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  1. D

    Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

    chloe, My mom once hired an indo maid, the first thing she asked after she arrived, was how to operate the tv. And she also told my mom that she was a tai tai and somewhat related to a local mafia (sounds a bit of threatening). Her intention to work oversea is in fact to 'jalan jalan', so don't...
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    Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

    B2B3M4- Ya, it's very helpful to vent up the frustrations, especially to people who share the same problems and are willing to listen. Before i came across the thread, the were times i was sooo stressed up by the maids...simply distract me from other responsibilities. That's why my friend told...
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    Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

    chole, ya, it's very much to do with the need of the family, also at different times. Surprisingly though, most maids pick up other languages very fast. After a while, they can even speak mandarin, hokkien, and even good singlish !
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    Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

    Pin-my experience, experience maid usually more attitude problems, e.g. over confidence, demanding, stubburn, and sometimes arrogant, and even cunning; fresh maid usually more obedient, less demanding, and less daring. But need to be lots more patient, as you have to train them for even simple...
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    Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

    Hi gals, may i join? B2B3M4-after my maid left, i checked her room, unbelievable, layer of thick dust collected on the frame of the bed, spider web has grown over it (with insects trapping in it), broken glasses on the top of the cupboards, the bedsheet and blankets, gosh, probably never been...
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    (2006/06) June 2006 MTB

    Dear mummies, Pardon me for interupting...need some advice here!! Hb and i are planning for our boy's party in two weeks, until now we still can't decide on which day to hold it, and because of that, there's lot of things we can't start preparing, such as booking venues, ordering cakes...
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Dear mummies, Please ADVICE....!! Hb and i are planning for our boy's party, until now we still can't decide on which day to hold it, and because of that, there's lot of things we can't start preparing, such as booking venues, ordering cakes, sending invitation, etc. The reason is that both...
  8. D

    Who pays for what at home ???

    Before marriage, we find it very tiring to always have to think who pays what, and it doesn't feel good to do so as well. So, hb and i joint accounts, we used to pool our income together (now SAHM), came up with a joint budget for all expenses. For example, certain % from the total goes to...
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    wah, so many posts already! peachsorbet, how's the celebration today? you have cakes for all three celebrations?
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    hi peachsorbet, Thanks for your sharing. so, you're holding one for friends' and another more personal on the actual day right? We actually thought of this way too. However, there is one thing we 're not so sure is whether to have the other party before or after the actual day? There are...
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Wow...! Look at all these parties that's going on, you mummies have done a great job, very admire here. may i know how long it took you all to plan and prepare for it? DH and i started to think about it for months, but we have not really started the preparation yet, we were having a dilemma...
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    This thread moves fast during weekdays, take sometime to catch up... eeyore, thanks. hong, your boy very healthy and good looking, he loooks bigger than 1 yr old, how heavy is he now? he can stand firmly without support liao?
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    eeyore, Saw the picture book you made for Charlene posted on 25 june...did you make it yourself? How?
  14. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Dsii, Huh...! 4.8kg, you're incredible manz...! I don't know, i haven't read to that part yet! So far the heaviest baby i ever heard, Asian baby i mean. So how heavy is he/she now? Must be c-sect then, which you really wanted to avoid right? 1 litre of milk ah...i think it must due to that...
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Lena, hahaha...really? that's very funny!
  16. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    cottagefry, your little prince looks very smart, can pose very well too!
  17. D

    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Eeyore, what is PTT gathering? Have not came across that word in the archive yet :p! Jul04, haha...looking back quite 'fun' hor? So from the chart above dsii actually got what she wanted, pop two weeks earlier that her EDD :p , how about you, is 24 jul your EDD? Angi_wee, oh...right...
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    MTDT,...ya lor... believe it or not, i have been reading the archive so much that some of the nicks are so familiar to me, and they are all over my dreams the other day, like hong, dsii, mdtd, and there. One day, DH asked me, why are you spending so much time on the motherhood...
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Thank you mummies...and MTDT for your warm welcome (*blush*) ! zoe, pooh, Lena, cottagefry, peachsorbet, noif, eeyore, PM, YB, dsii, jul04, CHM...hi ;p! MTDT, thanks for adding to the list: DisneyA/ SAHM/ Siglap/ Hansen/ 27 Jul/ 27Jul
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Dear all July mummies...happy birthday to your July bb! I am also a July mummy, have been follwing this thread quietly for a while, though not from the beginning. Actually i am now in a 'project' of reading this thread from the very beginning, it's sooo interesting and funny. How i wish i...
