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  1. Z

    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Dear Vanilla, Have been reading the post on and off. Good to see that there are many sisters conceived and give birth oredi. I like the poem very much, it's very touching. I think there is no chance for me even though i wish to "force" it, it might still not work it out for me. I remember...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Hi gals, Still remember me? How are you, vanilla, NZ, MsFamily? Your babies are so cute. It has been almost a year since i last posted here...Just a little update on myself. Had a rollar coaster cycle on my last round of FET. I went for my 2nd FET last Nov/Dec last year. The result was...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Hi Vanilla and everyone, Thanks for including me in your prayer. Didnt come in to this forum for a while...Like Babylow, i have been putting aside ttc plan and keep myself busy/occupied.. Good to hear tat there are good news here. At least, it motivates me to try again. My menses has not...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    hi sisters, Wow....the thread is moving fast. I have been away for a while. Feeling better after the break. Vanilla, cont to be strong for your little one. God will continue to protect him. My SIL also went thru the test to check DS but everything was fine. Her baby was so active when she...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    hi Vanilla, sorry to hear what you have gone thru. Pls cont to be strong for the baby. Am sure God will take good care of him. Remember dont let the burden overwhelm you? You have gone thru so many trials to have this baby and i'm sure God will take care of you and the baby....Will keep you in...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Toy, vanilla Thanks for the support. I have been dutifully praying to God everyday that He will blessed me one day. So when this happen, i have been asking myself if God has forgotten about me? or has he given up on me? But then my Hsb told me that God has not forgotten me, maybe just that...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Hi everyone, Thanks for the concern. My bloodtest last weekend wasnt good. it didnt double so the doc ask me to stop all my support. Very likely it's bio chemical pregnancy, meaning very early miscarriage. The doc ask me to wait for my menses to come. It came to me as a shock and couldnt take...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Vanilla, i hope to have that kind of experience one day. Maybe the baby is trying to talk to you...when will you know the gender? I can only hope for the best. Pls do cont to pray for me.
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Congrats Thistle. Wow...the reading is reli high. high chances of twins. Have a smooth 9 months ahead. How are you feeling now? i mean do you feel anything? any preggy symptoms? Vanila, i didnt go for the test. the nurse say no need. wonder why....she just ask me to go for scanning next tues...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Hi Thistle, thank you. Baby dust to you... vanilla - ok, i'll check with my mom later. I dont think she has MS though. Thanks for the info, at least it ease my mind coz i was looking for some signs ...But i have some mild cramp or poking at my abdominal area once a while. Might be going...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    helpme, Not all embryos will survive the thawing process. I did my FET last month. Decided to thaw 3 embroys but one didnt survive, so thaw another one. I was informed that embryos are thaw bit by bit since they are stored in a diff straws. If there are 2 embies in that straw, then it will be...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Vanilla, looks like i have to cont to pray hard tat my embroys will produce enuf hcg. It's just the beginning for me, hope for this, i dont have too much of a more in carrying the baby. seems like one after another for most of us. cant wait to see the bb during the scan. BTW, do you have...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Hi Vanilla, Mine was only 10 and now slightly better at 20, although they expect it to rise to at least 30. I think i have the lowest level in the clinic. hope i can make it...sigh. Do you know if there is anything i can take to increase the hCg level?
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    hi all....Thank you so much for the prayers. I went for the blood test again today. Praise God... It went up but still consider low since I'm considered preggy 4weeks. Will go for scan next tues to see if i've graduated. Hope everything will be alrite and my HcG level will double every other...
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    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Hi all, I did my FET recently and got a BFP. However, my HCG level is on a low side. Just barely passed. Supposed to continue with the support and do blood test again on Monday. Nurse say my chance 50 : 50. may i know if anyone of you have experienced borderline pass but still make it? I...
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    thank you so much, Vanilla. I hope i can make it. No, i will make it, although nurse say 50:50 chance.
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    Christian ivf mums or mums to be

    Hi sisters, Have been silently following this thread for sometime. i am also one of the christians who drift away from God...But since problems in ttc'ing I turn to God again and regain my faith in Him. I pray that one day, he will grant me to have children...Ever since i have gone back to...
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    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi ladies, Can I ask if it is alright to take chicken essence during the 2WW? Also, during the ET, did the doc uses the scan to put in the embroys? Good luck to all ladies on 2WW. The journey of TTC'ing is reli painful and tiring for us who have to go thru IVF but i know God will be...
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    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    Dawn, Thanks a lot for the advice. Tat's an encouragement for me. Will go ahead with FET this month and pray that everything will work out. Apart from accupunture, is there anything else i shd do/eat to increase my chances? As soon as my menses stop, will go for the accupunture. Hope i can...
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    IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group

    ello mummies.. I have yet to graduate to this post, hope one day it will be my turn. I did IVF in Dec but no luck. Am supposed to go for natural FET but menses has been since irregular. My doc suggest tat i go for medicated FET i.e. taking hormone drugs to monitor the cycle better. I'm not...
