2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

Congrats mummy_yan!
hubby & my family also no history & I have a pair of B/G twins. Think most of the mummies here no family history of twins too. It's just God's gifts. hahaha.

My babies' heartbeat were only detect at the 8th week.

Hi ondine,
Yes, it really takes awhile for me to settle down with the idea that I am having twins! It was too overwhelming with so many surprises in just 1 month...firstly discovered I am preg in my 1st mth of ttc and then having twins!

Hi lil' twin stars,
so you have 2 little princess..my first scan at week 5 already show 2 sac..hope no more surprises anymore as I go further into my pregnancy

Hi Irin,
So nice to have a boy and girl as twins..I guess thats many ppl wanted if they have twins, to have 1 boy 1 girl..Yours only detected at 8th weeks..next week i going for another checkup and it will only be 6+ wks...hmmm..wonder if able to detect heartbeat anot..if not, like a wasted trip and another wasted money spent..seeing a gynae is not cheap!

To all Twins mummy,
How does it like having 2 babies inside you? Do your stomach more obvious and bigger compared to a mummy whose having the same # of months as you but only 1 baby inside?
Before I came across this thread, I always tot to have twins is either inherited or through those test-tube...never did I expect there are so many mummies out there who can have twins as well through natural ways and yet no family history. Nice to meet all the twins mummies here and hope to get as much help as possible here for me who is a 1st time mum of a twins
I was overwhelmed like you too. Conceived in 1st mth of ttc & with twins somemore. But will get used to the idea pretty soon. Won't be much difference as singleton mummies in the initial stage. Will be heavier or bigger towards the last trimester. Don't worry about being 1st time mummy to a pair of twins. There are many mummies here with great knowledge. I learnt alot from them too.
Congrats mummy_yan. Like you, I also do not have any family history of twins. Mine is B/G twin, detected at week 10.

All twins mummies,
what is the first thought that went through your head when you discovered that you have twins? For me, I thought, "Alamak! Can afford or not?" :p
1st thought ah? Mine was more of worrying about their heartbeats cos couldn't detect both heartbeats at 7th week (1st time we detected 2 sacs) then the gynae was very negative, kept telling me all the bad things.
Thanks ondine for the encouragement, it is v daunting when trying to imagine what it is like to feed 2 crying babies. Will try not to stress out.

Gals, i also had the "oh no" feeling when i knew that i carrying twins. Think my hubby also tried to avoid thinking about it in the 1st trimester. Now we have sort of gotten used to the idea, getting more excited.
Hi Irin,
wow, you situation is so similar to mine! Nice knowing you
...when u couldnt detect both heartbeat at wk7, did the gynae asked you to wait for 1 more week to see if got heartbeat or straight tell you it no cure, consider a miscarriage? I really doubt mine can hear heartbeat when i visit the gynae next fri as it is only 6wks+..

Hi Betty,
Congrats for having a B/G twins too! My first tot when the gynae told me there is 1 more sac was "how come like that, we got no family history! then I started to show worried face if my body is suitable for 2 babies at 1 time and the complications if both babies can survive!"

But the gynae saw my worried face and assure me not to worried as she is experience in handling twins and both my sac is at the correct position...so she say just hope to have heartbeat and all should be fine...
Their heartbeats were detected at the 7th week....
It's really a blessing to have a pair of twins..like what my hb always encouraged me...
that I'm better of that mommies of singletons..coz they go thru a total of 18 months' gestation period to give birth to 2 babies..while I only did so for 8 mths..btw..they are premmies born at 36 weeks, weighing 2 kg and 2.7 kg respectively..
the gynae didn't tell me no cure lah. That would be scary.
But she told me if the following week (8th week) still can't detect hearbeats then gotta do D&C to remove the embryos??? Doubted her words, immediately changed to a senior gynae the following week. Everything was fine. The senior gynae told me it might be even later than 8th week to detect heartbeats cos sometimes ovulation not accurate & twins tend to be smaller.
<font color="0000ff">mummy_yan</font>,
Yup, I have 2 princesses. My first scan show one sac probably bcos the embryo hasn't split into 2 yet. Anyway, just relax and don't let your gynae scare you. I think they come across too many cases, so some gynaes have negative respond to multiples. Wait patiently for your next scan and stay positive and cheerful, ya?

My first respond when the twins were revealed? "There goes my job!!! And I'm going to be home bound!!!" Kekeke... Well I did ended up a SAHM but not as home bound as I thought.
Hello mummies, wow thread moving very fast!!!Pardon me if i miss out anyone...

Mummy Yan, congrats on ur pregnancy!!! Njoy the pregnancy and take it easy... I have a pair of 13mths old b/g twin, like Irin.. Heartbeats were detected at 7weeks i tink.. My gynae saw one n then he say ok u r pregnant.. Then continued scanning and then found anthr, he didnt say its another sac, juz turned ard n asked me, u see wat im looking at?? N i started to clap hands knowing tht thrs 2.. Hubby kept asking wat? Wat? What's happening? After the gynae broke the news to him, all the way home hubby kept saying thrs gonna be 2 of them... kekekeke

Dawn, dun worry too much on bf.. Its juz twice the work.. hehehe, I never got used to tandem nursing so juz have to bf one at a time..

Dorayaki, its twice the fun rite staying home. Hehehehehehehehe.................
Hi mummy yan

i found out i was carrying twins at wk12 during the Oscar test. Before that i only detected as one sac and heartbeat. We were very shocked when the sonographer asked us ' are u having twins?" and immdtly my answer was NO. But then she showed us the monitor and really it was 2 very clear ans strong heartbeats there.Once confirmed, she wanted us to go over the counter to top up the Oscar fee as it's more exp for twins than singleton..Now my twins are 5wks old, so far so good hehe...All the best ya !
Hi mummies,

MIA for a while ..my boy finally went to his first surgery, phew, lucky everything went well. We are resting at home now.

I'm down with a serious breast inflamation again , and this time it get really bad. I guess its really time to stop breastfeeding cos really can't take the pain anymore

I just bought a bottle of fenugreek from GNC . Since I'm stopping BF, so not of any use to me now. I'm selling the bottle at $15, if any one keen, pls pm me
it is no joke to deal with breast inflamation, I went to LC 3 times in 5 days, painful breast, pump every 3hr and gets painfully little amount of milk, abt 40ml each pump and at the same time care for my twins when they were 4 months old. use heat pac to relief some of the pain.

mummy yan,
although mine heart beat is detected at 6.5 weeks, only 1 water sac. only when I vomit excessively by 8 weeks, we discover twins because of only 1 sac. gynae suspected mono twins, a rare incidents where both babies are in 1 sac with no separation, so highly riskly as they tend to strangle on another with their umbical cord by 26 weeks onwards. however, he nicely assure me i not having siamese twins due to the fact that their movement is independent..
have some problems along my pregnancy, but now
my boys are 22 months plus, no complaints.
Hi Ah May,
Ya, its so painful, and I had it twice in 3 weeks, with fever almost 40degree. My gyne told me this round is very bad and gave me an injection immediately. Now I stopping the BM gradually .. feel so wasteful
Hi Ah May,
Ya, its so painful, and I had it twice in 3 weeks, with fever almost 40degree. My gyne told me this round is very bad and gave me an injection immediately. Now I stopping the BM gradually .. feel so wasteful
Hi Ah_may,
I think all identical twins can only be detected at a slightly later stage compared to fraternal twins because of only 1 sac. For me, the gynae straight away detected 2 sacs on my first visit. Although base on my LMP, I should be wk7 when I went for my 1st visit, but due to my long menstrual cycle of Avg 35 days, I might have late ovulation. When gynae measure both my sac size, she say I'm actually only about 5wks+...congrats on your 2 healthy boys borned..

To all mummies, is it good to have stomach cramps? My friend say cramps is a good sign to show your uterus is expanding..meaning the baby is growing...but cramp until what stage is considered dangerous? Sometimes i have light cramps that last for like 1-2mins...but when I have abit more painful cramps, it will last shorter, maybe around 30secs to 1min...is that common?
Hi mummy yan,

Cramps in the first trim is common, so don't worry so much. But if you have bad cramps with blood discharge, then you should consult your gyne. I used to have really bad cramps during my first preg ..but its fine.

By 2nd trim, cramp should have disappear and whats next is contractions. I guess many mummies should be able to share with their experience of early contractions cos its common in twins preg hehe .. For me, I had contractions early in my 6th months and my gyne was quite worried so I was on medication until delivery at 36 weeks.

Dont worry so much, just enjoy your preg. Its going to be tough but the joy of sensing the 2 fellows kicking inside you is great :D ..
mummy yan,
not really true, some identical twins are 2 sac while mostly are 1 sac.
for identical twins, cells spilt into 2 within 3-5 days, 2 sacs.
5 to 8 days, 1 sac with membrane separation.
8 to 10 days, 1 sac with no separation, momo twins, very high risk and rare, 1% of identical twins.
after 11 days, conjunt twins, they dun develop separation properly so are join at some parts.

slight cramping is quite common. due to rooting or something like that.
Hi, my kids just went for their 5 mth check. My boy us doing very well but my girl has a converhent eye squint. We have to take her to a specialist to have it checked out. Any moms out there with babies with that? I know it's no big deal but it's still worrying.
can i vent? this morning my maid shouted at me.... cos ii saw her shaking the milk bottle vigorously and i never liked that cos i always think air goes inside the milk and dissolve in it... then my babies drink and got lots of buro after that.... told her off and she shouted at me saying there is no bubbles formed... i think that is so rude!!! shoutedat her back that the bubbles are all in the mlk already and she some more shouted back that there is none,.... shitz. she can see inside the milk that there is no trapped air one meh???? so angry.. feel like replacing her. thanks for reading and sorry for venting....
ondine, i have no experience on that but i must sure everytime i see PD or dr for follow up i very scared to hear bad news one.... don't worry. i'm sure your boy will corret himself with specialist help.
Hey Mesh,

My MIL does the same thing and I can't shout at her.
I know my girl will be ok but I just wish she didn't have to be put through it. But you're right Mesh, I hate every Dr's visit cos they always tell me something or other is wrong with my babies. Sigh.
Hi Mesh,
I know how you feel .. I experience that everyday and everyday I feel like "when is the day I don't need a maid!" haha .... relax lah ..

Hi Ondine, don't worry, if there is a need just bring the baby to see a specialist...at least help to clear any of your doubts and worries. My babies are always referred to KKH after the check at polyclinic ... almost every month.
thanks ondine, janice and fi... haha...i cool down liao..... ya mann... hb and i also wonder when we can do without maid.... me looking forward to the kids
growing up and helping with housework so that i can do without maid.... hahaha

the problem is their understanding of english is poor. although my 2 maids can converse with me in english,.. but sometimes they interprete certain words differently and thus cause misunderstasnign.... i am learning to use simple words and not too chim words, to avaoid anymore conflicts. funny thing is i'm paying the salary but i'm scared to offend them cos i may hurt their morale......... crapz! its not my fault lor.... i don't even dare to scold her now... cos she'd think i'm always picking on her. stupid as*****. :p
Juz wana check with you how is it like having two maids..
I am expecting my second maid 2 weeks later..and wana hear from someone experienced on how to manage 2 maids at home.....
When you have 2 maids, you have to make it very clear to them what each maid is supposed to do otherwise they will not do stuff and say it's the other one's responsibility. List down every single thing you expect each maid to do so that they know. And it's easier for you to hold them accountable.

Hope this helps. ;)
blessedone, for mine, my agent advised us let them work it out themselves. mine are both indo. the day the 2nd one came, i got both of them together and discussed with them how to spilt up the work.. i say discussed, but i sort of lead the discussion to what the agent advised.... hehehe.... and i find it better, rather than set out a roster on who does what. anyway, after a while a routine sets in , like when they wake up, the 1st maid will wipe furniture and sweep /mop the floor. the 2nd maid will boil water, steam milk bottles and wash nappies. if the babies wake up, anyone who hear them will attend to them.... no need to say maid 1 take care of baby 1 and maid 2 take care of baby 2. otherwise, u'd find maid 1 idling while maid 2 in toilet and baby 2 crying.

the first few days will be a bit lost... but they'd settle in quite quickly and get into routine. maybe it helped that both my maids ex-sin and both worked in envt where there were 2 maids in the housefold before.

try not to compare them, they'd feel presurised and depressed, esp the weaker one.... and during the discussion on day 1, make sure u tell them your expectations.... that there should not be any pushing of responsibilities, they are a team and they either both get scolding or both get praise. similarly, if ther is any conflict they should manage themselves, if cannot resolve then come see me and expect scolding if that happens.

my problem is nto having enough for them to do... hahaha.... sometimes i see them sitting down and chit chat... which i think is the luxury of maids working in such and envt. i mean b4 maid 2 came, i never see my maid 1 idle one lor... she cant even find time go toilet one... cos there was only me and her. now she happy lor... got people chit chat.... chit chat till i sometimes stop them, cos i prefer them to rest as my babies still wake up for nite feeds now.

hope that helps too. :p
Dear mommies,
May I have your advice is it painful to insert/take out a catheter before/after c-section? I also heard that before c-section it is neccessary to clear out stool by injecting some kind of liquid?

As my c-section is just around the corner, I am freaking out whenever I think about it.....
Hi bubble fish,

I had my catheter inserted after the epidural is administered. so no feeling. As for taking out, it's not painful just kinda strange. And after that the peeing is like a large gush rather than a small spray (if you know what i mean)...

Don't worry!
Good luck with your delivery!
Hi Betty,
Thank you.
My gynae told me that I will go throgh GA(general anaesthesia). So I wonder if the catheter will be inserted after GA or before GA?
bubblefish, it doesn't hurt to put in and take out the catheter. just a bit discomfort.... in fact when it's put in for me, i din even kjnow thats wat they doing. they did it immediately after wheeled me into OT. i rmber asking them what they doing below, even tried to remind them i'm doing csection, not natural ... hahaha... they just told me cleaning.... in fact i din even realise catheter there until after deliver and i was resting in the ward and i asked my hb is there a urine bag hanging there cos i din feel urgent at all..... hahaha.

jgze, hi! wow... u are so lucky! told my hb about u this morning and he also went wowed... hahaha.... i have 4 mths old triplets! how many weeks pregie are u? lets of experienced multiles mommies here... do come in and share the development of the babies! so exciting....
bubblefish, it doesn't hurt to put in and take out the catheter. just a bit discomfort.... in fact when it's put in for me, i din even kjnow thats wat they doing. they did it immediately after wheeled me into OT. i rmber asking them what they doing below, even tried to remind them i'm doing csection, not natural ... hahaha... they just told me cleaning.... in fact i din even realise catheter there until after deliver and i was resting in the ward and i asked my hb is there a urine bag hanging there cos i din feel urgent at all..... hahaha.

jgze, hi! wow... u are so lucky! told my hb about u this morning and he also went wow... hahaha.... i have 4 mths old triplets! how many weeks pregie are u? lets of experienced multiles mommies here... do come in and share the development of the babies! so exciting....
Hi mesh,

Thanks for sharing. It is good to know that put in catheter doesn't pain like hell... by the way, were you in GA for your delivery?

My pregnancy is coming to 35 weeks so I am really nervous about c-section especially this is my first pregnancy.
bubblefish, i'm epi csection.

i can fully understand your nervousness.... i worse...i din even know it'd be epi till 15 min b4 i'm to be willed into OT. I begged the nurses to let my hb in and they refused and i broke into tears! cos i already v nervous but i thought after the GA, at least i'd be unconscious... but din expect that at kkh, all triplets are deliverd by epi csection one... so i was in panic to realise i'd be fully awake during the op.

anyway just relax and trust the drs and nurses
Mesh and Ondine,
Sorry for my delayed reply. I wonder if you have a sample schedule that you printed out for the maids. Would like to take a look at them if you do have one...otherwise it's ok..
Juz relax...and think of the joy that you'll have after your bbs are born...;-)
Rest and be reassured that you are in my prayers...
blessedone, i don't have a schedule for them. they look for things to do if they are free. also, it differs for different household... like how often u want the floor swept, the laundry washed, the bed sheets changed,....... just sit down and list down the things u want them to do and the frequency, then tell them to plan it out... ur first maid should know what to do now right? are both of them ex sin?
blessedone, i don't have a schedule for them. they look for things to do if they are free. also, it differs for different household... like how often u want the floor swept, the laundry washed, the bed sheets changed,....... just sit down and list down the things u want them to do and the frequency, then tell them to plan it out... ur first maid should know what to do now right? are both of them ex sin?

how old r your bb now? btw is there a table on the resp babies, i'm kinda lost who's who now ...
i c. i'm working but on leave now. i'm going back to work next year. nice blog. i like the pic of teh cheeky's isaac with yiyi. haha.
oh how nice...
i was working from home...from my 7th mth of pregnancy till my boys turned 5 months old...then i quitted my job to do part time....
recently, realised that it's very taxing to look after them...so decided to get another maid...plus the fact that another bb;s joinin the big family soon...

As such I had some serious discussion with hb and did some "financial forecasting" (haha sounds so corporate) ya...haha..., i decided to go back into the working society coz i forsee that costs are going to increase in the next few years. This time round..i'll be joining another company...even though my previous co. did ask me to call them back when i'm ready to join the workforce again...
I'll be sending the boys to either Modern Montessori, New Life or Learning Ladder..after they turn 18 mths...(that is the best time when i can sack my maids...i'm one of those who encounters a lot of problems with maids also..and have got no choice coz my mom and i can't possibly manage without any domestic help, given that the kids are still so young)
I'm slowly waiting for this day to arrive...heeeeee...(can't wait to kick them back to their own hometown..)

oh yeah, that's my favourite pic also...
isaac is the more active and cheekier one at home...;-)
i'm also looking forward to tmy bbs turning 18 mths and sending them to child care... and sacking the maids. haha.... to our common goal!!!! hahaha

wa... u already researched on which child care to send them to... me still have not thought about that.... will do that middle of next yr when they almost 1 yo.
hehe...good...at least i found someone...who shares a common objective....
let's count down together...
i hve about 10 mths more to go.....giak giak giak...my mom kept persuading me to retain one maid at least...but i'm pretty determined to live without them....but will definitely get a partime maid...
i actually made a few trips visiting all these childcare centres whent the boys turned 6 mths...so will decide on one of the 3...
where do u stay?
<font color="0000ff">JGze</font>,
Welcome!!! I have a pair of identical gals who are turning 14 months tomorrow (same as your gal now).
And gosh, you're expecting triplets! Must be very exciting for your family. Keep us posted on your pregnancy, ya? Not mamy moms of triplets here but we all share the unique experience of having multiples. So hope to "see" you around more often. ^.^V
lil'twin stars & JG
Can add another triplets' mtb in the list
. I'm now at my 24th week. All girls but not sure if it's identical or fraternal. I switched gynae recently to Dr SF Loh and he said it's too advanced to tell. From the scan from fist tri, it said it might be fraternal but not confirmed. So it's gonna be a surprise
i do hope my babies co-operate and come out only after CNY.

Who are the other triplets' mtbs here? Would love to meet all of you
All the mummies here are the most fortunate people in this forum... I just went for my scan at week 9th... my Gynae did not say anything.. think should be single ba... but i really really wants a twins lor.. My dad is a fraternal twins.. but i dun have the luck.... yes its true, its God's gift...
blessedone... i'm nar aljunied mrt. u?

kais, my triplets will be 5 mths next wk. i was also under SF loh. he's great and my malay massage lady commented that my csection scar very nice, no keloids. she said my surgeon skill very good. send my regards to him the next time u see him.

there are a few other triplets here, but i think the moms are all too busy with the little ones to post here. keep us updated of your progress ya? more and more triplets mommies joining us now... yeah...

who did u used to see, and why did u decide to change?have we commnicated via email b4? i remember writing to somebody by the nick of kai.. wanted to keep in touch, but as my babies were in hospital then, i was vrey stressed and din manage to follow up.

ladies, today is the 2nd day of my masage... feeling so good. hehehe.... finally i dared to do the massage cos i scared teh wound not healed yet. but the masage lady told me can do after 3 wks to 1 mth after deliver, and effect even better cos we on confinement diet... now fat liao... .haha

hi Mesh,

does ur massage lady go to your house to do the massage? I heard ppl say only natural birth can do tummy massage and is more effective to slim down faster. I din know c-section also can do?
How much is the price like?
