(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Pm...got slide mah! yrs with Emerson & shortlisted cake cutting...all at my slide show! i love that pix u take wif E at the zebra. If u wan the full resoultion then i mns u! cause the slide wan i resize liao

Ok i snail mail u the dvd!

Zita- issit.. I ytd see dun have.. okok, i go and d/l now :p Thanks!!! *Muacksssss* kiss from emerson to auntie zita. I sms u my address! Thank you hor!!
u are welcome, i future mil mah, muz leave good impression..hahaha! but V hor veri unreasonable gal..yesterday snatch balloon wif zav, loss liao cry & shout, then poor zav have to give in her...haiz!

I was telling them yesterday, i got almost 20pix of u during the cake cutting leh but abit dim cause i never use flash lo...hahaha!

I tink yrs got lots of people snaping pix leh!
Hahaha.. okok.. then i got leave good impression for V? Do i look like those MIL will bully DIL one?Hahaha....

So far, i received Ethel's and cottagefry's... she efficient ytd nigth sent me liao..
I sent u the pixs of E cutting cake already. The knife stunt is really scary! I kept screaming whenever Emerson got hole of the knife.

Hong, Zita, Dsii,
My twin sis said she passed present to my parents. But I never see the presents lor..Aiyah...even if she give, I also dun want.

Ordering Of Buffet:
I always under-cater cos there's always surplus. I had 43guests & I ordered for 30pax cos tat's the min qty. I guess there's always surplus cos ppl dun dare to take too much food lor. Scared pai sey.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL!! *haha... i lost track liao*

GReat pics at all partiies...

Emerson - YES!!! I also scream when he hold the knife! aiyoh! :p I caught it all on video somemore. :p
YB, dun say that.. we want to know wat she give Kaylyn. aiyo so kapo.

i think u can cut down 5 pax to play safe but the rule of thumb is to know ur caterer. if u always order from one then u can estimate. if u are ordering from new caterer then very hard.

I cut very big pieces of cake for my guests. In the mid, a bit smaller cos some mummies wanna share with kids so i give a bigger pieces. toward the end, i give big big pieces liao.

i am trying to upload some pic of Julian. Overall the pic are ok, quite well taken.. hahaha. i am the photographer lah... not say capture everything but better than Janelle's time. I think i am the only one that didnt order the agar agar cake??

This is the simple deco i did for julian.
The photos turn out 80% ok cos i am the photographer but i didnt take video. hahaha..

We are luckily, Julian mood is ok that day.

Here are some shots to share with all.




abt food...
yah yah.. but i dun like it at all. There is so small incident that make me very unhappy abt my MIL.
Hong... Julian..so big boy liao..look diff from i last saw him, chubby liao..hahaha! I like the last pix wif Janelle..they look more & more alike..! ..pix so well taken!
This thread moves fast during weekdays, take sometime to catch up...


your boy very healthy and good looking, he loooks bigger than 1 yr old, how heavy is he now? he can stand firmly without support liao?
You also celebrating Ian's Birthday this Sat? Wah...Pasir Ris got 3 babies celebrating birthday this Sat.

I can recognise you if I see you on the street one day. I remember I saw you and Ian with other mummies at Compass Point one day. Actually it is my hubby who told me that your baby looks like Ian, then I told him ya lor...it is Ian and Dsii leh...I think the other mummy I saw is PM leh. Thinking to go up to you all and say hi...but scare you don't know who I am leh.

You better bring a few bigger plastic bags for your cupcakes, in case the box is big and heavy, at least you still have plastic bags to standby.

We might bump into each other this Sat at Downtown East...hehehe...but we will not know as we have not met each other before.
Wow...! Look at all these parties that's going on, you mummies have done a great job, very admire here. may i know how long it took you all to plan and prepare for it?
DH and i started to think about it for months, but we have not really started the preparation yet, we were having a dilemma. Can mummies here offer some advice?
Ds's birthday same day as Dh's causin (tang mei)'s wedding, the family is pretty traditional and close knit, so it means we are expected to attend it. But if we attend her wedding, how are we going celebrate? If we have the celebration same day, the guests will then have the dilemma liao, right?
You going to decorate the chalet or not? You having BBQ also right? Then you decorate the BBQ area or inside the chalet? I still don't know what to put up for decorations leh...
hong, julian & janelle look so alike in that photo. what a great shot btw!

disney - i'm facing same dilemma as u. K's actual b'day on the 28th saturday wld have been a perfect day (cos some of my frens not arnd on the 22nd), but cos of hb's cousin's wedding, i pushed it forward to the 22nd. i've decided to have a small celebration with my immediate family b4 going for d wedding instead on the actual day for the more 'meaningful' touch. somehow, i feel like it's a celebration for hubby n me as well having survived the 1 year mark n celebrating the day that we brought our girl into the world.
hi jasline,

ya loh... later may just go shopping to buy cupcakes boxes... any advice where to buy cheap cupcake boxes cos after that they will throw away, dun want to waste $$... ya loh, who know we will bump into each other. hehe..
aiyo..u shld come and call me mah...wah piang..wasted....wahlau...then u saw my auntie pattern liao lah..haha..tok loud loud..laff loud loud..u saw pm nia? any other mummies with me bo? issit at night ah? hahaha...remember hor..next time call us lah..then we will know who u ah mah...
You may want to try this shop called Phoon Huat. This shop sell a lot of cakes necessities. I called one of the shop, and they say they did sell those white plain boxes for cakes, but I don't know about the size leh. http://www.phoonhuat.com/

oic...ya lor...now headache on the decor. decorate outside, too big area don't know how to decorate. Decorate inside, then the guests are all at the buffet area, nobody see the decor...
hahaha...no lah...you did not tok loud loud, laff loud loud. Ya...I saw you at night, around 7pm+ or 8pm. Ya...I guess she is PM, I think still have another mummy, but cannot recognise liow. You are on the escalator at that time. Ok...next time will come forward and say hi to you and the mummies.
Ya lor...initially I also want to order balloons, but find it a bit expensive also leh. Then also don't know which area to decorate.
hi peachsorbet,
Thanks for your sharing.
so, you're holding one for friends' and another more personal on the actual day right? We actually thought of this way too. However, there is one thing we 're not so sure is whether to have the other party before or after the actual day? There are people who said according to Chinese tradition should hold it earler, but some said later ...have you heard of this?

ya...we are actually considering something like what peachsorbet is doing, but not sure whether to have another celebration before or after the actual day. Have you also heard about the tradition? If so which version of it?
Ya lor...initially I also want to order balloons, but find it a bit expensive also leh. Then also don't know which area to decorate.
wah..heng ah...lucky still got a bit 'xing xiang' hehe...hmm...still got some mummies ah? hmm...maybe is oc, yb? cos we usually hang ard till 8 plus 9 if we do go out...hmmm...so next time must call out to us ah!1 then we can eat n drink and chat together mah...
disney, yah i heard of it before. anyway, personally think it's more fun to celebrate a birthday earlier than later. my case is pretty complicated. K is getting 3 parties finally (because of someone's last minute request).
15th - hubby's family n his relatives
22nd - my family, my relatives, hubby's n my friends.
28th - juz my family. not a party, more like a small cake (hopefully i can bake one, otherwise buy a small one) n sing song n open presents n eat mee sua..
hahaha....somemore that time I stand quite near to you all leh, only a few steps on the escalator away. You all are chatting and laughing happily at that time...not loud loud...don't worry you still have your xing xiang.

Not YB, I can recognise her and Kaylyn. Maybe is OC, as I never see her photo before.

Ok...when I am on leave to take care of baby, will call you all and see if you all have PTT gathering, then my baby and I join you all ok.
hahha,,,wahlau...so near yet so far....oc ah?? hmm..pretty bo??? if pretty with big eyes..oc loh...hahaha...
sure ah...u stay nearby too mah...ok ok...but if u know u on leave..then hor...inform us earlier lah..then we can arrange mah....
Hi mummies,

thanks thanks.. but but but.. he is actually look smaller than 1yo and he can only stand on his own recently. Some of the frds here already walking... wah wah wah...

Is he chubbier?? Hmm i didnt know cos when i weigh him, he is still abt 10kg.

Infact, we are bringing Julian to Yu Guo for Baby massage (Tui Na) these two days. Cos MIL complained Julian tummy got wind, have being nagging abt it and she also complained he woke up in the mid of the nite like 4am and refuses to sleep.

The sinseh said his tummy still have some wind. Told us not to overfeed him and make the milk thinner. She dun want small kids to take medi so she gives me 4 packs of herbs pack to place at his tummy when he sleeps.
Cannot remember got big eyes or not leh. Got a lot of people in front of you that time.

Ok...on. I stay in Sengkang. Will let you know if I am on leave. Then we go jalan jalan and la-tea.
Don't worry, can stand on his own, very fast can walk liow. My baby till now don't even know how to crawl leh...let alone standing and walking. I think if I see my baby standing 1 day, I will be so happy like strike 4D.

Have you try apply ruyi oil on his tummy?
birthday bash REFUND


Here's the summary of breakdown, just in case u have some quiry abt it.

My gym $775.50
Buffet $353.10
Cupcake $73.40

Total no of mummies: 30
daddies: 27 (OC, JP, Seth)
maid: 1
siblings 5
babies 30

Cost of each baby: (775.50+73.40)/30 = $28.30
Cost of each adult: 353.10/63 = $5.60

*Ethel & Dsii have to add additional $2 for yr elder son's cupcake.

So, those who transfer
$51.40 earlier will get a refund of $11.89
$45.90, refund $6.39
$70.30, refund $25.19 (except for Ethel n dsii less $2)

Batch 1 (to PM yr account number to <font size="+2">PM</font>)
2 Eeyore
3 Kloe
6 Mezzo
7 Mich
8 Melody
9 Peachsorbet
10 Cottagefry

Batch 2 ( to PM a/c number to <font size="+2">DSII</font>)
11 PM
12 Z-Lia
13 OC
14 Jul 04
15 Zita
16 Lena
17 Bubble
18 Dsii
19 YB
20 May

Batch 3 (to PM a/c number to <font size="+2">OC</font>)
21 Jurong Gal
22 Lucida
23 Grace
24 Lok frd (WH)
25 JP
26 Kin
27 Lok
28 Ethel
29 Angi
30 Mrs Chng
