2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

HI okeanosmao- my boy juz had fake measles 2 weeks back.. Had high fever n aft 5 days the rash came out. Brought him to PD n he said its fake measles, body's reactn to fever.. Nothing to worry abt..

Hi dodo- many thx... gdluck during the delivery, njoy these last few weeks of freedom.... Hehehehehe.

hi dawn,
accding to PD, its a viral fever which comes down to false measles.as wat fi has mentioned,the rashes will cm out aft fever subsides n will last ard 3-4days for the rashes to be completely disappeared.
i think the real measles, impact mre serious bah. cos wat elderly ppl said, real measles, cannot hv any fan, must cover completely.

hi fi,
but the real fear is the high fever leh..cos my bois had the highest fever @ 39.5.scared they will be too hot..
our generations did not cm across false measles leh..

Altis is ok with 2 car seats behind. Just that we feel Latio is slightly more leg room behind as well.Altis is 1.6, Latio is only a 1.5 n cheaper so considered "downgrade" right?

My way of keeping them quiet in car. Put blanket n bean bag n pat till they sleep. If need to, sing softly or do the "SHHHHHH".. the "SHHHH" worked since newborn
good to hear that the ALtis can fit the 2 car seats plus another person behind. heee....."shhhhhh" can be associated with going to toilet, wait they tot want to do small business how?

hmmmm.....must buy special thermometers to measure their temperature or not? saw the range for the price of thermometer quite wide, from 10 bucks to a few hundred dollars one. any recommendations?

Dodo, do come back and share ur birth story!
excited for you!
Hi all,

Can we confirm attendance for this sat's gathering so that Fi knows who to expect?

Can sms me (98482883) or her. It'll be around 3pm.
Okeanosmao-tht time Danial's highest was 39.8. I alternated panadol n brufen 4 hrly. I sponge him. WHen he had his fever Monday, first thing i did was to ship my gal to my mum's wif the maid. I would rather look after one sick bb than 2. Coz when my gal had viral fever in may, the whole hse suffered wif her.. Hehehehehe.. Yup high fever is always a worry.. When Yazmin had her episode in may, the fever didnt go down despite all tht we have done, so PD admitted her.. Few days of IV antibiotics n fever subsided..

A+C mum-nice to see u yesterday!!!!

Thermometers- went bbs first came home, we had those axillary thermometers, each time we measured YAzmin when she had her fever it was 38 or 37. But thru feeling, i thought she was much hotter. brought her to PD n temp was 40. Hehehe. went home n threw it away n invested in the braun thermometer..
the braun one is a good investment. Easy to use & accurate. Threw my axillary one away also, haha.
oic. actaully I was told that the babies wake up to feed at night is to catch up on their milk. can be due to not enough milk in the day, need more milk to grow. so training them to sleep thru the night depends on their weight and feeding pattern in the day. not neccessarily feed them cereal just before they sleep.
but another possibility is that it has become a habit. so you have to see your own situation and judge what to do.
for me, I train my boys to sleep thru the night from 4 months when they are about 5.5 to 6kg. I started to tell them not to wake up at night to drink milk. sam did it first, he was heavier and drink much more milk than ray. He quite funny, start thru the night on the first day i start. Ray took another month before sleeping thru the night. difficult as I struggle with him with pacifier, water and no milk!
In the begining, last feed is at 11pm, they sleep till abt 5am to 6am before they ask for milk. subsequently, I give milk earlier at 10pm, then later at 7pm. which is what they are sticking to till now.
the exception that they wake up for midnight feed is when they are sick or in growth spurt stage.
I also invest in the braun. take note that you measure both ear to better determine the temp. and sometimes, ear wax, lead to misleading results. keke.
hi mummies,

anyone has any spare pram to give away? i've only 2 single prams n unfortunately, 1 pram was damaged.
willingly to exchange with other things.
My babies are also about 5.5 to 6 kg. How did you do the sleep training thing? Them sleeping through the night now is by chance and probably based on how much they drink through the day. I think also they're not getting enough from milk because they can't last 4 hrs on their feed.

I've got a spare pram but don't know the condition of it. If you haven't found anything, I could open it up and check it out. Was given to me by relatives who had one too many prams!
hi mommies
haven't log on for a while. dead tired... almost the entire family's down with a cold. started with my girl, then hubby & me. now, only my boy's the healthy one left. sigh, i think he's a goner lah, 3 against 1... he sure fall sick one, esp since it's v hard for me to separate feeding and other commonly-shred items since i'm caring for both by myself most times. sian

hm, yr boy's illness sounds like something my twins caught a coupla months back, except that i thot it was roseola. what's the diff btw ros & false measles? dr just said it's a viral infection. fortunately both of mine had mild cases, with moderate fever & light rash. managed to recover after 2-3 days.

PD said that it's actually quite normal for babies to reach 39 temp fever, and unless it goes over 40, there's no cause for real anxiety.

abt braun therm
i oso use the braun one, but i'm a bit suspicious abt its accuracy. i always feel that the ear temp seems lower than their actual fever temp.
hi ondine,
i couldn't find anyone wif spare pram, those 2 single used prams that i had was given to us by relative n frend.
wld be glad if u had a spare one.can i knw the condition of the pram? tks alot!

hi lyricist,
roseola symptoms oso quite similar isn't it? was tot it was the same.
actually my boi's PD told us that if temp hit 39, was v serious already.if 38c, consider normal.was questioned by the nurse hw cm did not send my elder boi to go KK instead of going GP as tat day PD's clinic did not open.
rite now, both bois caught a cold n cough through his dad n dad through me..haha..hopefully not too serious.my elder boi dislike medicine, had a hard time feeding him when he had false measles.

abt thermometer,
told by kk senior nurse not to measure them by ear thermometer for bbs as not accurate. i always take their temps under armpit using those normal digital thermometer.but anyway, PD oso take their temps from ear.
take good care.

actually what i did was quite stupid. I start on the 3rd month night feed, I will tell them this is the last month they can ask for night feed. tell them mummy and daddy sleep thru the night, next time they ask for milk will get water.
i chart their daily milk intake and think is abt 1-1.2litre of milk. I try to let them take within the wake up time. give you a rough feeding schedule
example (4 months)
11pm milk
5am milk
730am milk
1030pm milk + cereal
130pm milk
430pm milk
730pm milk

example(5 months)
10pm milk
6am milk
10am milk + cereal
2pm milk
6pm milk + cereal
8pm some milk/juice + 1 rice cracker or pigeon biscuit

example(7 months)
10-11pm milk
6-7am milk
11am porridge + 1 slice apple(2 times a week)
2pm milk
6pm milk + cereal
8pm some milk/juice + 1 rice cracker/biscuit

example(7 1/2 months)
10pm milk
7-8am milk
9am biscuit/rice cracker
11am porridge + 1 slice apple(alternate days)
2pm milk
6pm porridge + desert (1 bottle)
8pm biscuit/rice cracker

think i compare to my friends, my boys eat alot. as for ray, the 1 month to train him, really lots of tears. force him pacifier, plain water, singing, insist no milk. sometimes he din drink properly in the day, I dilute the milk by 3 times the water at 3am for him.. think he quite stubborn, take 1 month before he finally let go and sleep thru the night. even when he wake up and see me pump milk he dun make noise liao.
but when they are sick, or drink poorly till to injection, a 2-3am feed is needed. that one no choice.
Lyriscist-halo!! long time no see... Like okeanosmao i tot ros n fake measles r the same? Terminology oni diff? i more chim then the other? hehehehehe

Okeanosmao-ur boys r very cute!!Isaac looks bigger then Ian?
Give me your email address and I'll email you a photo. My MIL however says cannot give away. Must at least trade it for something so don't know if you still want it.

PM me your address ok?
Fi, yup, isaac looks much bigger than ian since birth.nw isaac weighs ard 9kg while ian only 7kg.

ondine,no prob to xchange wif something.but i duno wat can be xchange wif u.do u nid any high chair?
my email:
[email protected]
ah may,
4mths can eat rice cracker or biscuit already?
yr bois do eat alot.
mine @ 7mths only let them eat cereal/brown rice once a day.drink apple/cranberry juice once a day oso. other than tat, nothing else besides milk.
my mil only allows them to eat porridge ard 9-10mths.
the rice cracker I dip in milk first.
the inital porriadge only plain ones. rice cook with ikan billies stock or veg stock.
8 months start with carrot, potatoe, sweet potatoe, 8 1/2 month with pumkin,and the bottled kind cause no time to make.. haha. so they taste green pea, green beans, spinah, and dunno what else almost 9 months, fish, meat. by 11 months, they reject porridge only want rice. haha..

and your boys are cute!
Hi Mummies,

Missing for a while .. down with bad breast infection
Still so painful .. and really feel like giving up BF !

Ah May, seeing your schedule, I feel like I'm underfeeding my boys leh.. and now at 5 months they still wake up to drink milk. Perhaps I should do something abt it. I have friends who commented my boys look like 3 months instead of 5 .. so sad. Both weigh 7 and 6kg respectively.

Irin, meet up on 17 Nov, if I come by around 4+, is it too late ?
ah may
what sort of green peas did you give yr bbs? are they frozen peas, since i don't think they sell fresh peas locally?

you might want to try giving yr bbs beans, ie. green beans, red beans, yellow tau suan beans. it was recommended to me by the polyclinic nurse. to prepare, i just cook the beans in the slow cooker till soft, then puree and freeze into cubes till needed. i've only tried red beans, so ended making up unsweetened tau sar. my bbs seem to like it.

my bbs are also small for their age (25th percentile), but as long as they're healthy & active, it shld be fine. they'll catch up eventually.
Hello mommies,

I have not been here for a while due to difficulties in mobility... I can't sit or stand more than 10 minutes else my ribs-bone will pain like hell. Even sleeping I am feeling a lot of pain here and there... Anyone experience the same as me? I am getting into 32 weeks pregnancy this week. I don't have a good sleep due to the pain. My dark-circle eyes are darker than panda now.

xbliss, how are you doing? I hope your bryan is already get out of ICU and be home with you.

All, may I know how long/big is the scar done by c-section? I am fricking out whenever C-section come across to my mind. My gynae told me to go through general-anaesthesia for c-section. I would like to know is general-anaesthesia better than Epidural? Also, any side effect for general-anaesthesia?

The c-section isn't all that bad. The cut's very low down and on the natural skin fold. You can still wear a bikini.
I've done that already.

I did my c-section under an epidural. It's not that bad. You don't see anything. If you're under GA, even better. I've been under GA a few times and it's ok. Was just cold and shivering after.
Hi Bubblefish,
My scar is around 10cm, not so bad.. took about a month to heal. The most painful part is the day after sugery when u need to get down from the bed ... pls make sure your hubby is there to help u.
I was under epidural. Sorry to mention, my c-section experience really freak me out. I had bad reaction with the injections (for womb contraction and stop bleeding). It was so bad that I don't even got to see my babies. Given the choice again, I rather go under GA ..
if you come at 4pm, worried that all the monsters might have gone to sleep liao. hehe. Or we fix it at 3pm instead of 2pm?
ya tat is a prob.. perhaps i will give this gathering a miss then as my girl going for her speech and drama from 2.30 till 3.30pm.
Will join you ladies for the nex one
take care. be strong. I increse my frequency of pumpimg due to infection, milk supply increase 1 week after the infection. keke. my boys are forever hungry one. even now. think lots of ppl who have seen them eating tell me they are quite shock.. haha.
dun be too worried, my boys are at 1% percentile and 25% percentile at birth. move to 30% and 50% from 3 months to 1 year plus. they catch up at 15 months, older month is 75%, younger one at 50%. keke.
for stroller, light weight and can handle single hand, I vote for combi.

the green pea is the bottle ones. when my boys are 6 months plus, I went back to work. weekend is so busy, i guilty not to feed my boys with fresh food. most time is i bought heniz bottles off the shelves. only take time to make ground organic brown rice for them. give up in the end cause too time consuming (wash, roast, ground, shieve)and so i cook directly when they are 10 months. haha.

dun be too worried. as for GA or epi, ask your gynae, my gynae refuse to give me GA as he feels epi dun really affect the babies. only use GA if emergency.
as for the scar, I happy to say my gynae did a very good job, almost cannot see the scar except I have lots of stretch marks that make it slightly obivious. can ask gynae to give a silicon cream to prevent keliods, then scar can heal nicely.
c-section is abt half an hour? I think I was so terrified in the operating threater(there are some other problem as I stayed 24hr in the delivery suit to delay my contractions before c-section, my drip is not done properly by a houseman, they immediately redo on my other hand on the point, I shivering badly as I in labour pain liao.) as I waited for 1 hr for my gynae, he was in another operation earlier. i think is a pd, he calm me down by asking me to stare at the clock and watch the time as i hear my babies cry when they are taken out.
Focus on the correct things and you will feel better.

dun worry, OT have many ppl, mine abt 12 or so?
then 1 nurse will come and tell me how they will mark the babies so that there will not be any mix up.
mine quite funny as I went for check up and they see my CGC is contractions 5 mins apart, I stay to deliver 24hr later. keke. think all of us are not prepare..
we are fine with changing the timing to a later time. If you can make it at 4pm then we'll make it at 4pm then. How about that?
Ah may,
Thanks for your info.
Your C-section experience sound terrible to me....
How come need to wait one hour for gynae to deliver? I thought C-section is something that schedule ahead one??? Also, what did your gynae tell you about the GA's bad points compare to epidural? How GA can affected babies? My gynae don't really give me a choice, she just told me will go through GA that's all. To be frankly, if there is a choice I want to change my gynae as I really feel that she did a poor job on my twin-pregnancy. She did not provide much information on anything along my pregnancy although she knew this is my first pregnancy. I have to ask around and come to this forum to learn from other experience mommies.

Thanks for sharing info on the scar. It seems that your gynae did a good job on the scar. 10cm is acceptable and sounds pretty nice to me. I don't see much feedbacks from other mommies so I wonder if 10cm is the standard c-section scar or it is based on individual doctor?

I think even if I don't get the c-section scar, I won't be able to waer bikini anymore... because of the stretch marks...sigh.... permanent marks to become preganant...
re: gathering on sat.
I might not be able to make it.
My son's down with fever. Kept staying at 39, didn't go down the whole day. Suspect cos of teething but doctor says it's a stomach virus?? Not too sure though. Thought might give the gathering a miss cos even if his fever goes away, I don't wanna risk passing his virus to the other babies.
<font color="0000ff">bubble_fish</font>,
I guess the c-section scar is based on individuals. Mine's 13cm and had unfortunately developed into a keloid 3 months post op. Doesn't hurt. Just not nice... But anyway, nobody cares. Hee... Its serves as my pregnancy souvenir on top of the stretch marks. Kekeke!!!

<font color="0000ff">Fi</font>,
I won't be joining you gals tomorrow. A bride-to-be coming to my place 2moro to view the wedding gown which I'm selling off. Enjoy yourselves. Will try to visit your loft on a weekday, okie?
bubble fish,
the wait is because we are all caught by surprise. my gynae monitor me closely from 28 weeks to 32 weeks, babies are doing well, so he thinks we can last till 36 weeks, who knows at the 34 week visit, contractions is already 5 minutes apart. He already has a full schedule of operations to do on that friday, but have to squeese me in at 4pm. think the earlier one delay his schedule, so my op push to 5pm instead.
think what I gather is that GA is into the body, so babies may get it thru the blood supply. while epi is localised, so does not go to the babies.
my experince is not to scare you, but to let you know, even through I have such problems, me and my boys turn out fine, so dun worry.

the scar is abt 10 cm or 15 cm depends, mine cannot actaully see, so I glad my gynae did a great job. he actually joke and ask me if I want to pay to get a plastic surgeon to do the sewing so the scaring is less. I told him I will save the money for milk powder. :p
ask abt the silicon gel, i dun have keliods so far. but cost abt 39 for 1 small tube. I only used 1 although gynae told me I can buy 2 if I need.

take care. give barley water? it's helps especially for fever.
tks. I gave barley, "ling yang" & everything but still doesn't help. Me so worried about him. Think will bring him to the hospital or PD if fever doesn't subside by tomorrow. He's having diarrhea too.
Hi mummies,

Sorry for the late reply. Pls don't change the timing for me , cos my boys are down with flu one after another again. Have not been sleeping for the past 3 days ... look like a panda now

My bigger boy is now refusing water and milk and don't even want to sleep , so tired !

Hi Bubble fish, I'm not too sure abt the standard size of the scar. My massage lady told me my gyne did a very good job as the scar is relatively short considering its twin delivery. At 5 months now, the colour of the scar has lightened but still visible. I guess it will takes time ... anyway, no chance to wear bikini now haha ( No time!)

Hi Irin, your baby prob may need antibiotic if the fever is not able to subside. It will good to bring him see a PD asap if the diahorrea turns bad. Take care!
the silicone gel is dermatix, need a prescription I think.

for diahorrea, I swear by rice water. boil some rice with lots of water till rice is cook, pour water for baby to drink. helps to prevent dehydration as well as stopping the diahorrea. cause at this young age, especially less than 1 y.o, no medicine can be use on them.
but please see a doc as well.

take care.

we went to sentosa on sat, last evening, ray develop hives, think is due to the sand play, so we stay at home today. think he is recovering. keeping my fingers cross.
<font color="0000ff">Fi</font> and <font color="0000ff">all</font>,
Was reading a book on twins and found the portion on twins' speech development very interesting. Did a summary to share with my otherwise "can't be bother to read" HB, so taking this opportunity to share with you all too.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
Raising Twins after the First Year.doc (36.9 k)</td></tr></table></center>

Some of us whose "babies" have just turned "toddlers" may be interested to read and share your concerns, while mommies who has "been there" may wish to share your experience in this area.

I'm also a bit concerned about shoes now. My girls are 13.5 months and they are both walking steadily now without shoes on. Sometimes when I bring my gals to the playground wearing their soft sole shoes (which they are more comfotable with and can walk pretty well in them), the other mommies there will tell me its high time I let them wear shoes with thick soles to protect their feet and get them used to it. And when I do let them put on their thick sole shoes (track shoes to be specific), I get comments from others saying its too early and I should just let them wear the soft sole ones. Soooooooo frustrating! Actually all I wanted is to have a good time with my gals at the park/playground. In fact, I wish they could play around barefooted if not for the fear they may step on anything sharp or dangerous. And I ended up getting confused! Any advise, anyone?
Tell the kaypos to mind their own buisness!!! Hehehehehehe....Sorry, juz cant stand them, have loads ard my neighbourhood wif lots of 'gold' advice... I let them use soft sole shoes but i tink my boy prefers to walk barefoot so i let him be.. Juz have to look out for stones or glass.. I also bought them clarks first shoes, cant complain besides the price!!!! Btw, my bbs juz started walking unaided!!!!! Hehehehehehehehe....Thx for the link....
Ah_may, Janice,
Tks for the concern. My boy's had recovered from his stomach virus. But had lost abit of weight. How to pummp him up again?
hahaha... <font color="0000ff">Fi</font>, I like that reaction of yours about the kaypos. Kekeke... Oh, congrats!!! Have fun watching your munchkins walk unaided! Err... not exactly fun at times but I do enjoy watching them waddle about like penguins. Hee!
Hi all,

I just visited the gynae today and was shock to know I am having fraternal twins. Both hubby and I do not have family history of twins. Do anyone of you like me, do not have family history on both side yet having a twins?

I am now only at week 5 and the gynae can only find 2 sac without baby heartbeat. I am visiting the gynae again next week. Hopefully by then both sac will have heartbeat...

Nice to meet other twins/multiples mummies here and hope to gain more knowledge and advice from everybody. This is my first time being a mummy and really excited. Moreover I am only prepared for 1 baby yet now is "buy 1 get 1 free".
Hi can check with the mummies here, is it difficult to total breast feed twins? I know it is already difficult for once child, how to have enuff milk for 2 and do you feed them at the same time? In-law has been quite discouraging, saying things like, sure not enuff milk supply one lah.....give milk powder lor even b4 i have popped! How did u all cope? Is it necessary to standby 1 tin of FM at home?
oh yah, does the breast feeding pillow help?
congrats Blessedone..your both son so cute and chubby...I always tot it have to be inherited in order to have twins..it's really a surprise for both me and hubby as we were only prepared for 1 baby at a time..

Do you still remember at which week do your gynae detected heartbeat for both babies?
Dawn, I breastfed my twins and am stil breastfeeding them. It can be done. But the most important thing is to do what you can and don't pressure yourself or your twins. Keep at the breastfeeding but if you find you need to supplement, go ahead and do so. Ask the hospital to give you some pre-mixed formula and use that when you need to. It's less 'heaty' then direct formula. And the bottles come in useful for storing milk. You can always send your husband out to buy formula or if you're like me, I snuck out during confinement to do it.

I found the nursing pillow very useful. That and a whole bunchh of pillows esp when i fed both at the same time.

Mummy Yan,
Congratulations on discovering twins. It takes awhile to wrap your head round that idea. My doctor only scanned me at 6.5 weeks to show heartbeat. He didn't even bother to try any earlier.

<font color="0000ff">mummy_yan</font>,
Congrats! My HB and my family have no family history of twins at all. Or rather, none of those still alive today can recall any twins history. We were surprised too. My gals were "discovered" only at my 9.5 week scan. Previous scan at 6th week only show one sac.
