(2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

melody n peach

vicks mtd
dont work for kevin.last night he woke up at 4am,gave him milk aldy didnt sleep till 7am.he is still having cough n running nose.


how is Venice today?hope she is better.

some pix to share


the 1st tier-lychee martini ( guests loved it..cos they said special, seldom got such flavour loh)

2nd tier-triple layer choc (kids n adults loved it) heheheh
Zita, just about a month ago, my elder gal had high fever that lasted for about a week. think just have to alternate paracetamol and brufen. then hv to keep sponging with tap water. think having the water pillow is good also. learnt all these from the mummies here. haha. Hope V will get better soon.

PM, hope E is ok. it's milk teeth that they're having now, so it'll drop eventually..so it's ok i think... Germayn's 2 front teeth are not very nice.. very 'open'. hai. hope when they drop the new ones will look ok.

MTDT, haha. ok. have to block my husband's leave that day. If not i think i will ki siao bringing the 3 kids out.

lamb, your gal has the same chinese name as my gal.. Le Xuan. haha!

Dsii, the cake looks so nice! And lychee martini sounds yummy!

we'll just have a simple celebration at home later.. whole family will go out for dinner then go home to cut cake. then had a quarrel with my mum... hai.. she scolded me for making Germayn's birthday so simple, then said my MIL should cook for everyone (i.e. her) since the birthday celebration is at home.. But it's abit dumb lor.. we're keeping it simple and we only invited family members (not even relatives) partly cos everyone's bz. she thinks everyone is as free as she is.. hai.

oh ya.. im going to HK on the national day week. going to leave Germayn with my mummy... Started to give her one feed of FM during her last feed at night... and it seems that she likes it... hahah. mixed feelings la.. happy that she likes it..save trouble.dun have to coax her to drink that. sad that it means tt she wont be drinking from me soon. but she really like the fm till she refuses to let me touch her milk bottle. first time she holds the milk bottle herself, and when i wanna help her, she'll push my hand away. yaya papaya.
Wow! The birthday cake is so nice! Initially I wanted to place an order of a birthday cake of your design... but my hb was considered if it is difficult to cut the cake lor.
actually very easy one..just cut the upper tier...then lower tier...actually 2 different cake..

isaac jealous bo?? hmm...dunno leh..but he was a bz boy yesterday...i inoted my auntie kahs..so also meant his frens was invited tooo...so he played the host...entertaining his frens...and oso gave out the goodie bags loh...

thks hehe...i love the poster too...hehe..will be there till a week bah..cant bear to take it off..hahaha...

blessings...my deco nice ah? thks leh..but i think a bit simple leh...but me lazy lah..only put up the deco on sat wee hours...be4 i went to bed..so anyhow hang...wahaha
Zlia - E shld be alright, coz he still laugh and play like norm. But i just feel heartache and guilt striken by that...

Kloe - Tx Ref 1265822486, just done with the transfer.

Poster is so nice!!! Ian such a happy boy! he is always smiling one! so cute

Ur cake so nice... i see already also dun feel like eating it... rather have it as display hahaha

Ian's party is so nice! And Ian is so cheerful...he must have been a really happy baby, whoops..toddler, that day.

Wah, I've never tried a lychee martini cake leh, must be very delicious....
Hi dsii,

Nice POster!! Cake look delicious too...

Finally my baby boy celebration is over... super tired... Glad's cake is not very sweet with the sugar cotaed base as the moist chocolate is those bittersweet type. each compliment each flavour. My guests loved the cake and cupcake, and the agar agar too!! we change the pink carebear to blue as i really like the agar.. mine decoration seem to pale in comparison with you, Dsii. mine no poster cos my pc cannnot support...

My boy not really that happy as the weather on sat is real hot and stuffy.. all my guests loved the Dog mascot that is really very good at entertaining my guests. before it even came to my chalet, it was swamped with the kids nearby. Deron was so afraid of the big red dog...


how's ur celebration last sat too? supposed to be very fun also. we went to the zoneX for the game machine. we won one soft toy and plenty of sweets (those put $1 and swop sweets onto the tray and push till it drop one). my boy loved that game and keep hitting the button. but when the neighbours got one baby gal, his attention turned to the baby gal.. jialat leh...
Zita, Peach,
how is ur ger? Julian is also down with fever, cough, running nose. Haiyah..

Ian bday cake very nice. U order from Pine garden?

Janelle also help ard during julian's bday. hahaha.. She keeps asking me when is her bday party. Did Isaac request to have a big party like Ian?
ylc, chm, mamaanne.hong
thks fort he compliment leh..hehehe...yes..ian very happy that day...thought a bit overwhelming for him in the beginning..but after warm up...happy liao loh..hahaha...everyone tot he will be grouchy cos he missed his nap that day..but ended up..he more bz playing ..so maybe he forgot his tiredness...even milk...i was the one who suddenly remembered and made him drink...

yes , the cake was from pine garden...not so sweet...thats a plus point...
isaac nvr ask for a big party leh...he just asked when is his bday..so that he can invite hs frens over..haha...maybe will give him a mini party..
so isaac asking the same thing too? Hahaha... He must be very happy that day. Julian is like Ian, very alert and not cranky. We finally manage to find a toy that make Julian an "official" driver driving with his daddy. hahaha...

Yah i am going to do a small bday party for Janelle next yr.
Dear mummies,
Please ADVICE....!! Hb and i are planning for our boy's party, until now we still can't decide on which day to hold it, and because of that, there's lot of things we can't start preparing, such as booking venues, ordering cakes, sending invitation, etc. The reason is that both sides of the family have different versions of whether to hold it before or after the actual date; my family said should be before, and his family said should be after...what is the norm that mummies here knew or heard of, please ADVICE. million thanks!
disney, I think usually pple celebrate before the actual day. But then again there's no rules on such things, not too sure if there are any superstition on this or not though
ya, most ppl celebrate BD before or on actual day.

You hv got very nice poster and cake. Yesterday was my boy's party, we had lychee martini and black forest 2 tier cake fr Pine garden too, according to the guest, the cake was yummy.
Mamaanne, yr cake soo cute.. :p
Melody and blessings.. pics pls...

Emerson's turn to have fever. Last night 3am plus when I was kissing him good night i realised that he was very hot. Take temp 38.5. Didnt give him any medication coz dun want to wake him up. just apply the cooling pad on his forehead. In between he did cry abit, but i cldnt bring my self to wake up i think i saw my hubby sponging him..was smiling away then fall back to sleep... (dont know if i'm dreaming)

He woke up 6.30am this morning for the day.Abit cranky esp when he waking up, coz i think he feels letragic also.. dun want to walk and always want to be carried. Haven bring him to the doc,just gave him dhamol 4hrly. Last tmep taken 37.5
Mamaanne, yr cake soo cute.. :p
Melody and blessings.. pics pls...

Emerson's turn to have fever. Last night 3am plus when I was kissing him good night i realised that he was very hot. Take temp 38.5. Didnt give him any medication coz dun want to wake him up. just apply the cooling pad on his forehead. In between he did cry abit, but i cldnt bring my self to wake up i think i saw my hubby sponging him..was smiling away then fall back to sleep... (dont know if i'm dreaming)

He woke up 6.30am this morning for the day.Abit cranky esp when he waking up, coz i think he feels letragic also.. dun want to walk and always want to be carried. Haven bring him to the doc,just gave him dhamol 4hrly. Last tmep taken 37.5
How's emerson now? Is he feeling better? Hmmm....sudden fever. Keep monitoring and lots of healing vibes to him too.

I dunno if can post pictures or not cos my photos resolution is high leh. I tried lah.
PM, hope Emersom is ok. I will post pic tonight. A bit disappointed with my cake cos the colour not bright enough, maybe becos I asked them to use sky blue, then it turned out very pale.
the cake is very very nice and cute.

Pine garden - is the lychee martini cake nice? My hubby love anything with lychee and his bday this friday. Thot to order one for him.

Fever - Julian's temperature shot up again. I must bring him to see PD later. Haizzzz

I think he got the virus from me.
Hi Hong & Melody,

Thanks, our guests and us loved the cake and cupcake. It is moist chocolate, taste bitter sweet. very nice too. i will upload the photos of my boy and the mascot tomolo as i forgot to bring my camera with me.
hong - i have extra lychee martini in the fridge. wanna try some of kristen's cake? :p it wasn't THAT popular at the party leh. sobsob. didn't get to hear d good comments. anyway, pictures tomoro... need to get the pictures from my dad n d other pple with cameras.

disney - have 2 cakes confirmed. one for yesterday's party, one for this coming sunday's party. and the actual day? hmm. i was THINKING of baking her a cake myself (probably end up doing those betty crocker mixes. haha) or if i somehow don't want anybody to 'comment' about my cake.. i'll juz go to haagen daz and get an icecream cake. that way, everyone's happy n K gets to try a little icecream
... honestly, i've never heard of celebrating after the actual day. =/ but every family has their traditions i guess. well, u can't please everyone. what i've learnt thru K's birthday parties is that the more u try to please people d less happy u are.

PM - sayang emerson. hope he is better now!

dsii - wah ur decor very gooood! makes me wan2 do poster too. did u use alot of ink? lovely cake too!!
Just came back from doc. Recently my left eye very blur so yesterday went to Nanyang Optical to prescribe a specs. Who knows, my left eye still very blur after the optician test me wif 1000degree lenses.

Today went to visit an optometrist. He said my left eye cornea got lotsa spots, tat's y light cannot shine thru & thus I got blur vision. Probably eye infection due to contact lenses. I got an eye drop..hopefully will recover soon. Otherwise have to see Eye Specialist liao.
