2006/2007-Twins/Triplets MTBs

hello lyricist and lil' twin stars (dorayaki) ,
thanks for your response... my babies skin condition was getting very serious so I brought them to see doctor and doctor prescribe the same steriod cream as lyricist mentioned. The cream help on the rash but it thining babies skin... I didn't know it until I come back this forum to check on your response... ughh... so should I stop the cream? if continue apply will make babies skin worse??
i used the cream till my boy's rashes cleared up. he's fine now, and his skin looks ok. i think they just don't want you to use it too liberally like a moisturiser, ie. too frequently and over a long period of time. i still use it occasionally when either of my twins' break out.

if their rashes is serious, just try to clear the rash first. just apply a light layer only on the affected area after their bath each day, and pref not more than once or twice a day.
hi lyricist, thanks for the tips.. yeah i think they following me everywhere i go also!

they getting very smart.. once i walk into the kitchen they know food is coming! they would cry and cry till they get it!

i am using the bumbo's now to feed them but they hate to sit, so they kicking themselves out of it.. looks like i can't use the bumbos to feed soon..

any advice on feeding chairs? high chairs? or those seats can put on our chair?

Fi, sorry been busy with prep for shanghai.. we can meet tho.
lets try to set a date ok?
Hello ladies,

Does a mobile really help distracting your baby when it is placed at the crib or changing area? And are those with music more "distracting" than one without? Dunno why but this week am feeling anxious about toys.. cos i have not got any, thinking ppl will buy for me, heheehe..

And plenty of books talk about vibrating baby bouncer seats being useful for multiples.,cos babies will self-sooth in them. Anyone with real-life experience on such products?

If there is 1 item of amusement/distraction of babies that I should get, what would it be?
i found the FP infant to toddler rocker very useful. i bought two for my twins, and they spent most of their 3-9 mths napping in them, so quite a worthwhile investment for us. it has a gentle recline so babies can look at the world around them instead of spending all their time flat on their back in the cot/bassinet. it has a vibrating function, but i didn't find it very useful.

i was also sorely tempted after reading all those multiples preg bks to get a auto-swing, but i didn't. maybe you can just buy one to try. if cost is a concern, just get everything 2nd hand. that was what i did.

they won't need much toys when they're still infants. you'll slowly collect toys along the way when you buy, others give as gifts or becos their kids outgrow them.

i had a mobile and a cot attachment. ok lah, it gives them something to look at so they won't get too bored. but get those mobile that has an auto on-off/timer switch and not the wound-up type. otherwise, you'll find yrself running into the room every few mins to wind it up again when it stops.

hope this helps
hi lefty,

i have the tiny love mobile and i think it helps distract them.. especially when they start twisting and turning while trying to change them, i feel it helps keep them occupied while mobile is turning and music is on.

as for the vibrating bouncer seats, i personally swear by them! i was a non believer, but after buying one and trying it out, when my girl cried i put her on the chair turn on the vibration and she will stop crying! in fact she could also fall asleep on it, but only for a while.. since then i have 2, one for each one of them and they are still using it for sitting on it while watching tv.
th othey hard nap in it anymore..

what i got was the fp bouncer, not the infant to toddler rocker.. mine kinda bounced didn't rock..

like wat lyricist mentioned, its so true.. collect toys along the way.. i only invested in the big ones, like the bouncer chairs, or a jumperoo or exersaucer, all others jus came along..

good luck!

anyone, any tips on feeding chairs? or those that can put on our chairs?

any tips on going shanghai with twins?
lefty, ya...dont worry la... toys wil come along the way... mine started with zero toys too... only when they turn 2 months then we got a simple cot mobile... and FP bouncer... before that they sleep al the time. if u want i can let go my bouncer and simple cot mobile to u cheap... as fellow triplets mommies, i know how siong we can get financially. by the time u need it, i'd have packed up mine. for changing,... u will only start to have problems when they turn 5 months or so... b4 that... they lie quietly for u to change.

do pm me pls, ur PM not on.
Evening mummies!!

Lefty-the FP bouncer wif the vibrations is good.. Helps my cranky gal to see the world fr anthr dimension othr than her cot..

Mooch- mayb we can mit nxt week... Dorayaki wans to mit too...

Mummies anyone wif twins n othr kiddos aft them? Wat made u try again? Othr than being out of ur mind... hehehehehehe... Wat was the age gap? Wat factors to consider in bsides tht ur nxt pregnancy might be a multiple one again? Me n hubs r TTCing again.. I tink i must be nuts n me mum tinks so too... wahahahaha... But jokes aside, my babes r nw 15 mths, n hubs is lao liao, so he wans to try again.. Having mixed feelings abt it... Any words of wisdoms? or wisecracks? hehehehe..
hi fi, ok, lets meet next week then!

fi, crazily enuf, me and hubby will be ttc-ing again in a couple of months
so will join you in trying! hehehe
i know crazy right..

i already going mad here, but i think i will be going madder!
wah... u gals ver brave leh.... my answer to anybody and everybody who ask me the ttc qn is NO WAY... without second thoughts.... hahaha. i'm so traumatised by the pregnancy.... alamak, i had nosebleeds everyday , and the nosebleed like tap flowing...... and they can go on for between 5 min to 30 min... and can occur anytime... during meal time, during sleep, in the middle of the nites.... plus the aftershock.... the figure and the Sm.... faintz.

<font color="0000ff">lefty</font>
Me too find the FP bouncer extremely useful. The vibrating feature is very useful in getting my "light-sleeper" twin to dreamland.

<font color="0000ff">Fi</font> and <font color="0000ff">mooch</font>
Yes, let's meet up! We've quarantined ourselves this week cos Gracia had viral fever last Sunday and Chloe down with flu. Both are on medication still but very much recovered. Should be able to meet up this time!

TTC??? Hee... It does cross our minds at times, but when the girls fell sick this week and were very cranky, we decided we should never consider ttc again. Hahaha! Sleep deprivation drives us insane. But deep down, I do feel if you have good family support, having another one (or twins again!) is not a bad idea. Kekeke...

To be honest, I'm very selfish. I've been looking forward to regaining my freedom, so I don't think I want to go through the whole episode again. Being pregnant was a breeze for me. Being a mother to an infant was the more challenging part. Plus, I'll never know if I'll get another pair! So I'm glad mine are toddlers now and I'm happy just to have my Gracia &amp; Chloe. Hee...
Hi Fi and Mooch,
I salute you for such decision....
In fact, I've been thinking to myself if i should ttc for another gal...but whenever the boys get real cranky...it simply puts an end to my thoughts.
My hb even went to the extent of asking me if some genius can juz invent some robot nannies to look after our kids in future..then we don't hve to worry about losing our sleep, imposing on our parents or in laws to look after them, or even get ourselves too worried after leaving the kids with either human nannies or maids.....
Mummies! Thx for all ur thoughts...I had a very bad pregnancy journey so am hoping tht the nxt one will be a smooth one.. but then again....I noe, when i juz gave birth to them anybody ask u gonna have more, my ans would be r u crazy???? Sigh, but now......I tink im juz looking for trouble.. hehehehe.. Dorayaki, my mum wans to migrate if i get pregnant again.. wahahahahaha... thts despite the fact tht she has never looked after Dan n Yaz before...Thr r times tht i miss the freedom tht i had, galavanting ard wif my gfs, but i dunno... thrs juz this feeling tht i wan more kids.. crazy as it sounds... I wan to experience n enjoy a good pregnancy.. I noe i muz be mad..Like today, both of them r in their cranky moods n i feel like selling them off!!Sigh, feelings can be so contradicting........ Mooch, we can open up childcare aft this.. wahahahahahahahaha.........
mooch- wat happens if tis time ard we get multiples again? triplets n above? thts the nagging questn tht keeps popping up in mine n hubby's ttc conversations...........
multiple mommies TTC
my hubby &amp; i were actually toying with the idea of having more after these two, but that was when they were ard 6-9 mths, very cute and not mobile at all. now that they've discovered walking and newfound freedom... well, let's just say i think i'm done. maybe it's becos i'm taking care of them on my own. if you've good and willing family (or maid) support, then i say go for it.

my twins were conceived via IVF, and even though we still hv 5 other embryoes in frozen storage, i doubt we'll be giving them life. that said, we still renew their storage fees every year, just in case we change our minds. can't bear to 'discard' them since they're potential life. but if we do accidentally kena, we don't mind having no. 3.
wei wei, great! enjoy your last 2 days of peace and total rest! u will be 34 wks? what are their weights now.... thou its not v accurate sometimes.

wonderful news!!! good luck and rest rest rest.

ya, am fully 34wks today! e boys weight about 2kg each n e gal weight abt 1.2-1.5kg. really hope they weight more than what we hav now. heehee.... feeling e babies r going to drop out anytime especially today. mum said tat's e sign of going into labour soon.think babies also cant tahan e small place liao.
congratulations weiwei
I'm also having triplets. BUT only at 31st week... I can't wait till i get to 34... extremely exhausting to watch each day pass so slowly.. very agonising

How i envy you
<font color="0000ff">lyricist</font>
So you're still open to the idea of having another child (or children) huh? Hee...

HB and I just dismantled our baby cots and playpen yesterday. And I've just finished wrapping them up nicely and set aside for delivery to a friend's home next weekend. She's expecting a B/G combi from IVF (last attempt) too. As I was packing the items just now, I realised how determined I am not to have another child. Hahaha... Even the sarong and infant swing is going to be given away. There's no turning back now. Hee!

<font color="0000ff">weiwei</font>
Congrats! Your bundle should have arrived by this time! Cheers!
erm... actually i've done the same as you - i've sold/given away all their baby items - bassinet, rockers, mobiles, playgyms, infant clothing... i think that says something abt how 'eager' we are to hv no. 3 yah? hee

jiayou! both of you deserve extra kudos for making it so far! we look forward to yr lil ones' arrival
I still can't bear to give or sell away most of the items cos' what if No. 3 comes along? Though we already have our hands full with the 2 rascals, I would love to welcome another baby into the family, if God willing!
I mean, what if next time, when both hubby and I start thinking maybe we should have a 3rd one.By then, too late already...lao kok kok already.... :p But then again, to be fair to the twins, I would love to spend more time with them before starting to TTC again.
Hi everyone!
Haven't been on for a long time cos I've gone back to work. It's really hard juggling the twins and working at the same time. I'm so exhausted but at the same time, I can't stop work. Sigh...

Wow, all this talk about having No.3.... During the holidays, my husband and I went away and when we came back, I was spotting. I panicked! I thought I actually got pregnant and I tested myself twice. And both times, I was looking at it upside down and my heart sank because I thought I really was pregnant!

That was when I realised I wasn't ready to have No.3 yet even though I would love to have another one at some point!
Morning mummies!!!

Weiwei- congrats and hope u log in soon to share wif us their pics and developments...

Dorayaki- thur confrm rite? Gracia n Chloe r sleeping in toddler beds now?

Ondine-wahahahahaha!!!! Read it upside down???!!!

Hehehe, all my crazy talk abt TTCing has gotten u mummies thinking too huh....
<font color="0000ff">Fi</font>
Yes, Thurs confirmed. Mooch confirmed joining in as well.
Gracia &amp; Chloe sleeping on 2 single size mattresses on the floor with bumpers and pillows surrounding the mattresses. It worked out well so far. We've been wanting to let them sleep together in their own bedroom, so we just went ahead with this arrangement after their 1st birthday. ^.^

<font color="0000ff">ondine</font>
You very funny ah!!!! Upside down!!! Kekeke...
Yes both times! And it was the same sinking heart feeling both times. Then I'll look at the box and breathe a sigh of relief with my heart still pounding!

My twins are 7 months old now and I'm still trying to get them to sleep through the night. ANy suggestions?
you mean gracia &amp; chloe doesn't escape from their beds? kai &amp; min are only 2 mths behind and i can't imagine them sleeping out of their cots. they'll be gone in a blink of an eye!

haiz, i oso want to meet up but i can't handle both my rascals by myself.
Dorayaki, yup Mooch texted me liao. Wow, and they both sleep?? And not move ard the room?

Lyricist, do come ovr if you can.. Its juz my hse so the kiddos can shout n scream and nobody will mind. Hehehehehe.....

Ondine, mine do wake up once at night occasionally.. Unless they are teething or sick then the whole hse dont need sleep at all.
Hello mommies..
I would like to check with you all that do you give your babies chinese herb such as "pao sheng" (one type of ginseng) while they are new born? Because my mother wanted to give pao sheng water to my 1month++ old new born and I refuse to do so as I am worrying... we are almost having a fight on that...
Anyone given chinese herb to your babies? like red dates water??
Hello bubble fish,

I only give them water when my twins were young as not too sure whether any side effect on this chinese herbs but when they were having fever when they were a few months old, my MIL gave them "Ling Yang" which really pissed me off as it is very cooling and they later develope cough after that, sigh

From then, I never allow her to give them chinese herbs, only barley every wk w/o sugar. Maybe paranoid liao but my thinking is that their health foundation must build from young loh...
Hi Bubble Fish,

I'm new in this thread. Now 28+ week preggy with a pair of twins (a boy and a girl) through IVF, happen to run through this thread so just share with you regarding chinese herbs. Actually i was with my chinese sinseh today to prepare some herbs for my confinement so just happen to ask her when can babies start taking chinese med if they are unwell (cause i believe in chinese med to western med as it is all just antibiotic to me and it target only to cure the sickness in short term instead of long term). Her reply was NO MED at all whether it be chinese or western and unless the bb is really sick and no choice! Any med is to be given to bb after 6 mths and that is the min starting age. She advise me to give bb massage and that will helps them strengthen their body system. I have this chinese sinseh recommended by my friend which is doing massage for newborn as both her daughters did that and she claim that they hardly fall sick when they are young till now.

You can give a call to find out (YU GUO CHINESE PHYSICIAN ACUPUNCTURE &amp; PHYSIOTHERAPY PTE LTD / 398 CHANGI RD, #01-08/10/11 CASTLE COURT / TEL: 64474761).

Hope this help!
Hi all mummies,

May i check when u all having twin/multiple which position (left/center/right) do you all sleep at? I understand that for singleton it is better to sleep at the left position but not sure for twin, with one of them pressing the other one too long if i sleep on my left for too long? Pl share your experience?
I'm expecting triplets and my gynae advises me to sleep on my left. I read somewhere that it's for better bloodflow to your heart. Sleeping on the left side also improves circulation to the heart and allows for the best blood flow to the fetus, uterus, and kidneys.

I have this book on expecting twins and more and one of the positions recommended is to sleep in the lounging position.

Whatever position you choose, just have loads of pillows around you. You'll need it especially when you get bigger.
hi gals
I need your advice... currently my gynae is recommending a kind of steroid injection to enhance the maturity of the babies' lungs... He gave me the injection at week 18... but there was once this visit he told me this injection is usually given at week 28 onwards...

Currently, i'm at 22 weeks liao... is it neccessary to continue with the injection? He told me that it is his recommendation cos i had a miscarriage before, now i had a pair of twins so he want to play safe and want to start the treatment asap...

But i'm wondering that since i'm still early in my pregnancy, is the injection effective or not? Cos the injection is not expensive leh...

Pls advise. Thanks
thanks for the invite
think i'll hv to pass this time, as much as i wld like to meet all of you and yr kiddos. will definitely try to meet next time. have fun!

i try to avoid giving them any traditional chinese remedies, esp if theyy're so young. you'll never know what are their possible effects. baby might react badly to them, however innocuous they seem to us adults. i also made sure my MIL do not give them without my permission (which is usu "no").
maybe instead of telling yr mum a direct "no", just tell her "wait". until yr babies are a little older, like 6 mths when their bodies are better able to metabolise foods. i rejected my MIL giving my twins birds' nest when they were 6 mths becos it's potentially allergenic, but i okayed it now that they're 1 yr+. they've been taking it in their porridge with no prob.
The steriod injection just ensures that the lungs are in their best state to be out in the world. I'm not sure why it's given so early for you. I had mine at 34 weeks but that was cos I was going into pre-term labour and it was a possibility that the babies were going to come out.

I think the injection's pretty effective. I don't think low cost means low effectiveness.

Whether you should continue, I think only you can make the decision.

My kids generally still wake up once a night. About 3-4 am. Sometimes twice. I want to train them not to but no one else wants to cooperate! How?
Hi all,
Thanks for your response. I think just like most of the new mommies we should not give any medicine(chinese or western) for babies especially when they are new born. But sometimes come to generation gap... it is so hard to say 'no'. I already have so many arguments and fights with my mother about this. Each time when I say no or wait, she turns her face black and always like to mention "when you were few weeks old, I already given you poridge at night/chinese herb... and yet you are so healthy...blah blah blah " I am so tired of this... I hate to keep arguing with her... lucky that my MIL is supporting me on no chinese herbs for babies... she is also worrying on the side effect.

Mommies, may I check with you again did your babies get frustrated each time when feeding (formula milk) around 6 weeks old? Both my babies screaming started 5 weeks+ when I feed them.. I change many teats, check water temperature is ok... but they are still screaming like get tourturing...why is that?? any advice?
By the way, any mommy can recommend your Confinement nanny that have taking care of twin's experience? I would like to engage confinement nanny for another 2 months... if the nanny is good. The current CL that I have from PEM is pissing me off...

Kindly send me the detail of your recommend CL at [email protected]


hi, i m back!!

had c-section on 28/01 n i would say dr loh s really fast. he just came in n saY hi then chit chat with me for a while but dun knw doing what, e next moment i heard my babies crying already.
babies were much better than we expected. 1st boy 2040g, came out only can bottle feed already. 2nd one s e gal, 1050g, smallest but able to breathe on her own although we thought she might hav prob coz of e lung mass. and she was e only one open her eyes big big when pushing out to nicu. 3rd s boy again, 2060g, same as korkor, v hungery n bottle fed once was born.
wil post their pics once sort out. boys wil stay in scn for a few days more coz need to gain more weight n also to make sure they dun develop jaundice during these days. galgal need to stay in nicu for at least a mth coz too small.

cant bf them as they r nt with me. only able to pump out whatever i hav n then bottle feed them. supply nt much but in a increasing trend, so i wil cont to do it although it's extremely painful.
weiwei! congrats!

your babies have good weight.... don't worry your girl will catch up very soon, like your gal, my gal also smallest she scream the loudest... she's gets whatever she wants cos she's the princess. :)

enjoy yourself and rest rest rest as much as you can b4 they come home cos after they come home... hehehe.... life will NEVER be the same again... hahahaha.
congrats on yr three lovely new arrivals!
yr boys are really good weights for triplets - the same as my twins in fact. and yup, yr girl will catch up v soon. looking forward to seeing their pics. what are their names?

rest well! you've done a really good job
congrats. rest well, eat well, the milk will come. use a dual pump, will be easier and massage your breast before pumping to prepare so milk supply will be more.
mesh, lyricist

heehee... ya, in fact my gal s doing well in nicu. they did a simple x-ray for her n cant really see e mass clearly. so far they r giving her a lot of nutrition n hopefully she wil gain weight fast fast. she cry v loud even outside e incubator can hear her clearly.

boys' names r hao &amp; heng. galgal name hanna.
Hi Weiwei,

Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations.
Yah Dr SF Loh is known to have the "fastest hands" in C-Sect.

Take care, rest well!
Hi Kais,

Thanks for the info. I always wan to try to sleep on my left but found that I'm back to the centre position when wake up :)
Wow.. you've triple, how many week liao.. I'm onli at 17weeks.

Hi weiwei,
Congrats on your new borns, take care.

<font color="0000ff">weiwei</font>
Congrats! And your babies are of such good weight. The 2 brothers had a larger share of food, it seemed. Kekeke... It'll be payback time when their sister come home to claim her share. Hahaha... Anyway, have a good rest!
