(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


- to add fish in the porridge, do you steam it with anything such as ginger? if not, very fishy right?

- why do you add ikan bilis powder into the porridge? can the powder be bought? if yes, from where?


- pardon my ignorance but what/where can i find a medical hall? is it those chinese medicine shop? do you know if there is any in choa chu kang area? what should I tell the uncle?

- brown rice + barley + si shen (what is this?) + pao sheng (and this?)

- double boiling just means i cook the porridge in a small pot and place it inside a bigger pot filled with water correct?


- thanks a lot. i'm trying to figure out some sort of routine also because when i started her on solid she took it well at first but for the past 2-3 days she's been difficult!


Domestic helper

Mine a indo, my Hb dun like Phil. Bur indo eng not so good. My helper new n young, so she pick up quite fast. She take care of my 3 kids n she manage quite well. She oso learn how to cook here, even Turkish food! N her English improve alot as well.

mummyliang: nope. just chop the "ngor hee" or codfish up (removing the bones of cos) into small bits and put in to cook. Or preferable, blend it ...

Make the porridge taste nicer mah when u add ikan bilis. If not, its like those teochew plain porridge thats cooked with water only. powder cannot be bought bah? U have to buy ikan bilis and follow Pomme's instructions above.

SugarOng: yes, u have to steam it first before blending it.. If not i think there will be chunks of fruits in it? Avocado can be freezed if u add some lemon juice in it..

Porridge wise, as I have not got the powder ready, currently, i just cook the ikan bilis for about 30 mins and there u go, u have the stock. then put in slow cooker along with the rice and slow cook. when its ready, add in the vege/ fish in to simmer..

Morning mummies

Mummyliang, I did add some ginger while boiling the fish [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif], else you are right, definitely super "smelly"

Morning mummies!

Sugarong > I freeze everything! Fruit puree, vege puree, fish, chicken, stock etc. Cos' I'm also FTWM, so over weekened, I'll do a whole batch of puree/stock for 1-2 weeks. For fruits like apples and pears, steam before puree and freezing has the advantage of making sure they don't oxidize and turn brown.

Mummyliang > I also put some ginger slices on the fish when steaming it.

Yes, oats is better than brown rice for constipation. You may want to give it a try.

Gathering 22 April (Good Friday) and 22 April (Saturday) both dates confirm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] -

Time: 2 to 5 pm

Venue: Clueless place/ central

Address: 15 Jalan Arnap, S 249321 (Between ANGUILA PARK and ONE TREE HILL -for those driving)

Contact: 97907481

Date: 22 Apr 2011 (Fri)

Pls drop your name:

1) Clueless

2) Pinkyluv

3) Yoshite

4) Kristelle (both dates are fine)

5) Chewy

6) Mango

7) Weiting

8) Rita

9) Angela (both days are fine)


11) bb dream

12) dawned

Karen > Friday you cannot make it right if i recall as you traveling, I removed your name on the Friday list then [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if wrong, just add in back ya.

Date: 23 Apr 2011 (sat)

Time: 2 to 5 pm

Venue: Clueless place/ central

1) Clueless

2) phyphy

3) mummyliang

4) Rae Tan

5) Tigerlily

6) Kristelle

7) Yoshie

8) leila

9) mango

10) Angela

11) Karen

12) Bbdreamz (most likely gg, with hubby n bb)

13) Jynnsan (maid, 2 kids)

Mommies who are fine with both dates - feel free to remove yourself off one date ya!


Just back from my workshop. Yes medical hall = Chinese medicine shop. Not sure about the CCK area, I got mine from JW, an old medical hall (still using balance scale to “pei” TCM) near Blk 500+ wet market, next to Watson to be exact. I used to stay at JW before moving to CCK a year + ago. Am sure other medical hall providing the grinding service as well. Actually is not necessary to get the same combination as me, if you not comfortable with giving baby herbs at such a young age. I included barley, si shen & pao sheng into the brown rice simply bcoz the uncle “formulate” for me (barley for cooling effects, si shen for increase appetite and pao sheng for “bu qi” & improve immunity). Si shen consisted of 4 herbs to increase appetite (a common TCM for baby), pao sheng is kind of ginseng. As I mentioned, there are diffenrent grades of paosheng, wild one is better but more ex. If you cant find any medical hall that do rice grinding, you can actually DIY. Just buy the rice, wash , dry and grind it using blender. Else I know Eu Yan Seng selling brown rice + si shen powder, you can buy it off the rack and try if you want. Pao sheng is available in any of medical hall, u can buy it and just put 1-2 slides to cook with the porridge. Sad to share that I have to pump more and good stuffs for my boy coz he going for a minor surgery in Jun (most likely). Hope this helps.

Clueless, is not me. I also can't remember which mummy mention. hehehe.... gotten myself back in Fri's slot.

Gathering 22 April (Good Friday) and 22 April (Saturday) both dates confirm -

Time: 2 to 5 pm

Venue: Clueless place/ central

Address: 15 Jalan Arnap, S 249321 (Between ANGUILA PARK and ONE TREE HILL -for those driving)

Contact: 97907481

Date: 22 Apr 2011 (Fri)

Pls drop your name:

1) Clueless

2) Pinkyluv

3) Yoshite

4) Kristelle (both dates are fine)

5) Chewy

6) Mango

7) Weiting

8) Rita

9) Angela (both days are fine)


11) bb dream

12) dawned

13) Karen

Date: 23 Apr 2011 (sat)

Time: 2 to 5 pm

Venue: Clueless place/ central

1) Clueless

2) phyphy

3) mummyliang

4) Rae Tan

5) Tigerlily

6) Kristelle

7) Yoshie

8) leila

9) mango

10) Angela

11) Karen

12) Bbdreamz (most likely gg, with hubby n bb)

13) Jynnsan (maid, 2 kids)

Mommies who are fine with both dates - feel free to remove yourself off one date ya!


Mind sharing how u warm chicken or fish after thawing? I am assuming u freeze cooked meat and not raw? Thanks in advance! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes, I freeze steamed chicken/fish. I don't warm them separately, I just put into the porridge and cook together for a while before serving.

Mommies on Facebook - Can help me?

I'm setting up a little something. Can you go to Facebook and search for Parlez Vous Bebe and LIKE me + ADD me as friend?

I need 25 LIKE before I can get a proper username for my Facebook page.

Thanks in advance! *muak*

Oh btw, this is my little something - parlezvousbebe.wordpress.com


Thanks! Hv accepted you as friend. But the LIKE is for my FAN PAGE leh.

My friend manage to LIKE me without needing me to accept her as friend.

I'm very very new to Facebook - only join last night..............


Can you also LIKE my "PAGE"?

See below. Search for Parlez Vous Bebe and you will see a few results. Click on the one with the "?" (question mark). That's the Facebook "PAGE".

Thanks again!!


Hi, I have a fisherprice rainforest jumperoo to let go only purchased in Nov10 from Kiddy Palace still in good working condition. PM me if interested.

hihi mummies... gatecrashing ur forum...

I'm a July mummy... gg back to work soon and sourcing for a good Infant care. Would really appreciate if any can recommend? PM me can?

Looking for one in the East / Thomson / Raffles Place... Tks vm in advance!

hihi ladies

me will be hosting a gathering in June..BUT as it is a weekday, need to inform u all early in case some want to take leave

i cant host on weekends cos my two kiddos will be @ home and they will be super excited when they see all the babies..cant imagine if they start running abt

Weekday Gathering on Wednesday, 22 June from 2pm to 5pm

Venue : Pinkyluv's hse ( Bukit Batok)

how many of u are keen ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

(must take leave occasionally to pamper ourselves =p


Me me, will take leave during 3 weeks Jun vacation, but bb J will going for surgery, plan to do it early Jun, hopefully he can recover by then! I dun mind to book the function room at my place if u all like to have swimming session for bbs.

phtanus - swimming session sounds great! I've been wanting to bring bb for a swim but have been delaying it... even though I have already bought the swim wear and float! =.="

Hi mummies,

I have Mamil gold stage 2, 900g, sealed tin. Selling @ $27. Anyone interested, do pm me. I have 6 tins to let go.

East gathering @ Tampines

April 11, Monday

Venue: Kym's House

Time: 3pm - 5pm

1. Letty

2. Phyphy

3. Naf

4. Chris

5. Windy

6. dawned (Baby & Helper)

7. Kris

8. Pinkyluv

9. Sarahmay ( bb + tot) of cos :p

10. Pat (bb joan + tot)

Hi guys!

Sorry on lack of update :p Could ladies who are confirmed to be coming PM me so I could message you my address?



I have to drop my name from both list cos my hubby wants to rest over that weekend with his boy cos 4 days never see him from the holidaying. Plus baby show on sunday.. don't want to make myboy over tired. Sorry.

How about i jio you for lunch at taka onweekdays?

Pomme > Sure [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] let me know when you free.

suddenly i feel like giving up breast feeding. Feel so tired. and nowadays i only pump 2 times latch 1 time. Supply already drop as each pump only 30 ml..i need to hold on at least till I arrive australia.. gosh...


There is no stigma about giving up bfing. I am stopping myself too. Trying very hard to reduce supply since CNY. I already am pumping once every 18 hours liao still have 300ml each pump. Super sian..

clueless...i oso wanna stop bfing...but my baby need my milk to slp...i duno how to stop already...now i only feed at night...day time fomula

POmme > wow.... 18 hours 300 ml.. well no matter how i never get to 100 ml per pump.. now with the lazyness, it is a gap of 6 hours and only get 30 ml liao .. haha guess got also sian don't have also sian.. lolz lolz

Kristelle > i know what you mean.. my bb also like to latch to sleep lolz which is the reason why i am still bf ... so easy on the plane and to settle down in Auz hahahaha


gonna confirm the date later already cos mama might go JB shopping on 22nd.


i always wanna to continue for long long time... but my supply now is low low low... even 7hrs i can't feel the engorge pain. hai... nvm loh, at least i have accomplish the 6mth target.

Pommelow > Another Aunty Bus hahahah we got one aunty bus in Jurong... another aunty bus.. ehh.. where u stay??? hahahah lolz lolz lolz

Karen > same same la... after 9 hours only fee uncomfortale. Never felt engorge pain before (don't know is a good thing or not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but yet i do have this feeling of tightness and feel like suffucating/nausea - which means i need a pump/latch badly) thats the maximum i felt

Mango & Pommme > how about this thursday/friday?

Mummies are yr bb like superglue? Mine demands to be carried thro' out the day, put down cry n cry.. Well behave at IFC but terror at hme... How do u teach bb to be independent? We let her cry n whoa full half Hr still going strong!!!

BFing - wah ytd i try to work full shift...9 hrs after last feed cannot tahan...engorment till my back cannot straighten...somemore i at cashier...lucky the manager is understanding...she let me go pump...(worst...i nvr bring pump n bottle) luck i got a new bpa free water bottle...bo pian pump inside 1st...15 min pump about 150ml...then no time cos to busy...rush back to work...back home sore breast...engorment for too long :C (about 1.30hr before the pump)

Kristelle > well indeed to be fortunate to have understanding manager. If not, kena stress at work and sure easily "give up" bf... u mean full shift 9 hours no break time ? like 15 min break? if so, maybe u should consider use it to pump or else engorement damm jialat.

Aries > yup.. mine is "human super glue" must be helpd or talked to (full attention) at least or else "pull the house down" with her power cry and scream lolz i think it is becos bb used to us and "bully" us whereas IFC never hold them more than 1 hour when they just pop out

clueless: got break time...but im working part time @ restaurant...ytd sat damn busy no time to go for break...my 1hr break cut to 30 min then to 20...only got time to eat...no time to pump :C

Gathering 22 April (Good Friday) and 23 April (Saturday) both dates confirm -

Time: 2 pm

Venue: Clueless place/ central

Address: 15 Jalan Arnap, S 249321 (Between ANGUILA PARK and ONE TREE HILL -for those driving)

Contact: 97907481

Date: 22 Apr 2011 (Fri)

Pls drop your name:

1) Clueless

2) Pinkyluv

3) Yoshite

4) Kristelle (both dates are fine)

5) Chewy

6) Mango

7) Weiting

8) Rita

9) Angela (both days are fine)


11) bb dream

12) dawned

13) Karen

Date: 23 Apr 2011 (sat)

1) Clueless

2) phyphy

3) mummyliang

4) Rae Tan

5) Tigerlily

6) Kristelle

7) Yoshie

8) leila

9) mango

10) Angela

11) Karen

12) Bbdreamz (most likely gg, with hubby n bb)

13) Jynnsan (maid, 2 kids)

Mommies who are fine with both dates - feel free to remove yourself off one date ya!

Babybliss card

Mummies/Daddies living in southwest CDC (The whole of west area from CCK to bukit batok to Clementi, west coast and jurong. You can apply for this free card with $38 stored values free.Must apply within one yr of birth of your baby. I just used atm to transfer this $$ to my bank account liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Similac 2

Anyone letting go of your similac 400g tin please let me know. Thanks

Karen & Clueless,

300ml is both sides, if one side has so much.. i will be super sad lor co 2 mths of hard work to reducing and yet still so much. There is only one Aunty Bus ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Have msg you liao about lunch in coming week. Do reply soon hor. Fri is good for me. Any mummies interested in Orchard road for lunch too?


I heard that bm wun stop completely if there is demand. So don't worry about stopping and your bb got no milk at night. Most of my colleagues stopped pumping but still latch at night nia and suffer no engorgement cos body tuned to supplying at night. Only thru oral medication will the BM flow stop completely.

Experienced bfing mummies

Can i know if there is any problem (pus formation or infection) if i don't pump out the last bit of milk from my nn at the end of my bfing days? Since i don't really suffer engorgement if production is so little.I wonder if i can keep it there to inflate my nn size without pumping it out. Also after stopping bfing , will your nn go back to original size or be a bit bigger?

Pomme> aiyah.. i just let go of my simiac [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] FB msg Replied ~~ hehe a bit luan as multi tasking at the same time .. hahaha but Friday is ON!


mommies shall we start a thread of whose "aunty" is in town .. or "Da Yi Ma" ...

I first to call out ... Mine is here already and done with and seriously.. after 1 year plus of padless.. find it annoying the tummy cramps (light though) and the body swollen (water retention) and the toes ache. I miss being Pregnant!!! :p *siao char bor here*

