(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


My husband might not be around during baby due date too. So I hope baby will be out a week or two earlier b4 my husband fly....

I was hoping my mum might be able to be in there with me...didnt check with gynae though..

oh i will have 1 day at my MIL house n 1 day my house:p

high 5*
i look slim? maybe all the weight go to my tummy n boobs but my bottom expand liao...

hahah my cravin for bubble tea is forever 1 tink goin to drink again tonite

i also notice this 2 wk i put on v fast my last appt i lose 300g den after tt is up n up
sharrel, oh actually my gynae say can get my sister, my mother or my gd gf to come in with me.. oni 1. when i say i wan to go alone he ask me better get someone to accompany me leh..
ya i think you better ask someone to go in with you for moral support lah.

wow all your fats go to the correct places. My bottom long expanded lor. :p

dun tempt me to walk over tonite to buy bubble tea leh i drank last nite!
dunno leh cos surprisinly i can still buttom up 1 of my low waist bottom as shown in my bloom pic but now i can feel my thighs n hip expand more liao

yup if my baby dun come out himself by 1st wk Aug i will probably induce provided my cervix is open... cos my HB wan to go back so if induce we can better gauge the date.. cos he only got 1wk time
beside HB mother or sibling can acc 1... i ask be4 for TMC jus ask HB to write an authorisation letter will do.. but only 1 pax can acc..

Carefreelife ya 2 day cos my MIL place parkin diff n not easy to access if not drivin so all their relative at their house lor quite easy for me cos i jus need to bring my baby over the rest no need to do:p

U good ah. I cannot even squeeze into my old bottoms since 2nd mth of pregnancy liao. Will get stuck at the thighs haha.
i'm delivering at gleneagles. Dunnoe if the the hospital's strict or my gynae's strict. But i think he said cannot bring in anyone else, only husband. =( He said he can help me take photos of the baby. lol.

Anyone delivering at ard or on 9th of Aug. haha. Wonder if there's anything special for babies to bring back home.
now dunno still can anot.. hahah but i got try a few of my bottom mostly can wear but cant button up i tink tt short can button up becos it low waist lol~
piggy, envy leh, your weight go to the correct plc! mine really all over, even my arms! damn sad...

i can have 3 person inside the delivery ward, but my parents wil only reach here on the 23rd..initially is want my parents n dh inside with me de, but nw if i deliver earlier then only gt hubby lo..i wonder hw is he gonna manage the videocam and camera and still giv me encouragment and support..hehehe....he is nt very gd at multitasking...
huh so strict ah.. but other hosp can leh.. i tink it ur gynae strict bah... but den if my HB not ard i rather go in myself i find it weird to have my mother stdin ther n watch me push lol~

I was wearing maternity bottoms since 2nd mth liao. And by 4th mth, even the stretchable ones cannot fit liao. Chiam hor?

No problem I will reserve the slot for you.
However if possible, try not to cancel the slot again as photographer and make up artist are on standby according to schedule....
I will send you the confirmation email again shortly...
talk abt c section, i still cant decide to go for norm delivery or c section!!! am i the only confuse one here?
i v scare this last few wk i will ballon up alot leh cos my weight like goin up v fast... my sis lagi best she got 3 kid but she is more skinny den me!!!

if c-sect chose PH will kena extras charges 1 leh..

but u taller mah i so short if everywher expand i will look like a ball...

Haha u so slim, not likely to look like a ball at all lor.


Yup, I'm in FB. But dun think u added me. Try looking for me under piggy, micky, reira etc?

You have to bring two sets of clothings to change, preferably one with tube. ( but if you not have a tube, we've bought some in the studio, brand new )....
You can also bring along any props you wana include in the photoshoot, say baby booties, clothes, toys etc....
Lastly bring along your bright smile and enjoy yourself...
Email invite sent to those who requested for the photos.
hope i didn't missed anyone out. :p

thread here move so fast...

hi piggytoh, can i see ur photos too?

hi jul,
i tink i'm worse wor...i can't wear my bras (hv to put in 3 bra extensions)...and my maternity tops from my 1st pregnancy.

when i went to buy nursing bras recently...i struggled to hook a size 40 bra lei (and that's the biggest from mothercare)...damn depressing...how come so fat...
Loh - wow hospital really tubo pump...still thinking if i shd bring my pump along, for convenience sake maybe don't bring unless i'm staying there for more than 3 days then ask hubby go back and bring.

Suzuka - good to hear that the class is informative and movtivating! have you receive the ameda pump u bought from mumsfairy? got mine 2 weeks ago, I still haven go and assemble them yet and now you gals mention abt warranty card, need to send it out soon.

Michelle - just came back from my checkup, ask gyne abt tht joint pain on hand and fingers, he says is water retension
so i think after give birth liaos everything will be just fine.

Me now 37 weeks liaos baby is half way engaged, I hope she will come out soon cos it's so tiring.
Just met a swiss lady while waiting for my turn at TMC, she looks so amazing and no sign of water retention, she's already in her 40 weeks and she only looks like 5 months pregnant and I thought her bb weight will be small but to my surprise, her bb weighs 2.83 now and next sat is her EDD and expected weight is 3.33kg..wow "sian mu" man
piggy, dun need worry, it runs in the genes de...think after you giv birth u will lose the weight very fast also de...anyway you also din really gain much, think it all goes to ur bb...hehe...

regg, me gt consider csect, but my gynea not supportive...
hi piggy,
yeah...can add me? [email protected]

tokking abt delivery...i was asking my mum whether she will accompany me to the delivery ward if my hubby not ard....coz my hubby will not be ard on 1 and 9 Aug....she was giving me a weird look and said "we'll see"...i tink she's scared. :p
no leh cos my sis is those boney skinny type n she is 1.61m so really big diff to me n she not like me like to eat.. i am more to he short n bah bah type... as long as can regain back to my pre-preg size i happi liao :p

mine all ready liao jus need to fit the bedsheet to the mattress when baby is out
i just added a grp of girls into my facebook..
kekekee and i want to see maternity shoots.. please let me view...

i think i sucks in facebook.. dunno how to "report" to the edd aug 09 thread.. though i saw u girls inside that grp?

my profile pic got a fat lil toddler waving and wearing smurf t=shirt :D
ya, if just stay 3D2N, no need to bring pump coz milk will most probably came in on Day3 only.

Ur gynae is Adrian Woody? He boh cap one. Everytime i go there, i just stand on the scale to weight myself...haha
hi piggy...what's your email? i send to u now...can't wait to c ur photos...make me gian again...

hi cherrios,
the diff was that she had c-sec...so she was completely knocked out...for me, i'm trying for natural...so i tink she will be freaked out bah...i guess it's different experiencing it yourself and watching your own daughter delivering...hee
