(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

ya.. cos hor, i not sure if jadelle will take it.. so i feed from jar first.. before i spend time to steam/ puree it/..

ya, according to the website, use fresh water.. but that is confusing to me, cos i tot i will be throwing away the vit. C in veg..

<font color="ff0000">DG</font>,
hehe.. you are our food goddess now.. btw, what is stewed??

<font color="ff6000">Jasmine</font>, wow u are technical la! hee.. thanx for sharing! I don think I'll boil anything, I'll stick to steam instead..

My 1st girl also took everything u mentioned from Heinz, she also ok with the Gerber's ones..

I can really see that Arianne is ready for solids.. she's not satisfied with her 180ml milk anymore.. so I'm going to add ONE tablespoon of rice cereal in her tmr's morning feed.. (Just called my PD and he gave me the OK liao..)

<font color="ff6000">ilovebabies</font>, heh.. thanks for sharing too.. (finally! but better late than never la.. hee.. thought u purposelly ignored me! heh..) but isn't FISH a meat as well though 'softer la' le? u have tried cod fish on Rach already right? how she's taking it?
edksd and ilovebabies, is your baby car seat front or rear facing?? My hubby is trying to install the car seat (finally). He says the instruction says to install the car seat facing the back of the car for babies, but I just thought it's better to confirm.

And do you sit beside your baby or you sit in front beside your hubby? Hahaha. I wonder whether that's a silly question to ask??
just back from PD. adding to the list

Ling-Sophie-5mths (on 25 Feb) 5.8kg/62cm
Jasmine lau - Jadelle - 5 months 2 weeks (as of 16th Feb)- 7kg/ 65cm
doreen - Damien - 4mths4wks - 7.95kg/65.5cm
E-Ling - Amabel - 5mths3wks - 5.8kg/66cm
Emma - Enzo - 5mths2wks - 7.84kg/68cm
Diana - Jacqueline - 5mths1week (as of 3rd Feb) -9.4kg/67cm
Emoments - Dylan - 5mths1week - 7.25kg/65.5cm
MummieOfRhys - Rhys - 5mths1week - 7.73kg/72cm
Domesticgoddess - Nicholas - 4mths1week - 6.5kg/69cm
Selina - Caleb - 5mths1day - 7.74kg/66.5cm

so strange, Caleb didnt seem to put on alot of weight this time round n also didnt grow much taller as well. i wonder y.
Hey yogi mummies, so pai seh that i didnt said goodbye to all and went disappear after the class! as my Mr Cranky was overly stimuated -> he enjoyed the class throughout till the end! that he needs human pacifier aka breast to calm him down!! sigh..In the car, he slept throughout the journey without fuss and most amazing thing is he slept from 8pm to 8am in his own room!!! I was so paranoid that i woke up twice to check on him!

Brenda, lost and found!!! the ball ball hairband is mine! I'll pick up from you some other day okie. thanks

Eling, hubby took a few individual shots of Amabel. pm me your email address okie, i will send to you.

Joon, I have one photo of DN holding Cayden's hand!! haha.. will send to you too ya.

I think i have a couple of the group photos.. Will post it here after i download them to my notebook.

Melissa, ouch... I hope you are feeling better!!

Brenda on the Yoga class :

1. I like the flow of the class but i feel that the place is a bit too small le - cant really stretch. And the renovation makes it more difficult as we need to be closer to hear her better.
2. Yes!
3. ad-hoc as i believe i cant commit to 8 weekends
Brenda, how do you determine whether Arianne is ready for solids? I tried feeding my gal solids yesterday, initially she seems to like it in the afternoon, but when we tried to feed her again in the evening, she refused to take it and cried. Perhaps in the afternoon I fed her Nestle brown rice and in the evening I tried giving her rice by Dumex? How many times should we feed her solids in a day? Geez.. I never ask my PD and just su-ga su-ga anyhow give leh.. Now I am wondering whether that's the right way to start her on solid and whether it's too early?? She only just turned 5 months on the 20th Feb.
thks to all mommies who replied my post about comfort nursing
at least i know i'm not alone! i tried to shush/pat him back back to sleep one night, like jasmine said, but he cry until so cham and for so long! in the end i give in n just nurse him and within 5 min he KO liao. like dat i oso get more peace :p guess i'm taking the easy way out huh

yes i used to hv blocked ducts very often last time cos was entirely on EBM (bb didnt wanna latch then). but since i was able to latch him 2 mths ago, the lumps dont appear again (touch wood!). i had the LC come over to my place b4 so i know how to do the massage cos she taught me lah. quite difficult to explain tho so best is if u go down to TMC and learn it directly fr the experts!

just wondering - is there a diff between brown rice cereal n rice cereal? i'm planning to start ethan on cereal this wkend and i bot this brand called bellamy's, but its just normal rice cereal leh. not brown rice. i tot the latter is more nutritious is it?
hey gals
i just bought the annabel karmel's book from borders yesterday. It's about $41 n w the 40% discount coupon i posted on Sat, it's very worth it to get leh...

Am not feeding sophie solids yet but i like looking at cookbooks. Heh any reason to buy another book...

ya better stick to steam instead of boil so as not to lose the nutrients ? then puree it with fresh water ? ya same here, i want to let Rachel try out the taste first. anyway I got mine Braun blender FOC from sis ... hmm come to think of it, i got most of bb stuff free from her .. eheh


my car seat is back facing. I will sit beside rachel at the back. But I wonder whether I can move her to the front seat (besides driver) but still back facing (becos of the air bag) when i am driving ? Brenda, is this ok ?
michelle, what's the topic on comfort nursing? I did try to look at the archives to read about the posting, but can't really find.. I want to know more about this!! My gal wakes up every night just to latch on for a few minutes and then go back to sleep in a while. I don't know how to stop that leh.. My husband wants to help me but can't coz she only wants to suckle for a while to get back to sleep...
i weighed R using my bathrm scale on Sat and oso realised he is not gaining much weight. only 7.5kg... dunno his height so i cant update the list yet... his weight like stagnant man.. somemore he fusses during feeds, so i do feel guilty at times 4 depriving him...

i sit beside R when he is on car seat. sit next to hb 4 wat? heehheeheh, i cant see wat R is doing and since he is rear facing, he sure fuss when he dun see anyone...
the discussion abt comfort nursing is on this pg actually
i think most of us here end up giving in to our bb's demands and latch them on for comfort rather than proper meal cos they only suckle for a few min then zzzz liao. anyway i was very worried that it will turn into a bad habit n wanted to stop it too. but i read an article (i think its fr kellymom website) that said the bb will eventually wean himself of this, and some more since so many mommies here are also like me, i think its ok to continue like dat lor :p
Hope u have already seek LC's help by now. *pat pat*

Hmmm... I also dunno leh. I always distract Gab when taking photos to make him smile but he sometimes still *min chao chao*. Will wait patiently for you Nick's smiley photo.

Selina, jRt
Same same gab din seem to gain weight at all since last month. Yesterday I weighed him in the yoga class and he's just 7.48kg leh. Length I dunno. Maybe tonight I try measure at home :p

Hmmm... Gab also need to comfort suck to sleep. I 'm actually having conflicting thoughts. Firstly I want him to stop this habit as it is very tiring on me. Nowadays, he keep waking up every hourly after 4am and cry for the breast. But on the other hand, that's the only time I get to latch him on without my mum nagging me to stop latching. So..... .... I'm in kind of dilemma state. Should I or should I not?

Just to share the article from kellymom.com that michelle talking about :
Hi all.. My boy is Josh born on 14 Sep. I've another 2.5 yr old gal. A pic to share..


This was taken when Josh was 3 mths old. Have updated the stats below. But am not sure of his length cos the nurse din measure him and din occur to me to measure him myself. ;) Ha, always thot he was pretty big as compared to his sister till I saw the babies here!! He's only average.. ;)

Ling-Sophie-5mths (on 25 Feb) 5.8kg/62cm
Jasmine lau-Jadelle-5 months 2 weeks (as of 16th Feb)- 7kg/ 65cm
doreen - Damien - 4mths4wks - 7.95kg/65.5cm
E-Ling - Amabel - 5mths3wks - 5.8kg/66cm
Emma - Enzo - 5mths2wks - 7.84kg/68cm
Diana - Jacqueline - 5mths1week (as of 3rd Feb) -9.4kg/67cm
Emoments - Dylan - 5mths1week - 7.25kg/65.5cm
MummieOfRhys - Rhys - 5mths1week - 7.73kg/72cm
Domesticgoddess - Nicholas - 4mths1week - 6.5kg/69cm
Lil precious-Josh-5mths2weeks-7.35kg
crystalized, hahaha... You are funny. Actually the reason i want to sit beside hubby is : My car is a bit small, if I put the car seat at the back, it may be a bit squeeze with me and my maid plus the car seat. So if I want to sit beside my baby, then I let the maid sit in front??!! That would seem a bit weird isn't it? But if I sit in front, then I can't look after my baby...

Michelle, what an idiot i was. I actually looked at the archives, even search for keyword like "comfort", "michelle", "nursing" to look for the posting, and it didn't occur to me to look at this page itself... hahaha! Silly me.

Same thoughts here, not sure if i can give my girl baby biscuits esp she like to chew things now, everything she grabs will come to her mouth.

any mummies have any advise or comments?
dumpty, thanks for the URL. I am soooooo glad to read it.. I was in a dilemma last week when I tried to ignore my gal's crying at night. I wanted to stop the habit of comfort nursing, but I couldn't bear to hear her cry and also I knew I would miss the feeling of latching her on. In the end, after she stopped crying and went to sleep, I cried instead.. and then after that incident, I still latched her on whenever she wants it..

After reading the article, I think I will continue to latch her on whenever she wants it =) No more dilemmas... BUT but but hor.. I am quite scared what will happen when she starts teething.. Recently she has this bad habit of pulling my nipple and then let go, only to come back to suckle again.. If she has teeth, it's going to be very painful man...
hi smiley, i put the car seat rear facing too and i sit besides bb and therefore hb becomes ahmad. hahah...

i oso latch kai on whenever he gets cranky in car. im the best pacifier

luckily most of our journey are rather short 5-10min only. so i hope it's still not so bad not able to get him stuck in the car seat.

i ever talked to a fren abt car seat, he then asked me what abt those taking cab? no car seat how?
smiley, we've endured so much (labour, engorgement, etc), i guess this pain wont be a big issue
just hv to get used to it! i think all our bb's attempting the same thing at the same time. i rem e-ling's amabel oso biting n pulling nipples. kai too! sigh...
edksd, hahaha... same here same here!! I also latch her when she gets cranky in the car.. I always tell my hubby mine's the Champion pacifier! Beats Nuk, Pigeon and Avent... hahaha!

E-ling's amabel looks so sweet and gentle leh, cannot imagine her biting and pulling nipples..
<font color="aa00aa">smiley</font>,
I understand how u feel.. after the first night of refusing to latch her on and she cried for 1 hr, i cried after she went to sleep too..
but i badly need her to rest more and stop waking up and dunno how to sleep by herself. now, i latch her before she sleep too, but not until she fall asleep.. then i comfort her by hugging her to me, i ly next to her, i talk to her, i pat her..

<font color="aa00aa">edksd</font>,
haha, my girl also pull my nipple and she has started biting too.. I think she has started to teeth.. as it has started to hurt when she is latched on and sleepy and she slip off my nipple and use her gum to hold on.. that is why, i think now it is s good idea for her to learn how to sleep herself without latch on.. especially when she not so mobile still..

i latch her on 100% on weekends now.. especially now with solids being introduced, i realise that i don't have much time of latching/ bonding time with her left..
oh yeah, one more thing, now kai cant sit still in the rocker too s he wants to sit straight up 90deg too. alamak. i only got 1 bumbo seat which i put at my mom's place. quite a headache.
Let me reassure u, coz Gab has teethed.

When they first bite, tell them sternly that they should not do that as mummy will be in pain! Gab did that for few days and each time I tell him the same thing not to bite. Now he don't bite anymore
*touch wood*
jasmine, same here! And I think baby knows when it is weekend time and she has more time with mummy.. Weekdays she has no problems drinking from bottles when my maid is feeding her, but when comes weekends, she simply refuses to drink from bottle and I will just latch her on.
edksd, Clarisse wants to sit up when she's in a rocker or on the bed (some mummies have seen her performing this sit-up stunt during the gathering) and she arches back when she's in the bumbo... I *peng*

I called my LC, Christina, she advised me over the phone, FOC. I can get her for house visit, but very ex, or alternative to go down to NUH on certain days of the weeks, which I think is expensive too. Anyway she said to try those methods, before she comes down or I go down to visit her.
hello mummies!!
Hope u all still remembers me!!
finally I managed to catch up with all of u! *panting* Took the long holis to read up on the very informative, funny, happening archives. I'm always so backdated cos simply have limited time to read n access during ofc hours / at home...Anyway, do a quick post b4 I rush off..

Brenda, I simply adore your montages and all e babies here!! I used to the extent of goin back the archives in the hope of drooling at them. stoopid me hor..*p/s..due to my co's some security and very strict system. I cant save anything to my hard disk... in fact there's a lot of limitations to what I can do here...ehhh...not sure if u can get me..anyway..

Yes, I like to know too if bb at 6 mths can start on bb's biscuits as my Keane will be turning 6 mths this Wed!

regarding collection of Calendula, my hub will collect from u at harbourfront Cheers tmrw 12.30pm right? I'll pm u too.

right, gotta go now...have a good evening!!
Hope to be able to stay current fm now on..haha

i had christina over before to my place.. 150sgd each visit. but, she came over a 2nd time to follow up FOC leh.. and sms me occassionally.. so i thought it was worth it.. she is really nice..

<font color="aa00aa">smiley</font>,
Ya, my Jadelle also do that in the bumbo. so i decide not so safe anymore.. and have to back out of the bumbo playtray..
(Sorry <font color="aa00aa">Phoebe!!</font>

<font color="ff0000">FENUGREEK 180 capsules to let go- 610mg!! @ 18sgd! Who want, PM ME! I have 3 bottles of that! </font>

I agree with you, Christina is very nice and helpful. She came to my ward every other day and guide me on breastfeeding and latching.

I would have ask her to come over if I cannot clear the ducts, but since I am able to clear the ducts, so I save the $$$$!
yah lah this anti-social Caleb was pushing Gab so hard. pai sei.

i have same prob. Lately Caleb kept waking up at 4am (dunno y must b 4am) then refused to go back to sleep n started talking to himself. this is super tiring for me lor.

i also dunno y he only gained like 300g in 1 mth. i felt guilty too cos how he on more FM than EBM.

lil precious
i was intending to bring Caleb to HK in Dec last year but the whole world ard me chided me cos weather too cold scared he cant take it so in the end i gave up the idea. what a waste. cathay was having a super deal that time.
<font color="0000ff">ladies</font>

wow, the yoga pictures are so nice with so many cutiepies

haiz din log in for 3 days & there r so much to catch up.

too bad my job is sceheduled on suns too , otherwise i will join the package class

<font color="0000ff">brenda</font>

yupz, think she may hav conveived in dec 06 ;)

<font color="0000ff">selina</font>
Bunny is ur cousin ?

<font color="0000ff">jrt</font>

Kelicia is still a mohwak gal ;p her dad loves it too much , cos wun shav
Hi girls
Oh my God good thing I went to visit the LC instead of getting free advice on the phone. The Gleneagles LC did call me back and she was helpful in her advice. I called hubby and he said better go and see the LC b'cos he thinks my lump look bad. Anyway we went to see Mrs Wong at TMC Parentcraft. She is indeed a nice lady!! I can tell she loves baby too! She has been playing with my girl and offer useful tips about babies to me and hubby. She also tries to figure out which part of my baby's facial feature follow who haha b'cos she don't look 100% like me or daddy. Anyway I don't have engorgement or mastitis but i have BREAST ABSCESS! Argghh! It was so bad that they took a picture of my boob. My guess is, to put up in their HALL OF FAME! Argh! And you're right, she and her assistant put hot towel on my breast and massaged hard, that pain I can tolerate but when nothing much come out, Mrs Wong took my lump on hostage and squeezed the life out of it. Out come very thick pus! I was so blardy shocked!! She said my condition was very bad and I came in a bit late. They spent like 1.5 hours attending to me. The assistant keep squeezing the affected nipple until a letdown occur liao and milk sprayed all over. But she said I should stop feeding from that boob b'cos it's mixed with pus already. Then she used that massage gadget that looks like a shower head and tekkan my breast. Oh my God it was so painful I rather give birth naurally for 10x than having to go through this again!!! My boob looks like it has celulite with all the pus-filled abscess showing up under the skin. Eeeeee!!! Luckily all other patients have gone home. They had to work overtime just to ensure I feel better - which I don't by the way. I don't blame them, it's my stupid breast abscess. They even scolded my girl for causing this trouble to me but she look up with innocent look. LOL. So now I have to take antibiotic and a follow-up visit. If the antibiotic don't work, they will get the breast surgeon to drain my pus away by means of needle or incision. Sounds scary leh. Mrs Wong even called up my gynae and inform her about my condition. In the end she only charge me $42 b'cos she knows my gynae very well. Such a kind lady. I go back feeling sore and stacks of cabbage leaves under my right bra. So I am half Pamela Anderson and half Olive Oil (Popeye). The things I would do to breastfeed my child... *sigh*

If this happens again, i would WEAN! Blessedmommy, salute you man. I cannot take it. It's hard to go through this and be a full-time working mother at the same time. I must be crazy. Even my own mother who's a housewife don't even breastfeed! Pls tell me I'm doing something worthy!
oh dear!!! hope u feeling sliiiiightly better, even though i know for sure u r still cursing at ur breast!! i was just abt to tell u to seek help quick in case it turns into abscess n need to use surgery to drain the fluid. so now u cant feed with that breast what do u do? pump? gosh.. u must be feeling so painful!! take MC ok!!! how to work mann??? did u ask mrs wong what caused the abscess?? did u have unattended mastitis for a long period of time?

how long r u supposed to put the cabbage? christina, my lc, said not to put it for more than 2-3 hrs cos it will reduce ss.

i also swear when i had my first episode that the next time it happened again i wud wean. but than it happened again, and within a week aft i finish my antibiotics somemore, but i still endured again. guess its the love of a mother lah what else! i was bedridden for 2 days during each mastitis period, my fever shot to nearly 40 deg, my kids were neglected, i was cursing at breast all the time n forcing my gal to latch on to clear even though she not hungry! hope it never come back!!

keep us updated ok. meanwhile, look to the brighter side. u almost made it to 6 mths of tbf already!!!
Melissa, Oh Gosh... I hope you are feeling better now !! You take care and be strong ok! and YES, please take MC and rest at home! * pat pat *
oh melissa, its breast abscess! a fren of mine kena b4 and it was real bad. she has to undergo a minor surgery to drain off the pus, and literally in her own words, "half of my boob collapse"... er dun mean to scare u but it was tt serious 4 her. the doc even told her though she has recovered, when she BF for her subsequent child, it will affect the supply. i hope u nvr hv to go thru wat my fren did coz as she was describing to us wat she went thru, all our faces cringed wif shock & mocked pain.
hope u get well faster...
Jasmine, you are right on the nitrates, but that website you are referring to is meant for mainly Americans as the root veg they consumed esp carrots, potatoes and sweet potatoes and also spinach has higher nitrate content in some states than acceptable, hence that advice in the website. BUT the jar baby food is safe as manufacturers are required to test the nitrate content of EVERY BATCH, so very safe. But since the HSA here doesn't mention about nitrate levels in our rooty, they must be safe.

oh i don't advise giving legumes like peas, green beans to bb under 9 months as they are high in fibre and hard for them to digest. Though I know that some jar bb food labelled them as suitable for 4 or 6 months, I think they JUST WANT TO MAKE $. PURE MARKETING GIMMICK!

Also, our homemade carrot puree is VERY SWEET compared to the jar ones. I use the carrots from Australia that is available in Cold Storage/NTUC which comes in a 500g pack. Super sweet as they are not as old as those gigantic ones you find when you buy loose.

Stew: basically means cooking with water and low heat. So you immerse the fruits in the water and bring to boil, then simmer.. but all the water soluble nutrients will seep into the cooking water, so you SHOULD blend/puree/mash the fruits later with ALL the liquid to retain the nutrients. Stewed pear/apples can be so sweet! But must buy the right types.
yuna/ilovebabies, for bb biscuits, you can try Baby Bites. Can buy in all NTUC/Cold storage. They are so soft and delicious and they dissolves in the mouth. Meant to bb's first food and also teaches them to self-feed.
wow.... melissa, it sure sounds bad.. sorry to "hear" (read) about it. you take care.. but your comment of half pamela andersen and half olive oil is so hilarious.. (sorry, i know it probably is not funny to you) :p
*sob*sob* i've been so busybusybusy @ work, really no time to log on to read or log on

<u>DN's Horrible Sleeping Patterns</u>
thanx mommies for all ur feedback! brenda & peachie, really? teething huh? i'll keep a look out and keep u informed!

<font color="119911">angeline,</font>
wah! trin's hair is so long now! very nice u know! and she sits so well... very steady and strong hor! she can play with that toy for so long??? that's amazing! i think DN got short attention span. -_-

<font color="ff0000">selina,</font>
caleb too?? how is he now? sleeping better? i wish i KNEW why they're behaving this way. if u do find out, tell me ok! at least i'll know WHY i have to wake up so often to pat him back to sleep! *faint*

<font color="aa00aa">jasmine,</font>
ah! i forgot my toothpaste still with u!!! sorry for taking up space in ur house. *pai seh*
wow, u are super dedicated to take 2 wks off to do that. my hat off to u
when u said u trained jadelle to sleep without aid, how long did it take? 2 wks? was jadelle very very cranky? did u let her cry until jialat jialat? does tracy hogg recommend that? and... U TRYING FOR ANOTHER ONE? WOW! (sorry for "shouting", ahah)

<font color="ff6000">e-ling,</font>
so sorry, never really got to introduce myself at yesterday's yoga session.
sorry! and i also wanted to play with amabel! erm, u asked abt laser treatment. gee! i'm doing IPL now and i never thought it would not be ok if i'm BFg! how???

<font color="0000ff">peachie,</font>
silver's a gd colour! dirty cannot see!
guess what? was chatting to shirlyn yest and she got a new car too! a amethyst grey latio

*phew!* that's just from 1 archive of posts! i've got 2 more to read thru!
michelle, brown rice is more nutritious and if the packet states just rice cereal, then it has to be white rice. Also wholegrain brown rice is more nutritious than just brown rice cereal as the latter is most likely made from brown rice flour which again may be mixed with white rice.

where did you buy that brand from? organic?

Ling, wow... i miss the GREAT OFFER!!! Doh! you've got yourself such a bargain.

*high5* I also love reading cookbooks!!! heehee
i have 6 cookbooks of children recipes !!!
lil precious, that is a really gorgeous picture of your 2 precious ones.
I am also SAHM to a 2.5yo boy Marcus and 4.5mths old Nicholas.

What is your gal's name? Does she go to nursery/preschool now?
oh dear melissa sorry to hear how much pain u had to go thro! really hope u feel better soon n the antibiotics will work out just fine for u
must get plenty of rest yah? *hugs*
my 2nd round of posts in response to my 2nd last archive to read thru!!!

<font color="0000ff">daisybuttons,</font>
this has nothing to do with bbs or mommies, but the fishballs in ur steamboat are very BIG! hahahaa! and Jovann is a true "gangsta" in his denim jacket, hee hee... aiyoh, the poor guy not feeling well huh? is he better now??

<font color="ff0000">jrt,</font>
i guess u're right, it's all trial and error eh? (abt their sleepg patterns) R is fussing now? hmm... is it after drinkg for awhile then he fusses? could it be that he's done and doesn't want anymore? ooooh! he knows what fishes are! so cute! u gotta get that on tape. DN is still waking up 2-3 times at night. i am very
but i know i cannot be coz there must be reason why he's doing it, so i'm now very
... and how are u feeling today? better? too much 1030pm nasi lemaks is it? heehee

<font color="0077aa">brenda,</font>
wah! what a wonderful "trainventure"! glad to read that both of u had fun
i'm planning my own lil adventure too!! <font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">HEEE!</font></font> taking fri off and going on My First Outing ALONE With DN!! haaaaaa... i hope i don't give up halfway and call PF to come pick us up from orchard rd!

<font color="aa00aa">ling,</font>
so cute! sophie looks superduper happy on the swing!
oooh... gave me the idea of bringing DN to the playground that's like 20m away from my house. -_- silly me, so nearby and never go before.

<font color="ff6000">dumpty,</font>
OH MY! gab's pearlies are so cute! how come i didn't see them at yoga yest?? *blind*

<font color="119911">doreen,</font>
hahahha! i laughed when i read abt ur organic fd for ur chinchillas! hee! they must be extra fluffy then
and... i think ur photo is very nice! the ones my hb took are terrible.
cannot see anything, and all 'seh-ngek' (crooked)

ok, going to break up my posts now otherwise so long, like reading novel!

Hey Lil Precious, Welcome
* wave *

Joon, Cayden was waking up every 2 hours when he was teething ! So DN could be teething as well. Try to check both his upper and lower gum. Actually, you might be able to feel it when you breastfeed... as the gum feels harder !! Dont worry, i am sure it is just a passing phase!!! Press ON !!
