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  1. S

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    CocoMama: It just happened to be one of the times when I have the time to log onto forum and am pleasantly surprised to see your post. Glad u like Dr Chee. In case there is any comfort, u r not alone in this clingy phase with YX. Miss Aly is like that too!!! started like 3 weeks ago!!! She was...
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    CocoMama: I am the total opposite of you!!! I have no problem sleeping on the plane!!! Actually,like your hubby, I would be fed up too with the above clinic scenario. Hope you like the gynae I have recommended you. It's always very difficult to get appts with the popular doctors. I had the...
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Cheerieheart: Aly is currently attending play club at julia gabriel. They have a holiday program this nov/dec. You may want to check out their website for details and then decide if u would like to sign Kenan up for it. U will have a good feel of their program except that it is on a daily...
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    TYL: Heard from cami you are already in US!!! How's life there?? Settling down nicely???
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Haven't log on to forum for a really long time but so nice to see so many familiar names around still. Cheerieheart: Thanks for sharing your dental link. I have been asking amongst my dentist friends as to which toothpaste is the most suitable for our todds and guess what the answers are...
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    CocoMama: I wasn't under her care cuz for me, I prefer a male obstetrician but I have worked with her before. She's no 'celebrity doctor'. Very poised yet approachabe[IMG=]. yup, dun be too adventurous. As u mention rightly, it's...
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    CocoMama: If u r still looking for female gynae, I highly recommend Dr Chee Jing Jye. since u will be doing self-drive, my advice is to plan the long drives during YX's longest daytime nap. For Aly, the longest stretch of drive was max 2.5hr without her getting fidgety and cranky... Xin...
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    CocoMama: Congrats!!!! I think u r very brave to contemplate VBAC!!! Think if I were to try for #2, will definitely opt for elective CS! Just have to 'check in' in the morning after a gd night's res the night before, operation over in 1 hr and then stay in the hosp the next 5 days and living...
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    TYL: I dunno if I will ever get down to arranging my photos for the Swiss trip. Right now, I am busy trying to get a full time helper cuz Aly's hyper activeness, tantrums and discipline issues are severely testing my patience!!! On a more positive note, she is also a lot more fun to be with...
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    CocoMama: I haven't been reading the forum like 3 mths already cuz was busy studying for exams those few mths. It's really no mean feat to be SAHM without much support and still have to study!!! Can't even get pass 2 lines of my notes without Aly fighting with my notes for my attention. In the...
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Andie: The dress u made for Emma is so cute! Cant remember when is the last time i sewed something!!! Aly's bright??? Oh please! She can ONLY do Q&As! Cant say anything resembling coherent words for nuts!!! Wow! Emma's developing fast in the speech dept! She has spoken so many more words...
  12. S

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    A blessed Easter wkend to everyone here in advance & enjoy the big picnic tmw! Cheerieheart: Aly is also currently into imitating sounds!So for the past 2 wks, when i say: what does a cow say & she will go "moo, moo, moo" & wat does a sheep say & she will go "baa, baa...
  13. S

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    C Yang: Maybe feed Renee 1 more time of food from crustacean family & she would have passed the test[IMG=]. Aly is not from Jan babies club but just abt 3 wks back, she has developed a strong attachment to a lovey which...
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    bigfoot: I also use most or in fact all of the above tricks suggested by the mums here. Even then, max Aly can sit still in highchair is at best 40mins max (on those really gd & rare occasions). More often than not, it's abt 20mins or so. Think most todds in general cannot manage more than...
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Bigfoot: I still prepare Aly's food & bring it out. Usually i time it in such a way that she's also eating when we are eating. We also choose suitable restaurants. So far, Jap restaurants work the best for us cuz she's happy to be just eating rice & fruits from our bento after she is...
  16. S

    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Re: Potty training Interesting discussion[IMG=]. Finally, this is ONE area which i am totally not motivated to get started or train early! For me, Aly must fulfil 3 criteria before i would even think of getting she...
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    CocoMama/Jessie: Thanks for asking after Lamb & Nat. Think for the time being, situation seems under control for Nat. Think Lamb will give an update when things are more settled[IMG=]
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    smalldreams: Lamb's Nat is sick so she was busy bringing her to the docs, looking after her & they just flew back to S'pore tdy. She had to cancel her trip with her galfrens. cheerieheart: Glad to hear Kenan is back to his gd old eating habits. 400ml of FM sounds ok to me. Just give...
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Cheerieheart: CocoMama has posted a very nice summary of GF's tips for fussy eaters. Much as GF's suggestions sound "hard hearted", they work!!! I say that cuz abt a mth back, Aly went thru a phase of erratic eating habits. It was really frustrating feeding her cuz she would literally spit out...
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    (2010/01) January 2010 mtb

    Tam/Pauline: Thanks for yr input on Switzerland. NZ sounds like a nice option. Easier to get around via driving than Switzerland too. Tam, I feel suddenly i can write an essay on this topic of disciplining & guiding children! I think wat irks is more is not so much the child's...
