2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

ah may,

after taking anti biotics, my bladder still pain
today i had to pull up my tummy to try to pee as it does help relieve. wow, u were lucky to have 2 gynaes to attend to u. when i have pain. there is nothing i could do. i'm paying for tps suite at kkh yet, i am unable to change to an earlier app even when i call 2wks in advance or even get the nurse to squeeze me in to see my dr although i was in pain! end up getting a young stand in dr on duty for 24hr clinic. kk really doesn't give me any sense of security.

dr tony tan is with raffles hospital now. hubby jus called up n he was impressed with their service and is going down to ask about the packages there. i'm only worried what it will cost us. yet there is no one i can ask about experienced twin dr

our first choice is mt A, cos nearer to our hse but don't know who to look for. m so lost now cos i don't know if my bladder infection is still there or getting worst.( last nt when i woke up in the middle of the night, my bladder was so painful till i had to limp to the toilet )yet i need to wait till fri to see my kk gynae. can u imagine my fear. if anything happens, too bad i just have to wait till my scheduled consultation to see my gynae. m so frustrated and stressed right now

last night ended up puking even with vit b6

stardiva, who are u seeing in kk, i had no such problem with dr loh in kkh leh... when i urgently need to see him on days when he has no clinc at tps, i speak to his nurse, and dr loh suggested i see him at clinic d, or even he even suggested i go down to tps, and when i reach, his nurse will page for him, and he come specially to see me then go back to his work. its not right that just bcos your dr has clinic on certain days/hours in tps, he/she does not see u even when u need to on the other days! if that is the case, then i agree with u, i'd feel v inecure cos in pregnancy, anything can happen anytime.... touch wood.

take care and hope u feel better asap.
hi mesh,

i'm seeing dr loh too. i called tps to try to get an app to see him cos of the pain but the nurse just told me to go 24 hr clinic to let any dr see me! they can't even squeeze me in although he was at tps that day and i was having cramps.she even told me to go delivery suite to get any gynae as another possibility when i mentioned to her, u mean even if i was in pain and in critical condition i cannot see dr loh?!!!!!. man i wasn;t expecting this.

i like dr loh but he's getting so inaccessible.... or rather the tps nurses were not very helpful in directing me. n it's tps summo ,sigh i only go kk because of dr loh
hi 3inapod
I'm not with Dr Chen...

hi ah may
maybe i got a previous MC before.. thats why he's more careful with me...

Just want to check with you all now that i'm 18 weeks now...but my tummy still very small, very worried that the babies are not growing...

Before pregnancy, my weight is 52kg... then lost 4 kg during the 1st trimester...gained back only about 2kg now which means now i'm only 50kg... is this normal?
Btw, gals... when do you know the sex of the gender of the babies... as till now, me still cannot see as doc said too small liao.. do we have to wait till the detail scan then be able to see?
bb08, I was 46kg before pregnancy and during the 1st trimester, I lost 1.5kg, after which till the around the 29th week, my weight gain was stagnant at 9kg. I gained another 7kg in my last 7 weeks before I delivered. So long as your gynae deems that the babies growth is satisfactory, things shd be fine even if you don't gain much. In fact, you should be happy that the weight gain is mostly piled onto your babies

bb08, my gynae informed us that our twin A was going to be a boy in the 14th week and by the 16th week, she confirmed it again. This was cast in stone in my 21st week during the detailed scan, which also revealed that my Twin B was a baby girl. Guess that my DS's birdie was very prominent at the onset :p while my DD was always shying away from us during the scans.
<font color="0000ff">bb08</font>,
I guess you don't have to worry too much about your weight. Think many of us expereinced weight loss till mid term.
For me, I also lost about 5kg in first trimester. Only managed to gain back that 5 kg when I was at week 20+ and weight gain was tremendously slow after that. But from week 33, I gain approximately 2kg per week (which was horrifying to me cos of stretch marks). My gals were not big. They weigh 2 kg each at birth. But they were very healthy and didn't even have jaundice. All 3 of us were discharged from hospital together.

At about week 12, my gynae said I'm most probably carrying girls but he prefer to let the detailed scan confirm their gender. And he was right.
Hi J&amp;SMum
How i envy you that you have a boy and girl each... then can stop factory liao... when i told my friend that if both are of the same sex, most prob i will go for number 3... but he advise me against it as the cost is very high and so on... but i'm quite stubborn... i would really love to have a boy and girl each so i know what's the difference...hee

lil'twin stars
thanks, gal...me can put my heart at ease now... keep on forcing myself to eat even though i still dun have appetite... I'm now 18 weeks but my gynae still dun know their sex yet...so abit disappointed... or cannot blame him as my babies are too small liao...
<font color="0000ff">bb08</font>
Don't force yourself to eat, ya? Just eat moderate portions as your heart pleases. Hee! Oh, with regards to gender, I think its most probably the positions of the babies which prevents your gynae from telling their gender. In fact, my gynae can only confirm one of my girls' gender at every scan. The other baby is too ""shy" and "lady-like" (keeps her thighs close together), so he can't see at all. But I'm carrying identical twins, so we know she's definitely a girl. Hee... And you know what? That baby (or rather, toddler now) is still like that today. Very shy and lady-like as compared to her sister. ^.^
oh dear, hope you are ok now. I am quite lucky, yes, my gynae Dr Benjamin Tham at kkh dun see me at tps, cause he said I likely to need detail scan very often, so tps also no use, pay more for not much. I see him at the normal clinic but I try to get him at the late thur afternoon when he has less patients, but also need to wait for 1 hr. but he replies my email fast. and call him thru the operator to page for him, he reply quite promptly. if I got problem, he slot me in when he is having lunch break, he will like come in earlier to see me. that happen several times. actually he quite good, will tell me how to save cost.. haha. once I see him the next day after an appointment because I itch so badly, he wavied his consultation fee, then I realise i pay the bulk of money to kkh, not the gynae.

oic. take good care then. the weight issue, now if still vomiting, dun worry. will catch up later when you can eat better and sleep better. think i have the same problem, i lost more weight due to vomiting than I put on for 1st tri. think only put on some weight from 18 to 24 weeeks. then more after 24 to 30 weeks.
dun worry abt the sex of the babies. enjoy the pregnancy.
Hi all mummies,
Thanks for your reply. Feel better now to hear we dun need double dosage. Coz I only thought of this qn in until now and I am going into wk12 this week. I should have ask my gynae much earlier. But lucky there's this thread for me to get my answers....Thanks all!

HI bb08,
Same as you, I was thinking if this twins come out is same gender, I might want to try for baby #3. Anyway for 3rd child, they can reuse all the clothing, toys and cot from the first 2, so I guess the expenses wun be as high ba...and government also got higher baby bonus for 3rd/4th child...

By the way, do you all buy 2 baby cot for the twins? Do outside sell those cot big enough for 2 babies to slp together? 2 baby cot seems to take up alot of space especially now I am still staying with my in-laws
hi ladies
is it normal that one of the twins is smaller than the other one?
my 2nd twin is abt 2 weeks smaller than the 1st one and my gynae said don't know whether can carry till full term
hi helpme
one of my twins is also smaller than the other... my gynae only measured the crown of the head...one is 40mm and the other is 42mm....

maybe the smaller one will catch up later? which week are you in now?

Hi mummy yan
my friend told me that we can put 2 babies in a cot cos the cot very big... but i dunno yet as i haven't done any shopping... let's wait for the advice from other twin mummies..

hi lil' twin stars
i was told to tie a ring with my hair and let it dangle above my tummy... if it moves in a straight line then its a boy, if it moves in a circular form then its a gal... i tried the method and move s in a straight line then turn into a circular motion.... haa...
HI Mummies
Can anyone advise on c-section? Understand that we have to buy a pdt like a binder to be used aft c-section izit? Where can we buy? When shd we use?

Went for checkup yday and scan shown reduced blood flow to my triplets so have to c-section soon.... They are still very tiny 1.3kg, 1.3kg &amp; 1.5kg only. Which means my triplets are not getting sufficient oxygen &amp; nutrition..... So sad....

Need u gals urgent advice ya.
JGze, don't worry abt the binder. After your C-section, the nurse or Gynae will, after checking you, ask if you want to get the binder from them and teach u how to use.

Which week are u in? When does your gynae advise that you undergo c-sec to deliver the babies? Have they been given the shots to the lungs to mature them? What you can do now is to pray and take good care of yourself e.g. avoid walking too much but have more rest in bed.
I saw the binder in maternity shops at United Square. KKH should also carry binders at their retail stores. I was told that after C sec, it's good to wear a binder to reinforce the stitches and incision.

When are you scheduled for C section? You are at week 34 already? With the facilities at KKH &amp; under Dr Loh, you and your babies will be ok. God Bless.
MummyYan, my DD and DS slept in the same cot till they were about 4 months old. After that, we put one in the playpen and the other in the cot cos they were growing bigger and were kicking and rolling over each other to get a good night's sleep. Eversince they were 10 months old, DS continues to sleep in the playpen just beside my bed, while DD sleeps in-between hubby and me. So happy that all 4 of us are in the same room (the convertible cot - 3 heights - is in the nursery and sometimes the kids play in there; my room is too small to accommodate our bed, playpen and cot).
J&amp;S Mum &amp; Kais

Mi todae 34weeks.... C-section tis aftn... Will deliver at TMC instead.... My gynae has given me the lung maturity jab....

Thanks 4 the info on binders....

Pls keep us in ur prayers ya.. Thanks.
JGZe, God was the one who formed and fashioned our babies. I see no reason why He would want to take them away from you
Your babies and you will be fine.
i just went for the NT scan yesterday and found that my 2nd twin has grown a lot. the 2nd twin is now 6mm smaller than the 1st one as compared to previously when he/she was half the size of 1st twin.

So happy to see that. Both are active babies and the sonographer had a hard time trying to do the measurement.

im 12 weeks now.
Hi all, can i join. I'm preg wif twin at 14wks. Due to my age, gynea said i'm quite high risk and recommended cvs at wk 11, but i didn't take as there is risk too. I rely on NT scan last wk, Gynea said bbs NT measurement is ok. Any advise?
CONGRATUALTIONS! Your babies are all doing well. It's so cool to see you and your babies in the news today. All of them sharing one sac for 34 weeks. So so amazing. Praise God for this miracle
Hey, so it was really JGze in the papers today!

JGze, congrats and praise the Lord! He really delivers His promises!
Soon, your 3 little darlings will be safely home with you

this is carmen
sorry didn't have your contact numbers, but realised this JGze is you!

call me if need help!
I saw the news about the triplets in ZaoBao at my in-law's place yesterday. So its really JGze! So amazing!!! And her elder gals is so cute too! Hee... Praise the Lord for His protection and grace. Hope to hear from JGze soon!
My mil told me today there's this lady who gave birth to a triplets yesterday...and she said it was 3 cute boys ley... too busy liao and didn't read the newspaper... will go and find it and read one day...

Congrats to you JGze!!
hey mommies, i read on this thread before that one of you stayed in shanghai?

i need help!

i will be going to Shanghai with my twins for CNY cos my dad is posted there and can't come back.

i would like to know if any mommy can give advice on the weather / water / food etc? can buzz me at [email protected], or sms me at 9789 8823 also can. or post here

thanks hor!
Hello everyone,

I'm pregnant with triplets and will be going to be 28 weeks this Fri.
Can mummies of multiples here help me with a few of my questions?

How long do babies use Newborn sized diapers before changing to Small sized one? 2 weeks? 1 month? I do not want to overstocked Newborn sized diapers, but I do not want to be understocked too!

Any tips on how to get good offers on diapers?

Is C-Sect wound really painful? Does it affect breastfeeding? What's a good supplement to help C-Sect wound healing?

I will be having identical twin boys and a fraternal girl. Do mummies here have tips to share on how to differentiate identical twins?

Any other advice/tips are very much appreciated. Thank you ladies!
Hi lefthander77,
Wow, praise GOD.. i see a lot of triplet mommies in this forum..esp in the year 2008..!
Did you conceive them naturally?
erm i think it all depends on how big ur babies are..and their rate of growth..
i managed to use Mammy Poko new born size till they were 4 mths old but for drypers, i switched to a different size at their 3rd month
C Section was really painful for me...on the 2nd day of birth, when i was asked to get off the bed..it was like..a great torture for me...cried many times on the hospital bed.
I didn't take any supplements to heal the wound..but rather my mom cooked a lot of fish for me.....
it's such a blessing to have a set of triplets like urs..a good combination of bb boys and girl...;-)
how i wish i cld be like u...complete everything @ one go...
I only have a pair of boys...and until today..still not too sure if we should try for another round....
but still apprehensive about getting either another pair of twins or another boy....
coz i feel it's not very easy to get a girl...sigh
hi there lefty

YOOHOO! another triplet mommy. I'm carrying 3 gals but no idea identical or fraternal .. hehhe.. never asked gynae until its too late.

How long b4 you change to size S depends entirely on the growth of your babies. If i'm not wrong, size S is for babies 3kg and above.

Would love to chat more with you. I'm in week 29. you can msn me at [email protected] or email me at [email protected]
Hi <font color="0000ff">lefty</font>

I personally find that size of the diapers really depends on the size of the babies and their rate of growth. My gals were born at 2kg each with pencil-thin thighs (but very healthy, thank God). Even the Pampers Premuim Newborn size diapers were too big for them. If I recall correctly, by the time they were 6 weeks, we were able to use size S on them. And after that, it was just upgrading them to the next size whenever the existing size starts to look a bit tight on them.
So for a start, I think stocking up to 4 weeks would be suffice.

So far, we just buy from the nearby minimart cos HB finds it too troublesome to travel further to get diapers which is quite bulky. Not sure if any mommies here order in bulk though. The only thing I order in bulk with delivery service to my doorstep is my girls' milk powder. Hee!

My c-sect was very smooth. My girls were deliverd at 9.30PM and I was able to move around by 12 Noon the following day. The wound didn't hurt as bad as I imagined it to be. hee... In fact, a lot of visitors thought I had natural delivery when they saw me strolling around the ward and to the nursery. Kekeke... Subsequently, I only took painkillers twice (at bedtime) and never felt I needed it again.

But I didn't successfully breastfeed due to extremely low supply, so can't help you with this area.

The hospital helped to tie one string on Twin 1's wrist and 2 strings on Twin 2. I was told to remove it when I feel comfortable enough to do so. It was confusing initially, but before the confinement is over, you'd be able to tell them apart. I think mothers just know their kids. hee!

Though I still get them wrong at times now, but once they react or show some expression, you'll know who you're dealing with. So don't worry. You'll figure it out. Else, don't remove the strings first. Hehehe...
hello mommies...
I need help here...
my 1 month old twin boys' face, ear, neck, and shoulder having a lot of redness dots(red rash). Why is that? What should I do to make the red rash gone away? Anyone experience this to your newborn?
bubble fish
it cld be milk rash. my boy had it too when he was a newborn. the doc prescribed steroid cream (think it's hydrocortisone) which helped tremendously. only thing is that you'll hv to use it sparingly becos it thins baby's skin. other than that, just make sure you keep his face very clean, esp after feeding milk. don't worry, he'll outgrow it eventually.
Thank you very much dorayaki, kais, &amp; blessedone.

I conceived the triplets via IVF in NUH: 2 blastocysts implanted, one of it split that's how I got triplets now. I was advised to be admitted under C class so that when babies need NICU care it won't cost me an arm and a leg.
I was thinking of admitting myself under B2 class cos C class in NUH is 8 bedded I think. My husband thinks, for the sake of his wife, that I should admit under B1 at least so that I would be more comfortable. But I told him that we can't predict how long babies need to be in hospital and how much treatment they'll receive... besides being in not so comfortable environment might motivate me to get up and get moving faster. Heheheheee... But the recent change of subsidy plans from MOH is upsetting me... I hope it'll take into effect AFTER my babies are discharged... but I highly doubt it...

Reason why I asked about 'em diapers is that I am contemplating of ordering the Nepia Newborn size online; and they sell it in bulk of 4pkts(60 each pkt). I am sure it'll be used up in no time.

Anyone here did 3D/4D scan of the fetus? If yes, how much does it cost for multiples?
wow...how nice...:)
how much did you spend in all for the IVF?
I certainly think that buying 4 pkts first is not a bad idea..coz 3 of them can definitely use up the diapers fast...but who knows you might need to top up your supplies after that before you promote them to S size
I have not done 3D/4D scan before..so won't know the cost. :)

my triplets are 6 months old now. well i didn't even bother to get any milk powder or diapers . visitors came and gifted them. my storeroom were stacked with so many NB and S size diapers at the beginning. 1 reason why i suggest u don't worry about the diapers and milk powder yet, is, your babies may need to stay in hosptal for a while b4 discharge... cos the min criteria is babies must hit 2kg and be healthy in order to be discharged. my eldest came home after 9 days, 2nd and 3rd one after 1 month... and upon discharge, whatever leftover diapers your baby was using in the hospital, you could bring back... that lasted at least 2-3 days cos they come back one by one. after the first baby come home, you can consider ordering online from nepia..... they deliver in 1-2 days anyway. that way, u can judge how many pkts needed, cos u can see how many pkts your visitors gifted. hope that helps.

take care, relax and eat healthy.. hope your babies stay inside longer, then you can relax longer b4 the confusion starts
Hello all,

I have a pair of twin girls. They are about 3.5 months now. I have been following this thread since I was about 7 months pregnant.

I read somewhere that someone wanted a maternity girdle. I personally have one...size S for those between 90-120lbs. Used it since 8 month onwards and it helped. Certainly helped relief some weight. If anyone of you need one, I am willing to pass it over to you...no charge.

I spent about $8000 for the IVF/ICSI till my pregnancy test. My injections requirements were pretty low so it kind of cut cost a little bit. THEN, once confirmed pregnant, another round of injections begin. I hated that part the most; it's administered at the buttocks twice a week, from week 4 to week 12 to stabilise the pregnancy. I remembered at every Dr's appt I bargained with Prof Wong if I can have the injections stopped, as I was depressed because of it. I managed to have my injections stopped at week 11. Hahahahahaha....

Went for my 28 week scan today. Sonographer agrees it's a waste of money to do 3D/4D scan for multiples cos babies need to cooperate and be still and it is hard enough to capture a good scan for a singleton baby. So we decided to forget about it.


Thanks for the advice. Will do that; will wait and see.
<font color="0000ff">bubble fish</font>
Doctor refused to prescribe steriod cream for my girls when they had similar condition, for the same reason (thinning of baby skin) as mentioned by lyricist. He asked me to use barrier cream instead, so we apply Johnson &amp; Johnson's nappy rash cream (the white tube with blue cap) to the affected area after cleaning them each time. It doesn't really "heals" the milk rash per se. It just stops development of new rashes and gives the existing rashes time to heal. But their skin looked perfectly OK after 1-2 weeks. Hope this helps.

<font color="0000ff">lefty</font>
We attempted the 3D scan thrice and none successful. The girls were just not co-operating. Hence, I don't know how much it cost too.
Yesterday during my 3rd detailed scan, they discovered that triplet B is much smaller than A &amp; C. Apparently according to the chart, her abdomen circumference and thigh bone are on the smaller side of the chart. Good thing is her blood flow is normal.

Was pretty upset after hearing the news yesterday. Now i am more conscious of sleeping on my left and basically juz making room on the right for baby B. Maybe she has no room.

Hopefully in two weeks time, the d scan will show otherwise. really hope to carry all 3 to at least 34 weeks.
hi mommies.. my babies are coming 8 m onths old next weekend..

i wanted to check is there separation anxiety at this age? i am worried yet i dunno if it is separation anxiety..

my babies have always been good socialisers.. always good with strangers and all, but last week, i went off for a whole day to office, and since then i see like my boy always want me to carry.. i stand up to take something also he cry..

since birth, i was also not the type to always carry them.. always letting them be independant, crawling or laying on the playmat playing by themselves.. but since last week, my boy had 3 hours nite sleep again.. and this crying thing everytime i stand up and walk away.. always want to carry.. i go toilet also cannot..

help.. wat is this and wat am i suppose to do?
heehee... it's normal lah. my two see me 24/7 and still cry when i just go into another room and get something. they can cry even when i'm within sight. i'm constantly stalked by two petulant lil shadows

try distracting them with toys, lull them into a good mood and when they're absorbed in what they're doing, just quietly walk away without fuss. sometimes when i hv to walk away when they're aware, i'll always tell them that mommy has to go to the kitchen and get something, and will be back in just a while. just accept that there might be some crying involved.

Hello mummies!!

JGze- congrats on ur safe journey....

Lefty- i delivered in NUH too. Took at B2 ward which is 6 bedded. I delivered my twins at 32 weeks n they were in NICU for 19 and 24 days each.. Rest assure the NICU team thr are very good at what they do!!! U r seeing Prof PC Wong? Anything i can do to help let me noe.. Add me on if u r on msn.. [email protected]

Dorayaki-free to mit up nxt week? hehehe... we have been toking abt mit.g up for 1 yr liao.. wahahahahahahahahaha....
