(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

wah so soon u goin ML liao.. i still waiting for my gynae to confirm if i can induce be4 decidin when to start my ML

the AXA call me n meet up with me liao..

piggy, cos my EDD is 2nd Aug so i plan my leave 1wk b4 my EDD loh..if not i labour in ofc then jialat...but then nxt wk i nit to be careful also cos it's 38wks for me...
yep, still having contractions, in fact was warded on tue night after the daily CTG monitoring for 1 night, discharged yesterday. seems like the adalat tabs less effective now cos been taking so much of it.

how many weeks are you now? maybe you shd get it checked out by yr gynae and check out your AFI as well, cos contractions can be caused by lowered amioninic fluid levels - which is what happend to me.

great, thks for the link. Will check it out. think their products better than the ones on the BP. at least it contains more natural herbal remedies.

yeah i also worried abt wind/gas trapped in the abdomen area - esp after C sect, cos it's major abdominal surgery...the last time had surgery for ectopic, the gas retention was horrid.

i can't rembember if i asked you before - but do you plan to do autologous blood transfusion..in case something do go wrong?
I was on MC for the last 2 days. Suppose to go back to work 2day, but i'm still feeling the pain so i took another day of leave to stay at home.

I'm sort of confused now whether it's gastric pain or contraction pain leh ..... cos when i saw ah wong the day before, they strapped me to ctg and it only picked up very mild contraction, although the pain was intense. But when ah wong checked my tummy, she said she can feel the contraction, dat's why asked me to take the anti contraction pill. Maybe i'll give her a call later and see how.
donkeymami, yeah also getting from prudential. hee.

mich, i dont know leh. i went online to check and some preg moms also puke when taking the iron tablets. Maybe i'm one of em. Dunnoe what's wrong with me. =( Maybe my stomach cannot take it.
JUl:issit my fen went o chk dun hv le......i passed by BHG then saw .....its thicker ones le.....

celine:the one i saw at BHG oki le got samples to touch touch
think ones
37 weeks shd be ok. from what i understand, it's 2 jabs 12 hours apart. It will take 2-3 days for the drug to be effective.
pegsfur, mb be a good idea to take a few more days of MC?

sharrel, think u have to highlight to ur gynae about this... see whether can cut the dosage.
i got in fr the BP here...need go find the website...apparently this flashcards is a cheap alternative to GD flashcards
Piggy, the shampoo and shower gel says will help to warm the head and body but when I bathe with it, no special feeling leh. It feels like normal shampoo and shower gel but definitely alot lesser foam. And because its lesser foam, I keep squeezing more.
Just got back from breakfast~

what kind of forms do we need to fill in!? I dont have any form at all leh!! well maternity leave one i dont need cos not working. hahaha your hubby thinks if he told baby to come out on national day, then baby really will ah? my hubby today add oil to fire lor... if i end up in hospital today or tomorrow, must be because of his "induction". but i think i am prepared (baby stuffs), so i am quite ready lah. hubby is also ready and he got nothing to prepare.

i always wake up with bladder very painful at 5am... then went to empty bladder but sometimes only a little bit of urine. so weird.

mag mag
i just added you to my fb. =) my bloom shots is taken by DolceVita's hubby - Davis. he is really a good photographer!
hmm but lemongrass more troublesome i guess - got to buy fresh ones everyday and got to boil for 2 hours at least each time before can use.

also anyone knows how much lemongrass or ginger to boil with how much water in order to be effective?
ok, order made with little dreamers, one task down.

*cancel item off to-do list*...still need to buy nursing bras, bb's no rinse shampoo/body wash - anyone has any recommendations?

thinking of using johnsons' top & toe wash as it's the most commonly found in supermarkets - anyone else bought anything different?
*reading archives*

H1N1 news
read liao feel so heartache leh. she is 1-2 yrs younger than me! hope the lady will be fine.

I was thinking of going to suntec spring maternity today... but now also wondering if i should even go out. wearing those normal mask wont prevent outside germs to get to us unless using the N95 mask...
pegsfur, piggy

So if no one called me, means my BB dun have this 6 mths insurance liao? Aiyoh.. so mafun.


I'm taking iron tablets but it's called "ironyl". Gynae said it's ;ess heaty & constipating then the other brand, not sure if that's the one u're taking?

I think we only need to take iron if gynae prescribes. Me got low iron, so need to take.


Is it? Nothing special abt the wash & shampoo ah? Actually I'm more interestd in the shampoo. Coz body got confineemnt lady to do herbs. But shampoo, if only use the herb water, like very oily & gross leh.


U're welcome
I find that the pdts on the BP (altho cheap & large bot), but look very "China" made. Dunno safe or not, so dun dare to try.


Maybe diff place sell diff things?

U very efficient leh!

I bot Avent for BB. Also ordered California BB but I dun plan to use that now, in case the essential oils irritate his skin/respiratory system.
Ya, was strapped to ctg when i saw the gynae 2 days ago but it only picked up very mild contractions.

Mmm .. my amniotic fluid level is ok, in fact it was plentiful as told by my gynae. Think i'll finish the pills and gastric medicine for today and monitor how, since i'm not bleeding or leaking amniotic fluid.

I oso bought avent bb bodywash.
avent.. i like the smell.careful abt jnj products.. some bbs have allergies with them.

i oso bought from little dreamers.. oso the dry shampoo.

i ordered lanionish (wrong spelling) from sprees.. 50bags at sin$18.85.... this batch i was told is bpa free oredi.
mustela is a good n well known brand with mummies. have not used it before though ;)

i am going to use the traditional herbs initially.. onli after using them or after confinment.. will switch to lil dreamers body wash..kiasu.. kiasi :p

Wah u also bot the dry shampoo ah? I fiogure that's not necessary. Dry shampoo later the oil gets caked up, even more gross haha.
heehee! i sneak in for a while...

i also blur wif the different insurance for baby. will let my agt handle it when baby comes out.

ya, my hubby really thot if he tells baby to come out on national day, he'll really come out on tat day lor. he even tells him wat time to come out. siao!

re: baby wash
wah, u all buy so ex one ah? i onli bought the annaku or watever spelling trial set (powder, wash, shampoo, lotion) frm kiddy palace to try first.

re: herbs for bathing
so far i onli bought 6 pkts frm hock hwa. read frm the thread tat it smells like grass jelly so i guess shd be fine. i hv another pkt (diff brand) which was left-over frm my sil. heard tat one hv sour smell. so not sure if i going to try tat. i may ask my mum to get lemon grass for me if all the herbs smell terrible.
hmm seems most buy Avent or Mustela, i was looking at them at the shop at KKH yesterday - but the sales gal told me, none is non rinse - i got confused..so didn't buy any. can anyone tell me so which ones (brand/packaging/price) did you gals buy?

think i will get either avent or mustela when i go down KKH later..cos i also heard that J & J cause allergies.

do you know the ratio of ginger/lemongrass to amount of water required..in order for it to be effective?..me very blur abt these "traditional practices".
maybe u call up n check? cos hor if u sign for the FBI card sure have 1..

the 1st wk maybe i use the herbs den maybe jus buy lemongrass ask my CL boil for me heheh..
i'm referring to the baby bonus forms. i lazy to fill lah. for the admission forms, i alreadi did the pre-admission a few weeks back.

i'm half-way done wif my hospital bag. need to buy another pyjamas wif front opening. (r we suppose to bring 2 sets?) and left wif toothbrush, toothpaste & maybe shampoo & shower gel. r u all going to bathe at the hospital?
the lemongrass is for bathing arr? how about normal wipes or clean-up??

i got one mummy telling me that her CL used cool-ed boiled down ginger water for her to wipe her down below everytime she urinate... coz got lochia.. (so that it's cleaner... especially if u got normal delivery)

and yes, what's the proportion of lemongrass to water?
i dunno the ratio leh jus goin to use 1 stalk n boil the water tt it. actually got 1 more brand but i jus cant seems to remember the name but watson have it..
i very panicky now - cos c sect is next week...and everyday got to go KKH for ctg monitoring..also dun know when will be hospitlised.

Like tue, went for what-i-thought-was-routine-daily-ctg...end up admitted. only gotten discharged yesterday cos i insisted on being discharged.

dun know today later go ctg, will kena re-admitted again. sianz.

just got my breastpump delivered yesterday. when should sterlised breastpump parts? or i shd ask ...how long can sterlised parts last before the next use?

thinking of sterlising today...for next week, in case kena hospitlised again.
huh still got to worry norm wipes n clean up ah i dunno leh.. maybe jus boil lemon grass also?

ya open front pajamas 2 set.. toothbrush n paste hosp got provide i heard..
most is 24hrs by avent sterlizer.. u just ask ur hb to sterilize before seein u in hospital.. u r not going to need it immediaely.
for below, i'm just going to use warm water frm the shower head to rinse. think i'm also using the herbs for the first wk. after tat dun care so much liao. so troublesome. hv to boil this & tat. though i'm not the one doing it.

i really wonder if all these old wives' tales are true. i think it's becos olden days no water heater tats y ppl boiled water to bathe.
no not gaia... got 1 more brand argh wait i go watson see see den let u gals know:p

sterilise milk bottle or thing mus be use within 24hr..
eh piggy, i dun think 1 stalk enuff for water to be potent and effective.

i read in somewhere, to use "a bunch and crush the bottom part of the stems, before throwing into pot to boil for 2 hours" but it didn't state "a bunch is how much" and "how much water to use"
i oso duno how true are the old wives tales lor.. but no harmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm doing right? since got CL.. and maid can help CL.. just do the best or till whatever is at ur comfort zone//level.
i got those watson ones (biggest L size!), it is just fitting and i hope got space to put the maternity pad haha. if ended up c-sect, must go and buy the netting panties for $4 each from TMC pharmacy!

really hope that you have a safe and smooth c-section next friday. aiyo, when u said "to save baby if it comes between a choice of mum or baby life", makes me feels so heartache! especially you went through so much for this baby! i am sure both you will be safe!!

you are really brave to be thinking of having next one!! recently i kept telling baby dont want #2 even tho my pregnancy is so smooth but still got some pain here and there for recent weeks.

for brazillian wax, actually i suggest just shave yourself before you go to hospital. use mirror? cos when u do brazillian wax, it might take an hour + have to lie down facing up and keep to the position unless u are very skilled side way also can wax.

=( bubble tea... last week i drank 2 cups (large koi ones) and feel so guilty. first time my gynae use a slightly more serious tone to tell me really cannot eat too much snacks, sweet, carbo. i am just going to tolerate for another few more weeks until Zachary is born so that he wont be too big. but today went to buy marigold ice-cream... told hubby i've been thinking of it since yesterday cos I saw FIL eat that for the last couple of days!! lol hopefully i wont go and finish up all 4 cones.

The lady's home you went at CCK must be LYNN right!? why is it that you stop going to her? lol i still got 1 more session left with her since last year aug... bought her package 3 sessions for $99. haha. she got sms me ask how come i didnt go for brazillian wax for so long... but i am very uncomfortable with doing brazillian wax with big tummy leh... usually the session will last 1 hrs but i really like her! then since i havent done brazillian wax for so long liao, will be as painful as first time... and must help push the skin up also, i test myself and feel so uncomfortable! cant imagine have to do that for an hr.

really good that ah wong's clinic will sms us to come for appointment!!! they are so "xi4 xin1" know that most preggie women tends to forgot this and that!
Btw, for the cpf claim for antenatal package, do we only need to bring the receipt which states the antenatal package? Cos i only signed up my package when i was 5mths ... those before were charged by each visit. Do i have to bring those receipts as well?

Your contractions is still the painful type?
sterlisation: 24 hours har? hmmm then got to bring the set to hospital and get them to sterlise for me, cos hubby will be with me in hospital.

thks for feedback.

actually i dun believe one, but after hearing from those experienced mums at the hospital ward...decide to do a bit..better safe than sorry. :p
oh, since u hv maid & CL to help then it's ok.
my mum will be the one helping me wif confinement so i dun really wan to trouble her so much. and personally i dun believe in all these. i'm a bad example so dun follow me. haha!

i hv a fren who's in her 50s. she told me during her 2 confinement, she still bathed & touched water as per normal but till now she dun hv any ache. but she did say must use hot or warm water not cold water. so i guess, as long as we keep ourselves warm & not catch a chill, then it's fine. but then again, different ppl different body.

I oso dun really believe lah .. but since my mum doing confinement for me, i have to 'eng siew' a bit lor.

Anyway, even for those people who did strict confinement when they gave birth, old liao they oso complained of aches mah. So where's the connection?

Haha okie, if I rem. Like got so many things to do..


I think none are really non-rinse. But if we drop a few drops into the tubful of water, there's no need to rinse, coz it's very diluted liao. At least that's what antenatal class taught lah.

Sterilising only lasts for 24h. If u're worried, u can sterlilise every 24h lor. It's troublesome, but at least u're not unprepared. Alternatively, how abt bring to hosp & ask them to sterilise for u?
the lady who did for me at cck is called vivian. she hv her own shop (1 small facial room) at centrepoint but i go to her pl since it's nearer for me unless i wan to go down town. i stopped going there cos i signed up a pkg wif strip as i find them more hygenic & professional though more EX. all these years, my BW onli lasts for half an hour max leh. so i still go for waxing even when i pregnant.

thks for the link, no wonder i can't find the no-rinse type - silly me :p

haha i'm sure u will change yr mind abt #2 when you carry little Zachary in yr arms next mth. :p

hmm BW take so long..1 hr? i remb doing at STRIP..was like chop chop type. less than 20 min. anyways dun think will shave myself cos cannot reach & cannot see.

eh u gals can still reach down/ see below?

yep, still having painful contractions but have to bear with it, esp when lying flat on back during CTG. during CTG, it will register like a hump.
