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  1. C

    Calling mommies staying near commonwealth

    hiya all am a PTWM staying at Kim Tian with a 23MO gal. any1 living ard this area with children her age? happy new year!
  2. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    mashy - pls tk care hope the TCM works... ergo i stil use the ergo but 1 problem is that kiddo might not fit for long. C's ok with me but i think when my hubby carries her, her thighs get 'ngiap' by the carrier cuz hubby's width is wider than mine. her legs wrap ard my body better, but with...
  3. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    koli sounds so serious...u hydrating him with pedialyte pops? after C's scare in Dec with the really bad stomach bug, i made sure she took teh rotovirus... not a jab tho - hers was taken orally... feza what is dong gua? any mummies know of a heavy duty diaper? C cant wear nepia to...
  4. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    so vonvon, looks like our kids are on teh same page doc says as long as she picks up 2-3 words per mth, she shld be on track but i understd how u feel abt oth kids who can talk well - my god-daughter is 3mths younger & can say 5-10X the no. of words C can say! sm'more, pple say boys are a lil...
  5. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    <u>speech devt</u> on a brighter note, C is trying to spk more altho most words not accurate & she luvs to baby talk/babble now she can say hi, byebye, dada, yeye, nainai, mama, mummum, bear, ball, bird quite clearly. i notice she likes B words the rest of teh time she wil try to imitate...
  6. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    sori...i'v been MIA cuz C's sick mashy, thnx for yr reply the last time C devpd a fever on tues & by thurs had rashes, so no choice but to take her to paed to chk (actually wanted to tk her to GP, but decided to giv this paed a try since so near my plc) paed said rashes=food allergy &...
  7. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    mashy noti chair for home...but what do u do when u're out ah? C has been throw'g tantrums more often, mostly cuz we have to leave (eg. inlaw's plc, ball pit, vivo city waterpark). last time i can use the 5min rule - 5 min b4 we leave, i say we hv to go soon & get her to say byebye water...
  8. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    mashy/siewlng yr kiddos are so cute - i know the noti chair is for punishment, but i can imagine their expressions as they sit there... so poor thing, but adorable tt they listen, they're so guai! C is more stubborn. for places tt she cant go like bathroom (slippery), balcony (dangerous)...
  9. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    siewlng YJ so guai, can stay in her noti chair & not try to run off ah? my C is too hyper...really doubt she wil sit stil when she was abt 15 or 16mths old, i tried to put her in her crib for 2min but stop'd after i scared she assoc.s bed with being bad...
  10. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    bulma/mashy yeah, i read same thg...but this psychologist adds that at this pt, kids are experiencing deep felt emotions but dont know what they are & how to deal with them; so all they know is to cry & hv a melt-down. trick is to hold them & reassure them tt its ok, tt u stil luv them...
  11. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    mashy think facebook wants to import yr address book so that they can reach out to more pple. but den they ask u permission 1st b4 they send any invites out leh... anyway, thnx for teh heads-up i'll change my email password ;P jus hv'g fun with all the extra applications tt facebook...
  12. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    HAPPY TCHRS DAY!!! koli i like Bonds stuff & their kid's line is growing - u can chk out the factory outlet if u're in teh neighbourhood or jus chk out this same site for more bargains <font color="0000ff">hey mommies i...
  13. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    (o:3 HOPPY BIRTHDAY STELLA!!! (o:3
  14. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    fishia i changed C's naps from 2/day to 1/day jus last mth...i schedule her when she's at home but once we go out kai kai, all the schedule luan qi pa zao & usually meals are pushed back, smtimes 1hr (i'm quite a bad mum when i postpone meals...hope my d wont devp gastric!) 9am wake up...
  15. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    etelle mu kiddo also drinks a lot of milk! but so far i'm not worried cuz she eats a lot as well - not like my niece who drinks but eats like 5 tiny strips of chkn for dinner & drinks soup for lunch & is severely underweight (she's 2 years older than C but only 1.5kg heavier!) caryn drinks...
  16. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    tutu jus like tomatolander's method, i saw on 1 episode of supernanny, she told the kids that the tutu fairy was coming to take their tutus away cuz they old enuf liao. she then ask them to surrender them & place them in these small bags to be hung on tree outside. the nxt morn when the kids...
  17. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    hi mashy toys r us is having a baby fair - avent & pigeon @ 20% off BM yes, wendy's right abt teh antibodies, but they're destroyed when u freeze BM.
  18. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    mashy hehe...that did cross my mind, but i fig'd if i did try the cornmeal, i'd stop her fr put'g it in her mouth but if she did put sm in accidentally, i wldnt be too worried anyway, i dunno how to get a 'sandbox' done unless i like buy 10kg of cornmeal! haha NOT! jus to let mummies know...
  19. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    mashy hehe...that did cross my mind, but i fig'd if i did try the cornmeal, i'd stop her fr put'g it in her mouth but if she did put sm in accidentally, i wldnt be too worried anyway, i dunno how to get a 'sandbox' done unless i like buy 10kg of cornmeal! haha NOT! jus to let mummies know...
  20. C

    (2006/02) Feb 2006 MTB

    haha...C likes to use teh marker/paint & draw on her body - ignores the paper! gonna try making sm playdough soon - the edible sort made with flour also u can make edible sand fr any rough cornmeal etc...but i think u need to buy...
