2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

ondine & mesh,
sorry, got mixed up. They were around 5/6kg at 3mths (corrected age) when I added brown rice cereal to their milk. I didn't give them the cereal by itself. For cereal by spoon, it was only when they were 4mths+.

think yours at 8 weeks corrected age still too young. Wait till they are 4mths.

I added the brown rice cereal cos my gal don't wake up for milk at night since 2mths+ & my mum was worried that she might not drink enough. So I just add 2-3 teaspoons to her last feed to please my mum. I thought there was no harm in that too. Anyway the moon rabbit brown rice that I got states for 4 mths & above. There are some types which are only for 6mths & above.

Hey mummies, we were talking about the meetup, remember? We'll fix it on the 17th of Nov(sat), can? For those who can make it, pls kindly put your name down so Fi can know how many people she's expecting in her "zoo".

Multiples/Twins Mummies Meet up
Location: Fi's place at Fernvale
Date: 17th Nov 07 (Sat)
Time: 3pm

1) Irin + Reyden & Reyes
Mummies- wow, its been awhile since im here.... Hehehehe...
Party was a success i tink... Now its time to take a break... Mit up in my zoo is a gd idea... Hahahahaha...
My mom was talking of gng to Korea aft CNY wif the babes.. Juz me n her n babes.... The thought of travelling wif a gazillion luggage makes me ill... Kudos to mums who have travelled wif their brood... On a happier note, hubby has finally allowed me to go on a dive trip when season starts in Jan... Yay!!!! no bbs for a wkend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mesh- I'm a Gina ford fan... My life would be a mess wifout her... HAhahahahaha... Wif a bit of exception when they fall ill, otherwise its strict... Thts y i hate festivals, coz ppl expect me to go visiting n my bbs get cranky when their routine is distrupted.. Sooo, i dunno if its a bane in my life.. But whenever I'm home, im glad they r on a routine, else me n hubby will nvr c each othr... HEhehehehehehahahahaha.....

Neglect of 1 twin-- i always feel tht way, but i guess thts normal??
yep agree agree "nothing really prepares you for being a mother of multiples" I have been around so many infants (tho not incharge of taking care)infant care and thot it shouldnt be a problem but i was wrong, I was just a new mom of multiples having crazy life;)

ondine and Fi,
I love that book too...i implemented it for month and it was easy but unfortunately mom and especially mil kept messing up and in the end i gave up! Thank god they each have their own routine now and its not that bad.

sorry Belated happy birthday wishes to your kids, I was busy going in and out of singapore Hope u had great fun!
Fi ang Best Twins,
How'd you start introducing it? That's my main question. My MIL scoffs at anything I want to do.

Irin, where'd you get the cereal from?
Ondine- i was all alone wif the twins for the first 7mths.. So nobody to bother me. When bbs came home, nobody cud disturb us and as hubby wks till late, i cud implement it. But i tink i was blessed as when my bbs were in nicu, the were also put on a routine, so i juz continued fr thr.. It was easy for me as 1 baby came home first aft 19days, so i had 1 week to settle him into the routine at home before my gal came hm aft 24 days..Daytime is strictly 3 hrly, the night i will wait for the bbs to wake me up. Slowly they were able to sleep thru. During their full mth, my mil wanted to have a gathering, so i told her to do it at her home. We came as visitors and went home an hr later.. ppl r allowed to view but no touching! She commented tht i was too strict, i told her tht if bbs fall sick she n the relatives r not the ones who suffer, its me.

Best Twins- thx for the wishes. U take care and dun stress urself out wif all the travelling...

Mummies- have a great weekend!!
<font color="0000ff">Fi</font>,
You're right. When BBs are sick, we suffer and no one else will understand how exhausting it is to care for 2 sick BBs at the same time.

<font color="0000ff">ondine</font>,
I also introduced cereal when my gals turned 4 months. Mainly bcos both of them were drinking less FM and showing interest in our food. There stare at whatever I eat. I read somewhere that dat's a cue from your BBs that they are ready to try something new. The clinic nurse ask me not to mix the cereal in FM. Her advise is to spoon feed them, so I tried. They kind of enjoyed it though they had funny expressions on their faces. Thought they dislike the cereal but they ate spoon after spoon. Very interesting. And I remember their FM intake slowly returned to normal about 2 weeks after that.

Btw, I started them on the Nestle rice cereal which came in the NTUC Fairprice goodie bag. Though they liked it, their stools hardened with the intake. Not to the extend of constipated but I think its kinda not so "digestion friendly" for 4-month old BBs. I then switched to Healthy Times (HT) step 1 cereal which is extremely smooth and organic. Their stools returned to normal after that. HT step 1 cereal is available in NTUC Fairprice as well. Comes in 3 flavors - Brown Rice, Oatmeal and Barley. Hope this helps.
Fi, nice decor! I love the scene setter.. if u saw my post at the 1st birthday thread.. my scene setter was mistakenly used as table cloth instead... Ur boy's hairstyle similar to my elder boy leh. Did a small celebration with my boys yesterday.. so much easier really.. wont have any big celebration in the near future. Too exhausive man.

Dorayaki, i raised both hands both legs to what u said! Till today, I still let my boys go for jab separately. Nightmare when both had fever together after jabs! It makes me shiver whenever I think of their NB days.. the feeding & pumping and lack of sleep.. scary.
wow, gorgeous cake! i see yr kids are big sesame street fans
hard to believe they're preemies - they look so chubby & well-fed now.

haven't read gina ford, but read baby-wise. i practise flexible routine, and my babies basically eat, bath, nap at the same time (bath one by one, of course), which gives me some me-time during their naps. what's gina ford about?

actually if you're leaving yr babies in yr MIL & AIL's care, maybe it might be wiser to just close one eye. as long as the babies are well-cared for and happy, then sometimes maybe better not to know too much.

i looked after my kids with my MIL's help. in the first 6 mths everything was hunky-dory and we got on well, becos the babies' needs were simple when they were young. but after we started weaning them, alot of points of conflict cropped up. we just had very diff ideas on childcare, which just added up. i know she has the best intentions, but i prefer to hv things done my way. at least, as a SAHM, i can be there 24/7 to implement my own routines & preferences. now, with all these tensions in our r/s, i've asked MIL to just come in twice a week while i cope by myself the rest of the time. it may be tiring, but at least i hv fuller control over their childcare. just sharing...

afraid i can't join you ladies on 17 nov. have fun though!
wow so many post.

I love the cake.

can't join you on 17 nov, although I bac at punggol, my hubby's company having family day at sentosa...

hmm... your boys go for jab on different day? isn't it more tiring? but true, I must admit when they both fall sick together is a nightmare.

usually can give cereal when the babies are 4 months and above, have interest in food and can hold the neck well. otherwise wait till 6 months. no hurry on this as it can complicate things, like the poo issue, some consitpate with some food , some will show no interest in milk and as such.
about the mixing cereal to milk, I gulity of doing this myself as I did not trust my previous maid to feed them, this is not advisable. This is because it can cause choking, and I heard of a case the poor gal refuse milk bottle everafter. so better to feed cereal with spoon, heniz is a good choice. start with only rice first for 4 months. 6 months onwards, wheat and barley and sweet potatoe, and veg and friuts like pear, apple. 8 months onwards, meat like fish. in doubt, check with pd since lots of injeciton around these few months.
Hi mommies,
so many posts since my last visit...can't catch up..

I just back from hospitalization due to contraction that started at 28 weeks... I am now 29weeks++ and still in duphaston(dydrogesterone) hormone treatment - taking one tab twice per day. Anyone had similar hormone treament like me before? Is there any side effect of taking such hormone? as I am carrying twin baby boys I am worrying that the hormone may affected baby boys.

Any twin mommy can share how to stop the contractions to avoid pre-term delivery? I am so worry about pre-term birth... My tummy still seems too small at 29 weeks and I have been told that my babies weight about 1kg only...still too small...

I am really sad and feel so sorry about your loss... one of the reasons I am visiting this forum today is looking to hear your good news on deliver your twins as I remember we're in about the same week of pregnancy...
Jlyn, lyriscist and ah may, many thx for ur compliments...

Jlyn, i nvr wanna hold such a big bash again, preferably till their wedding day... hahahahahaha

Bubblefish- I was on duphaston during early stages of pregnancy.. Juz curious, ur dr didnt start u on ventolin tabs? Have enuf bed rest, dun walk ard too much, tht shud help wif the contractns.
No, my Gynae provides me duphaston only. What is the ventolin tabs for? I search around web and it shows that ventolin is used for asthma?

Hope to hear more feedbacks from mommies who have taken duphaston at 3rd trimester before... appreaciate on all your feedbacks... thanks.
I was on adalat from 26 weeks onwards till 33 weeks. this is to prevent preterm delivery. told to drink enough water, more bed rest and eat well(drink soya bean or milk or high protein stuff). but dunno anything abt this duphaston.
if you are worried, best to discuss the risk with your gynae? that's what we do.
i took adalat from 26 weeks till 28 weeks, realise it is actaully a grade B or C med, discuss with gynae, so I stick to the prescription, but I take only half the precription since I was on leave to stay at home.
Ah May, the one and only item that I nvr regret buying is the playyard. I consider it the safest place at home to put my boys in. I certainly hope that they dont 'acquire' the skill of climbing out of the playyard too soon. Btw, do your boys fight with each other? I suppose 'fighting over toys' is quite common but my boys tend to 'get upset' with each other quite alot leh. Hve you put them in CC yet?
I putting them in CC next year, by then they are 24 months, I feel better.
they fight all the time, sometimes they will make up with one another. sometimes they hit, they bite. yesterday bought a tricyle for them, they love it so much, fight over to sit on it. in midst of a fight, sam bite ray on the arm...
Bubblefish- yup ventolin also helps wif the contractns. Like ah may, i was also switched to adalat after awhile.

Jlyn-putting ur boys in CC nxt yr too?

Ah May-which CC will they b gng to?
Dear all,

I came in here to post for the 1st time since I last posted about 2 weeks ago. At my last checkup at 34 weeks, I did a CTG and they couldn't find one baby's heartbeat. I did a c-section immediately. One baby daughter was still born. My other baby daughter is home with me now after spending 2 weeks in in NICU and normal nursery. She is doing well.

I've been hestitating coming in here because of my sadness. But I wanted to come here and look for <font color="0000ff">xbliss</font> and tell her to deliver earlier rather than later. To me, if I had delivered even a few days earlier or a week earlier, my baby might have had a chance living outside my womb. The doctor estimated that my baby had been still for at least 2-3 days before delivery. But this is all in hindsight. There was no medical reason to devlier early and I was doing well. This was a total shock. Sadly, I've just read xbliss' posts.

Like her, I was carrying identical twins and this was a tragedy due to twin to twin transfusion.

To whoever in future (I hope there are none) that experiences a <font color="0000ff">twin loss</font> and reads this... I am so sorry. This is probably one of the most heart breaking things to happen in the world. It gets better, easier with time. But I will always miss my other baby. Doctors, nurses, will tell you that twin to twin transfusion is one of those things and is a risk with an identical twin pregnancy. On an intellectual level, you will understand it, but on an emotional level, you probably never will. At least for me, I don't understand why this happened. And why it happened so suddenly and late in my pregnancy.

My baby that went away was fully formed and beautiful. I am bitter and angry.

I have another baby daughter whom I love and live for. But I will always pine for the other.
I intend to send them to a CC in smbawang for the first half of next year, then switch to a one nearer home, in sengkang or punggol. no idea but gg to hunt for them next week.
dear berrycake, pardon me cos I am nvr gd with words. It saddens me when I read xbliss' post but i admire her.. putting all her strength to care for her surviving bb. We all knw how precious the lil' ones are.. esp when the pregnancy itself is already so tiring, stressful and exhausive. Do pull urself together.. come in here and we are all here for you. Caring for nb bb is tough, u must stay strong. Rest well so that ur c-sec wound will recover fast. Post here if you encounter any prob in bf-ing and caring for ur NB(not that I am an expert but I'm sure many 'shifu' in this thread can help). U take care..
Hi mummies

I've delivered my twin gals on 18/10 and both bbs are doing fine. Like to check with u all, where could i get the clothing for my bbs since their sizes are smaller than singleton? All my hand-me-down clothings are too big for them..headache where to get the clothings for them esp for full-month celebration..can share? thanks..
do take care. It's hard for you now but stay strong for your gal. It'll be the best thing you can do for the other twin that left. She'll be happy to know that her sister is well taken care of ...
Strawberry-Im saddened by ur news. Mourn for ur loss but always treasure what u have in front of u. Be strong for ur bb for right now she needs u most. Do cum into the forum for i feel tht tis is an outlet for us to share, regardless twins, triplets or singletons. At the core of it all we are all mummies.. Take care.

Patty-congrats to u. My bbs r 1yr and 4days earlier than urs. kekekeke. U may wan to try mothercare coz they have tiny bb clothes. Or first few years. All the best.
I'm sorry to hear about your baby. I will pray for her soul and for you to have peace. Take your time to mourn and take care of yourself. Anyway we can help, let us know.
Nice cake and a beautiful bunch of babies
hey its soo nice to have soo many babies at one place........i m always excited to see a lot of babies together but wanna run away when they all start screaming!

the card is cute, your girl soooo sweet look like a bumbo ad! haha...

Ah may,
How old are ur boys now? me thinking of buying play yard.....think its time u sell them off? haha....do let me know if its on sale
Patty, i bought onesies from Marks and Spencers for new borns up to 3 kg I think. They're tiny and fit my babies quite well. They were born at 2.1 kg.
hi strawberry, i am here. *hugs* thank you for the pm and for remembering me in your difficult times. i have emailed you back too. i wish i could have delivered like a few hours earlier too cos that was the time that i lost ryan. I was already in delivery suite under CTG but it failed to detect the change anyway. But u know, at the delivery suite, my mind was still about how much longer i can keep the twins inside, cos i know they are so premature and bringing them out poses a lot of challenge for them and i really heartpain cos they have to go through so much at birth. I am still learning to cope with the emotions which can come anytime and i do hope you can find the courage and strength to heal yourself too. Do write to me if you need to let it out.
<font color="0000ff">strawberry</font>,
We know you'll be strong for the sake of your daughter. We also understand you need time to deal with your grief and anger. Grieving is a long process, so take your time. Just want to let you know you'll be in our prayers. Meantime, focus on caring for your daughter. Your lil' one will give you the courage and strength to get through this diffcult time.
<font color="0000ff">Fi</font>,
Your kids' party is indeed a large scale one with very nice cakes and great decor. Looks like our kids will clique since they are all Sesame Street fans.
I'll try to make it to your place on 17th Nov. Hope to see you!
Just some thoughts here, after hearing the loss of Xbliss and Strawberry.

Though both of my twins are carried to full term , I have always feel very sad and guilty when I'm looking into the eyes of my younger boy. He is born with cleft lips and palate and a dimple in the spine. Since birth, he has to suffer lots of pains and tears during the treatment process. He is always prone to ear infections and flu, and even choking incidents. Our visits to the hospital and clinic is therefore very frequent. During the development checkups, the doc always bring in some negative news which sadden me
Hiaz! This is only the begining and I know we will have many to go through esp when the series of surgeries come in. Being alone in Singapore, facing all these is not easy.

Many tears are shed and guilts for not carrying my son well during preg is constantly evolving in me. I'm not good with words .. and what I'm going through is not comparable to the losses of both brave mummies. What I want to bring across is : pls stay strong and no matter what happens, life still carry on.
I m soo sorry for what u r going thru.....pls do not feel guilt as its not your fault. I can totally understand how much of stress u would be going thru without ur hubby with u. *hugzzz* to u..........

Having to deal with such difficult times is hard enough it makes worst when our hubby is not around to help and support us emotionally but the bright side is we are strong, and capable. In fact u r someone special to handle your 3 kids alone, i m sure many of us here will look up to you in admiration
) Take care!

Oh I have been soo busy and left no brain juice to email u yet, will surely chat with you more once i m settled in my new house.
Hi Janice
Are you seeing the cleft team in Singapore KKH?
My younger twin has a cleft nostril due to the intubation in NICU. He had his plastic surgery done last year by Dr Vincent Yeow of KKH.
Hi Best_Twins,
Tks. No hurry to reply the email, take your time

Hi Mich,
Yes, I seeing the cleft team in KKH. Without the support from the team, I don't think I can make it so far. Dr Vincent is my doc
Hi Janice
The team is excellent.
I know of a girl who had her last surgery done by Dr Yeow last year. She is such a pretty 19 year old girl now
You are in good hands.
strawberry and Xbliss sorry to hear about your loss, but i am sure you will stay strong. there are many moms here who are great for support and strength so jus come in here and chat with the other moms. stay strong..

experience mommies - can i ask wat brand of diapers you use? i am on nepia at nite and mamy poko when going out (at home its cloth nappies) but i feel like my boy leaks in front at nite! everynite he is wet.. is it cos of size? (but it looks fine for the size) or is it, he can't use the brand of diapers? any advice?

me also trying to look out for a good sippy up that they can use.. so thot of getting the mag mag cup? cos the avent they can't seem to suck out the water!

sorry i haven't posted much.. been real busy, started them on cereal on sunday, watching for constipation, then next week heading to batam for a few days, to prep them for stay.. will be back and forth batam starting mid nov.

meanwhile, leave you a pic of them
my angels turning monsters!
Hey Mooch, your babies look so chubby and cute
Hehe ... right now still angels lah .. wait till they reach toddler age, it will be really monsters haha ...

I'm thinking of buying the bumbo chairs too, but I heard they are quite useless when the babies are over 6 months. Any comments about the chair ?
Hi Janice!! Useless when they learn to climb out of it.. Furthermore my Yazmin's thigh like elephant legs(follow her mum), so diff to squeeze in.. Hehehehehe.. We used the seats till they were 8 mths then bye bye..

your gal's really chubby & cute leh. How old are they now? My boy also had problem with most diapers last time. Until recently changed to Nepia then don't leak at night anymore. What size did you get for him? Can try Drypers also, that one don't leak for my boy but can't hold too much urine, will become very heavy after awhile. Other than these 2, Huggies, Fairprice & Pampers all leak.
