(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

hi mummies,

me backie..

phoebe, i will make payment for wall decor and let u know!

there seems to be a bug going around? try not to bring your babies out ok?

i going for JL sale tomorrow!! heeheehee...

<font color="0000ff">m goh and melody</font>, i have not tried cod fish or salmon, nor any fish for that matter. intending to start only at 9mths. esp big fish like cod or salmon. melody, ur MIL is right leh. big fishes are predator fishes, thus when they eat the medium fishes who ate the smaller fishes, the amount of mercury in their blood/system gets increased. thats why when preggie, we are advised not to eat too much big fishes.

think huo xue means it stimulates blood circulation?

<font color="119911">edksd</font>, oh, u mean those pods ah? i dunno which kinds to buy leh, coz there are SO MANy kinds, how i knwo if i buy correctly? hehe. so when i asked PD what kinda of peas, he said the frozen kinds, so frozen kinds it is! hahahaa.

<font color="ff0000">Mommies, any one feeding baby soy based formula?</font> hhhhmmm....... when googling for tofu and baby just now, came across many quite disturbing articles about feeding soy based formula. thought of sharing. but not sure if i will scare too many mommies also...
I actually let my bb tried salmon and ngoh hee already. so far, he seems to like both and did not develop rashes. but i think i will feed less salmon after knowing this big fish theory.

Buttons, I fed my bb Isomil before. He was quite badly constipated - cry when doing his "business" also. I have stopped and changed to organic milk powder - Hipp and Babynat. BTW, the reason I switch to soy-based was of my bb's eczema. Very bad at 1 stage. But he seems to suit the organic milk powder very well.
\Purple(Mrs Peh... sounds so formal.. hehe}
Yah ok thanks... Btw where is the shop in HV.. im going to the Strip outlet there (for waxing of upper lip hair... else hub will always make fun of me and my moustache).. so can pop by also.

Megan's height.. oh man this is tough.. prob abt 70+ cm? Her weight is 8.6 kg as of today.. just weighed at the clinic. cos she got a flu and running nose... poor thing.. cried lots last night cos i think can't sleep well due to blocked nose.

i wonder if our mums researched so much when feeding us last time... they must tot we are a bunch of KS pple.. with chemicals-free, organic, variety, etc etc and wat not... My MIL just told me she gave Megan tauhuay the other day to eat...

so can give tofu right?
Hi hi,

I am BACK after all the MIA.... Haiz, Clarence was sick sick sick last week, hence it had been a lousy week for us battling with his flu. Yup!!! Lotsa sick babies and adults around!

Wow, so today's topic is food!!! Mrs Buttons, you really posted quite a bit today! On leave is it??? <<<grin>>>

Okie, I have fed Clarence the following so far:

- Pumpkin (every SINGLE kind... the baby loves pumpkin)
- Potato and Sweet Potato
- Carrots (Yup.... loads of beta carotene)
- Broccoli
- Brown Rice
- Heng Cai (Spinach)
- Cabbage
- Apples (his fav! at least 1 a day)
- Avocado (just started - he needs fattening up)
- Bananas
- Pear
- Threadfin
- Salmon
- Pork
- Chicken (the free range type)

Anyway, brought Clarence to the PD last week.... The poor boy had a nose that resembled that of a running tap, a cough that is pretty hacking, and a fever that went up to 39.6.
Anyway, PD was saying that the flu virus is going around, together with the much dreaded hand-foot-mouth-disease and chickenpox. So it's scary to bring baby anywhere these days.

My PD recommended that we bring Clarence back for flu jab when he's fully recovered. According to my PD, flu is the major culprit for hospitalisations and complications (such as bronchitis) among toddlers 3 years and below, and this current bout of flu has been pretty prolonged and severe, and 4 babies from Denver US just died from flu 2 weeks ago. I am not sure about the flu jab cos I read somewhere that it consists egg protein (not sure if anyone knows anything about this) and therefore may trigger an allergy. Anyway, I did ask my PD and he said it is fine, and in fact it is recommended for all babies above 6 months to take the flu jab. Has any babies gone for the flu jab yet??? Can share share???

On food, my PD recommended that we introduce a new food each week to rule out any possible food allergies going forward. We asked about tofu and he said tofu is good. I asked if tofu will trigger any food allergies, and my PD said that tofu is soy-based and therefore is generally well tolerated by babies above 6 months. He said nuts and egg-white is out, while soy is fine. He said that fully COOKED egg yolk is also fine. We told him that we fed salmon, and he said that well local fish is usually better tolerated, but since we have already fed and he is fine, we can continue feeding.

Anyway, Clarence's food bill has been costing us a real lot. Haiz... We have been feeding only the organic stuffs all these while, except for the meat. My mom is pretty paranoid about all the use of pesticides, hormones injections and genetically modified foods that we are only restricted to the organic stuff.
So this has also cut down on the variety of stuffs which we can feed to him...

Anyway, anyone with any lobang on where I can find cheap organic stuffs plse share share yah? Thanks!!!
Dear mummies,

Some have expressed interested to purchase more of the California Baby Calendula Cream.

As some may be aware, Vitamin Life has increased their price. So if you are still interested to purchase, will have to get from Lucky Vitamin.


If you all are interested to get, will help to do the spree on behalf.

Order for a max of 35 tubs at US$7.18 each

US$7.18 = S$11.13
(Based on exchange of US$1: S$1.55)

There will also be a flat shipping rate of US$5.95.
Total shipping charges (US + Vpost) will be split by no. of tubs purchased.

sorry to hear tt Clarence was sick. think the sick virus is all ard. hope he is better now.

wow, u mummies certainly feed ur babies a huge variety of food. i am the most boring, mine does not exceed 10 items yet. keke...

share share the articles. it wun scare me as i usually juz read 4 info... unless its sthg really disturbing...
Hi all,
Not posted for long time! All of you so on with food feeding to your little darlings! I think I'm a very boring and lousy mom in comparison!

<font color="aa00aa">Mrs Peh</font>
Initially I thought u're another new member. heh...

<font color="aa00aa">peachie</font>
so sorry to hear that Clarence was sick! *sayang sayang* bb and mommy!

So far my mum had feed Gabe the following:
- carrot
- apple
- potato
- ngor hee
- spinach
- xiao bai cai
- broccoli
- banana
- yogurt (a friend made this for me)
- wolfberries (she add into his porridge to cook)
- red dates (also add into porridge)
- pork

So far seems ok. *touch wood* and his poo also regular once daily. I guess is also because Gabe likes to drink water. Like morning when he wakes up, he'll want to drink about 40ml of water. Then regularly too throughout the day.
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">jRt/Buttons</font></font>, 2 boys on the bed??! urrghhh.. heheee.. R really looks so nice with his new lawn! J's so funny!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">edksd</font></font>, hey u using the Si Sen powder? is it the brown rice one? I've got a pack left, unopened, would u like to have it?

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peachie!</font></font> yahh.. the food bill is indeed rising! 39.6?!?!? that's frightening.. hope he gets well soon..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Rexbabie</font></font>, heehee just for fun la, cos some mummies here are going 'Ms Brenda' so I thought 'Mrs Peh' sounds more teacher like right?? hee..

The shop is called MOO-MOO-COW, if I remember correctly, it's on the 3rd floor of Holland Shopping Center itself.. I still haven't got news about the dress, do wait for awhile yah..

About theories of foods/upbringing of our children, I'd say it's more like in the past our mums were not equipped with as many doctors or scientists as we do today. In fact, simply they didn't even have internet to research for more info.. Aiya don say internet la, TV also got problem! I don't remember having a PD then too.. And therefore there're more doctors to do experiments and researches now.. oh not forgetting, we have TODAY's diseases such as HFMD, so we need TODAY's method to cure/prevent it!

Toa Hua - not sure if the ingredients they used are safe and non-chemical based.. but for Tofu, most resources have stated that bbs of 6 mos and above are safe to consume it..
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Dumpty</font></font>, heehee for fun la! change yours la!

Wolfberries is the little little red red seeds is it?
wah food topic !! I like !

er-hem .. mrs Peh .... wolfberries is the little red seeds you see in almost all of the chinese herbal soups. It is also call "Gao Gei" in cantonese or "Ge Ki" in hokkien. It is good for eyes !

ok so far these are on Rachel's menu:

Jap rice porridge
HomeMade Brown Rice Cereal + Si Shen
Plain Rice porridge
Minced pork
Hard boiled egg yolk
Cod Fish
Chinese Spinach
Jap Potato
Ikan Billis (powder form)
Red dates (my mum add it into her porridge sometimes)
Scallop (my mum add it into her porridge sometimes)
Durian (a tiny tiny bit only
hi all mummies!

thank u so much for your advice on maids. U know, even my own hubby don't understand why i get so stressed up over the maid. To him, just talk to her lah...but all the stuff she do (or don't do), I'm the one supervising so he doesn't know how diff it is...

i'm really very very grateful to all the mummies who took time off to reply me! will let u know if it works!

so sorry for not replying earlier...i had TERRIBLE food poisoning on sunday...forget mother's day! i spent it in the loo! its really terrible to fall sick when b-feeding, the Drs don't really know what to prescribe and end up giving the mildest meds (which i think may as well don't take!)

now better lah...

will need sometime to read up on the previous posts to catch up!
Hey <font color="ff0000">cheekz</font>
sorry you were unwell on your first mother's day, good to know you are better now. Celebrate on another day? I will also take some time to catch up on the postings...

<font color="ff0000">baby food</font>
What an eye-opener! Thanks for posting your lists of food to feed babies here...give me lots of new ideas. Planning to start alexis on porridge in a couple of days...<font color="ff0000">ilovebabies</font> I cannot believe u added durian!!!

<font color="ff0000">buttons</font>
Yes, pls share the info. Even if it may be disturbing but at least it raised some awareness...

<font color="ff0000">rexbabie</font>
Strip in HV is along Lorong Mambong (unit no 34C), the same stretch of road where Haagen Dazs is, on the second floor. Hope this helps.

<font color="ff0000">alicia</font> I hv texted you my cell number...

<font color="ff0000">Phoebe</font> I am keen in the calendula cream:

<font color="0000ff">California Baby Calendula Cream</font>

As some may be aware, Vitamin Life has increased their price. So if you are still interested to purchase, will have to get from Lucky Vitamin.


If you all are interested to get, will help to do the spree on behalf.

Order for a max of 35 tubs at US$7.18 each

US$7.18 = S$11.13
(Based on exchange of US$1: S$1.55)

There will also be a flat shipping rate of US$5.95.
Total shipping charges (US + Vpost) will be split by no. of tubs purchased.

jerene/[email protected]/10
Hi Phoebe

I would like to join in the BP.

California Baby Calendula Cream

As some may be aware, Vitamin Life has increased their price. So if you are still interested to purchase, will have to get from Lucky Vitamin.


If you all are interested to get, will help to do the spree on behalf.

Order for a max of 35 tubs at US$7.18 each

US$7.18 = S$11.13
(Based on exchange of US$1: S$1.55)

There will also be a flat shipping rate of US$5.95.
Total shipping charges (US + Vpost) will be split by no. of tubs purchased.

jerene/[email protected]/10
lil precious/[email protected]/5
Hi Phoebe

me too!

California Baby Calendula Cream

As some may be aware, Vitamin Life has increased their price. So if you are still interested to purchase, will have to get from Lucky Vitamin.


If you all are interested to get, will help to do the spree on behalf.

Order for a max of 35 tubs at US$7.18 each

US$7.18 = S$11.13
(Based on exchange of US$1: S$1.55)

There will also be a flat shipping rate of US$5.95.
Total shipping charges (US + Vpost) will be split by no. of tubs purchased.

jerene/[email protected]/10
lil precious/[email protected]/5
<font color="ff0000">xena/[email protected]/6</font>

need to get ready to work now.
Hi Phoebe

Jst added my order, Thks for organising!!

California Baby Calendula Cream

As some may be aware, Vitamin Life has increased their price. So if you are still interested to purchase, will have to get from Lucky Vitamin.


If you all are interested to get, will help to do the spree on behalf.

Order for a max of 35 tubs at US$7.18 each

US$7.18 = S$11.13
(Based on exchange of US$1: S$1.55)

There will also be a flat shipping rate of US$5.95.
Total shipping charges (US + Vpost) will be split by no. of tubs purchased.

jerene/[email protected]/10
lil precious/[email protected]/5
xena/[email protected]/6
melody/ [email protected]/5
<font color="0000ff">jerene and ilovebb</font>, i also fed Jovann durians!!! hahahhahaa... a tiny tiny bit, but he loves it! i tried on 2 occasions oredi. he leaned his head forward to suck it off my finger. he usually dun do that to food he dun like heheheee.....

<font color="119911">jrt</font>, hahahahha! I LOVE that photo! thanks!!! hehehehhe! hey i simply love your bedsheets leh, so bright and flowery....!!!!! canot resist taking photos that day hehehee.

<font color="aa00aa">cheekz</font>, aiyoh....must be very lousy feeling. glad u are better now though!

<font color="0000ff">brenda</font>, hahaha yep wolfberries are the small red red shrivelled looking seeds they sell at provision/chinese med halls. hehehe. i like to eat them in the soup.

<font color="ff0000">SOY</font>. Okie, here goes. actually when i googled for "Soy + safe + baby" i saw a LOT of such articles, and it kinda scared me. it focus mainly on soy based infant formula lah, and it appears a lot of research was done. BUT, pls dun go into a panick, for this could be just one side of the story, the extreme cases. soy based infant formula is very popular in the states, and tofu, though it contains soy, i think also not such high in content lah. but i read also that it is safer to eat fermented soy like tempeh etc etc. i forgot what that is!

ok, check this out.

<font color="0000ff">(read all 5 parts of this url to understand all the aspects)</font>


oh its ur mil huh?? i understand what u mean when u said u need to close one eye to maintain an amicable relationship. i guess thats how it is when our children caretaker r grandparents huh.

wow i cant believe so many of u actually went to the extent of researching. wah that makes me a lazy mom or i just conveniently tapped to all ur expertise lah like our mrs buttons n mrs peh!!

any of u watch channel8 9pm show? i religiously watch it every night!

hope u r feeling better now! what a memorable first mother's day for u!!
Phoebe & DB
is the baby contest still on ah? when i asked my hb last nite, i was surprised to find tt he is keen leh.

i am surprised u like my bedsheets lor. thot i am the only one tt likes such loud prints. and some pple might find it auntie. hahahahaa... i haven sent u the soft copies of the pix... muz rem to do so!

i kena v v bad diarrhoea once when R was abt 3 mths old. and yes i so agree tt its awfully terrible to fall sick while bfg! i had to resist self-medication coz of tt but was suffering so much pain & discomfort fr the LS. in the end, went to see PD tt prescribed me safe medication 4 bfg. hope u r better now. muz drink lotsa fluids to replenish.
aiyah i oso wanna order the calendula cream but how to collect it?? anyone coming to melb in the near future? hee hee

i noticed in your long lists of food that no one has intro beef to your bb yet? i've done that n ethan seems to like it quite a lot! i made beef stew for him - potato, beef and carrots. it smelled so gd i wanted to eat it up myself haha

btw, does soy based or organic formula milk really relieve constipation? cos ethan has been having hard stools the last wk and i wonder if its cos of the milk powder. have given him papaya oredi but still like that leh. anyone got any ideas??
hope you're feeling better
i must salute u for your efforts at continuing with BFing! i stopped liao cos just cant find the energy to sustain the milk ss thro pumping anymore :p
Hi <font color="0000ff">Angeline</font>,
I know what u mean by MIL or parents IL - close one eye :p but having said that, I am glad they are around to help out and shower my baby lotsa love.

Just to share, when I want to do something new, I have to intro slow (show them step by step) and not overwhelm things. The way we like to bring up our kids today are somewhat diff to the days they did theirs. But what I found out with mine is as long as they are open and with lill steps to guide them, they seem ok. Intro slow coz they have not looked after a babe for a decade la. i.e - I was not sure if they are open to frozen puree but when I gave them yesterday n showed them how, they seem to be ok. Phew! I now can "masak masak" away.

You take care ya....


I am one fellow who religiously watch the CH 8 9pm serial every night. hahah..... but now tore between Ch 5 Deal or No Deal for the first half hour :p
hi <font color="119911">michelle</font>,
i might be in aug. u still want the cream? if yes, go ahead order, if I dont go up, I have my parents bring for u?
<font size="+1"><font color="ff6000">California Baby Calendula Cream</font></font>

As some may be aware, Vitamin Life has increased their price. So if you are still interested to purchase, will have to get from Lucky Vitamin.


If you all are interested to get, will help to do the spree on behalf.

Order for a max of 35 tubs at US$7.18 each

US$7.18 = S$11.13
(Based on exchange of US$1: S$1.55)

There will also be a flat shipping rate of US$5.95.
Total shipping charges (US + Vpost) will be split by no. of tubs purchased.

jerene/[email protected]/10
lil precious/[email protected]/5
xena/[email protected]/6
melody/ [email protected]/5


<font color="aa00aa">jRt</font>
baby contest is still on.
but i havent go register yet.
will do it tomorrow when i'm on leave. heehee

are you going to check out the car seat at robinsons sales today?
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">ilovebbs!!!!</font></font>, Scallops?!? Durian?!? Wa pang!
heh.. Scallops is seafood leh.. even if the dry ones still equally dangerous! Durian a bit har? then ok la.. but try not to cos very zuwaaa! later kena constipation ahhh..
yippee mummies,
I just got the 'permit' to bring Trinity along with me next week for my meetings in SGP. Any gatherings on next weekend?

How was the aquaducks trial swim? Is it too late to re-join now?
Hi mommies,

Baby Clarence sends all of you his little hugs for all your sayangs! Clarence is much better now.... Fever is gone, nose much better, just a bit of cough every now and then.

Talking about domestic helpers, I am getting my Indonesian helper this afternoon from the agency! Very excited.... Hope she likes me and hope I can be a good employer to her! Hehe.... Yesterday me and my husband placed the new bedsheets on her new bed, placed her shampoo/conditioner/bodywash and new towels in her drawer, placed some letter pads and envelops for her to write home in her cabinet before we went to bed. We dunno if we could get along with her, but try to be nice lor... The first time that we are getting a maid.

Any tips? Anything which we should do after we take her home? Sorry, I really quite blur down here.... Thanks in advance!
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Cheekz</font></font>, ahhh u ok already? Sh*pp*ng can prolly cure u.. heh will text u later if I can make it :p When u are feeling totally well, it's not too late to have a Post Mother's day celebration!

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Buttons</font></font>,TEMPEH! YUCKS! I tried it some weeks ago.. UUrrgghhh.. it was a bad attack on my palette cos after that no matter how much I tried rinsing my mouth, I still smell the fermented stench..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">BM</font></font>, I saw like 2 episodes of it.. I thought for once Tay Ping Hui is given a character that fits him like a glove! cos I've never seen him acting anything good.. Quite a sweet family life drama yah..

<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Nedlands</font></font>, sounds like u've got a good way to 'coax' your folks on using your ways to handle Clare! how about having folks who don't seem to have 'ears' when you try to talk to them? no matter how nicely and how lowly toned your voice is? Or when u try to make sense to them, they'll be talking too at the same time? no one's listening!!! hee.. sounds challenging yah? :p
hmm, didn't watch CH 8 9pm serial every night. But recently I started to watch discovery home and health, and watched a few episode about Duggar family.

Blessedmommy, the programmed remind me of you.
Of course you are not as productive as the michelle duggar lah. But all their children's name also start with J. And all their children very good looking just like yours!

See here!
Order for a max of 35 tubs at US$7.18 each

US$7.18 = S$11.13
(Based on exchange of US$1: S$1.55)

There will also be a flat shipping rate of US$5.95.
Total shipping charges (US + Vpost) will be split by no. of tubs purchased.

jerene/[email protected]/10
lil precious/[email protected]/5
xena/[email protected]/6
melody/ [email protected]/5
jasmine/[email protected]/3

What jadelle has tried:

rice cereal
brown rice cereal
oatmeal cereal
barley cereal
sweet potato
potato (allergic to it!!)
pumpkin (slight allergy when tried @ 6 months.. will retry again!)
green peas
si sen powder
ngor hee
pork (for cooking the stock of the porridge)
silver fish (yin yu)

I will try below the coming weeks:
pumpkin again..
xiao bai cai

Can anyone advise me when i can start making the puree thicker and more like normal food? Jadelle very funny, eat grapes and fruits, she dun mind them lumpy, but when she taking her porridge, she will spit out the small fish bits..
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Peach</font></font>, just remember this 'be a GOOD employer, but not a nice one..'! Would u like my humble training guide which I've done sometime back?
I also add scallops and wolfberries into the porridge for Sherilyn. So far I have tried:

Chinese Spinach
Red Chinese spinach
Jap Potato / Local Sweet Potato
Minced pork
Cod Fish
Red Snapper
Ikan Billis and powder
Red dates - use for drinking water
Scallop - sometime
Wolfberries add into the porridge

I would like to order the magic cream. I have used on Sherilyn's heat rashes and it is gone the next day. . yippy. . I want for myself as well.

jerene/[email protected]/10
lil precious/[email protected]/5
xena/[email protected]/6
melody/ [email protected]/5
Sha Sha / [email protected] / 3
<font color="0077aa"><font size="+1">Jasmine</font></font>, your J is allergic to potatoes?! Can share with me your sussing out experience? what kind of ordeal did u go through to confirm it? cos I'm also suspecting my A is allergic to potatoes! but sweet potatoes are ok le.. *puzzle*

Consistency is determined by our bbs and usually when they start teething, the consistency gets lumpier becos bbs enjoy the chewing sensation.. but there're some bbs who prefer eating lumps even when their gums are botak la..

Your small fish bits means what ahh? have u tried pureeing the fish meat together with whatever veg u serving? cos that will help in making the fish meat 'grainy' then easier for them to swallow..

hope u r better now. btw i remember u did post some nice pic on the nursery rooms in perth a couple of weeks ago, can recommend any good/ nice serviced apt? i'm planning to go there in jul.
HELP!!! Enzo's nanny juz told me she fed enzo half-boiled egg white... pengz!!! almost fainted when i heard that... told her nicely that PD says only can feed hard boiled egg yolks.. but dunno if she will listen.. sigh sigh sigh....

Ah-Peh's wife.. enzo's nanny also feeding him dried scallop in porridge lehz... make till his skin so.. rough... sigh... i wanna be sahm.. NOT.. haha.. cant handle him for the whole day...

oh btw.. if enzo is rejecting milk.. can add like 1 tea spoon of milo? to entice him? haha.. i know its not good, its sweet, its zuuwaaa and its chocolate.. but worse comes to worse, when is the youngest they can be exposed to it???

<font size="-2">oh btw.. anyone cxed out what the "L" did in the octher..oops, typo, i meant other thread???</font>
<font color="0000ff">Mrs Peh</font>,
Botak gums - ahhaha so funny, I burst out laughing.

Ok, that is indeed a challenge. Bribe them? Nice dinners or buy them their fav food? then talk on the subject - keep repeating till it goes in? like a broken record (went for this course and they taught us this) or say that doc advise this for babe.

Mine keeps saying "oh so and so give babe this and that to eat so neighbour wonder how come Clare not on it yet"..etc etc..i just smile and mention ok I will do at later stage. now...we just give this ..blah blah..
Sha and ilovebb,
I also add scallops into Wayne's porridge. No problem leh...haven't try durian leh..haaa. coz i am totally a durian lover. haaaa!! maybe Wayne is..??
<font color="0000ff">Ah Peh's wife</font>,

<font size="-2">sorry! cannot resist typing that!!</font>
I very careful when testing stuff on jadelle.. so, i intro 1 item @ a time into the other food that pass the test.. PD inform me that food allergy, is usually around mouth.. and appears within like 10-20 mins of eating the item..

After she eat potatos, rashes appear around her mouth and her eyes became puffy.. and it happened on every day that i tried for 3 days.. so i know it muz be potato.. i let her eat a quantity of like 3 table spoons.. cos too little cannnot detect allergy sometimes.. so 3 tablespoons max for her to test lor.

I also dunno why sweet potato no reaction leh..

<font size="-2"> emma, she fortune teller lah, can predict her edd gonna be april 8th for next kid...i going to pay her consultation fee liaoz so i know when i going to strike my no. 2 too..</font>
Hi Phoebe,

Here's my order...
Thanks for organising!!

Order for a max of 35 tubs at US$7.18 each

US$7.18 = S$11.13
(Based on exchange of US$1: S$1.55)

There will also be a flat shipping rate of US$5.95.
Total shipping charges (US + Vpost) will be split by no. of tubs purchased.

jerene/[email protected]/10
lil precious/[email protected]/5
xena/[email protected]/6
melody/ [email protected]/5
jasmine/[email protected]/3
Sha Sha / [email protected] / 3
chocolat / [email protected] / 3

<font color="aa00aa">Peachie</font>, Glad to know that Clarence is feeling much better now. Really scary nowadays with so many virus around. Just last week, my hubby's nephew was hospitalized 1 whole week for menigitis. Its very serious but thank goodness his was discovered early stage.

<font color="ff0000">Cheekz</font>, take care ya!

Are you watching the mummy of 15 Js on Discovery Home and Health. I watched that too and told BM about it. Tough to compete hor. 15 children and still going. Wow!!!

<font color="aa00aa">health index 10/10!</font>
Hiyee...i'm feeling much better now...guess what? i drank yakult last night and then got a little gassy, after that NO MORE pain or diarhea..YAKULT very good!

thanks to all the kind mummies who wished me well
My first Mothers' Day was a nightmare, but it could be worse lah...must be grateful that its not infectious and i could still B-feed baby...

but man, the stomache was terrible...at least for labour i had epidural!

<font color="aa00aa">JRT</font>
u mentioned u went to see PD for meds? Can? I thought PD only see our babies.going to Drs on Sunday is terrible! the queue is so long and my PD is not open on sunday!

<font color="aa00aa">michelle</font>
i'm still b-feeding not by choice...rae ann has rejected bottle since she was 2 months old...even now, i still try to bottle feed her but end up throwing away the EBM. I have thrown litres of EBM in my efforts to bottle train her...vomit blood!

she doesn't even wanna drink the ebm from a straw even though she drinks water (alot of water) from the straw...

but u're right, if i had to pump, i would probably quit long ago...i hate pumping!

<font color="aa00aa">j@@n,edksd, jamie</font>
hey, i really, really wanna share my stash of the perth brochures with all of u...

i have one booklet with wll the advertisements of the accomodation in perth, car rentals...also other pamphlets on tourist stuff...also got lonely planet...

so how? who is CONFIRMED going? ie booked air tickets? can i pass it to the person who is going first?

<font color="aa00aa">food info</font>
hi mummies, thanks for sharing all your research! the info is invaluable to me!

<font color="aa00aa">Angeline</font>
Hey, there's still one slot for Aquaducks. Its @ 4.30pm on 27th May! Hooray! That means Trinity can still get to meet Der Nen!

Hope to see you again, babe!
