50% deposit. The remaining 50% and the additional member fees can be paid on the day of the shoot.

The payment as follows:

Color Me a Day Shoot

1 hour shoot

2 Backdrops

4 Change of outfits allowed

Take home 10 soft copies (Touch up)

$98 (Usual $138)

Take back all soft copies: Additional $88

Additional Member : Additional $10 per member

Deposit Required : $49.

Remaining to be paid on the day of shoot : $49 + $88(Take Back All) + (Additional Member Fee).

Mode of Payment:

Bank Fund Transfer

POSB Savings


After the payment is done, do let us know of the following information :


Contact Number:

Amount Transferred:

Transaction Number:

Date of Transfer:

Preferred Date/Timing of Shoot:

We look forward to hear from you soon!


Ethan & Kai Ling


----- Original Message -----

From: Pinky Luv

To: Ethan Tan

Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 5:48 PM

Subject: Re: RekindleMe Photography Service

i will be buying all copies for my 1 hr studio shot on 20 august for 3 adults , 2 kids and my baby for an hr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

can u help me see how much is my bill ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shall we confirm for North Mummies Gathering and is this list correct??

Date : 05/Mar (Sat)

Time : 2pm (??)

Host : Northpoint - Swesen (might need to book in advance)

1) Jynnsan (2A + 1BB and/or 1 Toddler)

2) Kristelle (ME + 1BB)

3) Leila (ME cos bb is sick [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif])

4) Jacqueline Aktop (Me & Zeynep)

5) Pat

6)Aries Mum (Me and BB)

7) Mango

8) chewy (me & bb)

Shall we confirm for North Mummies Gathering and is this list correct??

Date : 05/Mar (Sat)

Time : 12.30pm (??)

Host : Northpoint - Swesen (might need to book in advance)

1) Jynnsan (2A + 1BB and/or 1 Toddler)

2) Kristelle (ME + 1BB)

3) Leila (ME cos bb is sick )

4) Jacqueline Aktop (Me & Zeynep)

5) Pat

6)Aries Mum (Me and BB)

7) Mango

8) chewy (me & bb)


I think I can't make it already. Cos my kids would still b having classes by then. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

So sorry. Hope to meet up with u gals some other days.

Shall we confirm for North Mummies Gathering and is this list correct??

Date : 05/Mar (Sat)

Time : cfm 12.30pm

Host : Northpoint - Swensen (might need to book in advance)

1) Jynnsan (2A + 1BB and/or 1 Toddler)

2) Kristelle (ME + 1BB)

3) Leila (ME cos bb is sick )

4) Jacqueline Aktop (Me & Zeynep)

5) Pat

6)Aries Mum (Me and BB)

7) chewy (me & bb)

Wow, never log in for 2 days the thread is so happening! My gal came down with a fever after her vaccination yesterday. She was really cranky from last evening till today. Super tired now...

Really nice meeting up with Pinkyluv, Pomme, mummyliang, Phantus and Tiger Lily. I can finally put a face to the nicks! =) Pity that I didn't get a chance to meet Kristelle =( but I'm sure there will be opportunities to come!

Enjoy your gathering for tomorrow! =)

North gathering has dropped by half...but still i cant wait :p see you guy tml @ swensens? meet at the entrance 1st or? cos dun have u guys contact no. ...


Been a while since I came in to read! Enjoy enjoy the north gathering tml!!

Sorry gals, been really tied up with the children, hub's biz and shooting :p

Saw a mention for east gathering?

I am happy to open up my place during the mon-wed weekdays!!

Also can't wait for the younger ones to be able to sit up, lets do an art and craft meet with the squishy painting and stuff!

Pls add me on facebook, am more frequent there :p - [email protected]

Someone was also asking me about my website? :p its http://www.bluebambino.com

Ebelle: Gina Ford's Guide to Weaning is a great read!

Hi mummies going to NOrth Gathering, sorry that I cannot make it already I have a last min change of birthday celebration with my family. Would love to meet up another day! Enjoy urselves babes! Pat, Jac & Leila, gonna miss u babes! our girls can't meet today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Angela, mummyliang, pomme low, phantus: gd to meet u all at vivo.

Pomme low: love ur lacey black top, where did u get that? :p

Kristelle: Oh dear babe, sorry I din get ur msg. I wld hv be able to meet u as I was there ard 1.30 and left mothercare ard 3. Let's meet up another day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinklyluv,tigerlily: hi babes, good to c u all again! Wish can chat more ... tigerlily, ur ss is great! Forgot to ask u how long u intended to feed ur gal. SS so good, personally I would like to feed as long as I can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], of course u r working so it is not an easy task to keep up with.

AM interesting in the apr shoot, pinkyluv shall let u know soon as I hv heaps of party in end march till apr's wkend due to #1's apr babies grp hehehe.

Ebelle: hi babe, sorry I din get ur email right when we met at the CNY party. Are you still interested to look at the book at Sep21? U can PM me and we chat from there :D

hi north gather g mummies,

my gal s wheezing again....gg to pd now n dont thk i can go liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yo, I so busy nv log in often. So sorry! My Zeynep coughing, so I think better dun meet u gers to spead the germs.

So north mummies, you gers enjoy yr lunch.


do you intend to let your baby attend shichida lessons for training of their brain?

it seems very exp however got many positive feedbacks. do you all think it's useful?

Phot shoots, just nice.... is a day before hb birthday, let it be a Bday present for him. I will tkae the 5pm slot on sunday.

ok, lets look at 2nd April and 3rd April ?

pls indicate ur names, max 3 families per slot

The available days and time slots

(Maximum up to 3 families per time slot)

2 April 2011 Saturday









3 April 2011 Sunday






3pm (Weiting, Windy and Badfifi)

4pm (Adelynn, Chrissy ? and

5pm (Chris,)

Jus started On cereal for my gal. Tink too much ebm to cereal ratio cos e mixture still watery. May I noe when to intro new stuff to her? So lost on weaning.

Mothercare sale jumPeroo ONI 120 is for that Oneday limited to 5? Auto, I rather wait for taka fair

Pinkyluv, keen in photo shoots. So jus choose a slot?


yes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but try to get 3 familes per hr ..put ur name there 1st

Jumporee only 10 March at Motherfair

heard fr Pomme tat Luna Luna selling 120..u facebook her for details [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hehe, tat's a coincidence ! but my hubby confirm dun want that as his bday pressie :p


yupz, tat day only cya for such a short while lor..din chat enough


sound fun..u choose a date in april and i will take leave =)

Pinkyluv, thanks! On photo shoot, my ANG suggested to take abt 9, 10 months old when bb can sit stably or stand to vary e posts. Cos now their positions all sama sama. Jus a suggestion nia.


**** need help!!! need help!!!!!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i think alot of mummies are using medela pump right?

i'm currently using avent single electric. aft starting work, i feels that it's taking too much of my time to pump.

now considering to buy a dual pump... hmmm it's a bit stupid la.. to buy now, aft so many months...

can you all pls advise

- which dual pump is good?

- is manual faster than electric? my avent can convert to manual, but i find it very tiring

actually i am considering medela, but not sure which model to get... is medela easy to wash n sterlise?

