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  1. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    By the way, any mommy can recommend your Confinement nanny that have taking care of twin's experience? I would like to engage confinement nanny for another 2 months... if the nanny is good. The current CL that I have from PEM is pissing me off... Kindly send me the detail of your recommend CL...
  2. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Hi all, Thanks for your response. I think just like most of the new mommies we should not give any medicine(chinese or western) for babies especially when they are new born. But sometimes come to generation gap... it is so hard to say 'no'. I already have so many arguments and fights with my...
  3. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Hello mommies.. I would like to check with you all that do you give your babies chinese herb such as "pao sheng" (one type of ginseng) while they are new born? Because my mother wanted to give pao sheng water to my 1month++ old new born and I refuse to do so as I am worrying... we are almost...
  4. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    hello lyricist and lil' twin stars (dorayaki) , thanks for your response... my babies skin condition was getting very serious so I brought them to see doctor and doctor prescribe the same steriod cream as lyricist mentioned. The cream help on the rash but it thining babies skin... I didn't know...
  5. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    hello mommies... I need help here... my 1 month old twin boys' face, ear, neck, and shoulder having a lot of redness dots(red rash). Why is that? What should I do to make the red rash gone away? Anyone experience this to your newborn?
  6. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Hi Hapi and mooch, Do you have the address and tel. that I can call to visit the clinic for Dr. Terence Tan? Will Dr. Tan answer any question before I book appointment? Patty, Have you try if the massage work? I tried the massage for 2 days but it seems that no improvement... I can't...
  7. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    hi all, My newborn twin boys having a lot of eyes' dirt which make their eyes cannot open. No matter how many times I clean up, the dirt come back again! Any advice can clear the dirt??? I need help....
  8. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Thanks all Mesh, you are right on non-stop worries... started since pregnancy... I haven't experience sleepless nights...yet, I guess my babies are kind to us, they rarely making noise and they are having regular feeding time. All, how to tell if baby having stomach ache or other...
  9. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Hello Mommies, Just want to share with you my joy that I have delivered my twin boys on last wednesday, which was also my wedding anniversary day I can't believe that I have made it for the C-section! It was pain like hell especially on the 2nd and 3rd day where my gynae and nurse force me to...
  10. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Hi mesh, Thanks for sharing. It is good to know that put in catheter doesn't pain like hell... by the way, were you in GA for your delivery? My pregnancy is coming to 35 weeks so I am really nervous about c-section especially this is my first pregnancy.
  11. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Hi Betty, Thank you. My gynae told me that I will go throgh GA(general anaesthesia). So I wonder if the catheter will be inserted after GA or before GA?
  12. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Dear mommies, May I have your advice is it painful to insert/take out a catheter before/after c-section? I also heard that before c-section it is neccessary to clear out stool by injecting some kind of liquid? As my c-section is just around the corner, I am freaking out whenever I think...
  13. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Thanks, Ah may May I know where do you get the silicon gel to prevent keliod? I hope to get one for preparation.
  14. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Ah may, Thanks for your info. Your C-section experience sound terrible to me.... How come need to wait one hour for gynae to deliver? I thought C-section is something that schedule ahead one??? Also, what did your gynae tell you about the GA's bad points compare to epidural? How GA can...
  15. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Hello mommies, I have not been here for a while due to difficulties in mobility... I can't sit or stand more than 10 minutes else my ribs-bone will pain like hell. Even sleeping I am feeling a lot of pain here and there... Anyone experience the same as me? I am getting into 32 weeks pregnancy...
  16. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Strawberry.... I am sad to hear about your loss... pls take care...
  17. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Fi, No, my Gynae provides me duphaston only. What is the ventolin tabs for? I search around web and it shows that ventolin is used for asthma? Hope to hear more feedbacks from mommies who have taken duphaston at 3rd trimester before... appreaciate on all your feedbacks... thanks.
  18. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Hi mommies, so many posts since my last visit...can't catch up.. I just back from hospitalization due to contraction that started at 28 weeks... I am now 29weeks++ and still in duphaston(dydrogesterone) hormone treatment - taking one tab twice per day. Anyone had similar hormone treament...
  19. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    Oh.. then I have a question.. the binder need to be tight or "just nice not loose not tight"?
  20. B

    2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

    So... how big is the urinary catheter? Where it inserted? virginial? then pain or not when inserted? Are all c-section mommies send in naked for surgery? ...although I choose a female gynae... but if naked still feel shy neh... So so... I suppose the surgical binder got to get after the...
