(2010/01) January 2010 mtb

Hello mummies....

callalily> Yes, playdate is on! Of course, welcome Cami and twins! The more the merrier...Currently, I only know you and Cami coming, anyone else?

sp_callalily, Cami> I will pm you my addy!

Xin> Starting work on 25 Apr (next Mon) but went to new office yesterday for a couple of hours for handover from a UK staff who is going back. I felt much much busier at home than at work!!! Haha!

Luvbabe - so hoping to join your playdate, but have to "save" my leave plans as may want to take last minute leaves for interviews.

Xin - I am sure Matt will get used to it in no time as he will realise that daddy is still with him and now daddy is the 'home-maker'. Nevertheless, I am still having this problem with Bryan though he has been with IFC since 3.5 mths. I can never be the one who sends him there or tag along to send him as he will refuse to go to school or would cry and kick a big fuss.

A question to all mummies - Do you still prepare food at home for your tod when you bring them out? Food as in main meals of the day. I am wondering how to cope with this part as although I know that they are able to take more table food now, but I am wondering how to draw a balance on this. Sometimes when we want to go out for meals, I will make sure Bryan takes his meal at home 1st or prepare his food to bring out. However, I realised that this is not a good way as he will have nothing to do when we have our meals or he would finish his food faster than us and still left with nothing to be and start to be a nuisance at the food outlet. More importantly, he wants to eat what we are eating and I am not prepared to give him some of the food due to the seasoning (salt) content.

hi mummies.

jessie, thanks for the spree... i've collected mine from 2005 last week...

thanks to 2005 too...

luvbabe, very sad tat i cant make it to the playdate in the end...

good morning all...

been busy with trainings...

finally a short breather for me to post...

Thanks Jessie, got my loots from ET.

Sincerely appreciate your Great effort. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yang>you know election on 7 May rite? You can vote where you are?

bigfoot>I will normally choose a restaurant where there'll be suitable food that I can give Ayden. Depending on what it is, I may or may not prepare his food in advance. If I do, will normally feed him there. Otherwise, will give him table food although I try to choose those that are not too highly seasoned.


I still prepare Aly's food & bring it out. Usually i time it in such a way that she's also eating when we are eating. We also choose suitable restaurants. So far, Jap restaurants work the best for us cuz she's happy to be just eating rice & fruits from our bento after she is done with her own meal. If we go to Western restaurants, bread, salad, baked potato & unsalted fries will do the trick. Having said that, she still gets really restless in her chair sometimes so one of us will have to bring her to walk around[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

callalilly>hee, same for us. I much prefer to bring Ayden to japanese restaurants cos the food seems most suitable. He's happy with the grilled fish, rice, tofu, egg, fruits and whatever else seems suitable for him. I don't bring him as much to western restaurants though cos the food that are suitable seem v carbo based like bread and potato. We always have to bring him around to distract him once he's done with his food though. too restless to sit there for the rest of his meal

jessie> thanks! i think because i was trying to quickly reply regarding the shipping so i nv scroll down to see the list. just saw the total amount. sure thing. thanks for all ur effort!

hi hi

i've been a silent reader for this thread...heh..my bb borned on Feb 2010.But i always read this thread coz her original EDD was end Jan!

Can I join in the taobao spree if you all are organsing again? thanks!

Callalily, tyl - Thanks for your comments cos I was really trying to figure out if I should drop the hassle and let Bryan takes table food when we dine out, but I am pretty uncomfortable with this idea. I try to time to his mealtime too, but sometimes due to traffic and all, it just gets into a mess. I am not so into Jap restaurants though I love Jap food cos Bryan is not so into rice unless it is risotto style. He loves cream-based pasta instead.

On the part of them getting restless, how long do Aly and Ayden (so-call) stay put on the high chair before they get cranky? I am trying hard to train Bryan to sit through a whole meal with us but cos we don't eat out very often, so it seems pretty hard. I am telling hubby not to give him to his demand of walking around before the meal is done.

bigfoot>I mix agadashi tofu (dig out the inside only) and a bit of chawanmushi with the rice. It gets quite creamy. maybe u want to try that? Ayden loves it.

Once he's finished with his meal, he'll get restless so normal procedure is we go in, order, hubby bring him out, food arrives and I prepare his portion. he comes back. hubby eats and I feed him. Hubby finishes, bring him out, I eat. :eek:

separation anxiety> seems like our children loves us too much and dont really get used to the idea that we need to leave.

hb was just saying when he reach 2, he'll cry for even longer hours.

among my friends, a few of their kindergarten children will ask mummy not to work too.

so heart pain even just thinking about it.

luvbabe> if thu u fre we can have lunch, if not can meet at botanical gardens. u gg?

melissa : Not a problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Big foot : me too eh, have to bring like a lot of things for Arwen to be entertain while we eat. But we sort of fine tune the process liao. Make sure she is half hungry before we go, pack a few type of snacks for her. Bring her bowl, spoon which are made of plastic ( cos she loves to bang ANYTHING on the table). I am currently searching for like rattan or plates made of straws so when she bang bang, not so noisy.

Also we do not let her down until we have eaten and ready to follow her everywhere! Also when I order, I will see got anything suitable for her and give her some.She is now very interested in our food so sometimes I put her snacks in my plate and "pretend" it is my food and scoop for her to eat. Lotsa tricks lah but overall, can be tiring cos we have to eat fast fast as she gets restless in 15 mins!

Sequence of events

- Pop her in high chair in restaurant

- First give her the menu which she will play for 3 mins

- Next, the plastic thing normally on table to show the restaurant latest food or promotion ( 1 min)

- Next, some serviette to tear ( 2min)

- Bring out her own bowl and spoon for her to play ( 10 mins)

- Take out my fully packed wallet for her to take out all the cards and money inside one by one ( 7 mins)

- By this time, normally we almost finish our food

- If still restless, I have an emergency pack of prepacked cutlery given by some take out restaurant, she loves to try to open the pack and chew on the chopstick etc which can buy us like another 10 minutes!

Haiz... sometimes.. not so much the diapers I am worry about not taking but the props!

jessie> haha. your posts never fails to put a smile on my face.

one tactic i use very often is also put his food on my plate or just use my utensils to feed him. almost always work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] (except with the tcm in initial stages)

i bought some rattan containers from ikea before. shanghai got ikea?

usually i also choose places where mattias can eat our food. usu jap restaurants are best. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] or we bring his dinner or snacks for him. even so, must ration, coz he eats so fast!!! but most of the time he can be entertained til we gobble down our food. :p


You have covered all the grounds!

Normally, we give her meal first at home if we already cook something for her or we are having late meals, else she eats whatever we have at the restaurant, just choose less salty/seasoning.

Then at the restaurant, just keep her occupied with phones, wallet, cutlery, serviettes, menu, anything in sight, and take turns to eat.


yes, have taped the hamster bottle down so she can't take it off to drink

bbin, u r welcome. we all should thanks Jessie for the spree! Big thanks Jessie, for your hard works.

For dining out, mummies can consider

- to bring some pencil/crayon/aquadoodles for them to write/draw.

- preload your VCD/DVD in iphone, my gal was watching Mothergooese program during our lunch recently for a good 30 mins. btw, i don't let her watch/use my iphone at all when at home.

Xin, I dunno if A miss me so much or nt but he is really coming out with alot of stunts that worries me. I got nothing much to do Nw so always kept tinking abt the lil one

Tyl - Ok, I shall try the tofu and chawanmushi combi. Maybe cos I was also septical about the saltishness in the egg then, so didn't really dare to give Bryan.

Jessie - Wah! You even calculate the timing!!! I am already doing most of these, but cos a few things like the wallet and iPhone thing (as suggested by 2005) don't work for Bryan, so have to think of alternatives. I am also trying to figure how I can extend this whole dining thing to a 45 min proper sit down event so that we can go to more places, as currently is limited to max of 30 min. Buffet, which we like to indulge once a while, is impossible.

2005 - my phone will always end up flying to the floor if I give him for such entertainment. The pencil/crayon will end up in the mouth. Argh...

Jessie, Xin - I basically hate to gobble down my food and I want Bryan to learn that he has to wait for his meals to be served, so am trying all ways to get him seated for extended period.

Just not sure if what I am trying to achieve make sense or can be trained on our LOs at such young age. It kinda sounds like making them robotic too...

bigfoot>I'm generally more easy going. as long as the food is not too saltish, I'm ok with giving it to ayden occassionally. Although it'll be nice to have a nice sit down meal together, I think he's too young for it yet. Too easily distracted by other stuff too.

Jessie>you always make me smile with your posts. So exact with the timing too. :p


I also use most or in fact all of the above tricks suggested by the mums here. Even then, max Aly can sit still in highchair is at best 40mins max (on those really gd & rare occasions). More often than not, it's abt 20mins or so. Think most todds in general cannot manage more than 30mins w/o entertainment or being restless.

I am still not comfy abt giving chawanmushi yet cuz planning to only intro crustacean family to her at 2yo. Plus, i do find chawanmushin on the salty side. But i do feed her the insides of agedashi tofu too.

bigfoot, we also will pack food from home...but nowadays HW vy clever liao..she wants to eat our food...prob she sick n tired of her own food liao...if not we will just gv her some bread or biscuits...when comes to eat she will not move abt liao...she is a makan queen...haha...we will also bring papers and colour pencils for her to draw...i've also practice those written by jessie...haha can occupy their time liao


yeah, we are especially tuned in to the GE this time cos the internet is teeming with discussion and news, unlike previously. unfortunately, there are only a few overseas polling stations worldwide and dubai is not one of them.


I also still prepare Renee's food when we go out. Helps me to meet my daily KPIs - Eat 3 complete meals, eat 1 snack, poop at least once, nap. If i don't prepare her food, it's mostly nibbles and pinching which is not a complete meal. I rather she eats what I prepare then do a tasting of our food, if she's interested. At least, later on in the day, I don't need to figure out if she's hungry, should I time an extra snack before the next meal or bedtime.

Last time, i'm like meals on highchair only. No toy, no entertainment. But now... meals on highchair but anything else ok. books, toys, beans, blue tack, wallet. We even resort to ipad or iphone meals. So eek right? Wonder when I have to allow TV.


same tactics! the wallet works very well. Give her a few coins and she may even ignore me! haha. I was thinking of preparing soem picture cards and stuffing them into a card holder or old wallet to bring out as 'toy' but kinda suspect that she'll know it's not the real thing.

Luckily renee doesn't dump things or bang things, i can't stand picking up after her and the noise. Very fan. hee.


my friend fed Renee one spoonful of mussel miso soup. But she's fine. Do you think she passed the crustacean test? Cos I'm very allergic to crustaceans. Hope she doesn't get it from me. And, the same friend offered a doughnut to Renee too. *faint*

Do the other tods in the Jan babies' club have strong attachment to a lovey? Other than a pacifier? Cos Renee doesn't have a paci and somehow, i conjure up an image of a sweet little girl going everywhere with a blankie or stuffed bunny, like i did as a kid. Sometimes she like to hold a toy when she's walking around in the mall. But not really a specific one... I haven't seen any strong attachment to anything. If she does hug her panda, it's mostly because I said "Can you give panda a big hug?" :p

i read the earlier discussion about schooling and education for our bubs... honestly, i'm still deliberating. Sometimes when people ask how long we are going to be away, we'd say, maybe until she's due for school. But seems like if she doesn't go to preschool and get her math and chinese foundation, she'll suffer right from Primary 1. And, of course, the school registration and PV thing is an issue too.

My hub is perfectly fine with her getting a international school education out here and many of his contacts' children are such intelligent kids with good exposure, superb linguistics and social skills. however, in a little tiger-mum-ish way, i would ask "how are they doing in math?" The parents of schooling kids here will say 'not math olympian but definitely good enough'. Chinese is also another concern. We can teach her but how well? I know HYPY but gotta figure out how to teach also.

We meet parents who told us, what's important is how we groom the kids and the exposure they get. One even told us, professionally speaking, he would choose to hire one who can think well, present well and count reasonably alright than one who can crunch figures very well but weak in speaking and presentation. hmmm...

Oh, Renee is going through teething pains. Previously, they sprout out without much trouble but this time, she is obviously very uncomfortable and telling me 'ouch', patting her lips and crying. yes, crying! omg! I kinda forgot that she can cry so badly.

And, coincidentally, she hasn't nursed for 1.5 days. Ask her if she wants milk, she'll shake her head. a few times i forced her and was met with back arches and loud refusals. I kind of think we are through. Don't think it's a nursing strike because the my-milk lover never had one so adamantly, she has been reducing her feeds to twice a day and last week, she was getting less and less interested. the day before yesterday, she just decide my-milk is poison.

Funny how I spoke about weaning her off soon but now she just dropped out and put my boobs out of business completely, i'm at a loss. *emo* And of course, the slight engorgement which i had to deal with. *emo again* I would love to nurse her one last time, if she allows.

C Yang:

Maybe feed Renee 1 more time of food from crustacean family & she would have passed the test[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

Aly is not from Jan babies club but just abt 3 wks back, she has developed a strong attachment to a lovey which happened to be a bunny. And recently, she's big on pretend play & this bunny is like her best friend.

Poor Renee! I can so totally empathise with teething woes cuz ever since Aly sprouted her very 1st tooth, she has been giving me grief w/o fail! And more so with the molars! Thank goodness, i am done with her teething woes for now (hopefully) till her 2nd set of molars erupt.

Regarding education & schooling, i tend to agree with yr friend that it's more impt to think well & present well which of cuz must be backed up with sound knowledge & not just plain "smoking". I think i am going to be somewhat a tigerish mum but not to the extent of Amy Chua though. In S'pore, it's hard not to be KS & be competitive esp if yr clique of friends have super intelligent kids in gifted streams etc. But from what u have posted regarding Renee's progress, she sounds like a very smart girl & since u are going to be SAHM still, it's probably not going to be such a big deal teaching her alphabets, numbers, phonics, mandarin, HYPY, Maths etc[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bigfoot, if it's jap or Chinese restaurants, I'll just give her table food but I'll order kids friendly food. if I still find it too salty, will rinse/dilute with hot water. If going to western or fast food, will bring her home cooked food along but let her pinch some of our food as snacks after she finish her main meal to 'keep her motivated'. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yah.. so sad hor.. I am so time conscious these days because sometimes must rush home after lunch for her nap cos if she miss her nap, then happy hour for me and DH again. We are trying to make sure her routine is not mess up by us .

I think seafood and peanuts ah.. I will prepare liao then feed her beside a hospital when she turns two. My friend thinks I am nuts ( pun intend) but I am so so scare of allergy reaction lor. Then will wait for 1 hour, nothing happens, then go home. Cos here , not like SG, anything, for me to go to a good hosp will take 30 to 40 mins!

Hi mommies! Long time to 'see' [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Is there a playdate? When is it?

Cyang: i agree with your friend... i think the ability to think critically and have superb social/communication skills is more important for the longer term. I mean, how much of what we learn in school is still applicable now? :p In fact, I have a friend who sends her girl to the local international school for that very reason. So whenever the kiasu streak in me strikes - like shouldn't I be sending my son for more enrichment classes, I will remind myself of what the long term education and developmental goals are for my boy. And if I have to rate EQ and IQ, i tend to think EQ is more important.

Gd morning Mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheeriehearts, come join us tomorrow if u can.

Let meet 9am at Jacobs Ballas tomorrow (22 April Friday)

Let's meet for a BIG picnic playdate !!

1- Cy & Letty

2- Febie & Shayne

3- Sherry & Shernise

4- Tyl & Ayden

5- Jasmine & Kyra

6- Horsey & Brian

7- Fatbabe & 3T

8- Angela, Luis & Lucas (tba)

9- Yuki & Chris

10- andie & emma (DH as chauffeur)



Anymore ??

Let's meet for a BIG picnic playdate !!

1- Cy & Letty

2- Febie & Shayne

3- Sherry & Shernise

4- Tyl & Ayden

5- Jasmine & Kyra

6- Horsey & Brian

7- Fatbabe & 3T

8- Angela, Luis & Lucas (tba)

9- Yuki & Chris

10- andie & emma (DH as chauffeur)

11- Xin & Mattias


Getting Here

By car or taxi

From Dunearn Road - At the Dunearn-Kheam Hock Road junction, turn right to enter NUS Bukit Timah Campus. Turn right into Jacob Ballas Children's Garden after car park gantry.

From Bukit Timah Road - At the Bukit Timah-Kheam Hock Road junction, turn left to enter NUS Bukit Timah Campus. Turn right into Jacob Ballas Children's Garden after car park gantry.

Parking is available at Jacob Ballas Children's Garden and NUS Bukit Timah Campus.

Thank you mummies for all your comments and feedback. I shall continue to prepare Bryan's food when we go out and not think I am an odd-ball.

Callalily - thanks for reminding me about the crustacean family items in chawanmushi. Yea, like you, I am not keen on introducing items from this family so soon although I accidentally gave Bryan something that is cooked with prawns some time ago. Thankfully it was just some sauce that I mixed into his food. My sister stared at me when I did that cos she thought I knew. Only after her reminder did I scream in shock. Luckily nothing happened to Bryan.

Jessie - You are definitely not nuts about feeding Arwen seafood and nuts items beside a hospital cos I know how scary it can be when allergy kicks in, and especially when kids can't tell you exactly what is happening or how they are feeling. I was also so paranoid about eggs earlier that I only gave Bryan his 1st taste of egg yolk at around 11 months, egg white at almost 14 months.

C yang- I used to also be only meals on high chair, but now I actually gave him a whole load of things just to make him complete his meal. Only strict rule is no soft toy item! iPhone tested but doesn't last well cos unlike Renee, Bryan will send things to the floor after a while and I already have uncountable back-breaking moments picking up those things.

On the lovey, Bryan has attachment to a few soft toys but never really fixed on 1 item. Started off with a duck (also a rattle), then came Pooh bear (which he ended up with a few) and now a dog. Duck is something he has since 3 months and still needs this for sleep. Pooh, is selective, depends on mood and place. Dog is cos recently he caught interest in the starting of the show "Word World" whereby they have a dog at the start and the frequent walks where he saw the different types of dogs. He practically drags this fella round and round the house, kiss and hug it, lie on it....

Cheerieheart - playdate was at Luvbabe's place yesterday.

cy> taml interested too

Let's meet for a BIG picnic playdate !!

Let meet 9am at Jacobs Ballas tomorrow (22 April Friday)

1- Cy & Letty

2- Febie & Shayne

3- Sherry & Shernise

4- Tyl & Ayden

5- Jasmine & Kyra

6- Horsey & Brian

7- Fatbabe & 3T

8- Angela, Luis & Lucas (tba)

9- Yuki & Chris

10- andie & emma (DH as chauffeur)

11- Xin & Mattias

12- taml & ryan



renee> mattias has no fixed lovey too. like renee, he'll only hug his donkey when instructed. :p

think he prefers a cd or ball more than a soft toy. :p

feeding time> i just remembered once i made mattias sit through a 2hr lunch with my friends at sakae sushi. haha.

he was left entertained by avacado, rice, plastic plates and cover... hahaha... made such a terrible mess.

usu if he's in the high chair, he'll be quite well behaved.

if no high chair, v diff to feed him. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] thinkign of buying a portable high chair.

on schooling> recently, i just had a thought. do we prepare our kids towards school readiness or life readiness? which is mroe important? my hb and i believe in the latter though not neglecting the former.

renee> think you dont have to worry too much coz i'm sure u're teaching renee lots of stuff and she's a such a bright child. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Let's meet for a BIG picnic playdate !!

Let meet 9am at Jacobs Ballas tomorrow (22 April Friday)

1- Cy & Letty

2- Febie & Shayne

3- Sherry & Shernise

4- Tyl & Ayden

5- Jasmine & Kyra

6- Horsey & Brian

7- Fatbabe & 3T

8- Angela, Luis & Lucas (tba)

9- Yuki & Chris

10- andie & emma (DH as chauffeur)

11- Xin & Mattias

12- taml & ryan

13- ET & Oliver


Cy: what time is the gathering tmrw? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We have some plans already, so must see if the timing is ok.

Cyang: Actually, what you're going thr with Renee on the breastfeeding is very much like my exp with Kenan. I shared about it here:


Did feel sad abt stopping but no choice, he doesn't want to continue anymore [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Abt entertainmt on highchair: we also have to do that for Kenan as he can get quite restless after abt 45mins to an hour (when we're outside). At home, i try not to give him toys when he's eating but sometimes just can't help it as he refuses to eat w/o distractions. But he also has a tendency to throw thgs onto the floor (like bigfoot's Bryan.. hehe), so definitely no hp for him. And i'm also very concerned abt having too much radiation exposure fr hp, so i dun let him play with my mobile, tho my hubby does that occasionally.

Toy attachment: so far no strong attachment to any toys. He has two bears and a rabbit which he likes very much, and he kisses them when he wakes up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But it's not like he will carry it around the house or must have it when he's outside.

Btw, today my boy imitated the sound of the boiling kettle. It's cute.. ya, he's into imitating sounds and we are always well entertained by that!

A blessed Easter wkend to everyone here in advance & enjoy the big picnic tmw!


Aly is also currently into imitating sounds!So for the past 2 wks, when i say: what does a cow say & she will go "moo, moo, moo" & wat does a sheep say & she will go "baa, baa, baa" etc. Finally her 1st step twds some resemblance of "real words' other than mama, dadee & mum mum! Not quite real words yet but definitely an improvement from her "mutism"!


Hehe, i figured u r also one extremely careful mum where food is concerned. But i have definitely cut myself a lot of slack recently. So far, think the 2 families which i have yet to introduced Aly to are nuts & crustacean. I am actually thinking of introducing peanut butter to her soon cuz for nuts, i am not too concerned abt allergy per se but rather the risk of aspiration hence whole nuts are definitely out for me till she's after 2yo.


Yeah, think we are all too familiar with full blown allergic reactions hence we tend to be really paranoid abt them. Dun worry, u r definitely not nuts![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CY and mummies joining the Jacob Ballas Garden Outing, pls note that food is not allowed inside, so no picnic. I brought sandwiches last time and was told cannot eat inside [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cyang, cherie

about bfing, weaning can be baby-led, or mother-led. Think for you girls, looks like baby-led. Sometimes, mummy is not ready and feels emo. What's most impt is that you have come so far on bfing and provided the best. Pat yourselves on the shoulder. You still have no.2, no.3, no.4 to enjoy the bf experience.

My LO is still quite attached to it, will plonk herself down with the biggest smile for a feed. But I am usually impatient for her to finish her session and will try to stop it, then she will mumble and push my hand away and shake 'no no'.

While lying down feeding, she can even stand up with raised bump and shake and dance when feeding.

Re: lovey, my boy is super attached to his paci n bolster when he wanna slp... In morn when he wakes up, he will hug his bolster to find us if we wake up later than him

