(2010/09) September 2010 MTB


Yes, it's the normal type . Not those Chinese barley . I just cook normally like we boil barley . I add carrot n barley to do purée.


Got to be careful with ' yellow' food. Green pea is v.gd, will go get some for my boy later


Hmm.. Then my boy must be very good boy? Haha.

Cos he loves peas, carrot, spinach, pumpkin purees alot. today just tried him on sweet potatoes. 45ml of puree + 3 scoops of baby rice + 1 scoop of FM. He finished them all.

Good morning mummies

Just returned back from BKK, it is really very tough to bring along my kids, a toddler + an infant, really not not much time to enjoy :p

For north gathering, i will vote for swensen...:D

Let me know ya, look forward to meeting all of you next sat :D


i donno is it me... i need at least one hr to pump... am using avent single now... electric or manual also one hr... very sian... i always thinks is due to long hr pumping that i'm having backache now..


may i ask how regularly do you pump... cos i'm wondering is it the frequency i pump.... but before i start work also only pump 3 times a day, now also 3 times a day...


I think i will be like you too if i have a maid to look after my boy. I am blessed my parents look after so i have a peace of mind to work.


Ur J'don got potention to be vegetarian liao. Yucky spinach he also likes. Most adults hate spinach too. BTW, you don't feed ur boy pure puree?? always mixed with cereal is it? Why is that so ah?


Welcome back. So i guess you din have chance to go spa. Did you go to buy carters at the wholesaler weekday market? Can advise on any good bb buys you got there? I am going BBK next week for conference.

Sweet mummy

I am pumping 3 times before at 6am 2pm and 9pm. Just started on 4 pumps at 6am 11am 5pm 9pm today cos it is easier as too long stretch i will have too much fore milk which i need to throw if not my milk too watery.


I read an article, bb like sweet thing leh..maybe not too sweet ...


Cheap leh..$450..

I used spoon he also reject..use syringe..he spit out..n scream at me if i force feed..bad temper boy.. till now he still dont drink..n now need to feed him with medication. he dont wan water..lagi more jialat..

Back from four seasons organic market, they ran out of peas. Sianz.. I grabbed the last box of baby spinach and purple cabbage. Guess i will try these first to neutralise the orange coloured foods.


Last resort, give him water in milk bottle when he crys for milk. In his haste to drink he may just drink a mouth or two before realising it is not milk.


You wun want ur son to flip de. My silly boy now will flip to sleep on tummy in middle of the night. Very scary. His face got buried in the pillow then he cannot breath well and will try to adjust. But with his head tilt to one side he is not comfortable and adjust until he pek chek and wake up. I try to help him flip back and sleep on his side he also don't want and want to sleep on tummy, which is not comfortable to him.. Still.. sigh..

Just realised that cabbage gives bb gas. Guess i will have to eat the cabbage myself.

my baby is now 5 and half mths old. started her on brown rice cereal. 1tsp of cereal to 4tsp of ebm.

it seems that she doesn't know how to swallow, most of it dribbles out of her mouth.

does it means she's not ready for weaning yet?

read some mummies already fed their babies half bowl of semi solids, but mine not even taking few teaspoonfuls. worried..

Hello Pomme,

This trip I spent all my time at wholesale market area, but strange, din manage to get bb stuffs, just some for my boy and little for my gal. It seems to me most of them are suitable for 1 yr and above? Carter only a few stalls selling, maybe bcos the schedule is quite tight hence not much chance to shop further. Mainly walk around there to buy some clothings for myself. I went to Chatuchak (weekend market), also no chance to spot any best buy :p, weather too hot bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/proud.gif]

pomme > hmm purple cabbage?.. steam and puree like carrot? will cabbage cause gas?

spinach > should give the ang mo one or chinese one?

my boy likes plain baby rice from bellamy. haha. miss him now... so cute when he first taste a new food and scrunch up his face. but later, will keep opening his mouth to ask for more...and even scream to make us feed him more quickly.

i bought edamame (soya bean) from cold storage ... tried to puree yesterday but still chunky... going to try again as i think i didn't add enough liquid and didn't steam enough. yesterday's chunky puree will be my dinner tonite ;p anyone has tips on how to do this?

i'm only giving about 2 oz for 1 meal a day. the parents @ caregivers are more for giving milk so have been limiting the amt of solids to feed.

oh.. i think can't keep frozen potato for too long (my experience is 3 days) else it will become very 'sandy'...n my bb rejected it.

Wow, seems like all babies are having good yummy meals. So exciting

My gal is still on selected fruits only, poor gal. She kept staring at us everytime we are having meals and look so "ke lian", wanted to share with her but due to her Eczema. PD said must deferred bo bian.

BBL - my daughter hasn't learned yet either.. she tries to flip but only the upper half of the body,,, the backside like too heavy like that.. heh... she has learned how to flip tummy to back though,,, can't sit up unassisted either... ;(


nowadays he like to sleep on his side..so i also scare he will just topple n sleep on tummy..hahaha. but think he still like to sleep on his back with the 大 shape..


Dont worry my son also dont know how to swallow..thats y we are here to teach them..feed them few more times n she will know how to swallow and ask for more..


How old is yr daughter..mine gonna be 6 mth in 5 days


I gave my boy baby rice from bellamy too but it cause him to be constipated real bad so i stopped.

The spinach i bought is the ang mo baby spinach leaves. I think my parents will be giving the chinese spinach in his porridge.

For white potatoes, they are not freeze friendly de. Will turn gritty if frozen cos i tried to freeze them. So can only keep in lower compartment and used within 72 hours of preparation. Not much nutrients in it based on wholesomebaby foods website thus will not be giving again till later, though my boy quite like it.

I am not sure about giving baby edemame though. Cos it is very heavy in unsaturated fats. Even adults can put on weight if ate too much of this. You found any website that say can give this to baby?

So am only giving vege puree 2.5 oz for lunch follow by milk and 2 oz of fruit for dinner follow by milk. But i stopped after he poo until cry and refuse to poo. Will be resuming this and increasing qty after 6th march.


Thanks for sharing. The wholesale mkt area mean patumnam market?

hallo mummies~

Sat wanna go to Harbourfront for mothercare sales?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pomme > Gas? Haha..my boy farts a lot all the time, so I think not much difference after he takes peas.

Jaime > You just started semi-solids, issit? It's like that one cos' eating from spoon is a new experience for them. My boy initially also don't know how to swallow, took about 2 weeks for him to learn. Just keep on trying k.


Yes, I agree that it's super stressful when they start to flip. I don't dare to leave my boy on the bed unattended even for 10 secs. And of cos', changing diapers is a whole new challenge now!


so i should keep on trying everyday once a day sufficient?

when then should i progress to other food like in your instance intro peas to your boy?


Got some change in child care plans. Am going early for mothercare fair on thurs. Will be there at 11.30am with Phtanus. Msg me when u reach ok.

Kristelle - wow your baby is smart to be able to crawl so fast! aih my daughter lagging in physical development...

phyphy - sorry i don't know what is the difference b/w chinese and non-chinese barley... anw so which brand of pearl barley to feed bb? where to buy? Thanks!

BBL - my daughter was born on 26 Sept.. so she's 5 months and two days old.

Pomme - Thank you for your postings. Can I ask what is the difference b/w chinese and english spinach? How are they labelled differently in NTUC?

Btw if you are still bf ing then better not to take the cabbage either cause some mothers claim it makes their babies gassy too! Also, I think mothers mixed cereal with veg or fruit puree when the taste of the veg or fruit is too strong.

When you first started to introduce solid food to your baby.. did you start with baby rice first? How much and how often? And how do you manage your time? Cook while the baby is sleeping? My daughter is so sticky to me.. she cries when I'm out of sight and there is no one helping me.. I don't know how I'm going to find the time.. =.="

I started with one cereal feed a day too during lunch. After one week, I start adding one more puree vege/fruit feed around 4 - 5 pm. Only when he learns to swallow well after 2 weeks, then I add puree into his cereal and add one more cereal feed.

But do monitor closely. I move quite fast to different foods cos' my boy has no allergy so far, so I don't keep to the 4-day rule, just no more than 1 new food per day.

All those going to mothercare baby fair on 3 Mar, has the timing been decided yet? How can I contact either one of you when I reach there? I might be there earlier cause my husband is driving me there.. =) Many thanks!

Mothercare Fair


Time: 1.30pm/ 2pm

Venue: Harbourfront Center




4)Angela (late morning is fine coz baby got vaccination in the morning)


6) chewy ( after lunch is fine as I needa fetch son fr Sch)

7) Mummyliang

Weaning Experience.

1st wk - Veg. (Lunch)

2nd wk - Brown Rice Porridge (Lunch) + Veg. or Fruits Puree.

3rd wk - Can I add Veg to Brown Rice Porridge? Or still separate them?

I really hate to be asking all these stupid questions but.. heh.. can somebody tell me how to tell if a sweet potato is orange or purple fleshed? Purple skin = purple flesh? How are they labelled in supermarkets?

*utterly embarrassed*

Baby Flipping

Baby Athena just learn how to roll on the bed. Yesterday, she roll from one end to the other end. Heng. Hubby was there and I was pumping.

At times, Athena also want to flip over when she is sleeping. So what I did is use 2 blosters on block her (like a sleep positioner). My mum make 2 beanspurt bloster. I put them on her, 1 vertically on her chest like her bloster the other over her tummy. You can oso use towl to as a sleep positioner. (Roll the bath towl and tie both end using rubber band.)


You can see the flesh de. Usually the flesh is orange or pale white. Some Purple skin sweet potato flesh is pail white de lor. You can check on the ends of the sweet potatoes.


Edamame Soya bean - did you remove the bean from the hurst? Boil or steam until soft then can puree. Should be same as how you prepare green pea puree.

mummy liang

苋菜 (chinese spinach which shape and look is similar to kang kong)

BTW, chinese spinach got a few varietys too. With purple tinge on leave and those without. Planted in soil and those planted in water also look different. Plus there is a baby version which is more tender.

english spinach (波菜)Got pink tinge in the roots end. Pointy leaves.

Sweet potatoes

Got orange and purple. Jap and local variety. Normally orange flesh ones are orange skinned. Purple skinned may be purple flesh or white flesh. Shape wise orange ones are more longish but fat in the middle. Purple skinned and purple flesh have longish versions and jap version which is roundish and small.

Tigerlily is right, you can break a bit of the ends to see what is the colour of the flesh.

Hope the above helps.

Mummyliang: Since i join quite a no. of gathering in the near future...i'll giv my contact away...

I will be there probably aft 1pm...cos my bb wakes up like @ 10 - 11 am...plus his feeding and etc...will be around there...but i'll try to go earlier if all of u going early~

Mothercare Fair


Time: 1.30pm/ 2pm

Venue: Harbourfront Center


2)Kristelle (94520504)


4)Angela (late morning is fine coz baby got vaccination in the morning)


6) chewy ( after lunch is fine as I needa fetch son fr Sch)

7) Mummyliang


Yew Tee baby show. I from north...but can i oin u guys? tell me when u guys goign down to register oki?

1) Pommelow

2) Pinkyluv

3) Kristelle


Thanks for your informative sharing. =) But actually my mandarin is lousy; can write the han yu pin ying for 苋菜 and 波菜 ? Hahah pai seh....Also, do you know which of the chinese spinach taste better with porridge? Are those spinach seasonal or available all year round? How about the japanese purple sweet potatoes? Where are they available at? Sorry for all these non-stop questions...

Anybody knows which english barley i should get and from where?

Thanks everyone!


Don worry. Slowly she will know how to eat. My boy on his 2nd week if solid but yet to take more than 10 mouthful at most only 5 mouthful.


Me too sahm. I will wait for my boy to take his nap then I go steam his food. After he wakes up, then I will put him on his chair n do purée .

Thur mothercare sale

Lunch anyone ?


Yes.. i want lunch. You ladies lunch first than shop hor? I will shop liao than join u ladies for lunch.


Phtanus and i are both going to be there early. PM me ur HP and we can meet at the mothercare fair first.

Chinese spinach is Xian(4) cai (4)

English spinach is Bo(1) cai(4)

pomme > Aidan is a bit constipated... but not sure is it due to the cereal. did u change cereal then?

yeah,. i'm also not giving potato any,more... i myself like it when blended with milk ;p

unsaturated fats doesn't sound good! and i tot edamame is a healty and super food?!

tigerlily > i didn't remove the skin... i think didn't steam enough also.

Kristelle - Thanks for your number. I have dropped you SMS =)

Phyphy - Thanks.. i work from home also.. hheee.. i'll have to mange somehow and there will always be first for everything.. =)

Pommelow - Okay, I have PM you.

See you all soon.

Thank you mummies for all your advice!

Tks Pommelow for posting the link to milk powder sample!

Think will continue to give the carrots then potato..my bb is still eating v little so not worry that she will turn yellow but I agree we have to be careful cos' of the beta carotene in the yellow fruits/veg i believe..

Am worry that she is not eating enough..now crawling all over the house..not using her legs very well yet mostly hand support to move..IFC said she finished 1 tbspoon of frisocrem yesterday..

Mothercare meetup

I want to go but am working that day. I will try to sneak off early provided there is no meeting. I got phyphy & pommelow's mobile. WIll call you if I am there.


You going to Mothercare on Thurs, rite. Maybe can go check out at Giant. The difference between chinese spinach & english spinach. Purple Sweet Potato is seasonal.

Aries Mum,

Yr princess crawling liao ah. So fast. Mine only wiggle like a worm. She just learn how to multiple roll on the bed on Sunday. She roll roll roll the stop cos' got stuck at the edge.

She is bit cracky lately cos' having running nose since last Wednesday. Kana from my BIL's son who hug her when he came over 2wks ago.

Tiger Lily - yes I will do so.. was thinking of going with my SIL (who loves to cook) to ntuc so that she can show me around.. heh..

Aries Mum - how old is your bb?

