(2006/09) SEPTEMBER 2006 MTB

<font color="ff6000">DG</font>, no I haven't started becos I'm only going to start introducing rice cereal to Arianne like, tomorrow? Cos my PD strongly recommended us to start semi-solids after 6 months so I'm just heeding his advice. I guess for the first one month or so, Arianne's menu will be pretty straightforward - ONE SINGLE ingredient (translates to boring.. hee). Until I've ruled out all the allergies then I'll start to play with what's available!

<font color="ff6000">Smiley</font>, some of the signs she's showing lately:
- seems interested in what I've on MY plate.
- everytime at the END of her per FM feed, which is 180ml, total is 720ml per 24 hours (according to my PD is on the high side for her stomach to stomach at one go) and she's still showing hunger signs. Like still continue to suckle when it's empty and fusses when we try pulling the teat out of her mouth.

These are the 'OFFICIAL' signs I know from PDs and from reading up:
Well if your bb has no signs of wanting to be weaned, better let nature takes it course.. Signs are like:
- can hold head up on his own
- can sit upright (important, so that when eating solid won't get choked)
- interested in adult's food
- still hungry after the usual feeds

So I guess I'll start her on solids as soon as I get all my kitchen equipment ready! Things I'd like to buy:
- Freezer trays with lids
- Freezer bags (don know if ziplog can or not..)
- a BLENDER! (still want the BEABA BABYCOOK badly actually.) Anyone has any GOOD brands/model to recomment?
- a Sieve

Then I'll go to the supermarket (I think Mediya!! I love the Jappy's stuff there..) to buy these:
- Papaya
- Apple
- Broccoli
- Sweet Potato

I've already got:
- Weaning spoon
- Bowl with handle
- Bib (I made myself.. just use those NTUC plastic bags, cut 3 holes, 1 on top for her head to go through, then the other 2 holes for her arms.. cheap and good, use and dispose!)

Mummies, did I miss out anything or I'm all ready ready? ooh, ANYONE FREE TO GO SHOPPING AT MEDIYA WITH ME??

thks for the info on brown rice vs rice cereal
where can i find brown rice cereal ah? is healthy times a gd choice? yes bellamy's is organic but its just rice lor. i wanna find brown rice one leh but i dun hv blender at home so cant make my own
jasmine, just went to read some of the archives and realise you also use baby whisperer. WELL DONE and congratulations on your success. All the hard work is all worth it, isn't it?

Do you adhere to a 7am, 10, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm routine or just let Jadelle wake up naturally and start the 4 hrly routine from there?

Do you need to pat her anymore or can just let her lie down in bed and fall asleep on her own? Use any props?

I use the shush-pat method too, but so far I haven't insist on the fixed time routine, though very tempting. I just let N wake up on his own and start the routine from there.
michelle, try healthy times or earth best, both organic. But latter uses wholegrain brown rice.
I know healthy times stated at front of box that it is wholegrain but when you read ingredient list, it doesn't specify wholegrain brown rice, so i am skeptical.

but i can't find earth best brown rice cereal in many places already. think out of stock. so maybe u can try healthy times first and then switch later if u are still interested in wholegrains.
brenda, yeap, me too. only going to start solids when N is 6 mths. you can intro new ingredient one at a time, every 4 days. if no allergic reaction within the first 4 days, then bb is OK with it..
DG, you are really our food goddess
hey, do share with on more tips okie.. I am getting all excited now.. Will start Cayden on 'food tasting' when he turns 6 mth on the 10th Mar !!
<font color="ff6000">ilovebabies</font>, according to my scientist at home, it's always better to put car seats on the rear passengers' seat instead of front, unless u can deactivate the air bag. We did that when he was driving his father's car but not all cars have that option to deactivate airbags. So meaning, that's THE ONLY thing that holds him back from putting bb's car seat at the front pax seat. Besides, that's the QUEEN THRONE le.. Mine la heehee..

He said he can't be SURE to tell u that rear facing in the front pax seat even with the airbag off is 100% SAFE.. Using his logical thinking, he says its ok as long as the 'triangle' space is enough to shield the bb, then it should be safe. Triangle space meaning, u got to imagine the SHAPE triangle formed by the back of the bb car seat, the base of the bb car seat and the back of the front pax seat. That's why it's recommended that car seats be positioned rear-facing is SAFER for young babies but when bb's head is leveled or above the back of the car seat, you'll need to switch to front-facing liao.

Explanation as follows:
After u sit Rachel, in the event if there's a rear-ward collision (layman terms: yr car ass go and kiss the car behind), bb will thrust forward meaning motion towards the seat back she's facing at all the time and only her seat belt will hold her back and sometimes seat belt failures occur. Then that triangle will be a safety hatch. But if her head is leveled or higher than the bb car seat's back, then cannot form that triangle liao.. u understand me or not? very hard to explain in writing le..

But if it's front-ward collision (yr front kiss the car infront's back), bb will be thrusted into the back of her car seat which naturally is THE BEST thing to happen.

If u still blur or any other mummies don understand me, PM me your number I call u to explain over the phone easier la.. Pai seh.. I'm not good in narrating such things! hee..

<font color="ff6000">Smiley</font>, for me it depends on the duration of our journey.. but most of the time, I'll sit in my own throne (front la). But I also ever climb behind when Arianne needed entertainment. So far, she's almost 98% good while riding in her car seat *touchwood*!
Waking at night n nursing back to sleep
Damien will wake once around 2am n will wake at about 6+am for milk. After that he seems to keep fussing n waking n I have to keep latching him before he would slp for another half hr or so n fuss again. He normally sleeps till about 10am. But now he keep fussing n not fully awake until 9-10am.
N he is so tired that after his bath he will fuss to sleep at about 12pm.

<font color="ff6000">orange</font>
So fast back to orange?? Its still CNY....hehehe
About teething I already feel pain when Damien starts biting me last time. Now still pain n I duno how to stop him. The methods u mummies mention not working for him I even use my finger to poke his cheek in the hope that he will release but he can still bite it in his mouth n look at me......arghhhhhhh

Actually can see his gums got very obvious 2 front teeth mould there but the pearlies are not showing yet!

Just now I was latching him n shopping with my mum. N he was biting n sucking n biting me n I have to 'ren'. I smack his backside when he bites me n when I look under my shawl. He can still stare at me n bite release bite release....Wah piang
SO I gave up nursing him.
<font color="aa00aa">brenda,</font>
hmmm... stupid me, i never saw it as crawling, but i guess u're right! i always thot he was just "shuffling" coz he's not really crawling-crawling per se, like on all fours. more like "struggle-struggle-shuffle-shuffle"... after all that struggling, surely must move a bit right! hahaha!

<font color="119911">eling,</font>
i think yesterday DN show off!!! ahahah... usually he cannot really sit that well! he's trying to impress amabel, yun and arianne! yesterday got more competition (more boys) mah! ahahah...

<font color="0077aa">melody,</font>
aiyoh, don't be sorry for yun's crankiness!! by the end of the class, everyone had their turn to be cranky. ha! as for DN's "crawling", i guess he really LOVES his pacifier. anything for it, ha!

<font color="ff0000">jasmine,</font>
hmmm... u know, i think DN's sleeping-waking pattern looks exactly like jadelle's. he's also waking up 2-3 times just for cuddles and usually feeds 5-6am and abt 7am. i'm also waitingwaitingwaiting for the day when he'll sleep thru... *sighhh*

<font color="0000ff">brenda,</font>
haha! the pic of the legs is really funny! LOL it's ok that amabel's zutzut is blue, coz i just bought a new one for DN and the only colour left was <font color="ff0000">PINK</font>! too bad! take it or leave it, DN!

<font color="ff6000">orange,</font>
aiyoh, so sorry
that DN wanted to eat cayden's hair. (i think he was jealous, ha) he was also trying to pull yun's hair.
daisybuttons, he's like jovann!!! oooh, that pic must be really funny
thanx for sending me a copy! ok, will check his gums closely tom... hope to see buds! ok, will press on
thanx for the encouragement.

<font color="119911">melissa,</font>
oh! u poor thing! that sounds TERRIBLE! but phew, thanx gdness u got it checked out in time man. pls take care of urself ok? is there anything u can do in the future to prevent this from happening again?
michelle, dg, orange, crystallized, blessedmommy and all sympathetic sep mommies,
i must be the first mom to have this horrible condition right? lol. now i don't know if i should appreciate my high pain threshold. this is what happen, i always go in and seek medical help when it's too late. not just for this but for other things as well. i put off the earlier signs b'cos i thought a little bit of pain doesn't matter, it may resolve itself but i keep being wronged again and again. i also had a fever but i didn't know it b'cos i don't feel feverish. it was not until my temperature was taken in the hospital that i realized i have fever. but it's not that high lah. haiz. i really almost peed in my pants during the massage. my breast is still lumpy but it no longer hurts as much. at least not when i moved my arm. i kept the cabbage leaves about 1.5 hours. i heard about that 2-hr rule and i was torn deciding if i should let my supply dwindle and wean or to throw the cabbage and maintain my milk supply. in the end, i decided to just pump regularly. so sayang, i actually managed to get a lot, up to 120ml on that breast alone, all to be thrown away. sometimes putting on the cabbage is so syiok. oh yeah mrs wong also said putting the cabbage helps b'cos it can drain the pus away. so i figured, if it affects my milk supply, i can always pump a bit longer and regularly to increase it back again right?
just 2 weeks away from my target. think should be able to make it.

dont' worry lah, i was intentionally making a fool out of myself and of course you can laugh lah. no offense taken.

actually i read about your mastitis but i didn't know it happened again for the 2nd time! how did you get it again? did you go through the same course of antibiotic? i'm still feeling a bit trauma liao. eh regarding food - i love sweet potato how can i introduce it to my girl?

welcome! our babies have the same birthdate! so's michelle and cereal. your josh have a lot of hair hor!

think i understand your triangle concept. my baby car seat is at the passenger side facing rear too. we have airbags in front so no way will we risk it ever. sometimes accidents happen when it's not our fault but we can still fall victim.

just to add to the statistics

Ling-Sophie-5mths (on 25 Feb) 5.8kg/62cm
Jasmine lau-Jadelle-5 months 2 weeks (as of 16th Feb)- 7kg/ 65cm
doreen - Damien - 4mths4wks - 7.95kg/65.5cm
E-Ling - Amabel - 5mths3wks - 5.8kg/66cm
Emma - Enzo - 5mths2wks - 7.84kg/68cm
Diana - Jacqueline - 5mths1week (as of 3rd Feb) -9.4kg/67cm
Emoments - Dylan - 5mths1week - 7.25kg/65.5cm
MummieOfRhys - Rhys - 5mths1week - 7.73kg/72cm
Domesticgoddess - Nicholas - 4mths1week - 6.5kg/69cm
Lil precious-Josh-5mths2weeks-7.35kg
Melissa - Hannah - 5mths2weeks - 6.9kg/65cm
<font color="0000ff">Mummy+BB Yoga
Package: 8 sessions = S$195.00/ Adhoc: 1 session = S$30.00 | Every Sunday @1.30pm | 1 hour duration | TBA > Mother&BB Ctr @Tanglin Mall</font>

<font color="119911">Yogimamas who attended 25th Feb's class, can share: </font>
1. what are your thoughts of the class?
2. would u like to attend future sessions? if yes, go qn.3.
3. would u prefer to buy package or on ad-hoc basis (Pay by per class)? (For those who are interested in the next sessions but yet to decide on package or ad-hoc, it's ok, can make yr decision on the day for the next session ya..)

1. I like the flow of the class and I'm comfy with Colleen's style of teaching.
2. Yes!
3. Cannot decide now.

1. I like the environment as well as Colleen's style but cant really hear her very well when bbs starts kicking a fuss.
2. Yes definitely
3. Package definitely

1. I like the class but cant really hear her well with the renovation noise.
2. Yes
3. Package. The savings r really alot!

1. I like the class too but the renovation noise.... argh!
2. Yes. but not every sunday i can make it leh. So will still decide and see how
3. Package.

1. I enjoy the class except half way when yun turn cranky.
2. Yes but will not be able to commit every sun
3. Most probably will be on ad-hoc basis

1. I like that I get to stretch out and do some exercise with baby. The environment is nice too but the reno noise really make it hard to hear.
2. Yes I would
3. Still deciding

<font color="0077aa">JOON
1. I liked it lots! Was sweating towards the end. Mommies with lighter bbs will have an easier time I guess!
2. Yup yup, definitely

3. Package pls! if i buy, i'll def try to commit.</font>

Those didn't make it on 25th Feb but are interested to attend future classes:
1. Daisybuttons
2. Crystallized
3. Yuna
4. Emoments
to prevent, i have to massage after i drain my breast. i think this is just bad luck, i've been latching since i had the baby so i don't think i've done anything differnt to cause it. perhaps it's pure work stress and bad pumping habit. and don't let the baby bite your nipple or treat it as pacifier. when Hannah did that in front of mrs wong, she actually pull her away and scold her and remind me that could be the cause of my breast abscess. it's probably b'cos she's teething too. it's just suay lah.
<font color="ff6000">Orange</font>, ehh changed back to 'Orange' ah.. hhee CNY not over yet le.. okie, will keep berriesband in my drawer ya.. will not seh gor hor..

<font color="ff6000">lil precious</font>, I'm also a SAHM. Your kids are adorable!

<font color="ff6000">ilovebabies/Yuna</font>, firstly my understanding is most <font color="ff0000">bb biscuits or rusks</font> contain GLUTEN (wheat, rye, oat ets..). If we intro Gluten to our bbs at their age now (5/6 months) when their digestive system is still immature and we're only on FIRST FOODS, they might kena gluten intolerance and this problem is a lifelong thing. So for me, I'll only give bb biscuits if I'm very certain that it's gluten free until she reaches 8 months. BB Biscuits are NOT considered as first foods..

BTW, I also read that Fish is categorised under high-risk allergen food along with shellfish.. But if you've done cod fish with Rach and she has no signs of allergy to it after 3/4 days, then u may continue la.. but for me, I prefer to intro fish like 8 months and above.

That's why I'm curious of what your PD has commented. Maybe to him is Rachel is not putting on enough weight on milk or rice cereal and then he resorted to asking u to try protein which is found in fish la.. maybe right? hmmm

<font color="ff6000">edksd</font>, I've a couple of caucasian friends who live in SG and own NO cars, so their common mode of transport is taxi and they lug the car seat along onto taxis, like the ones with Maxi-Cosi's strollers. Well, from where they came from, they've a natural inclination towards such safety factor (not force by traffic rules) and they don compromise lor.. so I guess for us, we can compromise (also the law is not taking action on this) as long as we are comfy with the thought that our bb is safe in our arms, not sitting in car seat while traveling in taxis. Oh as a matter of fact, car seats are not even 100% safe so is our seat belts!

But ignorance kills.. I'm a victim of that (meaning I can be very ignorant too..) and after learning all the possible mishaps, I preach the safety purpose and do my best in adhering it.

Australia started the back seat pax seat belt's requirement century ago, in SG? we only started like 3/4 years ago?

So, maybe we should ask ourselves are we belting up in order not to kena fines or deduct points, or simply is becos of our own safety?
<font color="ff6000">Melissa</font>, are u feeling better now? u manage to get those thermal packs? OSIM has, just thought I let u know.. hope you'll recover soon, it's been a torturing day for u..

Well, as I mentioned earlier, we fall victim to our ignorance!
<font color="ff6000">Chocolat</font>, hi! Thanks for the compliment on my montages.. striving to improve and for new ideas too! Our next theme is NEWBORN vs NOW.. u have these pics of your bb, just post ok? What's your bb's name? Sorry, I missed your name in my earlier reply with regards to bb biscuits/rusks..

<font color="ff6000">Selina</font>, what time is his last feed? and from there, what time does he fall asleep then wake up at 4am? Just trying to narrow down the reasons la..

<font color="ff6000">DomesticGoddess</font>, ya I read somewhere about the peas and legumes too.. better to avoid until they're 8 months old.. I guess 8 months is the mark that their digestive system is more ready for more adventurous foods, u think so?

For the <font color="ff0000">bb biscuits/rusks</font>, I guess as long as they're gluten-less then it should be ok ya..

Need your clarification on this.. when Annabel Karmel's mentioned BABY RICE, she's talking about RICE CEREAL ya? like the one I bought is FRISOCREM RICE CEREAL, is it correct?

<font color="ff6000">JASMINE!!</font>, wowoowwowo didn't know u were trying for the 2nd one until I saw Joon's post just now! JIA YOU! hey, do it in Aug/Sep 2006, then have a rat plus gemini baby, LIKE ME!! heh..

<font color="ff6000">Joon</font>, share with you a tip before u start your journey.. PROGRAM PF's NUMBER on your mobile as VOICE ACTIVATION DIALING.. so when u need emergency help, just scream his name or darling or dear or something la! U got to imagine the worse scenario, no free hands! heehee.. have fun! I'm sure @@'s eyes will be roving around big big! heh..

'Crawling' is just an official term to me la, I guess as long as he is at point A then later at point B, then considered 'crawling' la. Anyhow, congratulations on that! My A already has problem flipping cos of her weight, so I'm not going to look forward to her crawling. She can sit up for quite long now so I guess I'll just be contented with that and also imagining her to just stand up one day and wave byebye to me! heh..

Anyway, so glad you're back to post post post.. we need more fun here!
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Mummy+BB Yoga</font>
Package: 8 sessions = S$195.00/ Adhoc: 1 session = S$30.00 | Every Sunday @1.30pm | 1 hour duration | TBA > Mother&BB Ctr @Tanglin Mall</font>

Alright, I've gotten all the 25th Feb's yogimamas' reviews and also some new yogimamas' names, I'll go work out something with Ms Colleen Simmonds then revert to all of you ok.. You'll be hearing from me both on the thread and via your email addies.. The next session will only be sometime like 2/3 weeks from now ya..


<font color="119911">Yogimamas who attended 25th Feb's class, can share:</font>
1. what are your thoughts of the class?
2. would u like to attend future sessions? if yes, go qn.3.
3. would u prefer to buy package or on ad-hoc basis (Pay by per class)? (For those who are interested in the next sessions but yet to decide on package or ad-hoc, it's ok, can make yr decision on the day for the next session ya..)

1. I like the flow of the class and I'm comfy with Colleen's style of teaching.
2. Yes!
3. Cannot decide now.

1. I like the environment as well as Colleen's style but cant really hear her very well when bbs starts kicking a fuss.
2. Yes definitely
3. Package definitely

1. I like the class but cant really hear her well with the renovation noise.
2. Yes
3. Package. The savings r really alot!

1. I like the class too but the renovation noise.... argh!
2. Yes. but not every sunday i can make it leh. So will still decide and see how
3. Package.

1. I enjoy the class except half way when yun turn cranky.
2. Yes but will not be able to commit every sun
3. Most probably will be on ad-hoc basis

1. I like that I get to stretch out and do some exercise with baby. The environment is nice too but the reno noise really make it hard to hear.
2. Yes I would
3. Still deciding

1. I liked it lots! Was sweating towards the end. Mommies with lighter bbs will have an easier time I guess!
2. Yup yup, definitely
3. Package pls! if i buy, i'll def try to commit.

1. I like the flow of the class but i feel that the place is a bit too small le - cant really stretch. And the renovation makes it more difficult as we need to be closer to hear her better.
2. Yes!
3. ad-hoc as i believe i cant commit to 8 weekends

<font color="ff0000">Those didn't make it on 25th Feb but are interested to attend future classes:</font>
1. Daisybuttons
2. Crystallized
3. Yuna
4. Emoments
From what I understand, rear-facing child seat is definitely a no-no in the front seat as the back of the child seat will be leaning on the air bag compartment. In the event of an impact, the back of the child seat may activate the air bag, pushing the child seat and putting the baby in danger.

Hi-5!! We have 2 kids of the same age! Isabelle's my gal. She's in childcare now. On days when I have both of them at home together, I feel like I'm fighting a war!! Is Marcus attending any school now?

Brenda, Orange
Thanks! Both of them can be such monsters tho!!

seems like 14 sep is a popular day!! ;)) We've not cut Josh' hair yet.. Its so long at the side that the most asked question during CNY was "why is his hair so long? like gal.." Hee, I'm going for the shaggy look!! ;)
<font color="119911">melissa,</font>
do u think it's the pumping that was the push factor? (coz pumping can never empty the boobs.) so was it caused by partially drained boobs? or no one really knows what's the cause? but regardless, i'm glad the worst is over for u

<font color="ff0000">DG,</font>
does DN have to display all the signs before i start him on solids? he seems to display all the signs except one (which i think is the most impt!!) - he still seems contented after every latch on / bottle! in fact, when i latch him on now, it feels like he's drinking less coz he loses interest in drinking very quickly. it could be that he's just better at emptying the boob, so i can't be sure here. do i have to wait until he starts to show signs of hunger after his bottles / latching on before i start him on solids?

<font color="aa00aa">brenda,</font>
ahahha! thanx for the tip! but my hb's nickname is so weird, if i shout it into my phone, there will be raised eyebrows FOR SURE! er... i don't think i can be a regular "poster" again... tom will *poof* disappear again.
got work to do and tight deadline.
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+1">Mummy+BB Yoga</font>
Package: 8 sessions = S$195.00/ Adhoc: 1 session = S$30.00 | Every Sunday @1.30pm | 1 hour duration | TBA > Mother&BB Ctr @Tanglin Mall</font>

Those didn't make it on 25th Feb but are interested to attend future classes:
1. Daisybuttons
2. Crystallized
3. Yuna
4. Emoments
<font color="ff0000">5. ilovebabies?</font>
<font color="ff0000">6. Sha?</font>
<font color="ff0000">7. Little Pony?</font>

<font color="ff0000">U girls how ahh?</font>
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Denim Bib</font></font>


aiyoh! i'm so horrible! i forgot ALL abt the denim bib! last i remember there were 5 orders yes?

1. Joon (1pc - post)
2. Sha (1pc - selfcollect)
3. June (2pcs - selfcollect)
4. Doreen (1pc - Sha collect)

that's it? no more orders right?

since we cannot get 10, can only get 10% off, so that's $4.55 still. mommies still interested? then i'll place the order tomorrow. lemme know via PM ok? coz i'll be too busy to read the thread tomorrow
According to our PD, immune system of a baby is pretty strong up till about 6 months, which is why most babies below 6 mths do not fall sick easily. Actually, Josh took the cold weather pretty well, he din fall sick from the cold, instead he caught the flu bug from his silly mummy who forgot he was sleeping rite beside her and she coughed and breathed rite into his face! So I guess if the adults dun fall sick, babies below 6 mths wont 2. In fact, tho my gal caught the roseola virus aka fake measles, was even hospitalised cos of very high fever, Josh was not affected cos babies below 6 mths have natural immunity to the virus according to the websites..
hope you are all ok by now. must be a terrible feeling hor. just think about your bb benefiting from the bm benefits and be strong ok.

yes trinity's hair getting quite long and messy now. considering to cut or let it grow long.


its my first nite away from Trinity (away on work). never spend a nite away from her since she was born. (she was warded with us even in the hospital). Poor gal, daddy said she had difficulties falling asleep tonite. but hee... hee... its nice to know that she misses mummy too.

This weekend has been an exciting one. Trinity has graduated to a highchair and can attempt to feed herself using a spoon. (will post photo later). I thought I heard her call mummy yesterday and was so shocked. I put her in her high chair in the kitchen to accompany me while i did the dishes. I was talking to her as i went about my work. when i had my back turned to her, suddenly i heard the sweetest little voice call 'ma1 mi1'. I was so shocked, turned around immediately and just stared at her. She just stared back. i kept asking her to say it again but she just sweetly smiled back without making a single sound. I kept willing her to say it again, but she didn't. I wonder if it was only my imagination.
dunno why mine happned again the second time n within such short period. glad u r feeling better. mastitis is already so torturing i cant imagine how urs is like. rest lots ok!

any moms intend to wean baby off the breast aft 6 mths? im still procascinating, cos wanna bring boys to europe during mar hols yet i cant bear to give up.

wow seems like ur trinity is the fastest learner among us? she self feed, sit n play on her own n now calling u ma-mi haha...
orange, ooops.. i almost typed "oranges" again. :p The mummies' comment about "so fast back to becoming (orange)" is so funnny. LOL!

Brenda, you are right on the gluten part, but the brand of baby biscuits called Baby Bites that I mentioned in my earlier post IS gluten free as it is made with rice flour. That is why it is so popular. The rest you see in supermarkets are mostly made with wheat.

i forgot to mention last night that another important reason of not introducing legumes like peas and green beans to babies before 9 months is they are considered high allergenic food. Especially for babies with eczema or potential to get eczema (if one parent has it before,bb has 25% chance of getting).

Brenda/ilovebabies/yuna, fish is considered highly allergenic food and recommended by WHO to introduce after 9 months. but many PDs have realised that for Asians, our bb seem to tolerate fish better even before 8 months, perhaps due to the high consumption of fish in our culture (compared to western countries), hence our bodies/digestive system have evolved. So our bb are born with higher tolerance for fish. EVOLUTION Theory.

BUT BUT for shell fish, it is a big no-no.. until 12 months at least.

But for me, i prefer caution, so only intro fish at 9 months. If you want to give animal protein, then best to give chicken, but again WHO recommends not before 8 months.

hope this helps!
brenda, yes in annabel karmel, she is referring to white rice cereal. I believe Frisocream is milk based rice cereal as in milk powder is already added to the cereal, so u only need to add water. I personally prefer those types that is just rice cereal and I add my own BM or FM.

ling,another GOOD reason to buy another cookbook - AK is not into wholegrain produce. if you scrutinise her recipes closely, you will find they r very high in sugar n processed ingredients, esp for the categories from 18 mths onwards. but her food is delicious nonetheless.
Wow, you gals are great! thks for the info on the solid food and bb biscuits.

for those mummies who have start solid food on their babies, do you babies take the spoon well? I tried feeding my girl with water using spoon, she dun seem to know how to "drink" or "eat" via spoon, she will tend to chew on the spoon and the water drooling from her mouth. I doubt she drink any drop of it. Quite worry if she know who to eat the cereal from the spoon
Pls correct me if I am wrong, for 6-8 months baby, the menu will be rice cereal + vegetables or fruits. Only introduce fish, poulty etc from 8-9 months onwards?

How abt barley water? I read from a book we can occasionally give barley water in place of plain water to baby.
hahah...this is my 3rd posting for the morning before I start my engine on my work...

I remember you gals attending some trial lesson earlier, is it the one at Gymboree?
Brenda, thanks for the long explanation, but am not too sure about the triangle theory. I tried putting my baby in the car seat yesterday, she was such a sweetie. No struggle, no crying... BUT, can I ask another stupid question, is the car seat supposed to be at the side or the center of the rear seat?? My hubby placed it in the middle, and me and my maid sat at the two sides, is that right???

I am trying to feed my baby nestle brown rice stage 1. Is that recommended? My sister says this is too sweet, but other than that, I don't know what to give.. There's this drand Si Sen or something like that (comes with ikan billis I think) is that tried and tested before??
Angeline, wow, your gal is fast!! Mine still cannot sit unassisted yet. She tends to bend forward when I try to make her sit by herself...

Melissa, so shocked to read your posting... MUST be so painful huh?? Poor thing... Hope you are feeling much better now..

Blessedmommy, actually I also don't know when to stop breastfeeding.. I know I will miss the bonding and the sweet feeling when I stop breastfeeding. However, like my hubby says, I can't be breastfeeding forever and there must be a day when I stop.. He just says stop when I feel comfortable loh, he will give me moral support.
wah! Cool... can you recommend another? Me just look at nice pictures n buy... normally i would strutinise receipe books to make sure they are idiot proof enuf for moi to use (heh) BUT this one was too good to miss. Heh.

Info queens.... wah... thanks for keeping us updated w all the info etc... it's been very helpful.

you going to Europe?!?! Maybe you can help us buy Babycook back!!!!! (Brenda, *ting**ting* (like bells ringing) Heh heh but no pressure... You bringing Jo along or just the boys? So fun!

car seats
yah brenda i'm highly tempted to bring a car seat along whenever i go in a taxi (that's like most times) BUT HOR very leh chei... Maybe shd change pram to the detachable ones...

babyfair at suntec
anyone going? Me thinking of going on Fri when it's not so crowded...

what's mediya? n where is it?
no lar... Trinity cannot self feed yet. I just let her play with the spoon when i am feeding her on the highchair. She will try to get the spoon to her mouth but will miss it most of the time getting food all over her eyes, nose, face instead. But this is all part of the learning process rite.

For the part of calling mummy. It was so quick and she just kept quiet after that. I can't even be sure if I heard correctly. I hope its not just my imaginition. But I am certainly looking forward to hearing it again cos it was definately the sweetest voice I've ever heard.

You must noted down yesterday date! What a sweet day for you I guess! Hope my girl can start calling me mummy soooooon....
yah... for me when my pd insinuated that i might not have enuf milk, maybe shd change to FM, i almost cried coz i didn't want to stop BMing. I guess stop at your own pace is best... i'm thinking of doing it slowly when i wanna wean her off... like drop one feed at a time over a period of time. Give her time to adjust n me too... It's a very emotional thing hor? I didn't really expect it to be like that. In the beginning, i was like HUH do this for 6 mths esp when kana mastitis!!!! Cannot make it lah... now don't wanna stop...

yah.. don't give up okie? Rest well also... when stressed a bit more siong. It's ok to REST. i think people here don't tell us that enough... Hannah will so love you for enduring SO MUCH to make sure she gets the best. She might not know now but she will in time.
<font color="0077aa">ling,</font>
meidiya is a japanese supermarket at liang court. used to be daimaru. suntec baby fair? there is?? ooooh! it's in the exhibition hall??

<font color="ff6000">angeline,</font>
wah! trin is so fast! *clap*clap* good girl! must tell us again when she says "ma1 mi1"

<font color="119911">blessedmommy,</font>
wow, europe! can't imagine how much it'll cost u guys coz there're so many of u! *faint*
yes she can definately sit unsupported (though still a little wobbly at times)and play by herself. This really gives me some free time to do others things since now she know how to self entertain.

My strategy is to allow them to sit up often. Continue to support her sitting up and gradually loosen/lighten your grip on her as you feel that she can do it by herself. The trick is to let them practise using their muscles as much as possible and learn how to balance.

If she falls over just let her be, don't go over immediately and make too much of a deal about it. this way hopefully they will not think its bad to fall over and be scared of it. Just calmly pull her to sitting position again and let her continue to try. after some time, they will learn its more fun to sit up and the scenery is definately better than lying down and their hands more free to play then when on tummy.
OH! I see... sounds yummy! Got sushi n jap groceries is it?
YAH YAH you wanna go? I saw that you're taking leave on Fri... I'm afraid sat n sun will be packed. My hb on reservist on Fri so prob go on my own just to slowly check it out.... i wanna take my time. ER... that's assuming sophie will let me lah...
lil precious, i am always so excited when i "meet" SAHM with kids of same age.

No, Marcus doesn't atend any daily school yet but he used to go parent-accompanied enrichment classes which I stopped in Oct when I delivered Nicholas. Do you have a helper? Is Isabelle is full or half day cc? When did she start cc?
ling, joon, yuna,
ya i noted the date down on her diary already. it was definately one of those moments where you feel all the sleepless nights, constant pumping and hard work is worth it (just like the first time she smiled at me). I keep willing her to say it again, but she didn't. too bad i had my back turned to her that moment and couldn't see her say it. But then again, if I was looking at her then she wouldn't call for my attention would she.
angeline, but will it affect their spine if the baby keeps bending forward like doing sit-and-reach when trying to learn how to sit?

I am always worried about the spine. These days after i nurse her to sleep, she will just fall asleep in my arms and I fall asleep as well. Then few hours later I wake up and then put her down. Will that hurt or strain her spine har?? Sometimes even when I put her in her bumbo, I am worried it will strain her spine... am I paranoid?
WOW! It's so hard to catch up after a two weeks break from here!! So what's the latest gossips!!! haaa!!

I have been reading but juz managed to fill up abit of missing holes here and there! haaa!!!
joon, DN doesn't have to show all signs and most bb won't. But you are right that they should be hungry for more. If he is still satisfied after each feed, then just wait till he is 6 months. It is advisable to start solids then, and not later, as starting later may affect their jaw devlopement and hence, speech development.
Also risk them rejecting solids if they have not gotten used to being fed with spoon and/or swallowing solid.
yuna, barley water is made with barley which contains gluten. so best to give to bb after 7 months.. you can try it out first but must be introduce like you would with any ingredient for the first time, i.e the 4 day rule.

yeap.. it is advisable for bb to be lacto vegetarian until they are at least 8 months, ie. only milk + grains (rice, wheat, oat, rye, barley, etc.. ) + veg and fruits. Meat/fish should come later.

but many asian parents have tried introducing meat/fish before 8 months too. so the choice is up to you.
Morning ladies..
Post something before i go back to my accounts... *Sian*

<font color="ff0000">Jayden</font>
Hehe... my Boy offically turn 5 mths today! Yeah! 1 more mth to mum mum...

<font color="ff6000">Caretaking</font>
Ladies, today i juz shifted Jayden under the care of a nanny..To my surprise, she is currently taking care of 2 other toddlers, age 1++ & 2... is it safe to let her carry on? Or muz i change to a new one??

<font color="aa00aa">Baby biscuits</font>
Gluten-less.. Which brand of baby biscuits are gluten-less??

<font color="0000ff">overseas trips</font>
Mummies, have you all ever brought your babies(as young as 1 mth) to oversea trips? Coz last weekend i brought jayden to malaysia, but was strongly objected by my in laws(Still, stubbornly, i brought Jayden into Malaysia lar..Btw.. this is their 1st grandchild)

Hmm... am i asking too mani qns?? Bu hao yi shi...

thanks ! i bought a packet of Baby bites yest and Rachel loves it. She finished one piece !!

I also bought a can of Heinz pureed sweet potato/carrot and ask mum to mix with the rice cereal. Will observe her these few days for any allergy.


oh no, u sound as if u r in great pain ! I dont think I can understand what u have went thru but hope u r getting enough rest now. Dont worry abt the boobs size lah ... i know ur hubby wont mind cos u r being such a great mother and the sacrifices u have made is huge ok !


what a detailed explanation though I STILL DONT QUITE UNDERSTAND UR POST ! ahhah i will copy this post and send to my hubby. He's better in this ya !

blessedmommy, wow! envy envy!!! where in europe and for how long? package tour or free n ez? u r bringing all 4 kids? i'm dying to return to europe but no guts to bring both kids.
