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  1. S

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    haha weishy. The sizing below. I think on that day after operation if cannot velco up, then gotta ask my mum go down to the shop and change man. S- (24" - 32") M- (32" - 37")
  2. S

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Weishy: I bought the binder from Spring Maternity, it's called the abdominal support right? But the salesgirl recommended me to get size S (waist: 24" - 32") coz she said to follow what i wore last time before pregnancy, size 6. But i have a feeling it'll be too small. Do you think i should...
  3. S

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    hello magmag, i pre-registered for double room first, coz my husband's insurer's paying for double room and gynae delivery. Unless on that day i decide to take single room, then i gotta pay the balance. And i'm taking epidural, haha coz i want to make sure i see my baby's face. I'm paranoid...
  4. S

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Baby S and Kiki: I also noticed the darker pigmentations! I use my facial whitening cleanser on those areas when i bathe too. haha. But they dont seem to work as yet. =( Mag mag: Not sure if u'll see this, but i'm delivering at gleneagles on the 9th of aug, c-section. Maybe i'll get to seeyou...
  5. S

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    donkeymami, yeah also getting from prudential. hee. mich, i dont know leh. i went online to check and some preg moms also puke when taking the iron tablets. Maybe i'm one of em. Dunnoe what's wrong with me. =( Maybe my stomach cannot take it.
  6. S

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Any ladies here taking ferbeaplex (iron tablets)? I always puke out everything after eating iron supplements and feel nausea the whole day. Must we actually take them? Donkeymami, which company's that? My insurance only takes about 1-2 mths, but they say depends on whether it's submitted...
  7. S

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Regg, i bought an Aussino baby comforter set in mid june. It was $79.90, but that time got offer and it was $67.90. The set has: -Fitted Sheet (132x71x10cm) - for mattress size 28" by 52" mattress -comforter, cot bumper, pillowcase and bolstercase. I think the size all quite standard...
  8. S

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Adeline, haha, yeah i wanted 8th Aug too. 08/08/09 looks quite nice. But in the end, everyone convinced me to deliver on 9th. Especially my parents and Aunties! Then husband say, deliver later, let the baby stay inside for one more day.
  9. S

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Pink, ur baby's weight's good! My baby's 1.95kg at 32wks & 6 days. Gynae said I could eat durians to fatten baby up. Now 34 wks, i put on 10kg so far. carefreelife: I chose 9th August to deliver already. But i didnt ask about the charges though. I thot it should be the same. Ahh...
  10. S

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    i'm delivering at gleneagles. Dunnoe if the the hospital's strict or my gynae's strict. But i think he said cannot bring in anyone else, only husband. =( He said he can help me take photos of the baby. lol. Anyone delivering at ard or on 9th of Aug. haha. Wonder if there's anything special...
  11. S

    (2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

    Hey August mommies to be! I'm also expecting a baby 24th of August like some of you. But doing a c-section, so he gotta come out earlier. hehe. Jac, i read that your husband wouldnt be here during delivery. Mine too, coz he's working in the US, cant fly down for the birth of our baby in...
