Christian ivf mums or mums to be

Thistle, have a smooth 2ww and will pray that implantation is happening soon.

Toy, i pray for smooth and painless lap for you tomorrow. Have a speedy recovery and eat well. This lap will be a door opened for you to conceive naturally and easily.

Hi Vanilla, i went to see my gynae one day early coz my spotting was quite bad. Doc gave me one progesterone jab. I din know abt the option for daily jabs, let me ask again.

My condition is rather unstable. Doc confirmed 2 sacs but one is rather weak and i am having spotting everyday. I am quite sad. Doc gave me 2 weeks mc. I don't have the mood to do whole body is so tired and always feeling nauseaus. Pls pray for me.

NZ, rest well in bed. It will help to stablilise the babies.

I have not been well either, lots of things on my mind.

1. The pregnancy symptoms are giving alot of problem

2. Turndown a promotion opportunity due to the pregnancy
3. A close fren of mine is very upset with me cause i told her the truth.
4. one of my dogs is very sick and might be leaving us very soon

Life is tough, cant cope well with all of this

thks for the assurance. did nurse tell u abt ur 1st scan results? i called to ask but nurse was bz n said ll call back but never did. hope everything is gg on fine for me..
hi NZ - take well during these 2 weeks is very impt to be mostly on a bedrest ask if u can take more progestrone jabs cos these will help strengthen the womb. Will continue to pray for the Lord's protection to be over your 2 babies.

Hi MSFamily - u take care as well. when u say preg symptons is it morning sickness? If it is MS, try to eat smaller meals and take note what food trigger the vomiting.

Hi Toy - u rest well after ur lap...

sorry, missed the message u posted on sun. rest well at hm n just commit your worries to God ok.. Keep praying and talking to ur bbies too. We will all pray for God's protection over u n ur bbies n believe that they will be fine.
nz, do rest well. pray your 2 bbs will be fine. Amen.

toy, may the Lord's mightly hands be upon your lap today... Amen!

sisters... thanks for your prayers...
hi MSfamily - read ur post in the other threads - i understand how u feel, but to worry sometimes is not hubby also 'banned" me from reading too much baby stuff on the web cos the more u read sometimes the more u worry... but then the worry could be nothing in the end and I worry for nothing...and in the process worrying also not gd for the baby in the womb.

For tummy ache etc..sometimes it is just the stretching...cos our womb is expanding to take a growing baby. The only thing to worry is when u are in a rest position then suddenly spasm and cramp..then need to see gynae to verify...other than that if u suddenly jump out of bed (which i did once) and then there is is ok.

Dont worry too much - i read somewhere that worries are bundles that are dropped by the Devil, so we can choose not to pick them up. Leave your baby and the whole preggie process to God cos He is the most Mighty and Sovereign one...everything will be fine.
Thank you Sisters,

God is constantly reminding me that He is in control and there is absolutely nothing that can happen if He has not allow it.
lap is sooo painful.. i cant sit up well, cant lie on my side and cant lie on my back too long cos back pain.. cant sleep well so i ended up thinking of baby's gal names.
ladies take care n thank for your prayers.. will come back when feeling back.
Hi Toy collector - u take care. If ur doc gives u painkiller...take them for today and tom.. it will relieve the pain. try not to walk too much and bend too much...u will feel better by tom.

U take care and will continue to pray for u and a speedy recovery.
i have not been feeling well since last Fri. Spotting has become worse. The moment i get up, it starts to flow out. Have gone to see doc 3 times, babies heartbeats are ok. So far, no pain but just dun understand why i m spotting so much. The progesterone jab tt my doc gave me is called something like proluton and it can only be administered once a week, not daily. So, all i can do now is pray and lie down all the time. Got to go now, i can't even sit nowadays.

Toy, get well soon and rest well.

Thx sisters for your prayers.
Hi NZ - u take care.. ya better to lie down more...minimise movements....the all important thing is the babies' heartbeats are ok...

I will continue my prayer for u NZ - God's protection on your babies and over your womb.... He will keep u strong and from all harm.
NZ, please rest well. some women spot throughout their preg and still proceed to deliver healthy babies. Glad to know your bbs' are strong and their heartbeats are good. Pray that your spotting will stop in the name of Jesus! Keep praying and singing songs to the Lord... for His hands of protection are upon your preg.

just keep praying and rest as much as you can. will uphold you in prayer. God will surely be there with His angels to charge His protection over you.. rest well..
can i seek advice fr all of u? im gg kk this sat again. that will be 24 days of lucrin. anyone knows if it will be definite that i ll b injecting puregon fr then? will there b a chance that it ll not b?

called kkivf to want to ask but nurse never got back to me and i couldnt get them also.

anything i must take note during puregon injection? any dos and donts? getting a little nervous liao..
dear toy,
please rest well. i was in alot of pain after my lap and it took me about a week to be able to walk a little upright, about two week later to walk properly, in third week, only felt a little stronger and i got back to work after that... if i am not wrong you got a maid and let your maid do all the housework... yeap, don't carry your son for time being or let him press on your tummy... drink ginger water so that it will ease your bloatedness if you have any... i was lucky that time because my husband stayed at home most of the time during the 3 weeks, if not i would not know how to cope, with all the pain... hope to hear good news from you soon...

i hope you will get a twin from your so-iui... God bless you...

how come you have to be on lucrin for so long, 24 days? is it only after day 24, you start puregon and continue with lucrin? or the 24 days also include puregon? i will be signing up for ivf with KKH, under dr loh, too... initially thinking of doing it with CARE SGH but after giving much thoughts about the cost, i think KKH is much more affordable...
Hi Rejoice - thanks. Ya, my tummy growing bigger but not very big for 4 mths..MIL said maybe cos 1st child + my build not very big...still trying to figure if certain movements in my tummy are baby's movements or just gas...still very inexperienced..

Dont worry abt the lurin injections..and whether if u cn start on puregon. Diff pple react differently and diff hospitals do the process differently. For puregon stage some sisters will start on the egg white (half boil) diet, but I started only during the 2ww. Just avoid any soya products.

Hi babylow - glad to see u here! How are u? When are u starting ur IVF cycle?

Hi Toy - how u feeling? rem not to get ur wound wet..u take care

Hi thistle - u take care too ... u are into ur 2nd week of waiting right? will continue my prayers for u (one of my friends also did IUI same day as u - so prayers are always Friend X and Thistle tog)...
Hi sisters, thx for your encouraging words. I will cling on God for my pregnancy.

Rejoice, you can call the nurse again and ask them abt your blood test results. Over the phone they will tell you the date to go back for 2nd injection (puregon). I guess it's similar to my case too. Last time, I called them twice to ask for my blood test results. During puregon stage, drink milk and take some cooked eggs, it's good.
hello baby low and vanilla and thistle and NZ and rejoice

thanks ..i am feeling better.. but the wound is getting itchy.. what i dread most about been home bound is the hot weather.. i have not step out of the house since mon. i finally showered yesterday cos not so painful. taking red date tea cos tummy a lot of wind.

i will lie on my bed for the past few days n listen to christian broadcast n sermons. husband was on leave only for 2 days i m much better so can get up and will be cooking rice n fish. n dinner will be tingkat.

baby low- i have no maid. so the hse is in a mess.. my son also misbehave during this period cos he knows i cant walk and cant cane him.. keep jumping at my bed and when i asked him to on or off the fan he will take sooo long .. gd thing that he is in child care n i have some rest..

will pop by again once i am okie..

take care.. Thistle- hope to hear gd news soon.. rejoice- do take care
after mylap it was soooo painful that i am asking myself maybe i can take the needles better..but now i am much better i think i dun want to do any op for the time being..

vanilla- thanks for your advice..hope u can know the baby gender soon.
hi Toy... ya it is very uncomfortable cos weather hot..aiya i forgot to tell u to ask the nurse to give u a waterproof bandage at your wound, so u can shower. the next time u go and change the dressing, ask the nurse for it, so when u shower easier. U take care...

hopefully baby will be cooperative on 30th will be my detailed scan..
yes my wound is so smelly...dunno if it is the sweat but when i switched on the aircon my tummy got a lot of wind n i feel very painful cos of the contraction.

forget to share what happen to me at kkh that day.. i dunno that we will be lying in a room while waiting for the op- so the lady beside me ( the nurse drew the curtain) and just married n pregnant and i can hear the nurse talking to her abt abortion n other contraceptive- the reason she gave up the baby was she just married and got a job and think cant afford the child.. iw as like how i wish i can have that baby u are giving up.. i am going thru all these just cos of wanting a baby..there i over heard some ladies- one is for ligation , another one is her baby no heart beat but i was surprised to see few young gals there ( i hope it is not abortion ).

i was thinking i was the one of the few ladies that day wanting to do an op to have a child while they are some young gals there to give up their babies.. i wonder how many babies are aborted compared to how many ladies are suffering from infertility?

but i trusting God to bring home that miracle baby one day.
dear sisters,

thanks for all your advice. i shall learn to stop worrying and just trust God to give me the wisdom to move one step at a time and do what is best for my body.. = )

maybe u can get those part-time aunties to come and do just once for you. if you want, i can recommend mine and ask her to come and help u during this period?
thanks rejoice.. u dun laugh if i tell u i used to get a part time lady ( my neighbour's one)..she came once supposed to do 4 hrs after 3 hrs she said she has to go but as she was washing my toilet she was complaining abt the dirt.. n that was her last visit too.. my window is soooo dusty cos it has not been washed for 2 yrs or more.. the lady only cleaned the window n the toilet for 3 hrs

rejoice i will get your contact if i am pregnant cos now my eyes are really closed to the mess.. i think it is cost by my hoarding behaviour i cant bear to give away my son new born bottles n steriliser n baby stuff ( i gave away a lot of his clothes already cos i am praying for a gal though..hee hee)

but still the hse is cluttered by his ever growing toys. which i tried to sell but not all yet..
hi Toy - if u want to get rid of the wind from the tummy - can boil brown sugar with ginger and drink... this will help. it is also impt not to get ur wound must get the nurse change more regularly.

hi Momo bear - hope u get my package to u!
was listening to 102.3 today n they are talking abt mother's day.. 1 broadcaster shared that as a teacher he will tell his student that on their birthday instead of been just excited abt the cakes n candles they should give their mummies a big hug on their birthday for what she has to go thru to deliver them.

as i was listening i was lying on my bed n my wound still hurt n i m still crampy cos of the wind...i was thinking of u all n myself...i was thinking what we are doing just to be mothers or to have babies..esp those of u who went thru lap,iui, ivf etc i pray that God will grant all your heart desires n when your child grows up may they celebrate their birthday with gratitude for what you all have done for them.

Blessed mother's day!

for me my greatest desire this mother's day is for my son to grow up to be a godly man and also to have more children..

husband was so upset these few days cos i never been so helpless n bedridden before ( other than delivery but then got confinement lady) he told me he does not y i am going thru all these y not just do ivf...
hi Toy - to be honest i think this entire episode made me appreciate my mum and MIL so much more...esp when i take my mum for granted for so many things. Maybe this is why God wants me to go thru what I'd gone thru - to make me appreciate alot more things more...

I think it is also a peace of mind for yourself to do least u have done it and know that at least u tried to unblock the tubes before proceeding to IVF. Are u going back to the doc for a consultation regarding ur lap?

God bless all of us here...He knows our desires and He will fulfill them, according to His time...

Happy Mother's Day!
Hi sisters,

Have been silently following this thread for sometime. i am also one of the christians who drift away from God...But since problems in ttc'ing I turn to God again and regain my faith in Him. I pray that one day, he will grant me to have children...Ever since i have gone back to church my faith has been getting stronger and i know one day God will hear my prayer and grant me the desire of my heart.

I failed my fresh cycle IVF last Dec and went to FET April. I was so full of hope that this time around i will succeed....Transfer went on well and i was supposed to go for my blood test yesterday but i didnt go. Few days ago, i started having bad cramp which is just like my menses..the feeling was so similar. I was really down yesterday and had a feeling that i also failed this cycle since i dont have the nomral pregnant symptoms like sore breast or bloatness ..
I was depressed and couldnt sleep well for few days, i still pray to God for a little miracle to happen. Finally, i went for a blood test day...and the result was positive! i couldnt believe it..Praise God. But the nurse told me my reading is on a low side, just pass. And they will need to see if my HCG level will increase the next few days...Will hve to go back for blood test on Monday. Now that i have passed one hurdle, i pray that my baby will be strong and stay with me.

Sisters, I hope you can pray for me that God will protect my baby and let it grow healthily...
Hi Zoey - congraluations! God will protect u and ur little one...u take care and rest well. I will pray for u - pray for the Lord's sovereign hands to be unto u and little baby, keeping both of u safe...

no prob.. my pt auntie very experienced ald, have been to all kinds of households and she's quite efficient. hearning her share her work experiences in other households, i believe nothing is too tough for her. u just rest well ya, anytime u need can just let me know.

guess it must b heartache for ur hb to c u in pain. let's all b strong ya and trust God to provide in His perfect timing. He surely will!
hi zoey,

welcome n congrats too! if God has givenn u this miracle, He will continue to be with u and bring u thru any obstacles that come ur way.keep praying! Yes, u ll make it in Jesus' name!
Nz, how are you? I hope you are better now. I was also told of a collegue she spot throuhout her pregnancy but also gave birth to healthy baby. Dun worried too much, just rest well...

Thistle, rest well.

Sisters - is adoption aoption to you if baby is not healthy ??? I am just curious.
just started puregon yesterday.began to realise how tough this journey is, esp when i have to do 2 jabs in 1 day instead of 1.

salute all sisters who have completed or are in the process of ivf. u r really strong! i dread the jabs at times and wonder if i can complete this long treatment. but i know God sees all our desires and will bless us all to 'graduate' with our own bundles of joy in His perfect timing!
NZ how are you?

ms family- i think i will trust God and carry the baby to full term even though i tell u i will be very teary. ever heard of the baby turning normal upon delivery. i also had a fright after my son was delivered, i cant believe after so long of trying n 9mths the dr suggest he might be down cos he has semian crease ( 1 line acorss on both his palms).. i nearly fainted i had a bad 2 wks researching on semian crease i cant sleep or eat well..finally i told myself that if i dun love him who will and if God thinks this is the best gift for me i will have to accept him and love him. it was many many mths close to a yr that i have a relief heart when he turns out fine..

i do have a relative whose child is ok but at age 2 still cant talk and found out to be autistic.. it is really tough but i salute the patience the parents have.. he screams often at new places n during cny we can only do it at the ground flr cos he wont come up. now with therapy he is much better.. but we pray that a miracle will happen n the child can socialise n communicate with people.

rejoice- All the best!
hi Zoey, do not give up - put ur trust in the Lord. For my case, 2 gynaes thot it was a very negative case - one my IVF doc and another my usual gynae. My HCG did not double and there was no heartbeat at 6th weeks... all i can do is then place my baby to the Lord..asking Him for His will. I told Him, if He brings my second baby back to home, that i will accept cos that is His will, and I know when I return home, i will be reunited with him/her. But if God is willing and let my baby stay in my womb, may His hands lay protection on him/her... protecting him/her from harm.

Hi MSFamily - i will never give my child up for adoption. It is God's gift to me and I am selfsih, that will be mine and I will keep it.

Hi rejoice - once u are on ur puregon jab, time will pass very fast! So when is ur estimated ER and ET? Take care!

Hi Toy - hope u r feeling better.

Hi Thistle - ur 2ww shld end this wed right? take care.

Hi Nz - hope u feeling better too. I have some dupaston left (after 12th weeks, doc said no need to continue)... i can mail them to u if u want. (pls pm me). U take care and rest more often...dont carry heavy stuff and dont walk too much. No housework at all...cos that will be very straining.
Hi sisters, long time din turn on my pc. It's heartwarming to read all your postings again.

Vanilla, how many weeks are you now? Is your baby kicking you already? I will pray for your coming detailed scan.

Thistle, hope you are resting well in your 2ww and all the best this wed. You are truly a lady with big faith in God. He will surely grant the desire of your heart.

MSFamily, how are you? Our pregnancy doesn't come easy but it's blessed by God so we must be strong mentally in facing all obstacles throughout, knowing He is in control. As for adoption, i ever thought of that last time when i couldn't conceive but not now anymore. Why did you suddenly have this thought?

Rejoice, all the best i your puregon stage. Yes, it is not easy but it won't be long. Hang on there and you will reap a good harvest soon. :p

Toy, are you still having pain? Able to walk a bit now? May the peace of God be with you and your family. For whichever route you choose to conceive, He will meet you there.

Zoey, welcome and congrats on your preg.
Dun worry too much for now. Leave it to God. I condemn every tongue that has risen against you and your baby in Jesus Name!
As for my spotting, it has lessen but still have to minimise walking. Last Sat's scan showed my 2 bbs are having heartbeats. One twin's position is rather low and it's quite risky now. I am going back every week now for scanning.

This ivf journey and eventually pregnancy is really not easy for me and my hubby. I felt very drained mentally. Besides the daily spotting, nausea and tiredness, i have to cope with the thought of losing my bbs. But since yday, i have made up my mind not to worry anymore coz it's rly beyond my control. Since God has given me 2 bbs, He will know wat to do to bring me through all these. I pray for strength and joy for all sisters here as well.

I m likely to quit my job due to my current condition. I might have to cont to be on mc. Still feel a bit heart pain to forego my paycheck but i keep reminding myself money doesn't mean happiness.
hi all....Thank you so much for the prayers. I went for the blood test again today. Praise God... It went up but still consider low since I'm considered preggy 4weeks. Will go for scan next tues to see if i've graduated. Hope everything will be alrite and my HcG level will double every other day.Havent stop praying every other minute, hour....I really hope this would be the one.

NZ - I truly understand wat u r going thru. The ivf journey has not been easy for me and my hubby too. we r both financilly, mentally, emotionally drain by it. However, the desire to hv our own BB is so strong tat we wont give up. You hv come so far and am sure God will continue to bless you and your baby abundantly and protect u from harm. every step forward is not easy for us but we must have faith in God....
I totally agree with you that it's all up to God now as it's beyond our control. so long as we did our best, am sure we wil be rewarded, rite?
dont worry about the paycheck, you can earn it all back later on. For now, most important thing is to rest more and dont think so much.....and let's continue to pray for each other....

vanilla - thanks. it's not easy but will try to still positive all time. Will ask God to protect my little one. U must be very brave and went thru alot tat time.

rejoice - all the best on your ivf journey...

hi nz - glad to "see" u here...God will continue to protect u and the little ones...

I was just talking to my fren the other day...she mentioned that her job is v stressful and she cannot see herself having a kid until a fw yrs time. Since she is 1 yr younger than me, I advise her that at certain time in a woman's life a job is nothing compared to a child. It is not worth it to sacrifice her plans to have kids to have a job or a career.

I am currently on my 17th weeks. The funny thing is that not sure if the flutterings are baby's movements or just some gas in my body or what...haha - first time so very next visit to gynae must ask her...she did mentioned that only on 20th weeks will most prob feel movements.

Hi Zoey, my first HCG lvl measured 30..i think that is low...but not sure if it is to the docs. God will protect ur little one... i will continue my prayers for u..
