(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


Thanks for sharing. Going to do spinach puree next week as i have to do other things first.

Bathing baby

Now that our bb can sit quite ok. any mummy change method to bathe ur bb yet? Wondering if i can use shower head liao.


Oh yah.. Yvonne also stay in CCK too but she is a part timer cos she shuttle to northeast side.

BTW, i heard that beaba cook is like the rolls royce of bb food maker. You should try it out first before buy the avent one. I was thinking of buying one previously but it was too ex. Got myself a handblender instead, cos i can then blend porridge, meat and even grind nuts for my boy when he is older.


Have talked to hubby, think we will join the yew tee baby show on 24 apr. Can we join more than one baby show? BTW, someone shared baby show got a lot of waiting to do. So?? Very sian one is it?

CCK mummies

Yew tee baby show is on 24th Apr. Anyone interested?


I always pour hot water over the utencils and baby cubes and let them soak for a while before i use them. Got to sterilise all things including baby's spoon till baby reach 6 mths at least.



Yes yes, I'll be going. Cos happen that my parents are not free that day & I need to look after Denise, so I can make it lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Then another reminder for u. I feel it is better to have a separate cutting baord for cutting the food for their puree. Personally I feel that it is not so safe to use those that we prepare our food with cos they have been stain with bacteria from raw meat, etc.


I'm still using the same method of bathing, jus that I added some toys for her to play with while bathing. If use shower head, wouldnt the water drip onto them while washing their hair?

Sorry for the confusion, re-post the list as follow:

Event: Sharing Session on Weaning and Puree Making

Date: 18 Mar 2011 (Fri)

Time: 11am

Venue: One of the condo along West Coast Rd


1) pinkyluv

2) Ebelle

3) mummyliang

4) Tigerlily

5) phyphy

6) Mag

7) leobaby

8) shinchan



how?? wld they be selling the konfidence swimsuit at the mothercare fair?? let me knw can? cos i need one for my #1....



the "beware of buyer" thread no longer exist izit? was reading it halfway.....

Babymaine - I was actually looking through the first foods by anna jacob book..where are we supposed to be able to find and buy ragi flour, lentils and semonila..? I don't really know what are those... =D I have an Annabel Karmel book as well but I find that her recipes are time consuming...do you really have time to prepare and cook those?

Pommelow - I didn't know that about beaba cook cause I've never even heard of the brand before. Okay I shall try it first, I can't afford to waste money also. Thanks for the tips on how to sterilize the feeding utensils. Actually I bought some ice cube trays with covers - intended to use it to freeze baby puree.. should be fine to sterilize you think?

My baby can't sit yet.. but I've noticed that she's started to dislike water or just being bathed in the tub.. Past few days she always cried when I put her into the tub whereas she previously enjoyed her bath very much...

Shinchan - do you separate the chopping board for meat vs veggies/fruits?

Haha. Hi Mummyliang, yes pommelow is right, im a parttimer at CCK. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] welcome! Do join d friendly mummies!

Clueless: yes u got at least use hot water to soak d utensil for awhile before u use it for crystin yea...

Hi mummies,

Long time din log in here to read and find myself lost in many topics. Not sure what are the latest thingy that you all are now talking about. Seems need sometimes for me to wind back to read if i got the time to do so. Hee...

Just came across these two threads through my fren few days ago. Just wanna to share and see if any of you can help. I read them with heartache.



Mummyliang: i am also reading the book by Annabel..haven't study the receipes yet..fren recommend the website wholesomebaby food..think the receipes easier if I am not wrong...

Pomme Low: agree with you the beaba babycook the rolls royce lor...think abt 290 bucks at taka,,avent abt 200 from NTUC hyerpmart..scouting ard..not sure whether I should buy cos' it is ex and bb most prob won't need it after 1 yr old..but need to save time cos' full time working mum...infant care provides meals to bb so might not use the steamer/cooker too often..will see what gd lobang at the mothercare fair and taka bb fair

leila - Alamak, you also know I follow that thread closely huh? Haha! I think the link is no longer there liao.

clueless - JTS, I use the pigeon bottle that comes with a hole in the spoon to squeeze out the puree for feeding. Can sterilize everything and it's very convenient too.


I'm accessing via iPhone. Can anyone help to add my name to the last slot for Weaning session on 18 Mar? Thanks in advance!

Phyphy, I can give u a lift from Kembangan mrt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Jeslyn,

Add you le.

Event: Sharing Session on Weaning and Puree Making

Date: 18 Mar 2011 (Fri)

Time: 11am

Venue: One of the condo along West Coast Rd


1) pinkyluv

2) Ebelle

3) mummyliang

4) Tigerlily

5) phyphy

6) Mag

7) leobaby

8) shinchan

9) Jeslyn


yes can more than 1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ok, i will join tat one then..the 2 bb can play tog

Leila/Kristelle/ Pomme

not boring if we can hav a gathering lor cum join bb show[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies who r keen in getting avent blender cum steamer, its going at $160 at metro, with a cup, spoons n bowls. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies: I need ur advice,I am currently breastfeeding...

like most of u, my bb is 5 mth plus...

my hubby wan me to stop breastfeeding cos i got bad skin problem which followed me since pregnancy that can only be cured if i take antibiotics...

but i wanna continue feeding for a longer period..but my skin keep itching...

i duno how

Morning mummies,

My handphone hanged itself this morning. Can start phone only in demo mode. Sianz.. Can't read my sim card. Don't know how now. Just bought it before Gideon's birth.


Pinkyluv and i will be joining the yew tee one. Join us lar.. it will be fun.


I bought the braun Handheld blender (multi quick 5) It has stainless steel shaft for blending hot food, one small chopper and one big chopper each with its own blade and one egg whisk. Bought at CK tang private sale at $170, original price $189.

pomme n pinky,

aiya....u guys registered already?? i was think g of the jelutong cc one leh....

CNY bash photographer

Can someone pls let me have the photographer's name n contact, think g of using him for my weekend gathering. help!!!!


i was reading it halfway...actually i discovered the thread only 1 day before it got deleted. But managed to c her face n her husband's....btw, did a reporter do an article on that...curious!!! :p


I haven't call the CC to register yet. But will soon. Since pinkyluv say can join more than one then you can join the Jelutong one and the yew tee one too. Yew tee one is on 24th Apr sunday.


I also have some condition which was triggered by my pregnancy. Just to share what i'm going to do about it. Personally i am trying to cope with it without medication first till my boy hit 6 mths. I readed some studies shown that breastfeeding till 6 mths will give the bb benefits but continuing after seems not to give BM fed babies any other advantage compare to FM fed babies. My hubby also say he read a study on BM saying that BM feb baby boys appear to be more intelligent if they are fed for at least 6 mths. So am planning to stop after 6mths and starting my treatment.Will be stocking whatever i can store as extras now though. Once the stock is gone will be feeding my boy FM.

pomme low: cos i havent started storing...i wanna feed till 8 mths but my hubby dun want me to suffer for so long...cos the itching is really horrible...but thanks for ur advise though... :D

i saw the download...hmm...when will u guys be registering?

morning ladies~

wah super long nv log in.. work is crazy till no time to surf durin office hrs except parking myself in fbk~!

hope everyone is doing great [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyway i wanna join baby shows too~~ but no where near me ley.... any one in clementi/north east side??

Yeh!! rush down to Singtel at comcentre just now and got a new sim card. They just activate it for me. Phew!!

Purple flesh and skin sweet potatoes alert!!

I saw some at taka cold storage from okinawa. Small round ones. 3 together about the size of one palm cost about $5 to $6.90. Super ex. Please call if you are going down. Sorry no picture cos phone was not working then.

Leila and Angela

I also read about the Z**** taking advantage of other mummies thread. BTW, Angela, were you the one who is giving the tikes table and chairs away? I saw a frequent poster in the to sell thread who seems to have a lot of things to sell all the time. Wonder if it is another Z**** like mummy.


I think only healthytimes sells ready made barley cereal. But it is made from organic barley flour instead of whole barley grains. I am not sure if there is any difference though i think HT got some issues with bugs a few mths back.


I think Clementi got one. Punggol also have one.

Pomme - Yup I was the one who posted on the little tikes table and chairs. Was posting it on behalf on my friend who wants to give it away. Apparently this Z**** responded and told me it's for a single needy mummy. My friend and I at first thought she may be a good candidate, but thank god someone posted those comments on her and my friend gave it to another nice mummy instead.


I cant imaging myself goin back to studies. U r gd! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angela: Haha...i suck at writing cause im have dyslexia...lucky at least i good i drawing...if not duno wad to do oso...

Weiting: Actually im a young mother...so have to a back study for better future for my own family...But i love to draw :D its like a dream come true :D

Angela: Haha...i suck at writing cause im have dyslexia...lucky at least i good i drawing...if not duno wad to do oso...

Weiting: Actually im a young mother...so have to a back study for better future for my own family...But i love to draw :D its like a dream come true :D

Kristelle - But I really salute you! Having to take care of a baby and going back to studies...can faint! I used to do a part time degree and work at the same time. Can die! Gave it up after the 1st year. So you must jiayou and don't give up ok? =)

Kristelle - congratulations. I hope it'll go well for you. =)

Pommelow - how about oat? use quaker oat for baby....? where can i buy healthy times cereals? i only see nestle ones around in ntuc.. Thank you. =)

mummyliang - Healthy Times cereal can be found at ntuc. But I think can only be found at those big outlets. I saw it at the one at Bukit Merah Central.

