(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

Thanks for all your compliments...
Mtdt, Fruitee- I saw your pics at Yew Kwang very nice.. hehe!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY GILLIAN, Charisse, Gerrard, & Jayden!!!! So fast become toddler!!!! I still kinda miss them when they just pop out!

TOday my Caitz seems too grown up... I scold her n she cried n refused to stop crying. I hug her tell her not to cry cus i find it really heart wrenching & she actually pushed me away!!! She only stopped when i apologise to her n say I wont raise my voice at her again... then she stopped crying. OMG... they really understand all these already huh! I got a shock of my life when i apologise n she actually stop crying but went back to sleep sniffing in her sleep!

Yes.. I agree with you, i miss Audric when he is still a newborn, so tiny. Now, Audric seems to understand what I want him to do too. They really grow up.

Happy birthday to Jayden, Gillian, Charisse, Gerrad!!

I wont be going for BJG today cus i need to fetch my sis from the airport! I will be going on sunday instead. But will see u next lesson!
Peach...yep u wan the No 1 pink banner.? i still own u the disc..forgotten that day!

Cottagefly...nice pix!
Happy Birthday to Jayden, Gillian, Charisse, Gerrard

hi disney,
Welcome to this thread.

Cottagefry, Audric is a handsome boy. nice pic
aiyo..i cant close the doors leh..im clearing 1 of the room..so that my relatives can play mahjong....if not they play in living room with ppl walk here n there?? cnnot mah...
thats y...must pack nice nice...ya loh..wahalau...cannot throw never no place to put..damn cham...and hor..the worse thing is i wanna throw..and this daddy n isaac wanna keep...pengz
hehe...wah..u remembered ah? ya loh..that time was complaining bb to big..but really very big..wonder if u still remember...he was 4.8kg at birth..wahahaa...then i opt to be induced...buay tahan liao..hahaha....
Happy birthday to Jayden, Gillian, Charisse, Gerrad!!

YLC, think our "toddlers" are starting to understand things. The other day i also scolded ashley for touching my PC and digging the keys out fm the keyboard...was so mad that i screamed at her and left her standing on the wall...she cried non-stop and only stop after i sayang her and said sorry...haiz...dunno whether gd to scold or discipline her now...
juz now my pc got problem suddenly turn to indian words, hahaha...cont part 2

Audic look like a big boy liao..heehee, yr bjg class is today?

disney...bring back our past memories ...heehee, dsii i remeber u dont drink water but lots of milk wan right?

Ylc..v got high self esteem leh, if u scold her infront of others she will cry till u apologise to her! ..lots of time...i really feel she understand wat we say lo...have to be careful on our phrasing liao..hahaha
Thanks for all your birthday wishes for Gillian!

This morning woke up me n hubby sang a birthday song to her n she was happily clapping n smiling away, really give us 'face'...haha!

Looking forward to d party tomorrow! ;)
Wah! U can even dreamed of us after reading the archives!

PTT stands for Poor Tai-tai. We are all SAHM looking after our bbs full-time. Sometimes it can get really fustrating & bored staying at home everyday. So we meet up everyweek. Sometimes shopping together or chatting at each other's hse. Our bbs also benefited from the interactions wif other bbs.

If u r free, u may wish to join us in our PTT gatherings?
Actually my bjg class starts on saturday, but i'm unable to make it.So today is make up class. Just got back from the class.
Lucky u din go for the make up class today. Teacher jingxuan is not as good as Teacher Shihui.
Mummies, thank you for all the birthday greeting to Jayden...On behalf of Jayden, give you all a big kiss...Muacks!

Happy Birthday to Gillian, Charisse, Gerrad too!! !
yup natural birth w/o jab but in e end forceps delivery, so last part lbr pretty traumatising...
i guess u natural too...
seth was 3170gm, now 10kg, still BF... u?
Huh...! 4.8kg, you're incredible manz...! I don't know, i haven't read to that part yet! So far the heaviest baby i ever heard, Asian baby i mean. So how heavy is he/she now? Must be c-sect then, which you really wanted to avoid right?

1 litre of milk ah...i think it must due to that lah! For my first trimester i gained quite a bit of weight too. Had two glasses of enfamama per day (imagine SIL told me to drink 2 litre, that time still feeling guilty that i can only drink two glasses). My obgyn found out and told me one is enough, or else bb will gain lots of fats. I think he was right.

There're lots of posts to read you know...imagine at one point there're 600 posts per day! Those days you gals can really chat :p !

oh dear...i have not read about your labour story, so how come? Is this your first baby? Mine was natural / induction (full term) / epi . bb 3kg, now around 9kg. A bit light ya? I am trying many ways to make him gain more weight...when he was 6 months he was around 6.8 whereas the PD said he should be at around 7.6kg. And now after 5 months, he just gain 2 something...haiz, wonder what would the PD said when we see her next month.
Ya, still BF, how about you?
wah..u also another nite owl of this thread..hahaha....

hha..i avoided c-sect leh...mine was natural + epi + induction (@ 37 weeks plus) + vacuum..hmm..maybe hor..drank toooooooooo much milk liao...aiyo...but that time no choice leh..got craving for milk n soya milk and tou hua!!!!
any of u BF and tried making FM at night for ur bb? so far i still BF at night when Summer wakes up...am kind of anxious got to wake up and make FM...don't know if she will take it...
Hi mummies, hubby has been travelling for the past two weeks, no time to log on. Have been wanting to pop in to say "THANKS" to all mummies involved in organising the birthday bash. Thank you! My gal enjoyed herself very much. Thanks also to CHM and Bubble for taking family pic for us
Oh, and Bubble, thanks for the book. Wan Xin loves it very much. She seems to know it is her present and spent a long time playing with it :p

Here's wishing all July babies - <font color="aa00aa">A Very Happy 1st Birthday!</font>

Yup. It nice to think back and hard to believe it's more than a year ago already! seems like yest.... think my EDD was 30th Jul. Popped 1 week early.
haha...somemore jul is the 1st forum mummy i met leh...haha..i went to visit her when brought ian for checkup...hahhaa....
wah! I so honoured! I din know I was the 1st forum mummy you met!!! hehe =P Thought you have met the others before.... You are also the 1st forum mummy I met. And you saw me at my fattest!!! *faintz* hahahaha

I still rem that you day you visit me.... I was sooo amazed Ian is sooo big and sooo much hair!

Nice deco, cake and agar agar! So sweet!
Hi mummies,

Just got back home.... so tired!!! But glad that the party is over liao!!! Now can relax a bit hehe
Thanks for all the birthday wishes! Will try to post the pics tml or so
Hi ladies

long time did not post so many posting to catch up liao


nice party,lovely cake and agar agar too

Happy b`day to Audric,Caitlin and wallace

wishing all july babies,Happy first birthday
yr cake n agar agar so pretty

where r yr pics??

hello n welcome

hows the packing coming along??

think bf easier.. morning my eyes cannot open to make fm..
ya i know...i can't imagine me waking up at 1am making FM and 5am another round (thats her usual waking time). Now even wake up to BF her already cant open my eyes...
YB,ylc & OC,

your parties look exciting n fun! getting really anxious myself after looking at all the parties u gals held for your bbs!

i know of some mummies who give water for the morning feed so as to wean off the morning feed.
when is summer bash??

cake sooo pretty !! pity they dun hv nice designs for boys..
