2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

hey i have the PDF of that article

I use it whenever i go out. I can't stay at home :p.. I like to walk around if i get the chance.

<font color="aa00aa">Lyricist</font>, I always get nostalgic when I pore through the babes' month-by-month pictures. Their looks have changed so much, that I can hardly recognise them sometimes!

<font color="0000ff">Dorayaki</font>, are you staying in a pte apartment or in SK/Punggol? Full-length windows are always so nice! Your girls must really enjoy the view and breeze, since yours in unblocked.

<font color="ff0000">Fi</font>, I liked Kindermusik but when I brough the twins to the trial lesson, they were barely 8 months old and fell asleep halfway thru' the class. Liewise for the MyGym trial, where my DD and DS took turns to doze off. Thus, I never continued with any of the lessons. I'm inclined towards Kindermusik cos' I think music is always good for kids plus it comes with some activities. MyGym was fun in the sense that there are many stations and the physical rides can be kinda fun. The lessons also came with fun-filled games. Now that the babes are reaching their 1st year, I'm thinking of signing them up for either one of the sessions. But Kindermusik at Tanglin is kinda far and the timing on Sundays ain't very conducive. How's Gymboree? I've one near my place. As for GUG, it's at Forum?
Hi all,
Been busy with my twins! They're a very big handful now and I'm certain, just abt to get bigger. they've started on solids now and generally take well to it. Thankfully, all the veg and fruit they're taking now is making them poo more regularly.

Both of them used to generally sleep through the night but now, for some reason, they've gone back to waking abt 11-12 for a feed and my son will be up for the day at like 4.30-5 am! And this is exhausting.

Also my girl hates it when I try to get her to sleep and will scream till she's blue in the face but the minute the naid takes over, she quietens down and falls off to sleep. Makes me feel like quite a failure.
Anyone know how I can help improve both situations? Having two to handle is quite a lot of work... I kow tao to all the triplet mommies out there!
<font color="0000ff">Fi</font>
Ya, I really like that pair of shoes cos its so sweet. Hope I can find a similar pair soon...

<font color="0000ff">lyricist</font>
Yes, please share with me your window grills contractor's contact. Thanks!

<font color="0000ff">JGze</font>
My couch is quite near the window too. But its the fact that we raised the floor by 4-inches, causing the window to be lower now that's worrying the entire village (i.e. my in-laws and my own family). But we like this this way, so we've been delaying the grills installation till now. :p

<font color="0000ff">Alethea</font>
No, mine's HDB flat in "ulu" Sembawang. I'm very near the coast already, that's why can see the Straits of Johor and Johor itself. Hence, its really "ulu" for those of you who are not familiar with the north. Kekeke... My flat is not exactly unblock. Just that we are a small estate with only 4 point blocks, so not much blockage at the sides.

Oh, there is a food industrial area (Woodlands Terrace) next to my place. We're separated by a huge canal. Many of the factories there hold regular sales on weekends. Polar, Bengawan Solo, Fragrance BBQ Pork, Foodedge Gourmet, Fassler Gourmet, etc. You can come and shop for your festive goodies when free.
<font color="0000ff">ondine</font>
Don't fret. I think its a passing phase. My girls also went thru a similar phase where they were able to sleep thru for a while then suddenly become nocturnals again. And just as we were about to give up, their sleep pattern change for the better. So hang in there!

As for your gal/maid issue, I also feel the same way once. But I just tell myself I'm probably getting "warmer" after struggling with the girl and when transferred to the maid, baby may feel slightly more comfy with a "cooler" body, so quiet down and sleep. And things also changed after some time. Now the girls stick to me most of the time, but there are times when they still prefer Ya-Ya (my maid). Don't think of yourself as a failure. Your kids know who's best deep inside them. Just continue to shower your love and you'll see how different things work out later on.

hi, i also have full length windows and no window grilles... my kids are 5 mths now and we planning to install by CNY or after CNY. i have a low platform in front of the window, if the kids try to jump (when they can jump) then it'd be dangerous.. i definitely cannot wait till babies are 1yo and beyond :)

lyricist, can share your contractor and quote with me pls? me lazy to do shopping :p pl PM me. thanks

dorayki, the shoes look very sweet.... i showed hubby and w also want to get one for our gal when she's ready to walk. :)

hmmm... u get lots of bargains at the food industrial area huh? must share with us if u come across any sales... then i'd find some way to get there... but it's really far north.

kais, i din use the maternity belt either.... jus lots of lying down. i din run around at all after 17 wks... under house arrest by hb and dr. so i eat slp watch tv whole day. its gd u are active.

jgze, dun worry, talk to your babies... my baies born in july and dr also went on leave in june. tell your babies to be patient and wait for dr loh to come back . tell them dr wants to see them too.... and he would when the time is ripe. :)
Did you take pictures of your expanding tummy or measurement? I am wondering how big my tummy will become? :0P

I read in the earlier threads that there was a triplet mommmy tt carried her babies to 37th week. Wow! I am aiming for that. So, i have to put myself in house arrest soon...
... *sob*sob* Seeing Dr Loh only on 5th jan. WOndering how to to get MC when school starts before seeing him? hmm..
kai.... easy, on 2nd jan, just call up angyline, dr loh's nurse, tell her u need mc from 2nd jan to 4th jan but u seeing dr only on 5th.... ask her if she can get dr loh to issue a mc for the period, and u can collect the mc when u see dr on 5th. i did that quite alot... getting mc over the phone... kekeke... anyway dr very pro rest one... he always want us to rest as much as possible.

i have a pic, but too shy to show u.. hehe...a hint for u.... i think my waist went up to 45 inch. :p
thanks for the advice. I will look for the nurse angyline.

my waist line is already beyond 45 inch now...oh my! hahhaha.. but i'm a L size la to begin with
hi ladies,

window grille contacts as requested:
1) Andy Soong (Silver Century Alum Works) hp. 96249553
2) Kee T.H. (Pang Giap Enterprise) hp. 90290053
3) Ah Tan hp. 90046030
4) Ben Koh (Ong & Koh Svcs) hp. 93227720

I'm using 1), but pls note that i'm not necc using the cheapest (but comparable lah). i prefer him becos he seems to know what he's doing. i can't vouch whether he's done a good job since i've just confirmed the job. will let you know if i do.
<font color="0000ff">lyricist</font>
Thanks for the info.
Hope to see the grilles if I get to drop by your place soon. ^.^V

<font color="0000ff">Fi</font>
So sorry... Been talking about going to your place but with the weather these days (Sembawang seemed to rain around the clock), I had to cancel quite a number of appointments cos I don't drive. We normally stay home when it rains. Will definitely come by your place one of these days when the sky brightens up over at the north. Hee...
Dorayaki, no worries... I noe the weather is unpredictable... nvm, maybe i cum to u, coz i drive so shud be easier... will keep in touch....
<font color="0000ff">Fi</font>
Sure, sure, you're welcome to our ulu dwelling place anytime. I'll SMS you my full address if you coming over.
Hello Mommies,
Just want to share with you my joy that I have delivered my twin boys on last wednesday, which was also my wedding anniversary day

I can't believe that I have made it for the C-section! It was pain like hell especially on the 2nd and 3rd day where my gynae and nurse force me to stand up.
My boys were 36weeks+ 2 days at delivery. My gynae said that both my boys have met nice weight at 36 week and recommend that I can deliver on 37 or 38 weeks. But thinking that there maybe a risk of sudden labour so I choose to deliver at 36 weeks yet it is nice to have my boys born on my anniversary day. My elder boy discharge and come home with me but my younger boy was stayed in the hospital until the next morning due to a little of jaundice. This morning my boys just have BCG injection. My heart feel so pain when I see my boys cry out lound for the injection... and I cried... can't bear to see my boys suffer on the needles... Any mommy feel the same way? How to you deal with this for each injection?
Anyway, I am really glad I have made it... I want to say many thanks to great mommies here who have given me sweet advice along my pregnancy...
hi mommies!

sorry i dropped off the face of the earth!

my babies are now coming 7 months old. me been fighting with semi solids stage, flu, and jus them growing up too fast! jus when one phase is over, and you thot you could breathe, another phase comes along!

sorry sorry haven't really been on this site! my new year resolution is to stay in touch more! made good frens here and really good advices too!

for those preg and waiting for babies to come! enjoy your pregnancy! cos once babies arrive, its a whole new sleepless, exhausting,worrying but satisfying world..

congrats bubble_fish!!!
Welcome to the Monsters Land, hahaha! Just joking lah, not to worry, some of the babies here are angels. Maybe only mine are monsters. :p
Take care &amp; have fun with your bbs.
Congrats BubbleFish! I can still remember the joy with which I welcomed my babes. It also also awfully painful after my C-section, especially when the GA wore off as they were wheeling me from the OT back to my room. My tears just came fast and furious due to the excruciating pain. The 2nd day was not any better as I was forced to get out of bed and walked. And tho' the bathroom was in my room, it seemed like the longest walk ever, from my bed to the loo....But then again, having my babes with me made everything worth it.

Mooch! Your babes are cute!! Can't remember if it's a B/G combi? The left one is a girl? If so, she's a real pretty babe!
Kais, i was a size S to start with. i put on 23-25kg from beginning to end of pregnancy.

congrats Bubblefish.... welcome to sleepless nites and non stop worries :p me too had excruciating pain.... i din get down bed till day 3 or 4... ocs its so painful i cant even shift in bed. i was taking v strong painkillers on top of the panadol given... and i took the strong painkillers for 7 days b4 i dared to stop teh medication. the dr and nurses so worried i overdose ont he painkiller....

Mooch, your girl got alot of hair.... did u do anything in particular? my girl's hair grow unevenly, therre are bald patches all over and my boys are almost botak. we've not cut or shaved them since birth...

my eldest boy refused to use his hand to prop himself up when on tummy... he just want to slump on the floor and call for help... lazy boy. the other 2 are better, prop themselves high and look up like little moles sniffing in the air in the garden.

thanks Lyricist. I called the contractor who did my reno when we just got this flat. he told me very busy now... cant find workers. told me to wait till 2008, after CNY. i'd prob go with him cos got some other works need his help. we are planning to custom make a tv console, mount on the wall, so that more space on the floor for the kids to run abt.
Merry Xmas to you &amp; family too. Babies really grow fast. The other time I saw them was only like 4-5mths old? Now already 7mths.

Reyden &amp; Reyes say halo to everyone!
Thanks all

Mesh, you are right on non-stop worries... started since pregnancy...

I haven't experience sleepless nights...yet, I guess my babies are kind to us, they rarely making noise and they are having regular feeding time.

All, how to tell if baby having stomach ache or other discomfort?

Anyone can recommend a good baby doctor(peditrician)? I need a patience one...
I hate the current one which is rushing and rude on handling babies
i'm currently 16 weeks pregnant and also had a pair of twins... am very worried cos my gynae said its a high risk pregnancy...

I am just wondering how do you all pull through during this period of time...I've lost about 6 kg till now due to vomiting and no appetite... and my tummy is still very small, only a little bulge... though its my fourth month, my friends said they can hardly tell i'm pregnant and with a twin somemore.. My gynae also said my tummy quite small...

Anyone with the same experience with me?
Pls advice, thanks
Hi bubblefish,

I have a pair of "Long Feng Tai" who are turning 2 next month.

Dr Terence Tan fn Kinder Clinic is a very nice bb dr but only due to the long wait. All my 3 kids are under him till now

Hi bb08,

don't worry too much, try to eat more and rest more &amp; everything will be fine. Are yr bb identical or fratanal twins?
my gynae didn't say anything...will be doing the triple testing next week and detailed scanning next month...

How i wish i can have a long feng tai just like you, but think i'm not so lucky... btw, how long do you all know that yours is an identical or fraternal twins... i dun even know the sex yet...sigh..
bb08, who knows might be a boy &amp; a gal??? Gd Luck

From e 1st scanning can see liao, identical means that they share 1 placenta (1 sac) &amp; fraternal means have 2 seperate placenta (from 2 sac. by 20 wks should be able t see e sex, who is yr gyane?
Dorayaki, will sms u when i plan to go over... hope u got ur shoes!!!

Mooch, wahahahahahahaha............

Mummies- merry xmas n happy hols!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Irin, mine also turning monsters lah! yeah.. they grow up tooo fast! yeah you met them they were only 4/5months old.. next year i try go gymboree with you gals!

J&amp;Smum, yeah mine is G/B twin.. the left is the girl..

mesh, my girl's hair was already alot when i gave birth to her
but i didn't shave or anything.. i dun believe in that.. so i jus left their hair as it is

bubblefish, i also go to Dr Terence Tan of kinderclinic.. i like him very much.. very patient and careful! but like wat hapi melodius say, the wait is very very very long most times..

Fi, hahahah ayourself!
see you next year!
i have asked my gynae before and he told me that it is an uncertainty till the day i give birth le... my gynae is from gleneagles...not a popular one cos i dun have to wait very long to see him and at most there's only one or two patients only...

maybe i gotta wait for the detail scanning to see the sex... but i got intuition that they might be identical gals... haa
i have asked my gynae before and he told me that it is an uncertainty till the day i give birth le... my gynae is from gleneagles...not a popular one cos i dun have to wait very long to see him and at most there's only one or two patients only...

maybe i gotta wait for the detail scanning to see the sex... but i got intuition that they might be identical gals... haa
<font color="0000ff">bb08</font>,
Hi hi! Welcome to this thread. Like you, I vomitted almost everything I ate and lost about 7kg by the time I was in my 16th week. I think I only started to have a little bulge in my 20th week. Even when I went into labour at 37th week, apart from my sever swollen legs, I just look like a normal pregnant mom-to-be carrying single child. So no worries. I think everythings going to be fine for you.

Actually, your gynae's kind of right. Though a single placenta means identical babies, but the placentas may have already fused together for some reason, so its best to tell when the babies arrived.

I've a pair of identical gals. They share one placenta but were separated in 2 sacs (thank God!). There are cases where identicals share one sac but very rare though. You're already in your 16th week and if your gynae didn't mention anything, then they are probably safe in 2 sacs. Anyway, you can ask your gynae during your next visit.

As long as you're pregnant with multiples, its considered "high risk" pregnancy, so don't be alarmed by that term. Just relax and enjoy the journey, okie? Hope to "see" you around more often and keep us updated on your BBs' gender &amp; progress.
Oic, then let's wait for e "Big Day", popularity is secondary as long gd &amp; no need to wait long, is this yr 1st pregnancy?

ya detail scanning most likely can see, gender is not an issue, as long they are well &amp; healthy

yr babies are really lovely &amp; adorable. Are they identical twins, they do look alike though they are boy &amp; girl. Are u a SAHM?
<font color="0000ff">Fi</font>
YES!!! I got the shoes from Tanglin Mall. Hee... Okie, just buzz me when you're coming over.
glad to know that there's someone like me... i was so worried when my gynae told me that my tummy is a bit small as i am carrying a pair of twins...keep on smoothing my tummy and tell the twins to grow bigger and faster... i found that its a disadvantage of not having a bigger bulge cos ppl dunno that you are pregnant and may expect you to walk faster or carry heavy things..

I think my twins are separated into 2 sacs too... can see them moving around, sometimes face facing each other, then sometimes they are parallel to each other...so cute...

i just had a missed abortion 5 months ago...at that time i was really devastated... i did alot of silly things which i shouldn't do..eg jogging of 5km, swimming at the beach, ML, eating of birth month cake and my mil told everybody that i was pregnant before the 3 month period...

Now that i'm pregnant again and with a pair of twins, my gynae jokingly told me, "God is very good to you... he took one away from you and gave you back...".

However, i become very paranoid and 'pan dang'... i dun even allow my DH to go to other's ppl funeral, wedding and baby shower.... am i too much?
can understand hw u feel at that time but dun dwell on it so much as nw u r having a pair of lovely twins
must really take gd care of yrself &amp; let nature take it's course.

When I was pregnant with my twins, I was a bit paranoid like u oso as worried due to Twins. I was having bad indigestion for the first few months &amp; was feeling was depressed at tat time as couldn't eat much but I told myself everrthing will be fine &amp; it really turn out to be fine.

I guess tat this is natural due to yr previous experience. Sometimes it is best to avoid certain things and not to worry.

Can always email me @ [email protected] if you need any info or things like that. Will be more happy to answer yr query

Enjoy yr Pregnany &amp; wait for the "Big Day" for yr darling to "pop" out into this world (^Q^)
hi all,

My newborn twin boys having a lot of eyes' dirt which make their eyes cannot open. No matter how many times I clean up, the dirt come back again! Any advice can clear the dirt??? I need help....
To all mummies,
Merry Christmas.

dun worry too much. but your gynae should not be saying such things. some woman tend to have bigger tummy towards the later part of the pregnancy. even with small tummy, maybe you have more taut abdomial muscles, as long as babies are born healthy, that's important.

bubble fish,
I use Chrysanthemum flower water to clear, but my sam has this problem till he is abt 1 y.o. PD told me is due to his passageway linking eyes, nose and ear been very tiny, this problem will go away when they are older. so no worries. apart from the fact he appears like not care for, no one washes his face for him. haha.
All Mummies,

May This X'mas end the present year on a cheerful note n make way for a fresh &amp; bright new year. Here's wishing all of u a Merry X'mas &amp; a Happy New Year
Hello aunties and your babies!
<font color="ff0000">Merry Christmas &amp; blessed 2008 to all!!!</font>


May your Christmas be filled with beautiful bubbles, yummy logcakes and pretty gift boxes with colourful ribbons tied around it. With love, from Gracia &amp; Chloe.

mine r identical in same sac hehe..:p

bubble fish,
my younger gal has this eye dirt prob too, as May said, it's due to the passageway linking eyes, nose and ear been very tiny. My doc told me that use your little finger to massage the link (from the corner of eye down to the nose) where's beside the nose bridge every morning and nite. My MIL always complaint abt the dirts and my gal looks so dirty haha! Also, whenever they cry, quickly use tissue to wipe away the tears, so will reduce the 'hard ' dirts when they wake up hehe...

I've doubt here. How to keep the babies awake in the evening so they could have better sleep/early sleep at nite? My bbs wake up ard 6-7pm, then they will stay awake up to 2-3AM(if lucky 12-1am)..stressed cos they r very cranky when awake, cry so loud and stretch their body..Still, they cant sleep thru the night..still need midnite feed at least once..

mine r identical in same sac hehe..:p

bubble fish,
my younger gal has this eye dirt prob too, as May said, it's due to the passageway linking eyes, nose and ear been very tiny. My doc told me that use your little finger to massage the link (from the corner of eye down to the nose) where's beside the nose bridge every morning and nite. My MIL always complaint abt the dirts and my gal looks so dirty haha! Also, whenever they cry, quickly use tissue to wipe away the tears, so will reduce the 'hard ' dirts when they wake up hehe...

I've doubt here. How to keep the babies awake in the evening so they could have better sleep/early sleep at nite? My bbs wake up ard 6-7pm, then they will stay awake up to 2-3AM(if lucky 12-1am)..stressed cos they r very cranky when awake, cry so loud and stretch their body..Still, they cant sleep thru the night..still need midnite feed at least once..
itchy stretch marks
i need advice on how to to stop the itch of the stretched marks. I understand my tummy is expanding at an exponential rate... and i am applying cream like crazy but it's STILL ITCHY
the itch always come on the middle of the night like now and i can't sleep.

How do u mommies who have gone thru this stage survive the inconvenience of the expanding tummy???
Hi Hapi and mooch,

Do you have the address and tel. that I can call to visit the clinic for Dr. Terence Tan? Will Dr. Tan answer any question before I book appointment?

Have you try if the massage work? I tried the massage for 2 days but it seems that no improvement... I can't stop to worry as I afraid the dirts will then cause eyes infection to my babies...

Ah May,
I also try out Chrysanthemum flower but seems no improvement too...
bubble fish

i just massage when i remember haha..cos doc said it's normal for some bbs and not to worry so i dont really take it serious lor..it will be better/alrite when they r getting older..if u afraid of the infection, try to use boiled water to wipe their eyes, i do it everyday b4 bathe them. My bbs turning 3mths soon, so far ok ler..

Hi mummies,

I've a twin pram for sale at $200. Its in very good condition, rarely used and comes with a rain shield. PM me if anyone keen.
