Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Hi Vanilla,

Mine was only 10 and now slightly better at 20, although they expect it to rise to at least 30. I think i have the lowest level in the clinic. hope i can make it...sigh.

Do you know if there is anything i can take to increase the hCg level?

hi Zoey, unfort there is nothing we mothers can do to increase HCG as it is a hormone produced by the pregnancy. Dont worry too much abt the level, the important thing is the doubling effect it shld have every other day. So if ur HCG level today is 20, by wed it shld be 40 or more...
Vanilla, looks like i have to cont to pray hard tat my embroys will produce enuf hcg. It's just the beginning for me, hope for this, i dont have too much of a more in carrying the baby. seems like one after another for most of us. cant wait to see the bb during the scan.
BTW, do you have experience any morning sickness?my tummy is still flat, except for meals. and i still dont hv sore breast. even my discharge is minimal. but today, my back kinda of ache.
hello sisters,

zoey, hang in there, rest well and in Jesus' name, your HCG level will raise above all! Amen!

nz, pray in Jesus' name your spotting will disappear totally, for you are covered with His blood, so full of protection.

vanilla, i am only 13 dpiui, and testing is on Sat 17 dpiui. might test on Fri 16 dpiui. will keep all if you posted! I am feeling very positive, cast all doubts away, in Jesus' name.

msfamily, toy - how are you?
hi Zoey, MS is like a heritary thing..u can check with ur mum if she has it... for me I dont have it...initally i was upset thinking no MS means not a good sign.... so i check with my gynae and my mum and they say it is fine.. i think it is God's grace that I dont have MS cos i already lost so much protein and weight during my OHSS experience, if still get MS, i think I will be in deep trouble. Actually the bump will appear much later (esp if this is first born)... i think for mine it appear only on 10-11 weeks...The other signs of pregancies - breast growing and skin or pimples will appear like abt 8-9 weeks...i had very bad dry skin during my 7weeks on my discharge around week 8 (which i thot was infection)but turned out not infection just normal discharge (which I m still having it).

hi Thistle - AMEN!
Hi Thistle, thank you. Baby dust to you...

vanilla - ok, i'll check with my mom later. I dont think she has MS though. Thanks for the info, at least it ease my mind coz i was looking for some signs ...But i have some mild cramp or poking at my abdominal area once a while.

Might be going for another round of blood test this thurs. Hope the hcg will increase furhter.
Hi Ladies,

No lah.... just a thought that cross my mind....actually i want to ask abt abortion then i "mis-spell" it to adoption.

Anyway both of them are not an option for me.... Just that now that abt 8-9 weeks preggy, doctor asked abt doing tests to check if baby has down syndrome... i am thinking of not doing it....

Cause either way.... abortion is off my list... what your take on this ???
HI mS that what i thou u meant abortion.. but was a bit confused after reading other people's post...

i m ok but still having pain on n off.. also worried about work.. maybe i am strange person i feel when someone employ me i should be working once i am welll...supposed to go back wk next week but decided to go today but my son fell sick. n i feel really bad for not going to work

actually the ivf i took al cos i also dun want to explain much n now this op i received a few sms asking me what happened...that so tiring.. i am sure when i am back this fri a lot of answering y i am on hl..

the longest leave i ever took was maternity leave.. maybe cos my coll called n told me shortage of man power n i feel sooo bad going for the op..

sigh as much as the govt try to be pro family but i think taking child sick leave n mc is not that good tooo especially when i already a part timer.
MSfamily, have faith that baby will be healthy! i know sometimes we will have bad thoughts, on such occassions, cast all these bad thoughts away and focus on the cross and His finished work. Jesus blood cover you and baby - baby will be healthy! personally, i think it is ok to go ahead with the tests, however, as you proceed with these tests, have faith that baby is fine and you will pass the tests with flying colors! Amen!
hi Toy, better to rest more and then go back to work when ur HL ends. Cos it is a surgery it is better to rest (since internal and we cant see if we overstrain ourselves). To me, i have learnt that in work, we are dispensable....(haha that is why during appraisal they will give this excuse to give us lower bonus) is always more important. And we are not "cheating" or "skiving" in the sense that HL is indeed 2 weeks given by Doc so we shld rest till then.

Hi MSfamily - there are some thot on this - some mummies want to do the test to assure themselves - some will abort if the results are not good, some wont and will keep the baby. Some dont do the test cos no matter what will keep the baby, but some of them do think abt it thruout the entire pregnancy and in a sense there is a certain stress. Some will do the test and then at that point react to the results... a fren of mine had her baby after 35 and did not do the test cos she knows she will keep the baby and she did not even think abt it at all during her entire pregnancy.
MS Family, if you will keep the baby no matter what than my advice is not to go for the test. There is no reason too. Y put urself thru all that stress... Go for the test if u are open to terminating ur pregnancy...

Can I know y did Doc u suggest the test?? Im starting my injections today.......... Really anxious..... Will have to leave it in God's hands now....

God bless to all.
hi Nicole G - the tests are standard tests...round 12 weeks (i think) they will do the triple test - measure the neckfold (via ultrasound) and blood tests. If the results are not good then u go for amino (which carries a chance of miscarriage).
if you are below 30, i think the gynae will not ask u to do the bloodtest if the neckfold thickness is less than 2.7mm.

If above 30, i think it is standard to do the bloodtest though u might want to opt out of it cos u will want to keep the baby no matter what.

I did the bloodtest is also becos they are checking for the usual rubella etc as well.. which i forgot to inform my gynae i already had those sorted out during IVF - so paid $90 those who are doing the bloodtest rem to tell ur gynae u are already cleared the rubella, HIV test so no need extra charge.
I have told the gynae that i will not want to do the test cause.... no matter what happen.... abortion is out for me..... But yet at the same time, if like knowing if baby is healthy....

quite a dilema....
thanks vanilla.. well no matter how pro family a company can be,i think the boss still get worried abt women going on m leave. i was worried cos my colleague sounded rather stressed at work and i feel bad.. maybe i just strange.

u are right it still hurts at time ...on and off pain in the tummy.. the nurse told me she is out shopping on day 3 after her lap..i am still home bound n only went downstairs to grab some food to cook. i am really bored ..thank God for the rain today orelse i will be melting at home..

thanks Nicole for your concern .son is much better..

thistle- any news from you? it wednesday!!
hi toy, sorry to hear you are still in pain. pray that your pain will go away asap!

these few days i have been extremely busy and active... walked alot, brought my son overseas for a holiday, went to some theme parks... then now, busy packing my place... ke ke...

anyway, i did a hpt yesterday (i am not supposed to) 13 dpiui, saw a faint line, but not sure, hence din want to say anything till i see my RE on Friday for bloodtest.
Hi All

I finally begin my IVF journey. took my 1st Menogon injection yesterday nite...... going back on Tues for a scan to see the growth of the follicles...... I really hope they grow grow.....

May God all of us a baby to call our own.
Hi sisters, thank God my spotting is much much lesser now, abt 10% of wat i used to have. I am into my 7-8 weeks now and and MS is rather bad.

MSFamily, i see. Thot u meant adoption. Btw, we are abt the same timing in preg. Bcoz of my current condition, my gynae has not even mentioned any test to me yet. He din even tell me my EDD. Even the nurses told my hubby my case is not stable yet so cannot be categorised as a normal pregnancy and they won't charge me for certain things...sigh

Vanilla, thx for offering me your progesterone. I don't think it's the same type i am injecting now. Mine is called proluton. The needle is super fat one.

Toy, do take care.

Thistle, will wait for your good news soon.
hi NZ - dont worry too much. God will always be looking after u and ur babies....If u did ur first scan (tummy ultrasound) to measure the size of the babies, if ur doc printed out the pic for u, there is a EDD date. Dont worry abt the tests... my gynae also never say anything to me until at 12th weeks i asked her (I gan cheong cos i read book say abt then got the tests). Some gynaes dont want us to think or worry too much, so they are taking 1 week by 1 week (as per the scan). Dont worry ok, ur babies have God's protection and strength - they will be strong fighters...

Hi Nicole - take care -- once u start on the injections things will pass real not sure what is th drug u are taking but the growth of the eggs could be during the 2nd type of drugs used - Gonal F or Puregon.

Hi Thistle - God bless on ur beta test tom!
Hi Vanilla, Menogon is like Gonal F & Puregon. Its just cheaper. I responded oks to Menogon so they stuck with that. I used Menogon on my PIO cycles (something like SO-IUI, just without IUI)
NZ - Rest whenever you can. What your frequency of visiting the gynae. My Gynae also didnt mentioned my EDD but i ask her... maybe she didnt want to tell me also....
hi sisters - my beta test went well. thanks for all your prayers!

NZ, when did you took your beta? How many days post ivf?
Hi Thistle did u do IUI or IVF? Some like its a BFP??? Congrats.

Toy, will you be going for IVF or trying on ur own? I started on my ivf journey.... Proposed ER & ET during 26May week... Hope all goes well.... Im with Dr Yu.. Whats ur plans?
hi Thistle - Praise the Lord!! I am so happy for u! how high is ur beta lvl? Possibly of twins? U must rest more now...dont walk too much and dont carry heavy things!

For IVF, the usual beta test is 2 full weeks from ET.

Hi Toy, hope u are feeling ur wound still painful? u take care.
thanks for your well wishes - my beta (16dpiui) was 1121, not sure whether it's twins, but it's definitely a good reading. seeing gynae in 2 weeks' time. should be able to see heartbeat then.

nicole - i did soiui. And Yes - it's BFP! Thank you Jesus! Pray for his protection over me and my bb - Amen!

Toy, how are you?

NZ, feeling better now?
Congrats Thistle.. I did 2rounds of PIO (Something like SO -IUI just without the IUI) didnt work so decided to embark on IVF. Its my 3rd day of injections..... Hope comes out BFP @ e end of it...
Congrats Thistle. Wow...the reading is reli high. high chances of twins. Have a smooth 9 months ahead. How are you feeling now? i mean do you feel anything? any preggy symptoms?

Vanila, i didnt go for the test. the nurse say no need. wonder why....she just ask me to go for scanning next tues. it's either yes or no. am still on support. i thot of going to another clinic to do the test but decided not too...dont wanna worry too much if it didnt raise to the level it shd be.

nz, hope all is well with you.
Hi Zoey, dont worry too much, just rest over this long weekend and go for scan next tue... take care.

Hi sisters, i think i can feel the baby kicking...actually have felt fluttering feelings abt 3 weeks already..but only managed to confirm that are movements. These few days the movements abit stronger, really like knock knock feeling...i think he/she is doing somersaults in my womb! But i still talk to him/her, encouraging him/her to kick more - "kick mummy, kick mummy"..haha
i hope to have that kind of experience one day. Maybe the baby is trying to talk to you...when will you know the gender?

I can only hope for the best. Pls do cont to pray for me.
helllooo i am seeing the gynae on tues... i think my womb might need a break n once the dr gives the green light i will try naturally first then let see what's next... ivf is an option though i am still recovering from the needle.

thistle- wow twins..that will be great!
nicole- take care and all the best to you! so fast u are on ivf already

zoey- it is a very gd exp when u can feel the baby kicking you- it is something i longed for now.. praying to hear gd news from u too!

really happy n excited for u! congrats! ur faith, persistence & perseverance really paid off! so u praying for twins? in the meantime, rest well yeah.. shall hear more gd news fr u soon.. = )
hi sisters,

im back fr scan today. Have been on 200units of puregon for 8 days and body is responding well to puregon.

do u know wat's the optimal follicle size and usually wat's e min no. of follicles one will retrieve? i saw a few size 13 & 14 and some 10 and 11, also a few small ones. praying that optimal no. of gd ones growing to optimal sizes to b retrieved next wk. most likely to go for ER next thu, depending on my next tue's scan. pls continue to support me in your prayers. thanks..

nurse said no need to take egg whites now. do i take protein n egg whites after er? sorry if i have asked before..

just to share my thanksgiving here too.. God is really gd to my hb and I. we really saw how God has planned all this in His perfect timing and we are really amazed by the way God works. Looking forward to reach pregnancy stage and enjoy Go'd abundant blessings. Praying that all of us ll continue to walk in His ways and enjoy the Lord's rich blessings for us all..
Thistle, a big congrats to you! Really happy for you!!!

Vanilla, it's so sweet to know your bb has started kicking you. Hope my turn will come soon and that will be double the kicks i think...haha

Rejoice, congrats on your egg growth. Will pray that you have many good eggs and eventually good embyros. Since it's your 8th day on puregon now, jst eat well and rest well will do. I didn't take egg whites after my ER last time but heard tt it's good for reducing bloatedness.

Zoey, will cont to pray for your bb.

Nicole, may you have a blessed ivf journey.

MSFamily, how r u? Any MS so far?
hi sisters, i just came home from seeing my gynae. The twins are growing well and heartbeats are ok. Thx for all your prayers. Still have some spotting but not too bad. Doc gave me another 2 weeks mc. oh, i really dunno how to kill time at's been quite torturous.

Yday i received an sms from a church member i hardly know. She didn't even know i am pregnant. She said she has been thinking abt me everyday for the past few weeks and God wanted her to uphold me in prayers. I was very touched to see such sms from almost a stranger. I shared with her my pregnancy risk and she finally understood why she kept seeing my image flashing in her head everyday.

Our God is so good. He wants to assure us that He has never left us in times of crisis. I couldn't utter a word at that moment, only praises from my heart. I asked God, "Who am I to deserve His attention? Who am i to move His hands?" His love is really beyond our understanding.
hi NZ - glad to see that there are so many prayer warriors for u and ur babies..Will continue to uphold u and them in my prayers...ya i understand the "torture" of staying at home and not doing anything, but take it as a good time to rest and come closer to God. Haha..i think it will be so cute for 2 of ur little ones to do somersaults.. u will have a noisy womb!

Hi Rejoice - think it is good to start the egg white after ur ET. For the growth of the eggs - dont worry too much, at the last few days grow real fast... that is what happ to me...for me the doc did tell me he expects how much from me.. initially he said he wanted 15-20 before he starts the program and i sort of within that category. during my 1st scan after taking Gonal F he let me know how many eggs he expected... the good size for retrival is above 16mm i had alot of small ones but all catch up during the last few days of the jab.

Ya, hubby and me waiting eagerly to find out if it is a boy or girl, but most imptly of all that the detailed scan will reveal that baby is ok...I really pray that God will take care of this baby and wipe all my worries away.

Hi Toy - glad to see u r recovering well..ya need to take a break since u just did a lap...u can ask the doc how many mths u shld "rest" ur womb..becos if u took fiberiods out (like me), the doc recommended a break of abt 3 mths so that the implantation will not be affected.

HI Zoey - God will def protect ur little one...i will continue to pray for u!
Hi Vanilla, thx for your prayers. Hope u r doing well too. Do keep us updated abt your detailed scan ok?

Zoey, Rejoice, how is your scan today?

MomoBear, how r u doing?

MSFamily, i have been seeing my doc every week. What abt u?

I am fine, same as usual. Been quietly reading this thread, quietly rejoicing when saw Thistle's good news and quietly hoping for the best for all of us. Didnt post as i have nothing to share.

But more or less, my IVF plans are being lined up. Will be seeing Dr Loh in about 2 weeks time. Need him to advise on my FSH&E2 levels whether ok to do IVF and scan my adeno problem, whether need to do suppression program for 3 months. Then from there will plan out timeline for IVF injections, ER & ET etc.

In the meantime, still trying to eat healthily and taking TCM too. I will also be starting weekly ACU soon after i get clearance from Dr Loh.

Somehow, after more than 2 years of trying naturally, timing around O dates and all ... and even seeing DH spermies improved after supplements and all ... yet still no luck, we are more or less resigned that we really need help and that natural conception just doesnt seem to happen for us. So i guess we need to do something and i guess IVF is the way. I have spoken to pastor and seems IVF is ok for us Christians. I am not fully convinced that its ok but i do acknowledge that its still God behind the procedure and deciding what should come out of it. So i guess i will do it again. And thats why i am glad Toy started this thread for us Christians thinking to do IVF.
Hi All, as the days go by, Im geeting more n more scared or anxious, can seem to think positively. The injections have brought on the depressing feelings that I had when I went thru 2 cycles of PIO last NOv n this year Jan....... Im just so worried it will be a Big Fat Negative..... I have been praying n asking God to just belss us with one baby if more its a bonus but just one to complete our family. Please pray for me. I keep telling myseld to leave it to God he will grant you what he feels its rite.... Im just so confuse, scared, anxious, just having a crazy whirll of emotions in my head n heart.......

Nicole, its probably the injections that is causing such whirlpool emotions. During my last IVF cycle, i was also going thru this roller coaster and even had bad dreams that made me cry till my pillows were soaking wet! You need distraction to get away from dwelling too much in negative emotions. Perhaps, listen to some soothing music or catch a series of comedies? Or come talk to us here then. Try your best to cheer up ok? The battle is half won when you are emtionally strong!
