(2009/08) August 2009 MTBs


Me too....
I can have multi grains bread ( 3 slices ) for bfast, then have rice/noodles for lunch and then have toast bread again ( 2 slices ) for tea and dinner, I might have rice/noodles again...All CARBO !!!!...hahahaaha..
Thats how my weight gain of 13kg come abt

hey reira,
just now when i walk home from the shopping mall i need to stop at the bus stop to take a break too! cos it was a up hill!
hm..for cream soup i normally cook 1 can of soup add 1 can of HL milk.. thats all. i find HL is nicer then other milk.. tried put 1.3 can of marigold fresh milk, taste too milky and i dont like it. hm.. tonite shall i drink corn or cream of potatoe leh? lalala
i've gain 13kg too
just remembered. i must go and read the manual for steriliser and breastpump. i feel so sleepy now but want to eat ice cream!!

how is ctg like? put something on your tummy and can detect contraction ah? how come yours is special case wor? What happened?

oh wah! only 2 ultrasound scan for whole pregnancy!?!??! then if baby didnt grow well, amniotic fluid suddenly became low then how?! Is gynae check up very very expensive in USA thats why only got 2 ultrasound scan ah?

i want cream of potatoes!! aiyo, makes me feel like buying 1 can of campbell soup and HL milk to try hehe! is campbell soup healthy?

that time when i bought groceries, i stopped like atleast 5 times along the way. and it was suppose to be only 5-10 mins walk away from home lol

My husband has yet to get back to me on the schedule of the make up artist, guess still busy with makeup now..hahaha...
Most probably would be this coming Sun..will update asap...
hhaha ya same but i v gian rice also leh ... but i know if i eat rice will feel v bloated so tryin to keep to only 1 meal with rice per day keke..

i wanna eat the mac cone ice-cream but i remember some1 say no soft ice-cream so been holdin myself back lor so chiam... now i tinkin of the sliced ice-cream with bread type kekek..
eh? how come no soft ice cream!? i ate the bread type ice cream (but i got biscuits instead of bread) recently le. hmm suddenly feel like eating this also. but lazy to go out T_T woke up at like 6am today *zzz*
reira, ya, 2 round round device strapped to the tummy then the machine will track bb's heartbeat and contractions...cos my bb the abdomen circumference is on the small side so need constant monitoring lo, make sure bb is growing, fluid enuff and blood flow ok...

hehe..ya, normally wun be able to detact unless its found out during the detailed scan at 5th mth, but my scan at 5th mth everything was ok... so if i didnt request for the growth scan I also wun know too...so its a blessing in disguise for me too la, at least we detected it. hmmm....medical bills in US are ex...in general, all things that request human services ones r all ex...
i cant remember y but i remember 1 of the gal mentioned no soft ice-cream dunno becos it contain wat...how i wish i am at home now... really tired... another 1hr + to go yawn~
campbell soup should be ok leh, justif u scare too salty, after add 1 can HL milk.. u can add 1/4 water. lets have campbell soup tonite hehe

i heard abt soft ice cream too but.. i still eat,haha.. as long dont over eat ok lah. the only food holding me back since i preggie are : sashimi and grass jelly.

Ya, lets jia yu after give birth
oh u got eat huh... recently i cravin for tou hua also... but holdin back becos of the powder they use to solid the soyabean milk haha... maybe will have a few bowl be4 pop if not mus wait after confinement liao..

i will definitely hold full mth cos hor germs r everywher v diff to control 1... even u urself can be the 1 transmit to ur baby...
New slot for FOC maternity make over....

19 Jul 09 ( Sun )
1)Arrive 11.30am ( Session 12pm-2pm )
2)Arrive 1.30pm ( Session 2pm-4pm )
3)Arrive 3.30pm ( Session 4pm-6pm )
4)Arrive 5.30pm ( Session 6pm-8pm )
Hello ladies
Back from gynae . Bb is 2.8kg at 35 weeks. According to doctor, it's in the 50th percentile. Not too big nor too small
wah 2.8kg at wk 35 tt is big wor...i tink if u carry to full term might hit 3.8 to 4kg!! but since u goin to c-sect it does not matter
ya tou hua got add those powder to harden the thing de.. i do eat but, think preggie till now less then 10 bowl ba.. dont eat too much ya..
I have craving for banana blend! argh!!!

Hello Pink,
think our bb abt the same size leh. mine was 2.7kgs at 35w, doc say gd size to delivery cos scare my BP keep going up...
ya lor cos tou hua is consider liang so not suppose to eat durin confinement so i die die wil have 1-2bowl be4 pop manz.. now at 3rd trim liao safer to eat liao keke...

My baby is 2.5kg at week 36..gynae also say its normal, a good size.


I also have craving for tou hua, just eat in moderation lor, not too much and should be fine
I going for my c section towards the end of 37th week. That's abt 2 weeks more so gynae estimate birth weight around 3.2kg. Apparently bbs dun gain too much after the 36 week.

My total weight gain about 14kgs. What about u gals?
icic... den ok
i gain abt 9kg so far also in wk 35

wow so if u carry to full term will be above 4kg?????

hahah i am tinkin of touhua with you tiao for wks lol~!!!!
janice, but we nit to weight during every chk-up wif OBs...so cannot run away...

Pinkmama, i gained 16kg liao..so sad

Hope weight will stop there or reducing since alr 37wks..

the thing is dr adrian onli took my weight when i went for my 1st check up..

which ws wk5.. now i'm in wk 36.. nvr weigh!!! thus i monitor myself... den till now i dun even dare to check..
food again! ehhehe...u gals awaes make me gian...i also eat everything in moderation, as long as my craving calls for and is available to me..hehe...

pink, me too...gain ard 14 to 15kg so far...nw 37wks plus...
i think you have average weight gain lah not to worry.

me at week 35 gain 7.6kg coming to 8kg, but hor i see piggy pix she so much slimer than me!
My craving is also affect by what you all mention here.
There was once most of you are talking abt bubble tea and tat start my bubble tea craving which last a week..Now it kinda die down liao...
So the next food discuss here would also be my next craving this or next week..hahaha
iyo, my baby likes madonald!!! he is dancing inside when i on the song 'hung up' haha..tonite i post of FB, i got record
I think tomorrow or tonight i will go buy and drink it tomorrow for lunch bah~ unless mil didnt cook dinner tonight.

For food, i eat anything and everything edible leh! cept those i dislike.

tou hua also must avoid ah?? previously i ate tou hua quite often leh! thought it is good cos soya bean mah!

baby size
i think it all depends on gynae bah. big or small. for Zachary, he was 2.8kg at week 36 day 5 but gynae is concern he might be too big for natural delivery by week 40 cos i am very short.

BBL, going to nap. zzz
Hey August mommies to be! I'm also expecting a baby 24th of August like some of you. But doing a c-section, so he gotta come out earlier. hehe.

Jac, i read that your husband wouldnt be here during delivery. Mine too, coz he's working in the US, cant fly down for the birth of our baby in August. Do you guys know whether other then our husbands, can a close girl friend come into the delivery room with us? Coz i asked my gynae vaguely last time, he say cannot. =(
and hor my bb smaller size than irene but her tummy look so much smaller than mine. dunno what happen to my body?!
