(2010/09) September 2010 MTB

Morning mummies

North gathering:

So confirmed meet up at Northpoint? 5/Mar? 2pm? Swensen? Do let me know if have alternative schedule



Pomme Low,

I ask Jac le. But she say no employee discount le. But member gt 12%. I need to get the spare part kit for my freestyle. The one i bought online from bp is not gd le. I think i get the original one better


Ya, the stuffs is ex but bo bian cos they r the distributors. May i know where u stay?


I PM u the details i need liao. U reply me can? I call up n check then they say need those details than can apply the discount. No need the card. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummyliang,

I would need the following details:

Full name stated on the membership card


Membership card number

U PM me the details can? Cos i PM u twice but i think nv go thru~ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tried the teppanyaki chicken mcgrill today for lunch. It's 1 for 1 and I thought it's quite nice leh!

1 for 1 till 7 mar. Print out the coupon here:


(click on the coupon at the bottom right corner and print after it opens up)

Saw mothercare sales picture..

FP Jumperoo only S$99. limited to 5pcs~

tomorrow 2nd march is private sale for members n vip..:

"Mothercare Baby Fair kick-starts tmr! Baby&Me and VIP Members' Sale starts on 2 Mar 2011 and entitled to 15% storewide discount and purchase of "Daily Deals". T & C apply. 3-13 Mar 2011 is open to Public. See you soon"

go registed for the baby&ME member for FOC and can go the fair tml [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm sooo tempted!!!

But can only go on sat~! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Yup, tmr is for their cardmembers. Am gg down to see see look look either tmr or wed. Not able to join in the gatherings but might meet you guys there!

I am so tempted too but i need to bring Gideon for vaccination tomorrow.


i received their email circular so i am their member?? If you sign up online how to proof you are member??

Hi... For those mummies that prepare green pea purée, did u all buy a lot... I bought a small pkt of it n steam all e pods, n it's so little after I blend it... It's so little that I have prob blending it... Mayb at most 1 tablespoon of purée...

Do e mummies here have e same prob?

gathering on 3 March at Harbourfront

paiseh, been busy and din catch up theposts..wat time it is starting ? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

we are meeting at 130pm ?


i just went to see the posts liao..i will meet u at 1030am then..Harbourfront right ?

so who r not bringing babies to Motehrcare Fair ?


I change to feeding only purely vege or fruit puree. Din give any cereal until recently i gave barley cereal and he is not so constipated. I din even dare to give applesauce and banana (also culprits of constipation)

For edemame beans, my hb used to eat a lot and he put on weight very fast. I went to check online and found out it has very high vege fat content so not advisable to eat a lot. If not how to get soy bean oil right.. only high fat content stuff can produce oil mah. So he stopped eating liao.


Yup, see you at Habourfront MRT at 1030am. Will be meeting phtanus too.


Badfifi found luna luna selling at $120. Buay pai and don't need to quene and snatch until like mad. Not bad hor.


ok ! can call me when u reach..cos i din save all teh number here in my sim card and my previous hp died liao

so u & Phantus not bring bb ?


I mean the jumperoo is selling at $120.


Ok. Both of us not bringing baby. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear Mummies

Have the following to sell

1 x Mamil Gold Stage 2 (400g) - $12

1 x Enfapro Stage 2 (400g) - $12

1 x FrisoGold 2 (900g) - $25

All expiry after May 2012.

Self collection @ Novena MRT (9am - 6pm) or Sembawang MRT (After 7pm weekdays), Weekend collection possible with arrangement

Please PM me for fast deal.

pinkyluv: i bring baby to habourfront~ when u n pomme going to register @ yew tee?

pomme: i thought applesauce and banana helps the movement of bowel? soyabean is a good source of food to replace meat if u want ur baby not to eat meat too soon as it has high biological protein that are only found in soya bean and meat source foods...other veg only has low biological protein..

Pinkyluv, Phyllis, Angela, Clueless and chewy...can pm me ur no.? can contact once i reach habourfront :D

Kristelle - Tried to pm you my hp no but your pm can't get through. Any other way that I can pm you?

I cannot say what time I can reach coz my daughter's vaccination is at 9am. I will try to reach by 11 am. You babes will be having lunch at harbourfront right? When I reach harbourfront, I will sms you.

pinkyluv & kristelle - I'm bringing my bb along too.. nobody to take care at home... do you think it'll be a problem if the fair is crowded? Think it'll be v crowded..

pomme - where is the nearest four seasons market from our area? thanks.

hi mummies,

Adelynn: thx for the post babe!

RE:Starting on solids

Looks like many babies have started but I yet to start Faith as her milk intake is still gd at 135ml @6x daily. So starting her only after 6mths.

Apple sauce can harder stools so not advisable to give too much. I always give my #1 apple juice for diarrhea. For easing of bowels, bananas and veg are good. My son loved to eat banana with tofu puree and this puree is rich in protein. Mummies to try this, do use non-egg silken tofu to blend with bananas, not for freezing.

RE: mothercare fair

Babes, I be going in the noon maybe reaching around 2pm, shall contact whoever is still there. I won't be joining for lunch. Kristelle, I hv pmed u my contact. I b going alone so can shop better! kekekeke

Kristelle - I have pm Pinkyluv my hp no. I can't seem to pm you leh...

I will meet you all without my daughter for the mothercare gathering. Let her rest at my mum's place after her vaccination.

Kristelle - Same here! I'm writing resuume now, going to express milk soon. =)

chewy - Haha! It's night time liao, that's why blur. No worries, still got one more day! So looking forward to meeting you all! =D

Actually Harbourfront got limited choices. Vivo City got more. Maybe can eat at Vivo City for lunch first, then hop over to Harbourfront for shopping?


Wriggle prob a better word to describe my gal movement..she uses her hands to move forward, legs just propel..yesterday she wriggle up my platform in the living room..scare me siao...platform about 2 inch high..think need to find crash helmet cos she can just turned and lied on the floor..


My galis about 6 months 5 days old..she is a small eater, she survives on abt 150ml/feed for a total of 6 feeds, most times lesser than 150ml..it is a terror to feed her nowaday cos she will drink for a while then throws her head back and cries and wants to play..

mummies going to mothercare fair, enjoy yrself n do keep us updated about the gd buys.think i will buy clothes for there..bathmat maybe cos it is getting diff to bathe her..

Hi mummies my baby is coming to 5.5m and I have just started feeding him brown rice cereals with ebm once a day. I read that you can introduce new foods once every 4 days. So do u feed the rice cereals n a new food such as veg/fruit purée in the same feed or different feed? Or do you mix them into the cereals? Will appreciate mummies advice on how to do intro semi solids. thanks!

Yo mommies!

wow! super happening this thread! another meet-up?

i am super lost. been tired and tied up with unpacking (still! my house not done! ) and also my grandma passed away recently (stil in shock !)


I also haven't started!!! my E turns 6 m.o. on Sunday and I am still undecided about what to start with!

Any mommies here don't stick to the 3.4day allergy rule for trying out new stuff?


hmm my son only drinks like 100-120 EBM. he latches most times.

but it's like v little hor?

oh...i just chanced on something really encouraging for christian mommies. (Hope the other mommies don't mind me sharing here)

it's a lovely poem about being a mom. u know how sometimes the chores like cleaning diapers and all can take a toll? at least it does for me...



I'm just wondering if any of u would like to start a FB thread chat group to share and encourage each other? cos i'm sure feeling like i need a whole lot of encouragement and support to keep me going...

AriesMum - My Nicole is also on the small side (50th percentile for weight and only 45th percentile for height!). I think it's harder to take care of smaller baby right? Actually I have no idea how much she drinks cause I always latch on but she can last 4 hours between feedings; at night she still feeds at 11pm and 5am (usually most babies her age would have dropped the 5am feeding). She has been waking up hungry 2-3x at night these few days, so thinking of introducing solid food. I have the same problem as you when I feed her so what I do is to put an interesting toy/piece of cloth on my shoulder or just beside me when I bf; it works but then again Nicole is a month younger than your daughter.

SarahMay - Thanks for the poem. It's really encouraging. Indeed we need to draw upon His strength, otherwise it can really be tiring. =)

Kristelle - I'm reaching a bit earlier so I guess I will shop first with Pommelow etc and wait for the rest? Not sure. But let's just keep in contact when we reach Harbour Front.

