(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Kristelle> i use to have very very bad pimple outbreal throughout my face, my chest and to my back due to Hormone imbalance. But it really got better only after 5 months.... what type of skin problem? rashes? dry? red patches? try to use natural application to maintain it and in time it would heal. I was told my pimple would only go away in 1 year time.. thank god it subtle after 5 months but u stil lcan see scar here and there for me. I think you should continue bf and try not to stress yourself. I realise when i am stress (kan cheong... ) i got pimple outbreaks again. So maybe ur skin is link to ur stress which hormone plays a big part..

Thanks Ladies. I did use boiled water to rinse all utensils but i better remind my helper on this becos i think she use normal spoons & plates that adults use to mashed banana etc and then move it over to the feeding bowl. Wahhh another circle.. Weaning!! so many things to learn >.<

ShinChan , good point! a separate chopping board.


clueless - Don't stress yourself on weaning. at first i'm very stressed too and pray hard that my gal won't have any problems. It just gets easier as time goes by. Patience is the key in weaning as it's a new experience for you and baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi, sorry to disturb

can you kindly help vote for my 2 lil ones... thanks a bunch..

Please click on the link below n "like" the page "singaporemummy"


Then (album 5, photo 101 )


n this (album 5, photo 97)


THANKS n have a nice weekend ahead.. =)

mummyliang: thanks my bb is on solid for abt a mth already...my baby is on the big side :p

can help me like that photo? cos end date is 28 feb :D

I'd love to tag along but it depends on what time you ladies are meeting there! I prefer around noon like that... Thanks!

wanna have a fixed timing?

Mothercare Fair


Time: 1.30pm/ 2pm

Venue: Harbourfront Center




4)Angela (late morning is fine coz baby got vaccination in the morning)


6) chewy ( after lunch is fine as I needa fetch son fr Sch)

7) Mummyliang

Suggestion for venue?

North Mummies Gathering

Date : 05/Mar (Sat) (?)

Time : 4pm or earlier (?)

Host : Northpoint (bakerzin, breeks cafe, swensens, manhattan fish market or any other suggestion?)

1) Jynnsan (2A + 1BB and/or 1 Toddler)

2) Kristelle (ME + 1BB)

3) Leila (1A + 1BB)

4) Pinkyluv

5) Weiting

6) Vinee

7) Jacqueline Aktop

8) Pommelow (me and bb)

9) Pat

10)Aries Mum (Me and BB)

11) Mango

12) chewy (me & bb)

13) Mummyliang (Me and bb)

Kristele> if take antibiotic 1 week? 2 weeks? I think if it is a 1 week medication, u can consider. but be very hardworking to pump so to maintain ur supply. pump and keep to do "mask" but don't feed ur baby.

Angela > thanks! As i am working mom, sometimes i ask my helper to help out in puree and really can be forgetful of small details.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and of course, can't expect her to read my mind hehe

Kristelle - how come I can't find the like button... ahahhaah...

clueless - even though I work from home, I'm in the same boat as you.. I haven't started her on solids yet but I feel very nervous about it.. don't know where to start even though I've been reading about weaning...

sugarong, US medela voltage is not compatible with Sg, must use transformer to convert voltage. HK is about same as Sg, so not compatible with US too.

Any mummies here using NUK teat? Whenever my bb drinks, it creates a lot of foam inside due to the vented hole. It is so foamy till it looks scary to me. Think my bb drinks up a lot of the foam.

In addition, my bb is drinking friso, i find that friso is very foamy when I mix up the powder. Is other brands same too? I am thinking of changing brand when go stage 2.

Tracey, I'm using US set medala freestyle now. No voltage incompatibility issue in sg. So if hk voltage almost same as sg, shd be fine in hk too ba. Scared wait e motor blow over there.

I'm using nuk teats too. No foam lei but my gal sucked too hard on this teat that sometimes e milk level is not moving. Suspect something with the 'groove' there. So everytime I need to tilt one side for the bubble to come out so tat she can continue sucking in e milk

sugarong, I bought my medela directly from US, so when I use in SG, I need to use a transformer to convert the volts. Oh, but mine is PIS, maybe urs is freestyle, so no problem. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Aiyo, then must be the milk powder then, if bb(dream) and u are also using nuk teat! I seriously must change milk powder! hates friso.

Just to check your teat used, my teat is the latex one. I am using the largest teat for the 'below 6 mths', the hole is crossed.

tracey, my teat is the silicone one cos latex one like got 1 smell...im using both 0-6M n 6-18M size M. Size L too big for my gal cos she will choke...

bbdreamz, im gg for work...

Pomme low: Thanks for the info on the baby show! Looks like quite a number staying in CCK, maybe can have a gathering for CCK kekekeke!

Kristelle: Congrats! I was from NAFA! Have fun in your course! Not easy studying NAFA and esp when you are a mum now! So jia you!

i juz started work on last mon and wed my milk supply start to decrease le. I'm so worried that it will further decrease.

plus now i'm sick.

can anyone advise how u all substain your supply aft returning to work?

i very worried. has been drinking alot of water, try not to be stress and faster ask hubby go buy supplement for me to eat...

And next mon i'm going for course... how to pump?

i started bb on soild last tues, frisocrem a tbsp for 1 feed. she took only s few spoonfuls..till now unable to finish the whole portion. i started her on carrot puree today.. took a bit n pouted..thinks she hates it!

Shld I continue feeding carrot n frisocrem? or shld i just let her take frisocrem till she is able to finish the whole portion (1 tbspoon) then intro new food? solids are like desserts and appeptitisers to her lor... Don't even have chance to use my freeze pots lor..lucky i use the pigeon homemaker to make a small portion..else I have to finish all the carrots! yet to purchase a blender..

Hi mummies,

Havent been posting for a long long time. milee is going to turn 7th month soon... time flies.

Started her on solid and so far she is ok with most of the stuff intoduced.

Someone mentioned using lemon to preserve avocado etc.. pl note that lemon is not suitable for under 1yr as it is critic acid.

So far emilee is no 3 solid a day. Morning will be avocado, lunch and dinner will be cereal. I try different mixutre for her, Brown rice, oat etc with sweet pototoes, pumpkin,apple etc. Just bought green pea and sugar pear, parsnip ... hopefully have the time to prepare for her. Oh ya, will be starting her on baby yogurt tomorrow too.

I trying to squeeze in one more snack somewhere...

I uses the ice cube method and follows closly to Ruth Yaron book on Super baby food. I do notice that chinese barely does not suit emilee, she fells sick after drinking.

Also note the not all green vegs are suitable as somme green veg has high nitrate level.

Hi sweet mummy,

It will ake awhile for the body to adjust to when going back to work. Try those BF tea, it seems to help, most importantly.. relax!!!

You can pump during luch or break interval during your course using a empty classroom etc.. if not, i use toilet. If it is near to shoppign centre, use the nursing room.

Aries Mum,

Baby adapt to solid at different pace. Continue feeding her with a interval of 4 days for each new food... maybe she likes solid most waterly or thicker etc... trial and error. I found carrot not so tasty. If it is for Vit a, Sweet Potatoes and Pumpkin have more taste.

chris - what is BF tea?

i think my milk supply is also decreasing... not too sure why but my baby has been waking up randomly 2-3 times at night for feeds! I was thinking maybe my milk supply not enough so she doesn't have enough calories to last through the night. Haven't introduced solids yet because she can't sit up yet... only 5 months old.. or is it time for solids????


Same here , this boy seems like don really like carrot n sweet potato n on top of it he don wan to sit still. So far, he only like pearl barley, the only purée he finish

Spoke to a few friends..was told they gabe bb rice cereals for a mth or so then jump to porridge with veg, meat etc..didn't puree...whoa...think my parents did that to sisters and I too

Morning mummmies

I have so many thing to post today. Ok first things first.

Yew Tee baby show. Any CCK mummies or any west mummies want to join? We can have a gathering there. Chewy, you joining us too?

1) Pommelow

2) Pinkyluv

Purple sweet potatoes alert

My parents say they saw Seng Siong selling at $28 per kg. Go grab if you want.

Yellow food leading to yellow babies

Realised that most food we are able to feed baby now are yellowish. Sweet potatoes, carrot, payaya, pumpkin. My boy is turning a bit yellow when fed these stuff. Any mummies experiencing this too? I am turning to purple sweet potatoes to reduce the yellow food i am giving my boy.

Healthy times barley cereal

Any mummy giving this to ur baby? Can share how much liq you add to the cereal. Seems like quite sticky on throat so my boy will complain and ask for water mid way thru feed. Am giving 3 tablespoons with 80 ml of BM.


Think you should stick to frisocrem first. First of all Frisocrem is milk based, so you are actually introducing two new food (rice and new milk) to ur bb when you feed her with it. Should still stick to the 4 days rule to detect any allergies and also not to overstrain our bb's intestines with so many different food to digest. As for carrots, i find that it cause my boy to turn yellow after 3 days so i stopped.

My mum is intending to give my boy porridge soon too. But only with vege and ikan bilis powder. Am delaying meat until 8 mths. maybe you can try to give meat soup stock first?


Thanks for hosting us on sat. It was very fun and great to meet up with all the mummies to share on baby tips. Love ur mummy's red bean soup.

Sweet mummy

Don't worry about ur supply dropping. It is just the initial phase.. after a while when ur body adjust to working life, the supply should go back to normal if you are pumping frequently enuff. I experienced a drop in supply initial when i returned to office in nov, then the supply return as i continue to pump, din take any supplements or anything. Though i think sleep is very important.


Pearled barley is barley that has been hulled (exterior layer removed like polished grains). But unhulled barley is very difficult to cook so pearled barley is widely used instead. The one we use normally are pearled barley.

Enfa series samples

Anyone sms enfa and received call from them? I received a call from unknow number in malaysia asking for my details, saying that enfa's call centre is in malaysia. I din give my details cos i am not sure it is indeed from the formula company. Can anyone who got their enfa samples share ur experience?


I just received my friso 900g sample yesterday. Anyone tried stage 2 friso yet? Can share how's is it like?

Green vege for babies

Can we give 苋菜 (chinese spinach which is similar to kang kong) to our babies now? The weaning website only talk about english spinach (波菜).

mummyliang: maybe that means ur baby needs food...cos before i gave solid to my bb he also feeds alot of bm than normal and i read on babycentre that this might becos they need solid...aft introducing solid...he is actually reducing his intake on bm...my bb didn't sit very steady when i feed him solid at first but i put him in his walker to eat...after 1 week on solid he manage to crawl more and no longer move by wiggling and 2 weeks he could sit on his own...now trying his luck on standing -.-|||...my dad keep insisting i shuld start feeding rice powder @ 3 mths sharp but i didn't...atart at the end of 4 mths...so my dad has been complaining for a mth that not feeding solid the baby will not have strenght...duno if its true...but im glad i start earlier :D

Aries mum: i think solely on rice cereal may not be nutritious enough cos the baby only eats one type of food...puree is like a variety to them...n some baby's appetite is smaller on solid..so the timing may be longer than a mth...so they can take puree...if not they get bigger need more nutrients but stuck at only 1 food...then when u intro other things later they might reject oso


Yes Enfa are based in Msia, dont worry just give them yr details..n quite stupid la..they make sure yr baby reach 6 mth then they will send u the sample..so even though u request early also no use..my sample will come on the 7 March..cos 6 mar is a sunday,,They will courier the sample during office hr..so give them yr office address lo..

Seems like everyone received Friso yesterday..

Hi Mummies,

Just wanna share...ytd i last min went ro shengsiong to buy diapers cos it is cheaper than normal price...

i bought Pampers L size 60pcs @ 19.**

and HUGGIES pull up pants is selling @ 1 for 16.45, and 2 at 25.**...

sorry cant rmb the cents...receipt with my hubby :p

Morning everyone!

Been so bz lately. Topic now is on feeding solids?

I've started my boy on solids for about a month now. Now, he's on 2 feeds per day - brown rice cereal + vege puree for lunch and oat cereal + fruit puree for dinner. So far, he's taking them well, eat about half a small bowl each time. Thinking of introducing porridge to him for lunch soon.

Aries Mum > My boy hates pure vege puree too. So what I do is to add to his cereal. Carrot, pumpkin etc makes the cereal nice and sweet.

Pomme > I don't know about chinese spinach, but I tried english spinach puree. Er, it's quite gross and taste awful. And after that I read that spinach is not v good for babies cos' of the nitrate issue plus the calcium etc is spinach is very badly absorbed.

Try green pea puree instead as green alternative to the orangey ones. I just use the frozen baby peas. Taste a lot nicer plus I think peas are very nutritious.

Oh I wanted to ask u mummies, any tips to make your babies stay still while feeding?

My boy can't sit still, whether I put him on my lap or walker. End up after each feed, I must wash his face, hands, bib, clothes, walker etc..sigh..


hahaha..i think no babies can sit still at this moment..my son also..headache man..

Feed him mean have to wash more things later..


Thanks. I will call their toll free number again to get my sample. Almost forgot that Bingrong has same birthday as my Gideon. So i should receive my sample same day as you do.

Nestle also will only give me the sample after 6th March. Sianz.. I haven't receive my S26 yet, though they call me already.


Thanks for the tip off. I tot only NTUC has sale for 2 pkts of L) for $39.85. Heard Giant got sale too. Not sure what's the price. Found Huggies Ultra at Yew Tee NTUC for $19.45.

Welcome back Babymaine

Been flipping ur newspapers? Got to get out of shift work leh, cos solids feeding really need lots of time.


Aiyah my son is 05 Sept la..just that must be after 05 March then they can give..which is 06 MAr a sunday..n they cant send..

S26 sample i got it from my PD so not requesting anymore..so far i have Friso, S26, similac..Mamil Gold..enfa comging..Ya nestle also haven give me my sample..


Y change yr nick to babymaine??

Welcome back to morning shift..

Miss your colourful wordings.

Pomme, BBL - cos Germaine doesn't start with T ma.. hahaha... flipping newspapers, jobstreet, jobsdb, every single damn thing available.. can't wait to get out of here... i only intro new food on weekends.. and i installed cctv, so i'm watching my daughter like a hawk.. every single thing my maid do, i watch.. so she feeds, but i watch...

since it is FM time now. I am posting the list of contacts for FM samples previously shared by Mag.

Milk Powder Sample

Dumex (Mamil series) Milk www.dumex.com.sg

NutriLine at 1800 265 3188

Friso Milk http://www.friso.com.sg/

Friso hotline at 64198484

[email protected]

Abbott (Similac / Gain / Grow / Pediasure / Isomil) Milk http://www.abbott.com.sg/family/free_sample.asp Wyeth (Promil Gold / Progress Gold / Promise Gold) Milk http://www.wyethnutrition.com.sg/


Nestle Milk 800-6011633

Mead Johnson (Enfa series) Milk http://www.meadjohnsonasia.com/

Karihome goats milk Milk Punggol Plaza 2nd floor kids shop

You can find it in our FB group under discussions>Best buys and prices


I am leaving for bangkok for 5 days just when my boy is starting solids. So am going to make and stor for my mummy to feed him.


Thanks. Will go grab peas today at four seasons organic mkt. BTW, i tot lentils will cause more gas. So did your bb fart a lot?


You are so farny!! Hawk mummy liao.. Even monitor ur MIL too. Should have more luck now that CNY is over and more pple resign after CNY. Let us know ur good news hor.

So did germaine like the frozen peas you gave? Did she fart a lot? My boy is like so gassy now and with sweet potatoes he also like fart a bit more liao. Wondering if peas will add to the farting.

Purple sweet potatoes (round or longish)

Which one is sweeter? Round or longish type?


CK is selling Mamy Poko diapers at $20.50 jumbo pack

i know their M size they have this promo 66+6 pcs for the price of $20.50 ..L size also comes with 6 pcs extra

saw it at clementi CK [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pomme - i haven't let her eat the green peas yet.. only broccoli... so far so good... i'm monitoring her as we "speak" watching her feed my girl... saw her not feeding my girl water, called and F her.. haha...


hahaha..is she yr new maid?? the scratch backside one gone liao ah?

How much is the CCTV?..n its so funny to monitor yr MIL as well..

My boy still refusing water leh..how ah??


i think long one sweeter..cos i bought the long one..is super sweet then i finish it myself..cos my boy eat abit he dont wan already..

Wah.. Ur maid will be super stressed lor. Always kenna watched by the boss.

How often you feed ur girl water? I am going for once every 2 hours after milk. Like milk - 2 hrs - water - 2 hrs - milk - 2 hours water. But my boy sometimes drink sometime don't want to drink. Hard to gauge his intake.


I think babies don't really like too sweet stuff. They go for the mild sweet taste. So am trying to get less sweet (sweet potatoes) for gideon.


BBL - not the new one.. the old one.. previously i didn't install cos i was home in the day, and at night nothing for me to monitor ma... the CCTV costs $450... refuse water ar?? feed thru spoon?? previously i did that, then upgrade to spout.. then force feed, bo bian she LL accepts lor.. she doesn't drink much, but at least so far so good...

pomme - no choice.. paranoid hawk mummy.. dun laugh at me, cos the hawk daddy is watching too.. cos when i see the video and it moves on it's own, i know my hubby watching too.. lolz...

