(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs

thanks for updating!

u r really a brave mummy too...go thru so much to bring ur bb to tis world...zachary is also a fighter like mummy!
its been a tough journey....rest well n take care
U know the brand of the binder from spring? I am feeling very tired, dun feel like going all the way to spring maternity. Wondering if they sell at guardian?
Congrats to all mummies who have delivered.

Bbmaking, your birth story is very touching. This is indeed very true "All the aches and pain will be forgotten when bb looks at you..."
my SIL got it from her gynae though! so i guess it depends on hospital & gynae. The one she passed me is Dale binder - so far so good.

Thks, he doesn't look premature, in fact in the SCn, he's one of the biggest babies around and the quietess! Even when other babies cry, he doesn't follow them and cry.

Let's look forward to the next leg of our journey as parents!

have added you in FB. Pictures are not so clear, we forgotten to bring the cable to connect the cam to the laptop..so had to use the mobile to take the pictures from the camera in order to upload!

dun worry pink, yours will be a smooth epi c sect as your little one is full term. Guess mine is a little complicated because he's not full term and on top of that he's breech and the surgeon had to mannoever to get him out safely.
PPO only 1 type and its new
where u reside?i can help to get it for u at suntec

dun forget the lozenges too

babymaking:Dale : also not bad
guessed teh gynae already charge her in her bill la
nto cheap le.......
i stay in the west. thanks for the offer but no need to trouble you lah, paiseh, I will get dh to go get it tomorrow. Does it come in sizes or is it free sze?

btw, need to check with you ladies, how many PJs and disposable underwear we need to bring to the hospital? For c section, need to stay 3 to 4 days right?
BBmarking, thanks for sharing ur Part 2, i cant help feeling touch by your story.. so proud of both u n ur boy... btw, what's ur nick in FB??

Pink, have a smooth delivery..

Weishy, is binder a must??

Peter Chew don't immediately put on the binder for u 1. 2nd day he will ask the nurse to put on. He do sell the binder but is quite exp.... During my #1, i put fm him. Think is cost me ard $80.


Yr baby is so cute.... He has a lot of hair....
pink:yes got sizes
sometime we need to change sizes
...like last time i wore L then afterwards change to M....cos L too big after 1 or 2 months ma .

they hv a branch at VIVO too

yes at least 3 days...already calculated in teh package
....i brought 3 packs of disposable
thanks for the info. I will probably buy from spring and bring it along to the hospital.

now trying to finish packing up my hospital bag.

u wore the binder for how long? Is it must wear 24 hours a day?

C-section will have to stay 3 nite... But in Gleneagles, after c-section they will put on the surgery gown for u. So if u don't wana change to PJ also can.

Disposable panties u can bring 3-4 pcs. Cos for the 1st few days Peter chew wont allow u to get down the bed. Nurse will change for u....


Binder is a must for c-section only...

Is blue on colour. Is not transparent. COs after c-section, i can't even go down the bed so can't change to PJ lor....
Lawshe"for those c sec mommies.....the wound is about 8 to 10cm long........in order to reduce movement.....the binder will help to hold it thus making the wound less painful......for most no binder means no walking etc...till maybe 2nd or 3rd day la.
pink:with the binder last time round i woke up at 1;30+- la......can walk around in the evening....pee/poo also oki
my gynae visited me teh next day and tot i was in my 3rd day already....ask me to dishcarge
update: another jump queue!
mich's waterbag leak this morning and is admitted for drip. Baby not engaged and she not dilated as of fri's checkup. Baby was 2.7kg last fri.

I was allowed to get down the bed on the 3rd day. Every gynae is different. My friend c-section only stay in hospital for 2 nites leh. Me 3 nites.

Mine was on that day decided on c-section. So did a scan in the morning and c-section at 5pm.
KKh doesn't practice another scan before C Sect. I requested for a scan 2 days before to 1)check if bb position has changed (that time still wishing for bb to turn) & 2) confirm bb's weight.

I got off the bed the next morning at 8am after they took out the urine cathether. As far as i know for epi c sect, the earliest is my cousin doctor who was up & walking 6 hrs after the op.

the dale binder is adjustable, so no need to change size. It's velcro all the way. Any idea where to buy it..or only thru gynae?

thks! as he's premature, i didn't expect him to look so chubby & have so much hair.

it's [email protected]

hmm, actually got no idea when can be discharged - cos i never ask. 2nd day was too anxious abt bb, today... was too eager to carry bb to try breastfeeding. Must remb to ask tomorrow!

re: disposable panties, maternity pads etc
Can get from the hospital if it's too much hassle to get from outside.

and oh yes, got to massage breasts before trying to latch on bb, the breast massage is so painful, especially when the nurse tried to roll the nipple to open up the ducts. almost in tears!!
Congrats kiki and Daph!

Congrats...finally the jouney is well and over even though it's an tough one. Can imagine every moment you went through as I read your birth story. Am glad both you and bb are well now! take good care there! God Bless!

All the best! and have a very smooth delivery!
Sharon, yah lor... I got a shock when I receive her SMS this morning! The mummies here very 'efficient'!

I just started losing mucous plug since last nite so now still waiting while the rest all pop before me. Haha...

Kiki, congrats to you! Do share your birth story later.

Bbmaking, you and zach both very brave! Do rest well.
Your birth story really touched me and i can actually feel your fear when you described how helpless u r when no one told u wat happened to bb. I was tearing as i read part 1 of your story! For us who have lost our little ones b4, it's especially nerve wrecking when we know this is the last lag of the race already, and something like this have to happen. I think hubby & i wld have been hysterical if it happened to us. But thank goodness everything is fine now and zachery is doing well!
Oh, can add me to FB? I've just sent u a request .... want to see pics of your little fighter

Hope you have a smooth delivery!

Getting excited for u
And my hosp bag is still half packed!!!!
babymaking:hummmm binder all with valcro and quite long ......adjustable la but as time goes by......(i mean figure slim down abit) the hv to change size unless later decide nt to use it to slim down

DAle oen i dunno le...the OPPO one from spring maternity
yen, lawshe,
the blue sheets i mentioned are the bedlinen underpad. it's the waterproof blue sheets to protect the bed from stains
Yes, we jia you together

The blue sheets will be provided by hosp mah .. why u need to bring leh?
Weishy: I bought the binder from Spring Maternity, it's called the abdominal support right? But the salesgirl recommended me to get size S (waist: 24" - 32") coz she said to follow what i wore last time before pregnancy, size 6. But i have a feeling it'll be too small. Do you think i should change to size M? Worried that he binder would be too tight or cannot velco up coz too small. Lol. Coz tummy wouldnt reduce so fast after birth right?

Babymaking: So glad your baby's alright! A strong little fighter! =)
Afternoon ladies~ You are welcome for the updates on the chart. Oh yah, I forgot to attach the excel file.
<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Aug Data.xlsx (40.6 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Hope you have a smooth &amp; fast delivery!!

haha choy! tomorrow is my gynae visit. hope dr wong wont give me any "bad" news. hehe still hoping for Zachary's bday in aug. =) Only 6 more days to go leh!! *excited* XD I wonder how he looks like!! Kept asking him this question recently haha.

You are talking about the breastshield body (c1) and membrane (c2)? or something else?

Where can I get diluted prune juice? Lozenges is for? binder can actually use to slim down tummy ah? does it work exactly like those traditional cloth binding? if it does then instead of ida's cloth binder $20, i might as well buy this one!

Zachary looks so cute and peaceful!! He must be an easy baby! Were you using video camera to video him down? Cos some of the photos in your FB have tv screens frame.

*gasp* nurse will massage breasts for us? How is your bfding going?

soon will be your turn! sometimes it can takes days to go into labour after losing mucus plug right? how many bedder you booked for TMC. Skali we are "room mate".

yah lor! so many already popped!! 7 out of 12 mommies who popped had a later EDD than me! makes me kan cheong cos soon will be my turn
sharrl:i think they dun hv M le....friend wants also dun hv.....if u're small build then S should be oki la....of cos u wanna slim back right hehehehehheheh.maybe see teh box measurememt wats teh diff?????

Reura:buy normal prune juice buy the del monte one( got this brand right???from super market) then dilute loooo half prune juice half water should be oki....too much scare u lao sai le.....for some la.
loszenges...tot i mentioned liao???????cos afetr c sec throst will be super dry till u cough so.......for nomal liek if i cough now my tummy wont be painful
btu if i hv a big wound on my tummy then will be la

ABs binder more for c sec mommies......

cloth one....slimming ,ma fan to use as well as hv to hv help to use it
haha weishy. The sizing below. I think on that day after operation if cannot velco up, then gotta ask my mum go down to the shop and change man.

S- (24" - 32")
M- (32" - 37")

babymaking: i am reading your birth story and it freaked me out. such a sacrifice we women have to make to bring our baby safely to this world.
I am glad all is fine for u and baby now. Do rest well and take care
