Search results

  1. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Phoebe I would like to join in the BP. Thanks! California Baby Calendula Cream As some may be aware, Vitamin Life has increased their price. So if you are still interested to purchase, will have to get from Lucky Vitamin. If you...
  2. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Oops.. gotta repost.. CB CALENDULA CREAM - UPDATE Merchant: Vitamin Life Website: Price: US$6.93 Conversion: S$11.09 (US$1 = S$1.60) Collection Point: - Bt Batok - Harbourfront MRT - Postage...
  3. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Phoebe, can I join this BP? CB CALENDULA CREAM - UPDATE Merchant: Vitamin Life Website: Price: US$6.93 Conversion: S$11.09 (US$1 = S$1.60) Collection Point: - Bt Batok - Harbourfront MRT -...
  4. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Updated mine.. E-Ling | Amabel | 3.005kg / 47cm / 38wks / 21 Aug Yuna | clarice | 3.42kg / 50cm / 37wks / 29 Aug joon | Der Nen | 2.89kg / 47cm / 40wks / 2Sep blessedmom | Johannah | 3.26kg / 51cm / 37.5wks / 4Sep brenda | Arianne | 2.79kg / 49cm / 38wks / 4Sep felicia | Samantha |...
  5. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    mummytobabycaleb josh went thru this same phase as caleb for the past 1-2 weeks too. Didn't wanna drink much milk.. very distracted and kept waking at night.. i thk its a phase josh went thru. this week he regained his appetite again.. drinking more and sleeping a bit better.. thk when some bbs...
  6. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    DG Btw, vitakids at forum is selling earth's best brown rice cereal.
  7. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    DG I stay 3 bus stops away from U-sq, along ah hood rd. U know where? The other side of U-sq from ur place actually. Lorna Whiston at U-sq has classes for as young as 2yo according to their website. Am thking of gg for speech/drama class with isabelle once a week, me n her time without the bro...
  8. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    MummyToBabyCaleb Ha, i understand wat u mean.. sometimes I'll try to suppress my cough so much that in the end the cough will come out even much louder than it shd have been, n it wakes both kids! Joon thks. actuali josh doesnt have that much hair. just that watever hair he has has grown...
  9. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    DG I don't have a helper, thats why isabelle is in full day cc, but i'll usually try to pick her up earlier. She used to attend accompanied classes at U-square until July last yr when we decided to prepare her for cc before josh comes, in case she feels we are sending her away cos of the new...
  10. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Melissa Hang on there ya.. only 2 weeks to your target.. as long as you continue to express, your milk ss should maintain..
  11. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    MummytoBabyCaleb According to our PD, immune system of a baby is pretty strong up till about 6 months, which is why most babies below 6 mths do not fall sick easily. Actually, Josh took the cold weather pretty well, he din fall sick from the cold, instead he caught the flu bug from his silly...
  12. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    ilovebabies From what I understand, rear-facing child seat is definitely a no-no in the front seat as the back of the child seat will be leaning on the air bag compartment. In the event of an impact, the back of the child seat may activate the air bag, pushing the child seat and putting the...
  13. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Ling Thks! Am a sahm in SG. Pic was taken at my sis' place in HK last dec. Was so cold then that all of us took turns to fall sick.
  14. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi all.. My boy is Josh born on 14 Sep. I've another 2.5 yr old gal. A pic to share.. This was taken when Josh was 3 mths old. Have updated the stats below. But am not sure of his length cos the nurse din measure him and din occur to me to measure him myself. ;) Ha, always thot he was...
  15. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Brenda Thanks.. Have PMed Phoebe.. Btw, my boy is a Sep 06 baby too, 14 Sep. Hope to be able to join in this thread.. ;)
  16. L

    (2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

    Hi Phoebe I'm interested in getting the calendula cream but i cant post in that thread. Possible to include me? thks
  17. L

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    yup up.. saw u at vivocity.. Still SAHM to my boy.. Isabelle's in childcare.. Hee, can't manage with 2 of them at home.. Nat's still attending GUG?
  18. L

    (2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

    Hi Mom2Nat I'm Isabelle's mummy from GUG. Do u remember?? Happened to come into this forum and saw ur pic.. Nat looks so different now.. been half a yr since last saw her in GUG.. like her dimpled smile.. she lets u tie her hair now?? ;)
