IVF Mummies-To-Be Support Group


u are feeling tight as it the tummy too stretched out..?

pls take care of urself.. bear with it for another 11 wks..

u have already came so far.. i'm sure u can make it


no wonder u so quiet nowadays..hehe..

so ..do ur twins look alike..?

u must be very tired.

thanks for ur advise on the b pump..


Congrats!!! Your turn has finally arrived! So our babies' birthdays should be very close...

Although our EDDs are in May, it seems that our babies just couldn't wait to see the world!
Wonder how's Needle? Maybe she's popped too? She hasn't been here for quite some time...
How i envy u Rammy, Petals.
i remembered i was the 1st to find out i was preg, now i am still playing the waiting game.
Saw Doc Loh last friday, he checked and found no dilation. said continue to wait. Haiz..
Only consolation is that i am able to complete my final project before i popped.

Yeah! will try to take more fluid as you have recommended...

Wow... sounds like both babies just can't get enuf attention from you. Can't wait to see their pictures.. How's your wound? Still painful?
Nano, Congrats!! Enjoy your motherhood... rest well..

Needle, you are up next!! you can see your baby soon!!

Mrs Teng, hang in there.... are you in 3rd trimester oredi?

Hopes, I got the cheaper Medela electric single pump. So far only got this, the cot and the sterilisers, I have not been shopping for anything else...

Anyway, the TAKA hamper I won came with a lot of diapers (from size M to XXL and pull up pantz), steriliser (now i got 2 sets), and a BonBeBe Stroller (quite cool). So at least i can save some money dun need to buy stroller..

So happy to hear so many good news here... petals and nano, remember to post baby pics here.. very inspiring.

take care!!
Looks like your bb is very comfortable in mummy's womb.
Enjoy the feeling now, as I find I miss feeling their kicks and stretching. But on the other hand, it's heartwarming to finally be able to see what our bbs look like.

For me, the pain was more from the ligaments rather than the wound, and I could move around better after 2nd wk. Later only the backache remains. Don't worry. You r having twins too? Do u know their gender yet? Sorry, can't remember if you've mentioned it b4. As for photos, haven't taken many since bbs came home. Must find one nice shot.

Wow, your hamper sounds nice. Can help to save lots. I just bought my car seats and strollers.

Hopes, for stroller, u can also buy later after ur bb is born as u won't need it immediately. I think car seat more impt first, as it's for bb's safety. Wait for the GSS this mth, may have better deals?
Hopes, tigg3r, Petals, Rammy, Needle, Michelle,
Thank u!

11 more wks is quite fast, endure a little bit more. Dun stress yrself, have a gd rest while u can.

My bb wt is 2.7kg. Have been bf my bb, quite tiring cos dun have enough sleep sometimes but happy to see my little one.

Ya their birthdays r v near

U still working? Very fast, u will see yr bb soon!

Seems like u saved alot of $...so lucky!

are u going for natural or c-sect?


okie.. shall get the car seat first then..

GSS will have better deals ah..? okie okie..then i will wait for GSS then..


time really flies.. it seems just like yesterday when we happen to see each other at Dr Zou's

now u going to pop liaoz.. really fast!!

Yes, I'm in my 3rd trimester, approaching week 27.

Are you taking care of babies all by yourself? That could be really tiring. We're expecting 2 princesses. As I'm in my 27 weeks, it's very crucial that I have sufficient rest.. Unfortunately, my new maid arrived on last Friday. Gave me a hard time the very next day. (not going into details) But it totally disrupted my rountine and I felt worn out by the end of day. I was so tired that nite that I totally slept thru on my back instead on my sides. When I woke up in the morning, my tummy was totally light and babies did not kick at all.( usually they kick early in the morning to wake me to eat or pee) Even after taking milk and some food, they just didn't kick. I cried the entire morning, kept prompting them to kick, but no respond. Just as we were preparing to go to KK, my hubby felt a light movement when he felt my tummy. The whole episode really freaked me out. Seriously, the maid is the most unexpected kind of u ever imagined. In Hokkien, she's supper 'key-kiang' but do things shortcut and try to impress me that she's done many thing when it's so obvious it's halfway done.. Don't want to follow instruction, wants her own way of doing even after demonstrating several times to her. Insist on sleeping at 8.30 pm.

Haizzz... how am I going to make it to at least week 28... I can feel that babies are feeling the effects of my stress and frustrations already.


Thanks for the encouragement, will try my very best to hang in there...I really can't afford to loose both my previous just over a maid issue man...
Don't stress yourself out. If maid no good, can change...babies more impt. Every addnal wk is impt, so try to hold on. My mum and mil help me too, but sure to have some disagreements on how things are done, so need to learn to compromise. Take care.

if u cannot get along with the maid..might as well change it.. rather than to give urself unnecessary stress..

btw.. can i check with u.. if we get a maid before we deliver, then the levy will be charged based on the unsubsidised rate..?

i'll be getting one soon too..very worried of getting a problematic one.. so..trying to get those problem free maids of my friends' to recommend those who are finishing their contract soon.

hope i can get a good one..

urs is indonesian or filipino..?
Tigger, dun be stressed out due to maid, its not worth it. Tell her to do it your way, or she has to go.. or sometimes just close 1 eye and dun get too stressed out...

I am expecting my maid to come in after confinement. Lucky thing is she used to work for my MIL previously and we know her quite well, so I think wont be a big problem (if she did not change).

Hopes, I am hoping for natural birth. Hope i can tahan without Epidural, and hope baby cooperate loh..
how about you?

Needle, you popped oredi???
My filipino maid came in 3 months ago.She's quite good and we can communicate well because was a english teacher back in her country.
Only after bb's birth then will get the subsidised rate at $170/mth
I gave my maid a time table to follow. Any additional works that she wants to do she will have to ask 1st.I'll review her work peformance once a week and reward her if she's good.Don't be too hard on her because youy bb will be in her hands later. If u find her too out of hand, then get her replaced soon.
I am still here. If still no sign by endo f the week may ask doc Loh to induce lar.

Take care everyone as i myself is pretty stressed up oredi.
Hopes, i just checked with MOM, if the maid arrives before baby, they will charge the unsubsidized rate (unless you staying with your parents or parents-in-law above 65). Once baby birth registered, you can go on-line and they will give you the subsidy starting from that month.

Aiyo.. also need to take a course for first timers... i just registered for that also...

Needle, full term is the best lah.. patient... induce more painful leh.. going natural or c-section? waiting for your good news...

Guessed both Needle n Michelle have helped in answering your query on maid levy.


As wat friends have suggested, gave timetable and gave demo continously on important things many times (repeat mistake right before your eyes) . Simply want to do her own style.. n quickly do, not properly done. (Eg window can clean bottom, top cannot reach, just clean halfway. It's so obvious) Afternoon, just go back room n sleep without asking for permission.

Specifically instructed her to observe how I prepare food n cook, so that she could learn the basic but she simple walk out of the kitchen. I have to serve her instead. Don't offer help in anyway just want to clean. Stand there to watch me struggle up from my seat. Don't even ask what we would like for breakfast, or drink coffee or tea.. What kind of training did the Agency gave (Nation), I have no clue.

So, I cooked for my maid, I poured my own drinks, I made my own bed, I did my own laundry. Bcos, no matter how I instructed her, she just refused to follow and pick up the trade. So there's no way where I can slowly teach when she doesn't want to learn.. So it makes no diff if I have a maid. I didn't scream or yell at her. Don't think a high risk preggie woman would be able lay a finger on her also. I already having problem standing for more den 10 mins.

Anyway, my hubby wants to return her on this Thursday.

thanks so much for the maid levy info

i also haven't take the test .. think i better log in and take in advance..before everything else comes together and i'll be damn stressed :p


wahh..natural without epidural !! u are very very brave!! i dun think i can do without epidural..:p


hope u get a better maid next round..
i tot Nation is one of the best agencies around.. goodness...
When u want to return ur maid, better don't tell her until the day itself. Just so that she doesn't have time to retaliate. Must also check her bags when she leaves. I know it sounds very bad but I've heard of cases where employers find their stuff in the bags.

Just to share. I went to JL sale yesterday and found that Pigeon stuff is 20% off, even the wet wipes which is usually controlled price. So paid only $8.08 instead of $10.10 for the 3x82 wipes. Also bought Drypers which was 20% off. I think it's for cardholders.
i think it really depends on luck not the agency. I got mine from Nation too and she is really very good. I wanted to prepare a timetable and jobscope for her when she came but just observe her 1st few days but she just did everything on her own and very well too, waking up early to sweep and mop floor, tidying the house....better than the plan i had for her. lots of initiative too. i checked with her, she said nation din really train her (Nation told me they will give good training for their maids), she was just asked to iron the whole day and make the bed repeated for a few hours while she was sent for the so called training, her agency back at philippines trained her more in depth...they had to go through 2 weeks intensive training there.

re: wipes
i used the Carrefour baby wipes which is 200 per bottle for 3.95, twins lah use alot of wipes....so must buy cheaper ones, but the quality is not bad, better than NTUC one which cost 5+ for 200 pieces. B4 i gave birth , also bought Pigeons and tolly joy wipes, think they quite big...are keeping them till the babies are bigger...hiaks cos their bottoms will be bigger! and they will poo less often!
Hi Dawn may I ask how many embries u transfered? Im going to start on my IVF program and was wandering if I shld put 2 or 3 embries... Thanks.
Petals, Dawn

I sent her back yesterday instead. My hubby just came home in the afternoon, got help from my Chinese muslim neighbours who instructed her to pack her stuff immediately. Checked her belonging n my neighbours' wife followed us to the agency.

Back at the agency, she showed faces to the agent, denied everything that we have feedback to agent, displayed really bad attitude when questioning her. Anyway, it's over.. I just want to take it easy..
Wahh congrats Mrs Teng. I will start my journey on IVF @ the end of May. How many Embries did u transfer?
I hope Im able to join this forum by June...... Do you know how many Dawn tranfereed? Im thinking of tranfering 2 only but worried 3 will be a better choice.....

How many more weeks do u have before you see ur princesses? Were u with KKIVF? Im doing my IVF with CARE @ SGH.
Dear all

Any one go for prenatal yoga during pregnancy? If so, which yoga center did u go and what is the price? Any recomendations?


I had 3 embies transferred back in last November, done in KKIVF. I'm currently at 27 weeks and hoping that I can see them in 10 weeks time, nothing too early, I hope...

As for how many embies Dawn transferred, I have no clue.

Regarding how many embies you should transfer, it all depends on your age and many other factors. You have to consider if in the event where you really strike on 3, will there be anyone helping you? Will u be able to cope both physically n financially? Have a discussion with your hubby before you decide. And dun forget, having multiples would also means lots more complications.
Hi all,

I did my FET recently and got a BFP. However, my HCG level is on a low side. Just barely passed. Supposed to continue with the support and do blood test again on Monday. Nurse say my chance 50 : 50.

may i know if anyone of you have experienced borderline pass but still make it? I really hope my HCG will double up this few days....wd really appreciate advise from you who has face similar situation.

hi zoey,
just keep a positive mind! relax and do not think so much... for my case, my level was high then and i had twins! They are now 5.5 months.... ;P

all the best and good luck!

I am giving away TollyJoy Nappy Liner 2 boxes, open left with 85% each. Collect at Isetan Scotts during weekday. Private me if you wish to have it.
hi ,

Just to share my joys with all ivf mothers yesterday i went to TMC for my 11 weeks check-up.. Sort of promoted frm TFC to WCC association...

During my 6 weeks test, Dr saw 3 babies but yesterday downgrade to 2 babies.. Really happy coz both of them are very actives..During the scan, they are disco-ing... So cute,jumping up and down..

Thinking back, am i too havoc ??.. tat Y my babies are also so hyper-active..I thk,i should do more meditation sort of thing..

oh ya, i miss out something....

Nw i m having twins and 1st time mother to be... I m staying w my mil but she hinted me to get a confidment Lady for the 1st month but we are thinking of getting a maid only..

But she says tat maid doesnt knw hw to handle new-born babies ..So, i might need to get a confidment lady n a maid at a same time, so when the CL left, the maid can handle babies... Wat a heavy burden..

My mum will be coming to my place daily too after my birth.. so i thk my mil jus want to kapo here n there but she doesnt want to be fully responsible for looking after the babies ..

I hope to breastfeed the babies so is CL still needed ? hhaha

Any good suggestion ?
Hi Pinky,

I have delivered a pair of twins in March and during my confinement, my only help was my MIL, hubby (hubby travels often also) and my maid and on top of that i'm staying overseas so no extra help at all and i think it's fine. Since you have extra help from your mum, i personally think is more than enough.

Since you intend to breastfeed, i don't think you need a confinement lady unless you don't know how to bath them.

My MIL take care of the cooking and help out with the feeding and bathing as well (i bottle feed my babies) and the maid do all the cleaning, washing and preparing the milk. You have to delicate each one scope of work and it works out fine. Instead of using the money to pay for the confinement lady (which is not cheap for twins, S$3K) I spend it on expensive chinese herbs (which i think is important to build up our body), babies full month celebration, babies stuff, my MIL air-ticket etc.
Hi Theresa,

Getting a Confinement Lady is my Mother In Law's idea..She seems like she doesnt knw how to bath the babies.. i guess so.. Frankly i also dun knw how to bath new born babies.

Acty my husband n i are working overseas .Maybe when baby are 4 mth ago, i wish to bring them back . So, when u bring yr babies out of S'pore. Are they safe to travel ?

Last question, i have no idea where to get twin-stroller.. Can u pls advise me.
hi to all, would like to ask mummies who are breastfeeding which electric pump is good? The medela PIS or Medela Mini Electric or the Ameda Pump?

Hope all goes well for you.

I guess depends on your budget and how often you want to use it. You can get the PIS Adv backpack at First Few Yrs for $549 I think (for old model). Think I also saw the new 2008 model was $600+ or $700+? I think FFY brings in their own stock from US so can sell a little cheaper, but they will give u a chunky adapter to use togthr, and they will provide their own 15mth warranty. Pros and cons. The other stores selling the PIS are more exp, but prob from Spore agent w local warranty. I'm using PIS Adv and I think it's good, but I haven't tried other brands.

Did u gals go to polyclinic or KKH for your bbs jabs? Or is it better to get it done at GP or Paed? Polyclinic doesn't have those 6-in-1 package right? Paed was charging $400+ for 5-in-1 i think. I need to do more research on this.

Nano, Rammy,
How are you gals coping? Enough sleep or not? Hee...

You delivered yet? Do update us! Take care.

i brought my babies to polyclinic for their 5-in-1 jab which cost 80+ only. kkh also hav but babies must be under private class. tat means consultation, investigation, or other procedure all under preivate rate which cost a lot a lot. so i choose to go poly.
hi hi nicole, hope to see u here soon. din pop in for a week cos quite busy with the twins. I oni transferred 2 embryos but mine procedures are quite different. It is a FET plus the embryo are cultured for another 5 days till they become a blastocyst. I think i used 11 embryo to get the 2 blastocyst to transfer. this procedure is for pple who have lots of embie...i had 42 during my ER.
if u put 3 u must be prepared to have triplets which may put strain on u finanically and physically when taking care, but it increases the chances of u conceiving.

r any of u by chance civil servants? if u bring ur kids for these 6in1/5in1 jabs, a portion of it is subsidized by the government. din know till i brought them for their first jab.

petals, 6in1 package is about 400plus at KK. u call the PCC@KKH to check with the nurses, they will give u more details. they told me not to take the package cos i use the CSC card to pay. Tel: 63945835
anyway, i checked with the GPs, some of them charge even cheaper than KKH and PDs.
I called so many places, polyclinics/PDs/GPs but I still go back to KKH cos i am so used to going back there! Polyclinic also not cheap leh, plus need to queue.
quite expensive for twins hor, cos double the price, weiwei, will be 3x!!!!

mrsteng, so ur new maid arrived? good to send the previous one away, if she stays, will make ur blood boil eveyrday also!

BB travel on air at 4 months certainly will bring stress to them according to my PD but if you need him/her to travel. He/she will need to travel.

Electic pump did not worked for me. The manual pump works and hand express even better. That's my experience.

I suggest if you do not have someone that has the experience to take care of you and your bb for 24 hrs, please engage a confinement maid. However, you certainly need to screen through the confirment maid that she is up to standard. The reason is you need alot, alot, alot of rest during your confinement and do not need to worry this and that. Your job is to do nothing just to feed the baby and sleep and nothing else include supervising your maid or your in law or your own mother. This is my thought.
dawn, for the vaccination, there is also government subsidy if we go private PD? I am not under CSC, but on MSO. I thought to go back KKH for the 6-in-1 but it is so expensive!! what does the package include?
Hi Dawn. Wahh so many eggs... Where did u do ur IVF??? Pics of ur angels?? hehehehe.. Im just a little worried that things dont work out.... I think the best time to decide is after ER...... I would love twins... or how many god bless us with... Its just that carrying multiples is dangerous for both mother n baby......... but like I said I will take whatever god bless me with...... I heard that blastocyst is good but like u mentioned u need alot of fertilised eggs to play with.. So how is having twins??? u working or looking after them???

Yes I don hope Im able to come to this site soon..........

Thanks for answering my questioons.
Hi all,
My boy has finally arrived on the 12th May. had 3 failed induction. Decided not to wait any further and went ahead with C sect. Not trying to scare anyone, it was indeed a painful experience. Now i am back at home. Wound still hurt a lot. But when i turned around and look at him sleeping so peacefully, i tell myself its all worthwhile. I can endure anything just for him. The pain maybe unbearable, but it was his first cry that made my tear.
He's almost 3.5kg and 50cm in length.
Thanks Michelle and Petals, Hope yuo gals are doing well.
michelle, no subsidy if we go private PD. CSC refers to the Civil Service Card, i think i am on MSO medical scheme too. there is a package for 6in1 jabs, can't remember the details cos i din take it up. u can call the PCC number to check with them.
think 80+ per jab, same as PDs and GPs rite?

needle, congrats!
do have a good rest so that u heal quickly from the Csection wound. post pics when u r better ya?

Pink, confinement lady is good if u or ur Mother/MIL have no experience taking care of babies. CL takes care of the baby for the whole month so that u can rest and recuperate, esp if u have C-section. but i agree with Bodhi, must get a good one. I couldn't wait for mine to leave...*sigh* though she did cook quite well and is a help during the nite time, she quite keng one, my milk supply was low, the 1st day i returned from hospital (day3) she told me i have no milk , no need to BF and immediately went to make FM for the babies. when my mum asked her to make those soup (papaya/fish/peanut and pigs trotters and etc), she keeps saying no need no need, no milk what! Anyway, C section, milk will usually come in later one, luckily i perservered, and my mum made the soup on her own and brought for me, so I still partial breastfeeding now. imagine if i have listened to her, i would have stopped the 3rd day. and i dun think she could handle the twins cos both of them cried nitely. think my maid who has 8kids of her own helped her out tremendously. in the end, i felt i should have paid my 3K to my maid, not her. She v smart, every thing trained the maid to do, so in the end, she juz ordered the maid to do, like washing the milk bottles/preparing the herbal bath etc.

Nicole, did my IVF at KK, we were more worried than happy when we knew we carrying twins. Glad tat things had turned out well and now though it is double joy looking after them, it is also extremely exhausted at the end of the day looking after them. i m taking no pay leave till oct to look after them, with the help of a maid. Here r some of their pics:


A few days b4 3 months


gal trying to lift her head.


boy this week has been flipping away about 30 times a day.
(he doesn't know how to flip back to his back yet, so we have to keep coming back to help him when he yells!)
Needle, congratulations!! Din hear from you so suspected you must have popped! Finally see your baby, happy right?? Have a good rest and make sure your wound heal completely. Post Pics when you free!!

Dawn, cute photos... now that they can flip on their own.. cannot leave them unattended on the bed hor!!!

Congrats! You've finally popped! Your baby is of a good weight. My baby's already a month old but he's not even of similar weight as yours. Looks like all four of us underwent C-sect. So we all can relate to each other. Rest well.


I haven't had a real good night's sleep since the arrival of my Prince. My baby wakes up twice a night for milk. Luckily, my DH helps to change his diapers. In the day, he will ask for milk whenever he's awake. He's constantly hungry. I feel like a cow. Hee...

Aahh...The joys of motherhood...
Dawn ur babies are so beautiful........ I too wish for twins... All I pray is for a healthy baby/babies n safe n smooth pregnancy..

congrats again...

Hoping to join this thread...........

Forgot to mention that you can buy the pump after you deliver. Cos usually in hospital, you can use their electric pump first and see if your milk comes in and whether you like the electric type. Or maybe the manual type like what bodhi says.

Wah, your procedure so diff hor? I didn't know they could do blastocyst. How did u manage to get 42 embies...wow! Did u get ohss then? Hee, so now can plan for next bb...
Your bbs photos so cute! Btw, I have that same blue bear bedlinen set! Haha, must be from kaki bkt too. How u cope at nite ah? I told mil that i take early morn shift until 3am and she will take over from there, then i sleep. But end up these past few days, bbs cry and fuss a lot at nite. So like you, didn't get much sleep, so I'm also very tired now. Tired but happy.

Your CL so bad to tell u that u don't have milk! I think maybe she more old-fashioned and not pro-BF. i think my milk ss has stopped increasg despite the soup. Now only abt 800+ml daily, definitely not enough for 2. How abt your supply?

Congrats!! You have gone through a lot. I know it hurts now at the beginning, but you will feel much better after the 1st 2 wks. You bb's weight is very good. All is worth it when we see their cute faces, hor? Take this chance to rest well. I'm in permanent panda mode...2 black eyes from lack of sleep. Was kept awake until almost 5am last nite...if it wasn't one bb, it was the other. At one pt, I was carrying one and patting the other, until mil came to the rescue at 2.30am. Haha.

Weiwei, Dawn,
Thanks for info on the jabs. Will have to start calling to check out the various prices. Me not CS, so no discount.
