(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

june ur hb is only 22 yrs old? what abt u? wow! so young married w kids. not bad sia... quickly hv a few more kids and u can retire early! hehe..

So Ms Brenda is back! haaaa!!

Probably Friday after work for me. U can?

Sha and I playing by ear... we sms each other again. U on? Who else is okie with Friday after work????
I could only rush there and reach there at 630pm..... Haa! i knocked off at 6pm. Too late?

SHa, too late for you too??? I forgotten to ask what time u knock off.
<font color="ff6000">Little Pony</font>, YES! I'm home to rest a little and to drop Arianne off so that my hub and me can go for dinner la..

I think E-Ling is ok with after 6pm too.. I just sms her.. So me and SHa will go and 'sao' all the goodies first then u girls come join us la.. heehee..
<font color="0000ff">E-ling</font>,
Great . . the more the better. . hehehehe. . the best part is now without our babies we can shop till go BROKE!!!

hahahahaha. . .I will PM you my mobile you PM me yours as well okie.

<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>,
How is your playdate??? Is is much fun here now!!!. . hehehehe. . .

<font color="0000ff">June</font>,
Search for those home cook food for delivery to your house, if you dont intend to cook maybe you can't even for all your know. Just have them handy so you can ask your hubby to make the call for home delivery. You SAHM???
Me? i tot state above?? me 21 yr old... I dun wan 1 more for the time being lar.... wait a few yrs more lor.... hehe... thou hb object on having 1 more.............. BUT... i wan 1 more!! haha....

Lil pony
How i wish i can play by the ear... BUT... i need to attend him ba... Well.. will c lor... Coz fri is his op and i will be on leave unless BOSS dun allow... den sat maybe i will *evil grin* sneak out with Jayden!!! Haha.. will c lar... But i realli wanna go to the baby fair.... *xin yang yang*
Oic!! that's good! The fair ends at 8pm, i think. So that should give us more than enuff time to walk around.

We sms each other again if going. I've got your hp number. U have mine?
I'm afraid not... I realli envy Brenda they all lor.. Can commit to staying at home to take care of the lil ones... Can see thru all their growing processes... But as i am the sole breadwinner of the family(as in me, hb & jayden), i have to work and earn MP & diaper money lor...

<font color="ff0000">Ps: Extra info, my hb is still in ARMY... i wanna look for a Good pay, good benefit job.. anyone wan me???? haha</font>
<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>,
Nothing beat mum at work oops. . shopping. . I am back here just today and here we go shopping again!!!. . .hahahaha. . .

Let me know what time you coming okie??
ee! E-Ling heehee.. I kpo for u too.. heh



2 other babies missing! They're germans, american, american mixed indonesian, thai mixed american, indonesian mixed german and some unidentified ones.. heehee..

All sept 2006 babies except 2..
Little Pony,

I dont have ur hp no. You sms me your no or PM.
Yah i will rch between 6 to 6.30pm cos i think will sure traffic jam also.
<font color="0000ff">June</font>,
What are you doing now?? Now I sound like a HR person. . hahahaha. . me KPO again. . can keep a look out for you.
<font color="0000ff">Brenda</font>,
Is the baby arrange by height ???? . . hahahaha. . it seem like to me you know. . .hahahaha. . .from the shortest to the tallest??? . . just kidding. .

They all look so cute and adorable!!!
<font color="0000ff">Sha</font>
Haha... Nvm lar.... aiyo..

My job: Corporate Secretary Asst
Jobscope: Help ppl to incorporate a pte ltd company or biz, file yearly AGM to ACRA also known as ROC, handle accounts(Which i dread now!), lotsa and lotsa filing, handle large amt of companies..etc
Oops... Then must be I blind blind blur blur. Nvm, next time u get DN to show me his crawling. I get Gab to show u his teeth! Deal?!?!

*pai sey* looks like Gab bullying Caleb wor!
Hehe... btw not sure if u notice. Look carefully at the picture when the 2 brudders looking at each others in their eyes, u see Caleb's limbs longer than Gab's!!!!!

I think I can only go bb fair on Sunday leh. Sha, Brenda, lilpony and E-ling, please leave something for me yah? Duno buy everything there hor...

Brenda, Is A the one sucking thumb? (sorry can't see face clearly leh) Coz she seems bigger than the rest and humphhhhh.... most of our babies seem almost same size. Does that mean asian babies are bigger in size?
orange.. ya.. i think the backache is normal... hehe.. but thank god i dun get it that often nowadays.. used to be quite bad just after enzo was born...

babyfair?? wow... another place to go on friday!!!! me going shopping at isetan fri afternoon... think will zoom there after i'm done.. woo hoo.. maybe can see u babes there!!

lilpony! u also netball girl? me injured my knee abt 6 months before i was preggie too... knee still popping like nobody's biz... sigh... till now i still dun dare to run lehz... how's ur knee now??
Me going out dinner with hub now.. later when I return then I'll reply all the posts ya..

<font color="ff0000">Suntec BB Fair -This Fry</font>
1. Sha
2. Lil Pony
3. Brenda
4. E-Ling

WHO free??

very hungry.. got to run now.
Gotta go home loh!! Later go shopping for Jayden's brand new walker & teething toys... Will try to be back here again after my shopping... tata!!!!!
<font color="0000ff">June</font>,
Aiyo lots of filing I hate too lor. . .hehehe. . .

<font color="0000ff">PrincessEmma</font>,
Join us if you can. . .okie
me will be there before lilpony and eling can get there though.. cos muz pick enzo up at 6pm..
or maybe i'll pick him up and bring him shopping.. hehe...
wah...so busy until no time to read forum threads!!

blessedmommy, how many CB calendula cream you need? can spare you 2 tubs from my order in spree 3. but hor, now supplier no stock

got to wait probably 10days for them to get new shipment.
they must be thinking this 'siao' woman ordered 36 x 2 tubs liao. now order 36 tubs again. haha.

baby fair
think i will be going down on friday (lunch time)
who else will be there early too?
me on pretext of checking out competitors activities
Brenda.. juz saw the photo... A is a huge chinese baby!! woo hoo!!! she did us proud.. haha...

Phoebe.. u are so farni.. hehe.... u go lunchtime u sure win.. haha... cos they only only like 2 hrs prior to that.. :p
the balance 36 tubs of cream arrived at my home liao

u want to collect this week or wait till next week together with the eoutlet clothes?

baby fair
u mean most of you will go after work huh?
me not sure if i got time to 'sneak' out or not, even though my job allows to me go out 'shopping' hahaha

coz begining of month, got to do alot of closing reports..siah..unless i 'tabao' the work back to do on weekend then i can go to the fair.
not sure got wat goodie to kapo hor.
<font color="ff0000">bb fair</font> heard the merchants participating not very interesting tis year wor. some of the oct thread mummies are giving the fair a miss. those going on fry, let us know how is it can? TIA.

yah hor. mayb only his hands longer. but Gab looks tall leh. i wonder y. no lah. think Gab kana push by caleb so must revenge mah... wahaahaa.
<font color="ff6000">SOLIDS</font> i gave caleb cereals this morning. he was enjoying it n getting really excited until almost finishing than he started wailing. is this a sign that he is full? after that i gave him his milk he finished it leh. i'm really confused. tried again in the evening giving him his first avocado puree same thing happened. can anyone enlighten me or any mummies experience this? i worried cos not sure if i shld continue to give him solids now. my parents are really pressurizing me to start him. so stressed now.
<font color="0000ff">littlepony</font>,
not too late I knock off at 6pm but if my boss not around me can go off abit early . . .hehehehe. . .
ohh...didnt know my principal is one of the event sponsor. hahah...then all the more got excuse to go 'shopping' at the event (if there is things to buy)
selina.. i am not sure if you are supposed to intro 2 meals of solids at one time... my nanny told me to juz feed him cereals for lunch, then monitor for abt a week to see if he is digesting ok, then when he is able to par his cereal with his milk intake, then increase to 2 meals.. but i guess ur avacado puree is juz a small amount right...if so, then i guess its ok... me not absolutely right though.. am sure other mommies here have other opinions cos there are many sch of thoughts on introducing solids to our kiddos..
and dun fret ya.. its supposed to be a fun process...
<font color="ff6000">emma</font> tks. OMG! looks like i just did something wrong. my PD gave me a leaflet on introducing solids n it mentioned can intro a fruit snack in btw when 5mths. yes the avocado is small amt only. but i just dunno y he will start crying when almost finishing. it was really fun at the beginning cos he will open his mouth big big when the spoon goes near n if i too slow, his hands will start wanting to grab the spoon. my mum kept asking me to put the cereals in his milk bottle but i kept resisting.
here are some recent picts of Enzo...


"cx out my angry face!!!"


"see what mommy made me wear... tsk tsk tsk..."


"all red for the 1st day of CNY!"


"i'm abt to cross my eyes!!"
I don't have a helper, thats why isabelle is in full day cc, but i'll usually try to pick her up earlier. She used to attend accompanied classes at U-square until July last yr when we decided to prepare her for cc before josh comes, in case she feels we are sending her away cos of the new baby. I know cc sounds so miserable for a kid so young but she truly enjoys herself there. She likes company her age. Btw, do you know if the speech/drama class at lorna whiston is good? JG is popular for their speech/drama classes but I personally find them overrated. I thk isabelle din enjoy their bilingual playgrp too, well, at least i didnt enjoy myself. U-square is nearer for me anyway.
selina.. ya.. you're right... muz start feeding using spoon even though the cereal is v diluted... but i also started something wrong lahz... i feed enzo on his bouncer which is at a 45 degree angle when we're supposed to feed them upright... but me lazy mommy.. feed lidat less messy.. :p
Ha, i understand wat u mean.. sometimes I'll try to suppress my cough so much that in the end the cough will come out even much louder than it shd have been, n it wakes both kids!

thks. actuali josh doesnt have that much hair. just that watever hair he has has grown long enuf to cover the "bald" spots.. ;) his hair used to stand on ends!
lil precious, that means we prob stay very nearby to each other as U Sq is just 5 min walk from my place. I agree JG is overrated too for their playclubs/play groups but I haven't tried out their edu drama so wanna try. Not sure about Lorna Whiston but I heard the one at U Sq is for older kids.

which cc is Isabelle going then? Learning Vision at Gentle Rd?? just a guess..
<font color="ff6000">emma</font>
the first pix of enzo is he wearing a gap polo romper?

i put caleb in the stroller to feed him but damn difficult cos this boy still cant sit well so he kept leaning fwd to lick the handle bar. **faintz** after feeding must clean the whole stroller cos it will have all his cereals everywhere.
I stay 3 bus stops away from U-sq, along ah hood rd. U know where? The other side of U-sq from ur place actually. Lorna Whiston at U-sq has classes for as young as 2yo according to their website. Am thking of gg for speech/drama class with isabelle once a week, me n her time without the bro. LW wld be more convenient n nearer but I'v not heard reviews abt their classes. Don't feel like traveling to JG cos we alr travel a bit to her montessori at millenia walk. Besides find JG overpriced.
Ya.. i used to be a netball player. Torn my ligament during competitor. Hurt like mad. Didn't bother about injury. Kneecap always protrude out.. so after a couple of years, i went to see a specialist and realised that my ligament was badly torn. I need an op. Now, fully recovered. But i don't dare to do strenous exercises. Give up netball.. anyway, getting old! haaa!!! How about u?

Bring Enzo along to the BF leh.. I want to carry my fav Enzo!! haaa!!!

lil pony
My "dearest" MIL view my blog lor... the best part is that, my hb's cousin was viewing and reading thru, den her father came in and c wad i wrote inside(inside do consist of certain things which i am not happi with my in laws de lar), den he called up my MIL and tell her to go and read lor...
