(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

u r so FUNNIE! since i am at home, i was laffing so loudly at the statement tt u said the bangladashis dancing wif me!
er, actually it almost happened once, but i alighted and nurse at the platform instead. dun dare to dance in front of so many pple inside the train man! scully ppl call the press how?
i will die of shame!

so u mummies and babies enjoying the yoga session now ah? upload some pix so we can ogle at it! i missed the Oct thread gathering tdy coz i am still nursing my flu...

thanks for info on schools. THat is MMI at Kovan, right? I don't like them either as i find they are not true to the original montessori approach which i really like.

emma, feeding bb/kids organic food is very big in the states. from everything i have read so far, it is NOT TRUE that consuming organic food will weaken immune system. Actually, it is the CONTRARY, ie... should STRENGTHEN the immune system as the immune system doesn't have to deal with all the harmful preservatives and pesticides/chemicals which will overload the system. the article only quoted what ONE nutritionist has to say, compared to the amount of wisdom by experts worldwide!

Also, more research has confirmed that accumulated consumption of pesticides/preservatives is the cause of many forms of cancers in our societies these days and many cancer patients in developed nations who switched to organic diet swore that it helps them to battle cancer.

but organic food does NOT mean more nutritious. Just mean NO HARMFUL preservatives/chemicals/pesticides.

Going 100% organic now may not be feasible when they are older, but who knows.. in 10yrs time, maybe organic produce/dining is very common like in the states and europe now.
okie! Transferred both together - cream shipping charges plus for bumbo. ref no 1065753862

Congrats on getting your own car! My friend has the jazz in copper orange too. Very nice...

Yah! She really has her moods one leh... these two days she's been SUPER happy, keep laughing n smiling. During the picnic she was passed from person to person also never cry. Maybe the CNY visiting has "toughened" her up!

Heh okie learn from you. I shall stop worrying already...

haha yah... very tempting to do that to pd!
Wah the grandma super irritating! Cool mum!
HOw are the yogi mummies n babies? TIred n sleeping already? Heh...
dumpty, your Gab has such a gorgeous smile!
Nicholas's first 2 teeth have erupted too! they are now about half cm long and we admire them everyday. LOL!

brenda, now looking at the montages i realise I didn't have a single picture of Nicholas yawning!
How did you mummies do it? How on earth did you manage to capture such cute shots? NOT FAIR!!!!
totally agree. me too cant seem to capture him yawning.

tks for organising the yoga session. i really enjoyed it as well as the company. though caleb was cranky towards the end but it was really fun in the beginning. am really interested to continue so if you plan to do it, let me know yah.

think the yoga kept caleb happy though he was super tired as he only slept 1hr in total today. he was still quite cheerful during our visting after that. this really came as a surprise to me.

btw, hb asked if you know brendan sheares. he reckon he cld have met you thru him.
HAPPY 5th month to Spohie too. went for the oct thread gathering n there we have another bb same birthday as caleb n sophie. sophie looks so happy on the swing. think i have to start bringing caleb to parks instead of shopping malls all the time liaoz. dun wan him to end up like the papa, loves shopping next time.
Thanx for organising the yoga session. Though I think u couldn't participate much as Arianne was cranky. But nice meeting the mummies.

Damien was quite happy at the start as I think I did a bit of the 'moves' with him before but towards the end he jus can't stay on the floor anymore. He's not a lying or tummy kind of bb. I'm already surprised he actually can last until nearing the end before he made noise.

This boy wasn't even tired at the end of the session but he kong out in his stroller when we went shopping afterwards.....hehehe

DN is so cute. Even when he was chasing after his pacifier on the floor he was adorable. His aim is so good now when I see him trying to 'catch' it.

Damien is also a shopaholic.....hahaha
Now I'm very scared of ppl bluffing him saying go gaigai when they want to carry him. Becos this boy will lean towards them to be carried n he really expects to go out. If he didn't get to go out poor mummy will suffer his crankiness!!!
<font color="ff6000">Organic Food
I personally love organic food but really dun think i will put caleb on 100% organic cos 1stly cant afford to do that on a long term basis and 2ndly like wat many of you here, dun want him to miss out on trying all the good food around.</font>
Wooh.. Arianne, my hub and me all comatose from 6 plus till almost 9! Yoga class really so tiring meh..

It was such a pleasure yoga-ying with all the yogimamas and yogibbs today! So sorry that my Arianne was such a pain in all your butts! She was super super cranky and I insist that the next time we go, she must have her nap first. We did a bit of what was taught today just now and she was all chuckling away! aiyo.. how come like that.. urrggghh

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">All Yogimamas and those who are interested to attend future classes - Mummy+BB Yoga:</font></font>

Here's the package deal:
<font color="ff0000">8 sessions = S$195.00 | Every Sunday @1.30pm | 1 hour duration | Mother&BB Ctr @Tanglin Mall</font>

The thing about this package is, we're obliged to use up all the 8 sessions within 12 weeks and that's what I worry most cos once you commit, you can't withdraw.. and if we simply go on ad-hoc basis like today then each class will be S$30.00. But if we take the package, we'll save about S$5.00 per class which is quite a substantial amount..

For those who didn't manage to attend today's class but would like to join in for our next session (if any), u can choose either package or per class as well..

Oh, Colleen also mentioned that each session she'll need at least a minimum of 5 attendees, and max is 10..

<font color="119911">Yogimamas who attended today's class, can share:
1. what are your thoughts of the class?
2. would u like to attend future sessions? if yes, go qn.3.. if no, go home.. hee
3. would u prefer to buy package or on ad-hoc basis (Pay by per class)? (For those who are interested in the next sessions but yet to decide on package or ad-hoc, it's ok, can make yr decision on the day for the next session ya..)</font>

<font color="119911">Brenda</font>
1. I like the flow of the class and I'm comfy with Colleen's style of teaching.
2. Yes!
3. Cannot decide now.
My hubby told me what U told him outside the shop. I was blur cos I didn't login yesterday now I know what u are saying....hehe
I bought organic food not for my son. For my chinchillas........hahahaha
Pian Xin hor.
<font color="ff6000">edksd</font>, I didn't think that the teachers there were qualified (a bit sensitive to mention more here..) and after I switched Chloe to PAP, we could see she was doing better generally in her academics, especially her Chinese. So we let her continued there instead.

And I guess it's popular because it's everywhere now! It's supposedly foreign education style (imported le..) and I guess anything foreign in SG is much favor of.. Personally, I've a couple friends who also went to Australia to be Montessori certified and one of them told me it's not difficult to get certified..

And as per DG's post, I agree that not all MMI is original.

<font color="ff6000">DG</font>, yes that's the one.. I also didn't like the smell of the building, I could smell food in the school! I think the ventilation from the food court downstairs is lousy.. heh..

<font color="ff6000">jRt</font>, nowadays people don call press liao la.. they STOMP you! heh.. so beware of those who point their hp at you! hee..

<font color="ff6000">Selina</font>, I do know a Brendan S.. but not too familiar with him. He's the guy from APB right? No la.. I'm very very certain the connection is not from there.. let me ponder hard again... once I hit the 'jackpot' and go 'ahhhh!', I'll let u know.. heh

Yes, I also want to do more yoga.. Wonder what other today's yogimamas' thoughts are. .
<font color="119911">Selina</font>
1. I like the environment as well as Colleen's style but cant really hear her very well when bbs starts kicking a fuss.
2. Yes definitely
3. Package definitely

Yes that the Brendan but he no longer with APB liaoz.
<font color="ff6000">Doreen</font>, yes! The Best Behavior BB award has to go to DAMIEN.. he was taking the class so well ahh.. Sorry about Arianne's and her crankiness.. I still enjoyed myself nonetheless! hee..

Oh oh oh! u mean u didn't read about us talking Organic har.. aiya.. hee no wonder your hub looked at me blurblur then just smile politely and nod nod.. Chinchillas are what ahh? Sounds like some cats from Madagascar.. heh

I also saw <font color="ff6000">Der Nen</font> CRAWLING towards his pacifier! He so cute ahh.. I also saw him licking some bb's head! whose ahh?? wait I go see my pics and post some here later..
<font color="119911">Yogimamas who attended today's class, can share:</font>
1. what are your thoughts of the class?
2. would u like to attend future sessions? if yes, go qn.3.. if no, go home.. hee
3. would u prefer to buy package or on ad-hoc basis (Pay by per class)? (For those who are interested in the next sessions but yet to decide on package or ad-hoc, it's ok, can make yr decision on the day for the next session ya..)

<font color="119911">Brenda</font>
1. I like the flow of the class and I'm comfy with Colleen's style of teaching.
2. Yes!
3. Cannot decide now.

<font color="119911">Selina</font>
1. I like the environment as well as Colleen's style but cant really hear her very well when bbs starts kicking a fuss.
2. Yes definitely
3. Package definitely

<font color="ff0000">Those who are interested to attend future classes - Mummy+BB Yoga</font>
1. Daisybuttons
<font color="aa00aa">Doreen</font>
1. I like the class but cant really hear her well with the renovation noise.
2. Yes
3. Package. The savings r really alot!
<font color="ff0000">Brenda</font> Chinchillas aka Long Mao.
Damien got award aah....hahaha
Hopefully he dun embaress me the next session...hehe

So we r not trying any more schools already?? Confirm stick to this is it??
So means I get to go orchard shopping every Sunday lor..hehehe
Can..also better I can sit n rest before shopping again...hahaha
But most of the time I go Orchard quite late around 3+pm cos cannot tahan walking too long carrying D....hehe

Sunday hubby around I can try clothes n buy more mah.....hehehe
you super funny lah.. identify the hands n legs some more! Hilarious!
amabel n arianne good friends hor? Heh... So cute

damien really very funny... good pose...
<font color="ff6000">Doreen</font>, apa Long Mao?! Mao = cat is it? So I'm half right la, is from the cat's family la..

DAMIEN was also smiling sweet sweet to me just now ok! If only we have more time then can snap more pics..

I like Colleen so I don't think I'll be going around for other instructors.. unless someone can recommend lo.. but location wise, we might be able to change to another..

If u don wan Orchard bcos of UNHEALTHY shopping (hee..), then we change to ermmm... *which part of SG don have shopping ctrs one??* TUAS?! hee..
<font color="ff6000">lil precious</font>, I think better if you PM Phoebe.. cos the thread here moves really fast and she might miss your posting ya..

<font color="ff6000">Doreen</font>, OOOPS! cos I was following my lappy's date! hahaha! blurr me..

<font color="ff6000">Ling</font>, wait till u see more of my pics on Arianne and Amabel.. the 2 'A's.. Amabel was flirting with Arianne!
<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Mummy+BB Yoga</font></font>
<font color="0000ff">Package: 8 sessions = S$195.00/ Adhoc: 1 session = S$30.00 | Every Sunday @1.30pm | 1 hour duration | Mother&BB Ctr @Tanglin Mall</font>

<font color="119911">Yogimamas who attended today's class, can share:</font>
1. what are your thoughts of the class?
2. would u like to attend future sessions? if yes, go qn.3.. if no, go home.. hee
3. would u prefer to buy package or on ad-hoc basis (Pay by per class)? (For those who are interested in the next sessions but yet to decide on package or ad-hoc, it's ok, can make yr decision on the day for the next session ya..)

<font color="119911">Brenda</font>
1. I like the flow of the class and I'm comfy with Colleen's style of teaching.
2. Yes!
3. Cannot decide now.

<font color="119911">Selina</font>
1. I like the environment as well as Colleen's style but cant really hear her very well when bbs starts kicking a fuss.
2. Yes definitely
3. Package definitely

<font color="119911">Doreen</font>
1. I like the class but cant really hear her well with the renovation noise.
2. Yes
3. Package. The savings r really alot!

<font color="ff0000">Those didn't make it today but are interested to attend future classes:</font>
1. Daisybuttons
Ling and Brenda, yah Amabel was flirting with Arianne, haha, and she keep pulling Arianne's shirt. Think Amabel must has frighten Arianne, that's y Arianne was so cranky after that?

Joon, yah i saw DN reaching for his pacifier too and he can sit very well now liao hor.

1. I like the class too but the renovation noise.... argh!
2. Yes. but not every sunday i can make it leh. So will still decide and see how
3. Package.
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Mummy+BB Yoga</font>
Package: 8 sessions = S$195.00/ Adhoc: 1 session = S$30.00 | Every Sunday @1.30pm | 1 hour duration | Mother&BB Ctr @Tanglin Mall</font>

<font color="119911">Yogimamas who attended today's class, can share:</font>
1. what are your thoughts of the class?
2. would u like to attend future sessions? if yes, go qn.3.. if no, go home.. hee
3. would u prefer to buy package or on ad-hoc basis (Pay by per class)? (For those who are interested in the next sessions but yet to decide on package or ad-hoc, it's ok, can make yr decision on the day for the next session ya..)

<font color="119911">Brenda</font>
1. I like the flow of the class and I'm comfy with Colleen's style of teaching.
2. Yes!
3. Cannot decide now.

<font color="119911">Selina</font>
1. I like the environment as well as Colleen's style but cant really hear her very well when bbs starts kicking a fuss.
2. Yes definitely
3. Package definitely

<font color="119911">Doreen</font>
1. I like the class but cant really hear her well with the renovation noise.
2. Yes
3. Package. The savings r really alot!

<font color="119911">E-Ling</font>
1. I like the class too but the renovation noise.... argh!
2. Yes. but not every sunday i can make it leh. So will still decide and see how
3. Package.

<font color="ff0000">Those didn't make it today but are interested to attend future classes:</font>
1. Daisybuttons
<font color="ff6000">E-Ling</font>, no la.. not Amabel la.. it was the reno noise.. so for our next yoga session I'll make sure the reno has ended!

YOU MUST come back here often ya, cos I'm going to post some pics of the 2 As together.. so funny.. I cant finish doing the montage cos I cannot stop laughing.. do laugh stop, do laugh stop!
Brenda, haha ok will wait for you to post the 2 As pics. I din managed to take much pics when the 2 As are flirting, cos i am busy helping Arianne to get Amabel out of her as Amabel kept wanna pull Arianne's shirt.
Wahaha while doing the yoga, Amabel kept pulling my hair and i cant really concentrate. haha!
Hello <font color="ff6000">lil precious</font>! Yes, do join us here and share your experiences too! What's your bb's name/gender/dob? also u might like to post pics of your bb here to share with us.. And perhaps add your bb in this list of updated vital statistics:

Ling-Sophie-5mths (on 25 Feb) 5.8kg/62cm
Jasmine lau - Jadelle - 5 months 2 weeks (as of 16th Feb)- 7kg/ 65cm
doreen - Damien - 4mths4wks - 7.95kg/65.5cm
E-Ling - Amabel - 5mths3wks - 5.8kg/66cm
Emma - Enzo - 5mths2wks - 7.84kg/68cm
Diana - Jacqueline - 5mths1week (as of 3rd Feb) -9.4kg/67cm
Emoments - Dylan - 5mths1week - 7.25kg/65.5cm
MummieOfRhys - Rhys - 5mths1week - 7.73kg/72cm
Domesticgoddess - Nicholas - 4mths1week - 6.5kg/69cm
