(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


Sure will update...Ive been to their Tanjong Pagar sale, not too bad, bought 2 maternity tops and a nursing top at cheap cheap price

So will drop by again to see if can get more lobang

I am opting for epi c. Guess it's the closest to natural delivery. I am excited but also a bit scare..... Did your gyane mentioned if bb needs to be in icu for monitoring after birth?
i understand dat feeling...the wait for next appt is always so long!

we neva post pics onto the grp...u gotta look under individual's pics....like previously gathering pics under lynne (bbngg) and cecelia (weishy)'s photos

r there ample sizes? im so tempted to go but its so far...hehee
re: milkbags
i got some lansinoh milkbags in case need. not really sure which are the better brands - but this recommended by a friend, so buy & try it out.

re: BW
i've been to strip but it was couple of years before - is the service still any good? check out honey pot - but it's pretty expensive...$68? or something?

any other recommendations?
for strip i onli stick to one therapist. cos when other ppl do for me, it's veri painful. but ever since i'm pregnant, my pain tolerance is lower. or it's becos it's more sensitive down there.
oh man! i've been sitting here since 8.30am! 10 more mins & i really need to move my butt to pack my hospital bag. help!
my friend alr say will buy me Flash card for my baby full mth so i tink u wait first if not wait full mth many pp gave:p

hee i haven finish packin also waitin for wkend to finish up my packing lol~
when is yr due date?

ya lor. the weather so hot. how to drink hot drinks? and whenever i drink hot drinks, i feel sleepy.

arggh!!! bubble tea! bubble tea! wat flavour shd i try today???
my EDD is 19 Aug but goin to induce durin 1st wk Aug if he has no sign to come out
yeah i din get to drink my bubble tea yesterday will go n buy 1 today!!
jus plain green tea wif pearls ah? not boring meh? but i love plain green tea also. haha! normally if i drink green tea for bubble tea, i'll order honey green tea. dunno if i shd take milk tea today. am i in yr FB? add me
[email protected]
wat flavours do u normally buy? i dunno wat to drink today. oh, so u going to induce. then maybe we'll give birth ard the same time.

No leh.. I very funny one. When I like something, I can eat/drink the same thing again & again.. every day until I get sian.

Then after waiting a while, I will feel like having again haha.

I used to like pearl tofu from Quickly, but they closed down *boo hoo*
ya will induce if by end of 1st wk Aug he dun come out... i can feel him getitn lower nowaday so hopefully he come out himself haha.. i loved passion red tea... i dun drink green tea 1 wor:p
i heard if baby fully engaged u will feel like something stuck inbetween ur V area n most prob u will walk wider apart:p
i remember Quickly! i also like their bubble tea. they used to hv tis yellow colour loyalty card wif smiley face chop rite? but i've not tried their pearl tofu before.

how long does the photoshoot session takes at studioloft?

re: insurance for baby
no one taking up for baby ah? my hubby was telling me tat we shd buy.

ok ladies, i got to go off to pack my hospital bag & start getting ready for work liao. tok to u ladies tonite. bye!
bb shd not need NICU if lungs are ok, as to whether lungs are ok, will only know when he's pulled out even though already taken the steriod jabs to mature bb's lungs.

i am DIY-ing black,white flashcards right now - suppose to have already completed them..had i not been admitted.

I also got some pelangi flashcards - from spree long time ago..to be used when he's 3 mths or so. I got the chinese versions, so have to DIY the english ones based on that.

also DIY-ing some toys for pram & car carrier & cot.

hoping to complete most of the stuff by next week.

re: confinement practices
anyone bought the shower gel in the BP thread? it claims to substitute for the chinese herbs...

Yup! I had so many of those cards b/c I drank so much! hahaha

Dunno leh, I asked my planner b4. He said dun buy until BB is born? Anyway both my HB & I are covered under duno what Shield Plan which gives BB free coverage when he is born.

So maybe can wait a while for insurance?

I'm not getting the shower gel in the BP. I'm gog to get from Little Dreamers instead. Getting a warming shampoo, warming bodywash & this healing bottom spray. They have those ginger, lemongrass etc herbs. But not cheap lor.

Trying to get my fren to tongpang for me, coz they're having a sale now.
yeah lor, i heard now do BW will be more painful cos more sensitive..now in two minds abt it...but if allow the hospittal to shave..the regrowth will be very itchy n hard to manage..esp with lochia for the next 6 weeks after delivery...so hiaks. it's either suffer now or suffer for next 6 weeks.

Re: insurance for bb
What sort of insurance you buying? so far there's lots in the market - for medical, hospitalisation, education etc? me haven't go thru the options yet, cos in my case, for premature babies, i need to get a 'all clear health cert' from the PD before i can even start looking for insurance for baby.
it abt 45min:p
i will be buyin the hospitalise insurance first the rest like edu n savin can wait

i saw the shower gel but dunno gd anot dun dare to buy wor...

baby 1 can only buy after he is born 1 now u wan to buy also cannot... the shield u mentioned is it aviva 1?

ya if u havin boy better dun dirnk so much soyabean milk... cos got report sayin it will release female homone ..
does little dreamers have a website? i go and see...cos both BP threads..also not sure if the stocks can be in by next friday.

i won't be using those chinese herbs..so thinking of substitutes now..cos while i was hospitalised..several experienced mothers told me..must use either herbs or boiled ginger/lemongrass water to bathe, other wise will suffer from aches.

dun know whether to believe or not...but i guess better safe than sorry.

U can go to this webpage to see. They do delivery also, if it's not conv for u to go down. They have funny opening hrs one.


I also dunno whether to do the strict confinement. So I'm just getting a bottle of the warming wash, in case I cannot tahan the herbs. I will have a confinement lady lor, so I can give the hrbs a try, then fall back on this wash.
the aviva 1 is basic nia so better add on a rider cos not cheap if touch wood baby need to stay in hosp... i goin to buy a personal accident plan for baby also...

ya i be usin either lemon grass or herbs also... cos the only thing is scare got wind trap in our body..
Piggy, i jz felt this pain since last 9 only will chk wif gynae tmr. I also applied leave for tmr to rest at hm..heehee

Re: Insurance for BB
Btw, tat day met my insurance agent we will buy medical (medishield) & also rider for bb once after full mth & will pay using cash for 1st yr, 2nd yr onwards then will deduct from CPF.

Cos when i asked how soon the policy will b effective he for medishield he said took abt at least 3-6mths cos nit to get approval from CPF.

So me & Hubby decided to pay cash for 1st yr cos bb likely to hv health prob wihtin 1yr then 2nd yr onwards then pay by CPF since is not big sum.
Can i check with u are u still having contractions on and off?

My gastric-triggered-contractions is still here and i'm so mixed up between the gastric pain & contraction pain now ... 2day's pain is less intense le but somehow the frequency seems to increase.

Re: insurance
Nobody sign up for the free 6mths bb insurance when you sign up for the FBI card at TMC?
hahah uya lor i v lazy nowaday everywk will take 1 day leave to rest lol~
cos i got the FBI card for free 6mth coverage so not too bad... but will cover him with those medi shield also...

any idea the little dreamer is located in east or other part of Sg? i see the address dunno wher is it wor if not thinkin of buyin the shampoo n shower to try..

Erm.. Actually I'm quite blur abt all these ins thing.

I know mine's the highest plan.. and BB will be covered under 1 plan lower, no? I have a rider to cover the deductibles & co-insurance. SI that what u mean by rider?

I think I did. But no one called me.. so now I dunno if it's valid or not? hmm..


My fren said Toa Payoh area.
piggy, i see. then u nit to buy medishield as soon as bb after full mth since FBI oli cover 1st 6mths then by the time ur CPF approved & policy take effectively then jz nice lor..

I gotto work for one more wk cos i applied ML on 27th Jul one wk b4 my EDD

Oh, nobody called u? They called me up abt a week aft signing up and the agent came and spoke to me abt the plan le. U wanna give them a call & check?
ya rider is to cover the deductible etc n provide more coverage cos shield usu the deductible is quite high...
TPY??? faint...

Any1 stayin in Jurong wanna order? maybe we can share the delivery cost?
Any ladies here taking ferbeaplex (iron tablets)? I always puke out everything after eating iron supplements and feel nausea the whole day. Must we actually take them?

Donkeymami, which company's that? My insurance only takes about 1-2 mths, but they say depends on whether it's submitted early in the month a not. I'll take up medishield and rider for baby once he's born coz hospital bills not cheap man.
sharrel, aiyoh, iron tablets don't normally cause nausea... u should ask ur gyane to change for you. I am eating also but seems like a different brand from yours. Its best to take if u have low iron as u will lose more blood after delivery.

bbmaking, good to hear that all is well!

pegsfur, hope your contractions go away soon. Are u on medical leave to rest?
Donkeymani, when baby engaged, the pain is more in the lowest part of our V and not groin. Can feel a pressure pushing down.

Jul/Piggy, I was using that shampoo and shower gel you both mentioned the last round as I don't have CL. Mmmmm..nothing special leh. And its very small bottle so used up very fast. But the smell quite nice compared to those herbs.

Pegsfur, if you feel uncomfortable, just go and see ah wong. We have the package remember? So just go if you are worried.
It's Prudential, i knw nit to take few mths to process..consultant told me cos wait for approval from CPF could take mths so i thk we will pay cash for 1yrs 1st..like u said hos bill is ex.

What's the frequency of the steroid jab ? Even though my c section is scheduled towards the end of my 37 weeks, I also worried abt the lung maturity.

Re: bb insurance
I'll be getting the prudential hospitalization & accident plan first. The rest like savings & edu I will get it later.

Where did u buy the flashcards from?
