(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

Anyway, just heard that there is a quake at Padang, Sumatra measuring 6.6 on the richter scale. The epicentre of the quake is just 420km away from Singapore. That's why we all felt the tremors..... Haiz, there was another annoucement that the building is safe and no need for evacuation... so no half day for today.

tks but today he dun wanna drink milk leh. gave him cereals also dun wan. he only drank abt 100ml since he woke at 8am. will try to feed him again later when he wake up from his afternoon nap.
<font color="119911">emma</font>

i watched the news. my kai is only 6.7kg at 5mths+, so i cant imagine how a tummy can hold such a big bb. but can see tt mummy is quite tall and huge as she's an atheletic.
pls do help me to collect thks!
i dun hv phoebe's contact so u help me chk wif her how many i ordered>? think likely only 1 tube. thks. i will pay u tmrw (think i haven paid her yet too!) dunno wats wrong wif me... memory seriously failing me lah.

i think if Caleb is not running a fever, I am sure he is doing fine. You monitor him and if it persists for a few days, u may want to call ur PD.
<font color="aa00aa">jo</font>

I'm also wondering the relationship amg virgos.
btw, are all mummies chatting thru msn?
tks. i will monitor. better be ok cos tmr going cruise. otherwise pao tang our cruise which is my first n i very excited over it.

okie dokie. collect n pay for you first. ok lah since the mummy also so <font size="+2">HUGE</font>
edksd... ya.. she's an athlete... guess she's probably some discus throwing big mama or something.. hehe.. ya boy.. she could just have given birth to u 5 month old kai.. haha... huge man her baby... and her baby has so much hair... u know.. when i see the baby, i imagine the baby being able to sit and walk next week!!! lol....
josh went thru this same phase as caleb for the past 1-2 weeks too. Didn't wanna drink much milk.. very distracted and kept waking at night.. i thk its a phase josh went thru. this week he regained his appetite again.. drinking more and sleeping a bit better.. thk when some bbs achieve milestones, they "act funny" for a while.. ;)
read ur blog. annabel so cute! i think she trying to tell u, mommy its so sour leh!!! but such gd gal, she still eat!! my jo wud hv spit it all out.
Updated mine..

E-Ling | Amabel | 3.005kg / 47cm / 38wks / 21 Aug
Yuna | clarice | 3.42kg / 50cm / 37wks / 29 Aug
joon | Der Nen | 2.89kg / 47cm / 40wks / 2Sep
blessedmom | Johannah | 3.26kg / 51cm / 37.5wks / 4Sep
brenda | Arianne | 2.79kg / 49cm / 38wks / 4Sep
felicia | Samantha | 3.03kg / 49cm / 39wks / 7Sep
Orange | Cayden | 2.74kg / 49.5cm / 37wks / 10Sep
edksd | Kai | 2.82kg / 48cm / 38wks / 12Sep
michelle | ethan | 3.345kg | 50cm | 38 wks | 14 sep
lilprecious | josh | 2.98kg | 48cm | 38.5 wks | 14 sep
daisybuttons | Jovann | 3.045kg / 50cm /40weeks / 18 Sept
dumpty | Gabriel | 2.965kg / 48cm / 40 weeks / 21 Sept
jo l Kelicia l 2.655/ 46cm / 36 weeks / 22 Sep
ling | sophie | 2.96kg / 49.5cm / 40wks / 25Sep
selina | Caleb | 3.6kg | 50cm | 39wks / 25Sep
Doreen | Damien | 2.68kg / 48cm / 36wks / 27Sep
Phoebe | Javier | 2.745kg / 48cm / 38wk / 27Sep (2326hr)
Crystallized | Reubern | 3.1kg / 49cm / 39wks5days (so issit considered 39 wks or 40?) / 29 Sep
Hi hi...I have updated mine too. Have not updated the 'Now' list as my ger will be going for her immunization + check tmr. Will update when i have the latest stats.

E-Ling | Amabel | 3.005kg / 47cm / 38wks / 21 Aug
Yuna | clarice | 3.42kg / 50cm / 37wks / 29 Aug
joon | Der Nen | 2.89kg / 47cm / 40wks / 2Sep
blessedmom | Johannah | 3.26kg / 51cm / 37.5wks / 4Sep
brenda | Arianne | 2.79kg / 49cm / 38wks / 4Sep
felicia | Samantha | 3.03kg / 49cm / 39wks / 7Sep
Orange | Cayden | 2.74kg / 49.5cm / 37wks / 10Sep
edksd | Kai | 2.82kg / 48cm / 38wks / 12Sep
michelle | ethan | 3.345kg | 50cm | 38 wks | 14 sep
lilprecious | josh | 2.98kg | 48cm | 38.5 wks | 14 sep
daisybuttons | Jovann | 3.045kg / 50cm /40weeks / 18 Sept
dumpty | Gabriel | 2.965kg / 48cm / 40 weeks / 21 Sept
jo l Kelicia l 2.655/ 46cm / 36 weeks / 22 Sep
ling | sophie | 2.96kg / 49.5cm / 40wks / 25Sep
selina | Caleb | 3.6kg | 50cm | 39wks / 25Sep
Doreen | Damien | 2.68kg / 48cm / 36wks / 27Sep
Phoebe | Javier | 2.745kg / 48cm / 38wk / 27Sep (2326hr)
Crystallized | Reubern | 3.1kg / 49cm / 39wks5days (so issit considered 39 wks or 40?) / 29 Sep
Bena | Chloe | 2.65kg / 49cm / 37+wk / 07 Sept
y i cant feel the tremors? Heard that there is once at 1150am and another one at 0150pm at 2 hrs interval, wondering whether there will be one at 350pm. I will standby and see whether i can feel it. wahaha...

Wow 6.5kg so heavy for a newborn, even heavier than my girl.

Do you all heard that local, there is a girl pregnant at the age of 9 years old.

blessedmommy, i try it after i saw Amabel reaction, but not sour leh.... And yah, she still entertain me by finishing it. What a good girl she is. haha
Happy 6 months to Jo!!!

Selena, dun worry, at time Amabel also like that. It is just a phase i think
News News!!

What <font color="ff0000">Tremor</font>? What <font color="ff0000">6.5kg</font> baby? Tell me le! I don know anything!!
you are back! how was the photo shoot. tell us all about it.

No secret codes lah. The weird text is chinese for MIL to read
BTW. one of my staff just delivered this morning to a BB boy. Was still telling her about Babycook yesterday evening. Her labour was only 3 hrs. Lucky her!
i went to see your blog after seeing blessedmommy's post. So cute Amabel! She really enjoys eating heh...

Hey! Update us on how the photo shoot went???
<font color="0000ff">Photoshoot</font> - I was just sharing with Lil Pony abt Arianne doing a shoot with Mother & Baby this morning over sms, now all of u know already ahh! so pai seh.. hee..

It was all chop chop done in 30 mins la.. Arianne was super co-operative, asked her to smile she smiled, ask to pose 'yucks!' she posed.. easy peasy for the photographer mann..

The article is about Weaning so just nice that we're into weaning now! Oooh u might see my fat flabby arm and my under manicured fingers guest starring in the pic! hahaha! AND NO NO NO! They don wan my face la (oh, maybe can see my hub's Shawn's face a bit) as I was telling Lil Pony who wants a skinny 35 yr old mother with a huge tumtum!! Later the April issue's readership rate sure drop jialut jialut.. heh

And they can't give me the soft copy of the pics becos of some don-know-whatever-sh*t rights la.. so only can catch in the next issue April of Mother & Baby lo..
I felt the quake! My ofc at beach road, Concourse. It's really scary manz..lights were swayin, my coll's drawer slide open, n definitely can feel the flr move or shake. Before we realise the origin of the tremor, each of us thot we're juz feelin unwell n goin black out soon. Not long after, we're ordered to evacuate. The 1st tremors alrdy left us feelin giddy n whatsmore from goin down the stairs from 20 over storeys. When it happened the 2nd time we're allowed to go back. So home I am now!
Hey Ladies, we updating our BBies birth weight? So fun...something we did many mths back. Anyway, I updated mine.

E-Ling | Amabel | 3.005kg / 47cm / 38wks / 21 Aug
Yuna | clarice | 3.42kg / 50cm / 37wks / 29 Aug
joon | Der Nen | 2.89kg / 47cm / 40wks / 2Sep
blessedmom | Johannah | 3.26kg / 51cm / 37.5wks / 4Sep
brenda | Arianne | 2.79kg / 49cm / 38wks / 4Sep
felicia | Samantha | 3.03kg / 49cm / 39wks / 7Sep
Orange | Cayden | 2.74kg / 49.5cm / 37wks / 10Sep
edksd | Kai | 2.82kg / 48cm / 38wks / 12Sep
michelle | ethan | 3.345kg | 50cm | 38 wks | 14 sep
lilprecious | josh | 2.98kg | 48cm | 38.5 wks | 14 sep
daisybuttons | Jovann | 3.045kg / 50cm /40weeks / 18 Sept
dumpty | Gabriel | 2.965kg / 48cm / 40 weeks / 21 Sept
jo l Kelicia l 2.655/ 46cm / 36 weeks / 22 Sep
ling | sophie | 2.96kg / 49.5cm / 40wks / 25Sep
selina | Caleb | 3.6kg | 50cm | 39wks / 25Sep
Doreen | Damien | 2.68kg / 48cm / 36wks / 27Sep
Phoebe | Javier | 2.745kg / 48cm / 38wk / 27Sep (2326hr)
Crystallized | Reubern | 3.1kg / 49cm / 39wks5days (so issit considered 39 wks or 40?) / 29 Sep
Bena | Chloe | 2.65kg / 49cm / 37+wk / 07 Sept
Chng wife | Shermaine | 2.89kg / 49cm / 38wk / 12 Sept
will call you tonite to arrange.

not sure ler.
my colleague give me this price.

er...me this week busy with reports.
not sure if can arrange for friday.
i let u know again on thur. thur going lunch at HV ler. u can join? heehee

ok.noted your cancellation.
ya..the clothes OOS very fast.
Here's my update

E-Ling | Amabel | 3.005kg / 47cm / 38wks / 21 Aug
<font color="aa00aa">chocolat | Keane | 3.167kg / 50cm / 38wks / 28 Aug</font>
Yuna | clarice | 3.42kg / 50cm / 37wks / 29 Aug
joon | Der Nen | 2.89kg / 47cm / 40wks / 2Sep
blessedmom | Johannah | 3.26kg / 51cm / 37.5wks / 4Sep
brenda | Arianne | 2.79kg / 49cm / 38wks / 4Sep
felicia | Samantha | 3.03kg / 49cm / 39wks / 7Sep
Orange | Cayden | 2.74kg / 49.5cm / 37wks / 10Sep
edksd | Kai | 2.82kg / 48cm / 38wks / 12Sep
michelle | ethan | 3.345kg | 50cm | 38 wks | 14 sep
lilprecious | josh | 2.98kg | 48cm | 38.5 wks | 14 sep
daisybuttons | Jovann | 3.045kg / 50cm /40weeks / 18 Sept
dumpty | Gabriel | 2.965kg / 48cm / 40 weeks / 21 Sept
jo l Kelicia l 2.655/ 46cm / 36 weeks / 22 Sep
ling | sophie | 2.96kg / 49.5cm / 40wks / 25Sep
selina | Caleb | 3.6kg | 50cm | 39wks / 25Sep
Doreen | Damien | 2.68kg / 48cm / 36wks / 27Sep
Phoebe | Javier | 2.745kg / 48cm / 38wk / 27Sep (2326hr)
Crystallized | Reubern | 3.1kg / 49cm / 39wks5days (so issit considered 39 wks or 40?) / 29 Sep
Bena | Chloe | 2.65kg / 49cm / 37+wk / 07 Sept
Chng wife | Shermaine | 2.89kg / 49cm / 38wk / 12 Sept
<font color="ff0000">9 year old ger preggie</font>
i heard this news from my hb and MIL... they told me tat the ger is preggie with a baby at the age of 9 yr old.. the father of the baby is a 14 yr old teenage... According to them, the grandma of the baby let a family adopt the baby... MIL added tat both side family rather wealthy.. but still, the ger's mum choose to let other ppl adopt the baby... haiz... Does this mean tat they dun wan this matter to be boom out as a big big joke to the family???
chocolat, ur office so gd!!! Call u all to go home! I self evacuated e 1st round...then that my boss came back only like 4pm and happily say..ehhh, the office still around. <faint>
Chng's wife,
haha I was reading abt ur boss ... so funny..ur boss also self evacuated then only feel safe to come back that time uh...hee
June, yah lor and she was only discovered when she is 6 months pregnant already

Chng's wife, wah pangz eh... your boss so funny, he hope the office is gone ah?
<font color="119911"><font size="+1">jRt</font></font>, aiyooo Phoebe already very gentle with you.. she only bolds and 1 up size, some people here already kena me RED ALERT them heehee.. I also kena le..

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Sha & Lil Pony</font></font>, aiya any circuit/race track is PLAYGROUND to my Shawn mah and the purpose of our trip is him going to Nurburgring in Cologne. But I don know le, the logistic planning is turning me off.. scary

Decent?! PWEET!

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">ilovebabies</font></font>, oh Chloe not with me today even if she is, she's very independent and also got my helper around ma..

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Angeline</font></font>, my guess is input = output. And your Trinity is inputting quite a lot isn't it? I mean in your judgement la, so if that's the case of cos her poo will be a lot too. And if each time when she poos she not having difficulties or crying, then should be ok what.. I don see any need to worry lo..

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Peachie</font></font>, Mr Whine Master should be MASTER WHINE.. heehee

I'm a hyperactive person myself so I think that helps in entertaining her.. hee.. Oh, also must give credit to my helper, she's also another good entertainer! hee.. Since Angeline shares her daily schedule with us, maybe I share mine too then u can have an idea of what we do everyday:

Everyday, except Sat/Sun:
0930 - Brenda+Arianne wakes up
0945 - Arianne gets her bath
1015 - Arianne drinks milk
1030 - Brenda has breakfast then Brenda+Arianne take their walks
1130 - Arianne gets clean up by helper while Brenda has lunch
1200 - Arianne naps
1330 - Arianne wakes up
1400 - Arianne eats cereal
1430 - Arianne plays with Brenda
1600 - Quiet time (means Arianne will be on her own)
1630 - Arianne chit chats with Mummy then she'll nap.
1830 - Arianne wakes up
1900 - Arianne drinks milk then play with gonggong and popo while Brenda and Shawn have dinner.
2030 - Bath (if very sticky) time / Clean up
2045 - Arianne plays with Papa
2200 - Arianne changes to PJs and chills out with Brenda+Shawn
2230 - Arianne drinks her milk
2245 - Arianne zzzzzzzzz..

We follow this schedule quite closely everyday NATURALLY, as in we follow the nature calls.. Her feeding times are fixed that we can't change.. So u can see actually play times not really a lot. And I want to spend quality time with her so need enrichment ideas from schools like GymB.. In fact I'm planning to bring her for Aqua ducks soon! Like I said, at the end of the day the one who needs to entertain is ME!

For working mothers like yourself, of cos it's not possible to do what I do everyday and you girls only have weekends with your bbs and every weekend minute is treasure to you.. I guess what really matters is we're happy mummies and our babies are happy babies at the end of the day! So really doesnt matter how we individually bring up our kids, aint it? heh.. must have fun fun fun!!

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Selina</font></font>, Is Caleb having fever? Cheeks red? Teething? U have teething gel? Is he whining? Crying?

wow !! seems like Arianne is well trained !! hey u dont need to coach Chloe on her homework ? U mean she is so independent ??? Wow ... she such a good gal.

<font size="+1">BOLD & 1 Size UP</font> so message wouldnt get <font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">LOST</font></font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">HV lunch/Cuppa Mummies</font></font>, Thu 12.30pm at Crystal Jade Kitchen for Dim Sum (nice idea from Phoebe) then maybe coffee somewhere else for those who can hang out longer ok with all? Also, pls indicate if you're bringing bb so that if I book table I know what to tell them la.. like table size for 10 adults with land size for 5 bbs' strollers.. heehee.. Please use 'OK' if arrangement is good with you ya..
1. Brenda - OK
2. Ling
3. Joon - will let Brenda know last minute cos has to depend on work.
4. Orange
5. Doreen - OK
6. Phoebe
7. E-Ling - as informed by Phoebe

And who else ah? <font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">Mummies.. pls reply ya</font></font>
<font color="119911"><font size="+1">Phoebe</font></font>, ya if urgent u must <font color="ff0000">RED</font>, <font size="+2">2 sizes up</font> and bold! heehee..

<font color="119911"><font size="+1">ilovebabies</font></font>, got! but also got tuition and extra classes on weekends! so we don load her more..
can someone enlighten me pls....

<font color="0000ff">SEMI-SOLIDS</font>

1) how do u all tell whether the cereal or bb biscuits has FM in it? if i'd like to add ebm, wat brand shld i go for?

2) how to puree fruits/vege?

I think the instructions on the box will tell u if milk is added. I think Heinz cereal is milk-free.

you can just add puree fruits/vege during preparation.
HV lunch/Cuppa Mummies, Thu 12.30pm at Crystal Jade Kitchen for Dim Sum (nice idea from Phoebe) then maybe coffee somewhere else for those who can hang out longer ok with all? Also, pls indicate if you're bringing bb so that if I book table I know what to tell them la.. like table size for 10 adults with land size for 5 bbs' strollers.. heehee.. Please use 'OK' if arrangement is good with you ya..
1. Brenda - OK
2. Ling
3. Joon - will let Brenda know last minute cos has to depend on work.
4. Orange
5. Doreen - OK
6. Phoebe
7. E-Ling - as informed by Phoebe
8. Pig2 - ok

And who else ah? Mummies.. pls reply ya
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Enzo is 6 months old today!! WooHoo!!!</font></font>

am i too late to opt in for lunch??? hehe...

to puree veggie/fruits. Just steam the veggie/fruit (for about 15 - 20 mins) until they are very soft, then use a blender to blender till a soft paste/puree.

If Kai prefers very watery mixture, you can add the steamed water to the paste to make it more watery. But so far, Trinity can take the puree direct without having to add water.
HV lunch/Cuppa Mummies, Thu 12.30pm at Crystal Jade Kitchen for Dim Sum (nice idea from Phoebe) then maybe coffee somewhere else for those who can hang out longer ok with all? Also, pls indicate if you're bringing bb so that if I book table I know what to tell them la.. like table size for 10 adults with land size for 5 bbs' strollers.. heehee.. Please use 'OK' if arrangement is good with you ya..
1. Brenda - OK
2. Ling
3. Joon - will let Brenda know last minute cos has to depend on work.
4. Orange
5. Doreen - OK
6. Phoebe - OK
7. E-Ling - as informed by Phoebe
8. Pig2 - ok
HV lunch/Cuppa Mummies, Thu 12.30pm at Crystal Jade Kitchen for Dim Sum (nice idea from Phoebe) then maybe coffee somewhere else for those who can hang out longer ok with all? Also, pls indicate if you're bringing bb so that if I book table I know what to tell them la.. like table size for 10 adults with land size for 5 bbs' strollers.. heehee.. Please use 'OK' if arrangement is good with you ya..
1. Brenda - OK
2. Ling
3. Joon - will let Brenda know last minute cos has to depend on work.
4. Orange
5. Doreen - OK
6. Phoebe - OK
7. E-Ling - as informed by Phoebe
8. Pig2 - ok, bringing malcolm along
